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Written By Audric

Oct. 7, 2017, 7:27 p.m.(5/10/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Fortunato

It's incredibly easy! I simply look at anything, think 'will this be fun, make me money, or be useful enough to be worth the effort', and then I do the thing if the answer's yes. People make things too complicated.

Written By Audric

Oct. 7, 2017, 5:56 p.m.(5/10/1007 AR)

I think I had too much to drink. Closed my eyes for a second and it was quite dark out, then blinked again and it was bright. A good sign of when to stop for the evening is when you fall asleep that easily.

Written By Audric

Oct. 1, 2017, 11:42 p.m.(4/26/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Calandra

This is going to be fun! Hopefully it doesn't, you know, get us all killed. Probably ten percent chance of death. I like those kind of odds! Plus, working with Calandra's always a good time.

Written By Audric

Sept. 30, 2017, 2:35 a.m.(4/22/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

While I adore my second in command, a sellsword's true loyalty can indeed be bought. Pay no heed to her implications otherwise. The Valorous Few have never betrayed an employer.

Written By Audric

Sept. 24, 2017, 10:43 p.m.(4/11/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Daemon

What an -interesting- person! I always enjoy people who are straight-laced and serious, because they make the best foils to play off of.

Written By Audric

Sept. 24, 2017, 10:41 p.m.(4/11/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Aislin

I recommend the occasional bout of irresponsible levels of drinking and revelry to blow off steam. Nothing bad ever happens when you do that!

Written By Audric

Sept. 20, 2017, 2:37 a.m.(4/1/1007 AR)

I have been a bad man for my entire life. I still am, I don't deny that. I don't take prisoners - they get the choice between joining the Few, or losing their weapons and their boots. Yes, the latter is likely death. I support Aleksei's push for freedom for thralls, too. I don't support those against it, so I'll say it here: If you want to defend Thralldom, and want someone to fight, I throw down my sword. I am Baron Audric De Lire, Captain-General of the Valorous Few and Castellan of Afflua, and I accept any challenge. I'm no disciple of Skald, but I am a man that defends freedom of choice. If you're feeling froggy, well, as the saying goes. Leap.

Written By Audric

Sept. 16, 2017, 3:59 a.m.(3/21/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Harald

I didn't think I could like a man who - actually, I think he has a sense of humor. Also, he survived getting smacked by a giant swinging pillar and then slammed into a cliff. That's pretty neat.

Written By Audric

Aug. 29, 2017, 7:52 a.m.(2/10/1007 AR)

Isn't death but a part of life? Maybe this is one of those things I'll learn not to say as I learn more about being a part of the Peerage, but death is a part of life. To a sellsword, we laugh when our friends die. Ask Shard. We've shared many a drink when my predecessor died due to an arrow wound to the balls went sour, or a lieutenant died because he tripped and ripped his hand off and it went awry. Celebrate the life, not the death. When I die, which, let's be fair, may well be soon, I want you all to laugh at the stupid shit I've done alive. Tears at my wake, but let's have them be tears of laughter, eh?

Written By Audric

Aug. 27, 2017, 11:42 p.m.(2/8/1007 AR)

That said, I do appreciate all the congratulations! Except maybe Tikva's, who while I do appreciate it, also pointed out a thing that I hadn't considered at all. Oh no.

Written By Audric

Aug. 27, 2017, 11:41 p.m.(2/8/1007 AR)

To be fair, it's not -entirely- official yet, since it hasn't been formally announced, but it's a decidedly odd feeling to become a Baron while you're asleep. I don't FEEL different. Though, maybe I'll grow a mustache to reflect my new station. Probably not.

Written By Audric

Aug. 26, 2017, 1:53 a.m.(2/4/1007 AR)

When one finds an ancient artifact of strange and potentially great value, the proper action isn't to put it on. The proper action is to take it to your local jeweler and see what they'll give you for it, obviously. That's what plunder is!

Written By Audric

Aug. 15, 2017, 4:11 p.m.(1/11/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Aureth

Removing your pants is just a solid way to begin any conversation, I've found. Especially ones you don't really want to have.

Written By Audric

July 26, 2017, 4:57 a.m.(11/26/1006 AR)

Rule number whatever of being a sellsword. Selfishness, my friends, is a virtue. It's what makes the world go round! People talk and talk and talk and talk about altruism, but what really makes the world turn is the base desire of 'how do I get what I want'. Sure, what you want can be a good thing! But until you accept that selfishness lets you DO that, that you need to impose YOUR will upon the world to make that happen, nothing ever happens! Never be opposed to selfishness. Greed is good, like most things, in moderation.

Written By Audric

July 13, 2017, 1:33 a.m.(10/28/1006 AR)

It seems that people are talking of smells! People are odd, but I love the sound of my own voice, so I'll add my own experiences to the mix. I've received more attention from the fairer sex while reeking of blood and sweat and violence than any other time. Maybe my natural charisma turns it into the most potent thing. Who knows! ...though, I suppose if you smell like shit and animals it's a significantly less attractive scent. Bird excrement isn't anyone's fascination. Death is everyone's, in the end!

Written By Audric

June 19, 2017, 2:03 a.m.(9/6/1006 AR)

Do people often eat live flesh? I thought eating live flesh was considered remarkably cruel! I'll stick to eating dead flesh.

Written By Audric

June 19, 2017, 1:40 a.m.(9/5/1006 AR)

Fun fact about both crows and ravens: both are delicious when prepared properly. There's no deeper meaning than that. I just like eating well-prepared animals. This has been your bird facts, with Audric. Have a wonderful evening!

Written By Audric

May 29, 2017, 3:18 a.m.(7/18/1006 AR)

Audric's Rule Number Five of Being a Sellsword, of which he should probably compile somewhere: Never be unreasonable. If you ever give off the impression you can't be reasoned with, every fight is a fight to the last. This is a bad decision. Actually, I think this goes for more people than just sellswords. Should I change these to 'Audric's Rules of Being a Pragmatist And Not Getting Yourself Killed Because You're An Idiot'?

Written By Audric

May 28, 2017, 11:13 p.m.(7/18/1006 AR)

Audric's Third Rule of Sellswording: While misdirection and manipulation are all well and good, it's important to remember that sometimes you get everything you want just by the asking. I was reminded of this twice this week! Even as seasoned a schemer as I sometimes needs to remember to just be straightforward.

Written By Audric

May 23, 2017, 2:18 a.m.(7/6/1006 AR)

Addendum: That's actually rule number two. Audric's rule number one: Take the bloody money first, promises of later wealth are worth less than nothing.

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