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Written By Valencia

Aug. 5, 2019, 2:07 p.m.(8/6/1011 AR)

A question arose at the spirits tasting the other day about which of the great houses can hold their liquor better.

Opinions varied widely on which houses people thought were the most formidable when it came to drinking. Sadly, we did not come to a consensus. Though, to be true, a couple of our guest's stamina and immunity to some of our more intoxicating beverages was truly outstanding.

I think this is a question that bears deeper exploration.

With that in mind, I do believe Lord Martino and I shall have to conspire with some of our good friends from various Houses of Avrum to host a contest to see which House is truly the greatest.

A team event perhaps. Each house providing a team of their very best to set this ongoing question to rest. For at least the year.


Written By Valencia

Aug. 4, 2019, 12:41 p.m.(8/4/1011 AR)

Beautiful company. Beautiful night. Perfect.

Another sweet memory.



Written By Valencia

Aug. 2, 2019, 1:03 a.m.(7/27/1011 AR)

We all dance to music throughout our lives. It flows through us with each breath and beat of heart. We may not hear it or feel it, but it is so.

We never know when our song will end. So let us enjoy this dance while the music plays.


Written By Valencia

July 29, 2019, 12:50 a.m.(7/19/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Martino

Truly, the pleasure is mine, sir.

You are a most exquisite partner in crime, my lord. I can only imagine what wonderful things will come of such a partnership in future.

I cannot wait!


Written By Valencia

July 27, 2019, 9:04 p.m.(7/17/1011 AR)

So very excited! There is something enticing about a small gather with special libations that are not often served.

I've asked Missere Master Barkeep Maggnus to enter the Hart's private cellars to bring forth a sampling of some of our more rare and exotic vintages and spirits to try. I'm rather looking forward to see who enjoys which drinks and who remains standing at the end of the night.

Fortunately, we still have a few lovely suites that are not occupied at present, so our guests can relax and enjoy all enticements and comforts that my Hart can offer.

I fully expect it will be a wonderful night of fun. With luck, this will be the first of many such parties we host.

To life, light, luck and love!


Written By Valencia

July 16, 2019, 11:58 p.m.(6/23/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Syd

Beyond heartbroken.

So many things I wish I could say to you.

I have written this page a dozen times and yet words seem to fail to adequately express how I feel. How much I enjoyed your company; how much you touched my heart; made me smile; and how deeply you will missed. More than you will ever understand, I think.

If the gods are kind and there is any good in this world, I hope we meet again one day. Somehow.

Until then, my heart to you, my beautiful sweet and beloved friend.

With deepest gratitude and love.


Written By Valencia

July 2, 2019, 10:49 p.m.(5/22/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Niccolo

No words. Heart finally fully broken.

Written By Valencia

June 16, 2019, 8:08 p.m.(4/18/1011 AR)

I am filled with anticipation. Winter has finally given way and spring has returned with the magical scent of blossoms and the promise of beautiful things.

For some reason this spring feels different to me, thought I cannot say why. It is as though something unexpected and wonderful may come of it.

I wholeheartedly admit that that sensation of such brings many a secret smile and thrill to my heart.

What this may be? I do not know, but something sings to me that it will something I will adore.

I cannot wait!


Written By Valencia

June 15, 2019, 6:17 p.m.(4/16/1011 AR)

As I read the white journals I often wonder who people really are.

I think that some are most certainly more deep and complex than they realize, or perhaps lead on.


Written By Valencia

June 8, 2019, 10:17 p.m.(4/2/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Braden

My dear sir,

You were always so very kind and polite to me. Your courtesy was far beyond others of your ilk. It seemed to come from your very being, not merely a nod to propriety or learned behaviors. You worried so at doing the right thing and being dutiful to your House and your honour. You were given such a bad turn and yet you still tried to rise.

When you spoke of your terrible loss, my heart was very saddened, and to be true, I was afraid for you. When you said you would avenge your family's death I knew such words would not be turned from and that in this the dangers were very real. And yet, you were so determined to do right by them.

And now, so it seems you have tried to show honor in keeping your word, and so it seems the worst has happened as feared.

I will miss our talks and your charming cheer even when you felt darkest. I will miss how earnest you were in trying to do right. I will miss that desire to truly become a good and worthy knight. The love of your family and House and the hope of doing great things.

I fear we have lost something as a compact in this. That such promise was snuffed out by things so very unnecessary that drove a young man to seek his death far too soon. I pray all the circumstances that drove you to this terrible end never happen again. For if so, then we have failed in our own nobility and chivalry and it is we who are, in truth, dishonored. And, with all that we must face and do as a city and realm, I pray that this will not be so.

Rest well, sir. The Gods know you have earned it.


Written By Valencia

May 19, 2019, 3:36 p.m.(2/18/1011 AR)

As much as I adore the passionate surge and sensual delights that come with love, especially new love, I must admit it is truly a joy to see people that are in quiet simple love that endures.

No loud or public declarations needed. Their passion and love need no audience. They have transcend such things. Just a simple quiet sense that they are for each other and it doesn't matter what the world thinks or does, what trails befall them, or who tries to come between. They are one. Forever and always.

It is a rare love. One to be admired and respected. One to aspire to.

Perhaps I am more of a romantic than I should be, but I like the idea of this.


Written By Valencia

May 12, 2019, 9:53 p.m.(2/4/1011 AR)

There is something about fresh fallen snow.

It's like a beautifully bright and clean page to start a new path and leave footsteps upon.

I wish life were so at times.


Written By Valencia

May 5, 2019, 3:47 p.m.(1/18/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Brigida

Charmingly clever, bold and quick-witted. Perceptive and gifted with a sharp and articulate grace. Does not seem to suffer fools gladly. And, beneath it all, very kind and wise, I think.

I must admit I am quickly growing fond of Archlector Brigida of Petrichor.

A breath of fresh air. One I hope to enjoy often.


Written By Valencia

April 28, 2019, 2:58 p.m.(1/4/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Darrow

I went to the dedication of the installation of Lord Darrow Darkwater's statue within the Hall of Heroes today.

There were many faces I knew there. Some I loved and care for greatly. Some I have met and have yet to know alongside of those I have yet to meet. Perhaps they, too, will find their way into my heart one day.

It is funny how some leave strange holes in the fabric of life. You do not realize it at first and then you see, but by then it is too late. And yet others, who you thought would leave dire and irreparable gashes and tears, end up being so much less of an absence than you assumed they would.

Life is funny that way, I suppose. But in reflection, I hope that I will find ways of discovering those who will leave noticeable holes in my life before they leave us. I would wish nothing more than to enjoy their presence to the fullest and offer them the love and respect they deserve before we part.

As for our our dour and magnificent Lord Darrow. I'm glad he was part of this tapestry, and that he was so well respected and beloved. He deserved such. I miss his presence.


Written By Valencia

April 27, 2019, 10:26 p.m.(1/2/1011 AR)

You're back! Welcome. It's felt like forever since I saw you last.

You were so very much missed.


Written By Valencia

April 14, 2019, 4:06 p.m.(12/4/1010 AR)

I was blessed to have the very lovely Baroness Lucita host a celebration dinner at my Hart this week. She is a wonder, and a most dear friend. I'm grateful to know her.

I am also so very grateful to know what can be done when bright minds and strong hearts fortified by diverse and incredible talents and expertise come together to make something magical happen.

The Baroness is absolutely correct when she said we were good team. A group from across all of Arx. A beautiful mix of fealties, skills and beliefs, and yet unified in task and devoted to a good and positive things. It still makes me smile to think of this. It is how it should be.

In truth, I am so very grateful to be a small part of it all. To be part of a such a collaboration that makes good things happen. I cannot wait for more such experiences.

As was so beautifully said, it is things like this that gives me great hope that together we will have a brilliant and bright future.

Thank you so much for that.


Written By Valencia

March 28, 2019, 1:57 a.m.(10/25/1010 AR)

Reflecting on comments of late seen in the white journals.

I think I would be very much like to enjoy the calm and peace that comes still waters for a change.


Written By Valencia

March 24, 2019, 8:59 p.m.(10/18/1010 AR)

This week was rather full. Excellent company, happy smiles and an abundance welcome things -- my Hart full of laughter and beautiful and kind friends, a fantastic party hosted as well as several gatherings, and a very kind and well-welcome donation of books to the Hart's free library thanks to the very gracious Scholar Oswyn Spencer.

It has not been an easy time of late. So often dark things can make one's heart ache. However, weeks like this remind me of the good in others.

For that I'm grateful.


Written By Valencia

March 23, 2019, 8:22 p.m.(10/16/1010 AR)

I am so excited! More books for our public reading library have arrived!

There is something so extremely satisfying about making reading materials freely and easily accessible so that all of Arx might enjoy them.

Offering people a chance to enjoy a good book so that they can explore incredible stories and delve into fascinating information is a happy thought for me. The sharing of ideas, the sparking of imaginations and the building of knowledge? What a beautiful and good way to bring more good things to our city.

I hope many more donations arrive! I would love to see the shelves burgeoning with books for all to enjoy before winter settles in.


Written By Valencia

March 17, 2019, 11:29 p.m.(10/5/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Michael

Lord Michael of Bisland, Sword of Pridehall, what would I do without you? His impromptu party to lift spirits was a delight. The dancing was enchanting and the gift an unexpected treat. His kindness and charming cheer is so well welcome and much needed of late.

I cannot say how much I appreciate his doing all this without asking a thing in return. He does it because he wishes to make people happy. I hope I can thank him enough for his kindnesses.

He is very much a treasure and a beautiful friend.

He makes me feel so very blessed.

Thank you, sir.


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