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Written By Ann

Dec. 30, 2017, 5:58 a.m.(11/13/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Leona

Leona could be shortened to Leo, which means Lion - and it would still describe her perfectly. Leona, the Lion-Hearted. Braver than a Lycene wine taster.

Written By Ann

Dec. 29, 2017, 4:48 a.m.(11/11/1007 AR)

Farhaven is lovely during Autumn. I urge you all to visit it, should the desire and need for adventure arise.
While on my way back, we camped by the Gray River and were joined by a traveling family (a very, very large one) but I had the opportunity to dine with them and enjoy an ancient blind woman who told stories to the children after dinner and just before bed - part of the meal had been strawberries, and she told us a story handed down by her grandmother and so forth that I thought was so charming (even upon reading it now) that I have taken a moment to pen it in the great library. Enjoy.

In the High and Far off times, my best Beloveds, in the beginning of the world there lived the First Man and First Woman. Together they built a lodge at the edge of a dense forest. They were very happy together; but like all humans do at times, they began to argue.

Of course, this wasn't their first argument (not even their second) but always First Woman would take a little trip through the forest and see something that reminded her of the First Man (one of his more endearing qualities) and she would pause and look back toward her home, have fond memories of the First Man, and return before dusk.

No, no one quite remembers what the argument was about and truth be told, not the purpose of this story. But I digress--

The First Woman became so angry she said she was leaving and never coming back.

At that moment, First Man really didn't care.

First Woman started walking eastward down the path through the forest. She never looked back.

Eventually the day wore on and it became close to dusk, and the First Man noticed his wife had not come back yet. He began to worry.

At last he started down the same path in search of his wife.

The Sun (who had seen the whole thing) looked down on First Man and took pity on him. And seeing as how he was going to retire for the night, finally asked the First Man: "Are you still angry with First Woman?"

The First Man took a moment to think this over and search his true feelings, "No. Not any more," he said.

"So, you want her back then?" The Sun inquired.

"Yes, of course." said the First Man.

The Sun then found the First Woman still angrily walking down the path far ahead of him.

To entice her to stop, the Sun caused to grow beneath her feet lovely blueberries. Previously, the blueberries had served to remind her of her first Birthday gift from the First Man and gave her pause to remember his thoughtfulness. These blueberries were sweet and fragrant but, unfortunately, the First Woman was still so angry she paid no attention to them but kept walking down the path toward the West.

Further down, the Sun caused luscious blackberries to spring up on either side of the path. Previously the blackberries had served to remind her of the First Anniversary, when the First Man brought her a bushel and together they had dined on them under the stars. These blackberries were dark and very plump but, unfortunately, the First Woman looked neither left nor right, but kept walking down the path toward the West.

The Sun was vexed - these had all worked before to entice her to stop and remember the First Man, why not now?

So he tried again. He willed divine raspberries to grow in a spectacular arch above the path, but the First Woman was /still/ very angry, she never even took notice, but kept walking down the path toward the West. Previously, the First Woman had stumbled upon them and was reminded of how the sweetness of the raspberries flavored the meat of a special dinner and also of the discovery of the First Wine which they drank to celebrate the news of their First Pregnancy.

"Apparently," The Sun thought, "this is serious business."

He'd never seen the First Woman so angry. He realized it would take something /special/. So, he slept on it.

When he awoke the next morning, she was still on her path and making great distance on the First Man.

So, he willed that a new plant grow over the path - one that had never been seen on Aion before. It covered the earth with dense, shiny, cool green leaves with fragrant white flowers and large juicy red berries that captured the cool dew of the morning.

The First Woman's attention was pulled away from her anger by the fragrance, and she realized how thirsty she was. She gave her pause by this strange red berry and she picked one - she had never tasted anything quite like it. It was equal parts sweet and tart. She thought about how if it were less tart, she wouldn't appreciate the sweetness anymore and if it were more tart, it would be unpalatable. It was tempered and balanced.

The anger she felt began to fade away.

She thought of her husband and how they had parted in anger. How their partnership was equal parts sweet and tart, like the strawberry. Soon the First Woman found she missed the First Man and longed to return home to share them with him.

The First Woman then gathered some of the berries (as many as she could carry) and turned toward the East and started back down the path. Soon she met First Man. Together they shared the berries, and then hand in hand, they walked back to their lodge.

It's not clear in the tale if the First Man or First Woman apologized first, but regardless, the outcome was the same: the First Woman never left 'for good' again even though they had their fair share of arguments until the end of their days.

Written By Ann

June 15, 2017, 2:34 p.m.(8/27/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Rymarr

He probably won't read this. He doesn't strike me as the type to indulge in gossip. Either way, can I just say...

... no. No, I can't. Wouldn't be appropriate. I promised I wouldn't. And he's a little terrifying.

Written By Ann

May 9, 2017, 12:06 p.m.(6/7/1006 AR)

Document the eighteenth:

I have a sprained ankle. I patiently await flowers and presents (whiskey).

Written By Ann

May 7, 2017, 4:44 p.m.(6/4/1006 AR)

Document the seventeenth:

I have heard that Lord Tolamar Brand was once a great Champion against the Dark, vanished while fighting Gray Forest raiders. What happened, I wonder? And perhaps I wonder too much, but is that not the nature of those who seek to know as much as they can? What twisted him? As a Scholar, I want to Know. Perhaps, I might convince Dare to let me lead an expedition to find out--

No, no. Scrap that last bit. It would be better if he didn't know yet.

Did you scrap it?

I swear, sometimes I think Scholars are the worst sort of people...'re still scribing, aren't you?


Written By Ann

May 6, 2017, 11:39 p.m.(6/1/1006 AR)

Document the sixteenth:

Have we won?
The future stretches out before us and we can but count the cost
Steady, stoic, cleaning blades and filling holes
How much did you pay? How much have you lost?

Where, your children?
The currency we used to pay our debt; your daughter and your son
How much did you pay? How much have you lost?
But, we have won

Written By Ann

April 30, 2017, 12:19 p.m.(5/15/1006 AR)

Document the fifteenth:

Never have I enjoyed whisky more.
Do you know, whisky is better for you than water.
Drink the whisky.
Don't drink the water.

Written By Ann

April 25, 2017, 11:33 p.m.(5/5/1006 AR)

Document the fourteenth:

Too many Bringers to count
I lost my composure when it ought to have counted most
There are no numbers for how much whisky I'm about to drink

Written By Ann

April 24, 2017, 1:34 a.m.(5/2/1006 AR)

Document the thirteenth:

1 wounded man
1 infuriating cousin
1 wonderful sister-in-law
1 hero bodyguard
0 whisky

I keep telling myself it was a noble use of my whisky, but I shall mourn its loss.

Written By Ann

April 20, 2017, 11:51 p.m.(4/22/1006 AR)

Document the twelfth:

1 infuriating cousin
2 shots of whisky
3 more shots of whisky
4 more...

You get the idea.

Written By Ann

April 20, 2017, 2:37 a.m.(4/21/1006 AR)

Document the eleventh:

1 treatise coming along damnably well

The practical applications have yet to be determined, but I am enjoying the research.

Written By Ann

April 17, 2017, 11:27 p.m.(4/16/1006 AR)

Document the tenth:

1 thing I cannot report
2 that I can

I am in need of someone to show me the finer points of using a small weapon.
Also, I've greatly overestimated my ability to stay clean.

Written By Ann

April 14, 2017, 2:34 a.m.(4/9/1006 AR)

Document the ninth:

1 bath
2 men
3 of us but only 1 getting clean
2 bad

... I had heard that the Grotto was only good for orgies. I may report this is not the case. It is also good for scholarly discussion. And genitalia jokes.

Written By Ann

April 9, 2017, 3:38 a.m.(3/27/1006 AR)

Document the eighth:

1 tree
2 twigs
3 or 4 leaves
2 near misses but then whisky in abundance
1 very impressive, nameless gentleman

I bet you think this journal is about you, don't you?

Well, you're right.

Written By Ann

April 4, 2017, 11:32 p.m.(3/19/1006 AR)

Document the seventh:

1 Drunk
2 Getting Drunk
3 But 2 are not Drunk
1 Alone

These hours are hours where I am alive. There are others who cannot say the same. Some of them, still living.

Written By Ann

April 3, 2017, 2:07 a.m.(3/15/1006 AR)

Document the sixth:

1 handsome man
2 star-crossed lovers
3 glasses of whisky (finally!)
4 thoughts crossed my mind

... I wonder, if such a thing were possible to be done in secret, do I dare to do it?

... well, of course I do! I'm Ann Effing Redrain!

Written By Ann

April 2, 2017, 2:34 a.m.(3/13/1006 AR)

Document the fifth:

1 wild night

Words cannot describe. I met someone interested in reading the principles of forestry practices for maximizing timber harvests. Damn him.

Written By Ann

April 1, 2017, 1:19 a.m.(3/11/1006 AR)

Document the fourth:

3 gather together
2 announce their courtship (a blessing in a dark time)
1 has no whisky

... and I couldn't find whisky anywhere in the building. I ought to have stayed put and drank the wine.

Written By Ann

March 30, 2017, 3:14 p.m.(3/8/1006 AR)

Document the third:

6 friends in a bar
...then 5
...then 4
...then 3
2 shots of whisky (one may have been a bottle)
1 not-so-terrified Crovane

I like these people. I like them very much.

Written By Ann

March 29, 2017, 12:42 p.m.(3/6/1006 AR)

Document the second:

1 giant of a man
2 very bad jokes
3 shots of whisky (cutting back)
4 shrines in sight
5 minutes of sleep

I'M FINE. JUST FINE. But I really ought to talk to the ground about staying where it is. Damned inconvenient.

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