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Written By Acacia

July 21, 2016, 6:57 a.m.(2/1/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Everard

Mmh. The Lord Commander of the Iron Guard. I have nothing but kind words to say about the exceptionally polite man, they've just managed to slip my mind at the moment. I do believe he knew my Father quite well though.

Written By Acacia

July 21, 2016, 6:44 a.m.(2/1/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Rohkir

Prince Rohkir Redrain strikes an imposing presence whenever you first lay eyes on him and his every word is the kind that makes you forget how old he truly is. He proved himself to be generous, polite, yet carried himself with a certain level of control and hard-won experience that speaks to his House and those he stands alongside. Any man who can balance good humor with seriousness with such grace remains impressive. It's hard to capture my attention for any lengthy period of time-- he did just that. Plus, his stories were beyond decent and there's a certain character when talking to a man adorned in an array of elaborate furs that he likely skinned himself. Call me a romantic, but blood on snow really is a nice kind of visual.

Written By Acacia

July 19, 2016, 10:53 a.m.(1/24/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Malavaunt

I had never really entered Master Malavaunt's shop in my past, though I'd seen it numerous times. Greeting him at the Rite was a rare and welcome treat, if not only for his willingness to wager with me, but the distraction provided in conversation, as well. Oh, the man certainly has his quirks, but the value of his leathers remains unquestionable. And what else would one ask for in a tanner?

Written By Acacia

July 18, 2016, 8:06 p.m.(1/22/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Gareth

Prince Inquisitor Gareth Grayson is a man who stands true to his beliefs. No one in their right mind would seek to cross him. Perhaps fewer still to think of wooing his friendship. He has deep pockets and a keen mind, both of which I'd naturally prefer out of the Boroughs.

Written By Acacia

July 17, 2016, 9:24 p.m.(1/19/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Ferrando

Ferrando and I met by chance alone, between rocks thrown and evasion tested, between business and banter, between Silks and the Sea. He stood out to me for more reasons than simply being imposing and impressive. He was skilled, fascinating, and had all the right qualities of someone that I look to. Caught up in a world that's quite far from me, should he get free time, I'd like to continue our short-kindled friendship, foolish as it is. He's Tay, after all.

Written By Acacia

July 17, 2016, 9:03 p.m.(1/19/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Freja

Princess Freja Redrain is a phenomenal woman. I wish that I had the opportunity to see her and Prince Fergus trade blows when I came upon them in the Training Center, but I certainly hope to at another time. She keeps her stately demeanor, while understanding how things work and her poise is one that commands both respect and interest. There's a sincerity about her that nearly startled me the first time I met her, but its all the more clear how she's led people after sharing words. I look forward to her gracious audience in the future, greatly.

Written By Acacia

July 17, 2016, 2:42 p.m.(1/18/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Margot

I realize that Lady Margot perhaps is just entertaining my boldness, but she carries herself in a particular demeanor which draws people to her. The fact that she's acquiesced to grant me audience at some point speaks wonders to both her temperment and grace. It's been awhile since I've been at sea, but there's a memory there which she invokes. In every situation I've found myself in, and there's been several, her name has never come up without the highest standing and praise. It certainly makes one get to know her a little better.

Written By Acacia

July 14, 2016, 4:33 a.m.(1/8/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Tyrene

Miss Macally strikes me as a hard-headed kind of woman; the type that would smack the biggest man around if he gave her any lip and then try to lecture him about the ways of the world. She's years beyond how she looks, which means when she truly gets old, everyone should probably steer clear. But she's also gotten herself a place to nest down in and claim, has genuine goals, and while perhaps we don't see eye to eye on everything - we likely do on some of the important things. I imagine she'll have my support more often than not, so long neither of us ends up shoving the other into the Grey River before we finish talking about it. What can I say? I like her a fair bit.

Written By Acacia

July 14, 2016, 4:21 a.m.(1/8/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Alrec

Admiral Alrec appeared in Arx with the combination of seafaring command, acquired power and plenty of experience. And as none of the descriptions of him had been prefaced by 'one-legged', 'one-eyed' or 'gimpy', I'd cultivated some pretty high expectations. The start might've been a touch rocky between the two of us, breathing the memory of the sea alongside him was refreshing. Although the reflections we each have from those tumultuous waves are remarkably different, there's an unspoken accord there I'd like to foster. He might not end up the person I'd run away with, but had he been Borough-Born, I can imagine chasing him through his ambitions. Those leathers though? They're exceptionally well made, but--

Written By Acacia

July 10, 2016, 6:17 p.m.(12/26/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Hammar

He's a big fucker, isn't he? I imagine I could make that prettier somehow, but the description seems really apt. Ulbran knew what he was doing when he brought him into the fold, I imagine. I have to admit that I like the guy, though. With the lines as they were in the Boroughs, we'll never be the swiftest of friends, but a number of thrown rocks and an exchanged bit of food or so won't hurt. We'll see how it goes in the next several weeks and have to go from there.

Written By Acacia

July 10, 2016, midnight(12/23/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Alis

Frankly, Princess Alis Valardin was a surprise. It's always a gamble when you try to reach out to people you're unfamiliar with, but she offered me that seat despite us both being keenly aware that I likely didn't deserve it. Her demeanor was impeccable, gracious, thoughtful -- without being droll or boring. It's a rare feat. If I believed in stories, or if I wrote them, she'd fit into one flawlessly. I'm not big on explaining about honor and I'm undoubtedly a horrid judge, but if anyone was claimed to be 'honorable', she's deserving of the title.

Written By Acacia

July 2, 2016, 6:49 a.m.(12/2/1003 AR)

There's a heart-warming and idealistic thought in the concept that you can build something up purely on your own - and then also protect it. That your own sweat, blood and tears, along with any who stand beside you, are enough to grow strong, gain stability, build an 'empire'. But as I explained to someone tonight, it's the idealistic part that makes things complicated, isn't it?

I get it. I do. The thought that you're completely self-sufficient, which makes everything that you work for that much more real. The pride that goes into it when you tell everyone else to fuck off. But the world doesn't actually work that way if you want to expand outside of your own personal box. You have to sacrifice a little in the middle of it. The trick then is to never sacrifice enough that you're a sellout, but never sacrifice too little that you're utterly expendable.

Let's say that you're building a budding business against a competitor down the way -- and there's always competitors down the way. You dedicate your hard work, quality goods or what have you and they produce the same. And what happens when that competitor decides to partner up with other people, or pay them off for protection, and in order to double the profits, it's decided that your little business would be better off gone. This is all hypothetical, so if all else is equal? Pride isn't going to save you and everything that you'd done so far. And should it be decided, it won't protect you and those who depend upon you should things take a turn for the worst. You have to look beyond your little corner, past your sphere.

Business isn't a Rite to Gloria. sure, there might be those who admire pure honorable tasks and that the journey is more important than the end or some other such concept. But that's a luxury. It's a different kind of honor that matters out here than whether or not you were 'fair' to your competititor or opponent; whether or not you tried your best. It's the kind of 'honor' that means that your deals are solid, you know the meaning of beneficial trade, that you knife people for at least a semblance of a reason, that if you're going to cut someone - you do it without wasting breath on threat, your word means something when you give it and your loyalty, when provided, is a specific kind that people know.

But really, no matter how many allies you've cultivated or people you know, one can never be careful enough, nor think themselves too smart or at so high a place that they can't be knocked down. Yet, if you're going to be that cautious to save your theoretically-thriving life and that of those beside you -- you have to remember to live a little too, right?

Written By Acacia

June 28, 2016, 5:37 a.m.(11/18/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Audric

I'm still not sure what exactly to say about the Captain General, but he certainly left an impression that isn't one quickly forgotten. He's witty and enthusiastic, with just that hint of a vicious side that keeps everything intact. His set of guidelines (because they're not quite morals, and I can't think of a better name), at the very least, is interesting. He's really the kind of person that you could listen to for hours. I have little doubt that he'll probably end up working for someone against me at one point or another, and I don't look forward to that at all, but the times when he isn't might be worth chasing a little. He's that entertaining.

Written By Acacia

June 27, 2016, 7:48 p.m.(11/16/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Dagon

Prince Dagon Thrax is... exceptionally formal. While often times when someone is formal and stately, I want to kind of cut loose and make quips to provide that counterbalance, in the rare times I've been graced by his company, I feel like playing the waters like I usually do is too bold in comparison? I imagine he's a joy when he lets loose and I certainly hope he has that outlet. I can only imagine that at some point such staunch formality has to wear on him too, thinking that perhaps it's all pompous and idiotic, yet seeking that accord all the same. But maybe that's truly his way? He's clearly bright and intelligent, ridiculously handsome to pair with it, but where is the storm? Granted, he must think I'm the most boring commoner ever. I was so clueless as to how to approach him, I just laid it on so thick I'm going to bathing off the butter for weeks to come. But how else do you approach something like that?

Written By Acacia

June 26, 2016, 3:32 a.m.(11/11/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Mirari

Oh, Courtesan Mirari is a gorgeous specimen, to be certain. She has an oddly thoughtful quality about her, though I admit I'm not really used to people asking so many questions. Questions typically lend you into trouble, after all, and who is concerned about the details? I think she'd be an interesting person to befriend, with her seductive streak likely paying off well for her within the city proper.

Written By Acacia

June 25, 2016, 11:08 p.m.(11/11/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Viviana

Lady Viviana surprised me when I first met her. Sure, she'd be what you'd expect as far as matching her words to back up her blade -- or perhaps it's the other way around? But it's oddly rare to find that gorgeous woman who skillfully plays the demeanor and politics game as flawlessly as if she was breathing, and it proved to be an enjoyable thing to witness. She strikes me as dangerous, in more ways than one, yet delightfully interesting. I feel like I could learn a thing or two from her, yet that it would come with both cost and risk.

Written By Acacia

June 23, 2016, 7:58 a.m.(11/3/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Fergus

    It sounds wrong to say that I'm on drinking terms with the Prince. It's rather pompous and fairly rash, not to mention that I'm attempting not to unduly stain his reputation. But. I'm kind of on drinking terms with the Prince.
     In some ways, it's hard to explain. It isn't over the top, it isn't filthy, it isn't even that it's casual -- but sometimes it feels like there's an unspoken accord where we both know our places in life and the paths they led us, so all that's left is either ale or whiskey, depending upon what currently lies beneath the surface for that chosen day, and chatting. It's a little like the difference in status provides enough distance where it's almost comfortable to talk. There's not many things which I can indulge in, but I find myself leaving our conversations with something new to think about and I can appreciate that.

Written By Acacia

June 19, 2016, 4:14 p.m.(10/20/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Talen

Oh, Talen is something, alright. He takes to Silks like a fish takes to water, but he's decided to straddle this line between worlds, even if it's only a single toe in the lower sections. He's far too intelligent, really, and he tosses lessons in the same manner I'd like to return knives. I typically enjoy all manner of games, but he's somehow located my buttons and he prods at them incessantly. I don't want to lose contacts, nor burn bridges, but fighting with him is gaining appeal for an entirely different set of reasons at this point.

Written By Acacia

June 18, 2016, 2:21 a.m.(10/15/1003 AR)


    Oh, you meet the odd extremist now and then, usually those older folk who you think might just be touched, swearing upon how you must use the blood of a live chicken to coat the doorways with a sprinkling of iron or other such nonsense on particular days to stave off all sorts of cruel things. And then you get the other side, the stubborn denizens who grew up or now know better, like they passed some metered point in their life where enlightenment came upon them to bestow truth and they're the wiser for it.

    Me? If I can wear a single bronze necklace touched by the sign that might ward off demons or avoid the devastation of a storm, without too much additional effort involved -- why not? We laugh at the peddlers of the trinkets and wards, exposing their games or feeling the wiser for knowing their tricks before they're dealt to the vulnerable. We smile with that faux pride like we're untouchable, even if we put our backs to the wall out of habit. And in the same breath, there's those forced laughs when something occurs that doesn't /really/ have a clear cut explanation at all, just to make it a little easier to brush it aside.

     But those things, those superstitions and what brought them into existence to begin with are all easy to forget, aren't they? In the daily turmoil of that which is more important: things like living and breathing, the coin weighted in your hand or pocket, the contacts established along the way. These are the things we can readily see, feel and experience. There's enough unseen in the shadows to be cautious of without exploring the unknown. But does it hurt to be a little wary?

Written By Acacia

June 18, 2016, 12:37 a.m.(10/15/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Issac

There's something Borough-pure about Issac that draws me towards him. Maybe it's that romanticized idea of our roots that kind of influences me. At this stage of the game, it's truly a matter of where he chooses to take it. Will he be loyal? Will he deviate from his path? Will he be consumed or freed from it all? He's one of the sole people which have me utterly curious about how he will turn out.

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