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Written By Silas

July 9, 2016, 2:22 a.m.(12/21/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Talen

He puzzles me. It sounds like the rumors about the treachery of the Velenosians rings somewhat true, and he seems brazen in his tactics, but I do not see the inherent benefit in them. People will not support a dishonorable man, though some may condone it. It will make his victories ill-gotten and weak under scrutiny.

Written By Jaenelle

July 8, 2016, 11:42 a.m.(12/20/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Talen

Talen Artiglio, the Sword of Lenosia, is House Velenosa's trusted Sword and go-to man for anything it seems. He is intelligent and quite capable, and someone I have grown rather fond of within the short time I have spent with my new family. He is a good man to be able to count on in times of uncertainty.

Written By Malavaunt

July 8, 2016, 2:53 a.m.(12/19/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Talen

The Sword of Lenosia is a fine lad, he is. A fine lad. All bright eyes and good intentions when he bought leather from me. Fine work it was, for the materials. Indeed it was. Didn't save him against the Sword of Setarco, but she's a demon with a blade. But he asked of demons, he did. And I told his very self that the people he should be asking are closer to home. Blood calls to blood. It always does.

Written By Ophelia

July 6, 2016, 5:32 p.m.(12/15/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Talen

Oh! Talen is marvelous and ever-so-helpful. If he weren't so refined from his upbringing, I would squish him down into the clay shape of a house guard and request that he follow me around wherever I felt like going to see if he could keep up. He's ever-so-delicate on reminders instead of being brash and lecturing and he glides through social situations as if he was intended for each. He's like an effervescent cloud of... cloudliness... can we just forget that last line?

Written By Eira

July 1, 2016, 5:37 p.m.(11/28/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Talen

He can fight, seems a decent guy, is pretty blind to the fact he is basically a noble. I mean a duke says he is like a son to him, probably more privileged than most nobles even if he seems proud he is not even a knight. Also why in Tehom's name is he not a knight? Would have thought it was a pretty natural thing there.

Written By Shrike

June 30, 2016, 5:29 p.m.(11/25/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Talen

A commoner turned Sword and peddler of southern wines. Seems intent on being victorious at any cost, as expected by a champion. Also gives an impression of surprising honestly and openess which I'll admit to feel is worrying.

Written By Valencia

June 27, 2016, 10:20 a.m.(11/15/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Talen

The Sword of Lenosia. It's absolutely no surprise whatsoever that Talen's made something of himself. Uncle Niccolo didn't raise any losers, at least, none that we speak of at any length. Do I regret how I mistreated him as a child? Sometimes, in softer moments. He's got a spine of steel and a diplomatic streak a mile wide as an adult, and I suppose he has me and some of the others to thank in hindsight. Swords tempered in the forges of adversity, and all that. Plus it doesn't hurt that he's grown so handsome, who could pick on him now?

Written By Isolde

June 24, 2016, 11:19 p.m.(11/8/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Talen

A darling man, and probably the one person I can absolutely trust to be around Esera. I would even trust him to stand against me, if I ever lost my wits. That makes me feel better. She needs someone like him.

Written By Viviana

June 21, 2016, 8:55 a.m.(10/25/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Talen

I met Talen looking dreadfully poetic on a balcony one morning. Then saw him again in a the Hundred Cities. I find the idea of trusting a commoner with the ancestral blade of the Velenosa rather odd to be honest, I'm not sure I care for it in fact. Oh he seems perfectly nice and loyal and competent and all but still, the precedent...

Written By Acacia

June 19, 2016, 4:14 p.m.(10/20/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Talen

Oh, Talen is something, alright. He takes to Silks like a fish takes to water, but he's decided to straddle this line between worlds, even if it's only a single toe in the lower sections. He's far too intelligent, really, and he tosses lessons in the same manner I'd like to return knives. I typically enjoy all manner of games, but he's somehow located my buttons and he prods at them incessantly. I don't want to lose contacts, nor burn bridges, but fighting with him is gaining appeal for an entirely different set of reasons at this point.

Written By Hadrian

June 18, 2016, 2:17 a.m.(10/15/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Talen

Talen Artiglio is a man after my heart. Proper and respectful without being terrified or obsequious, he is well-spoken, clever, and willing to run a social risk here and there. He is a servant; he makes that clear. His worth is no less because of that.

Oh, and he is the Sword of Velenosa. How about that? A killer with the mien of a rabbit. Fear the man whose pride does not get in the way of his duties. It is all too tempting to trust him.

That is a high compliment for a man from Lenosia.

Written By Niccolo

June 16, 2016, 8:54 p.m.(10/12/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Talen

Talen's father was a great man. He was a man that didn't hesitate to save my life, at the cost of his own. His sacrifice will not be forgotten, and in order to honor him I agreed to raise Talen in our household. In many ways, Talen is like a son to me. He is the Sword of the Velenosa, and he does a fine job in that position. He is loyal to a fault, in particular to Esera and he certainly makes for a fine protector of my daughter. Duties made me miss a lot of his childhood, but it pleases me to see the man he has become.

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