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Written By Percephon

March 26, 2017, 6:23 p.m.(2/28/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Dulcinea

My dear cousin is with us once more. A woman who simply won't take no for an answer, which let us be honest, seems to be a trait shared with her brothers and sisters. And while I know she shall pry, I am delighted both by the chance to cause her endless frustration by being horribly vague, and by having the enjoyment of her company. She's a sharp wit, Dulcinea, and any room is immediately brighter when her presence joins into it.

Written By Percephon

March 14, 2017, 9:28 a.m.(2/3/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Sophie

The Princess Sophie has been a stalwart companion in many things, but not the least of which is my health. When I first arrived to Arx, I fell ill with sickness. It was thanks to her kind care that I recovered, and I fear I'll need such services again in the future. At least I know I will be in the best hands with her. So to has she willingly served as a sounding board on so many of the things going on, and helped me find my feet in my research after I had recovered from my malaise.

Written By Percephon

March 13, 2017, 1:47 p.m.(2/2/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Katarina

A bubbly well of optimism and smiles that relentlessly beats you down with them. Still, Princess Katarina has a thirst for knowledge that I can admire, and has been quite willing to educate me on her own lands and customs when I have asked questions. I would be remiss if I did not help her in these matters, and will keep a careful eye on how she progresses here in Arx.

Written By Percephon

March 11, 2017, 10:02 a.m.(1/25/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Clover

I don't believe I've ever met someone who has made a more horrific introduction. Skipping by the river... and fell in. What she lacks in coordination, she makes up in enthusiasm however, and I am certain she'll find a way to help out here in Arx. That eagerness appears to translate into learning as well, which is good... but after hearing more and more about the Lady Clover, I do wonder if I haven't sent into a world of pain at The Gauntlet.

Written By Percephon

March 8, 2017, 9:07 a.m.(1/19/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

Twice now I have had the opportunity to meet the Guildmaster of the fine crafters of this city, with the first being by chance when she came to the Tower looking for my cousin. I was aware of her, or at least her work, prior to this, having visited her shop for a different matter altogether, and came away impressed with what the works crafted by her own hand. She was kind enough to humor me, after we dealt with the matters of current events within the city, to tell some of her favorite pieces she has created in her past. I put fourth my own challenge for a piece I desired, and look forward to seeing the end result she designs.

Written By Percephon

March 6, 2017, 9:34 a.m.(1/15/1006 AR)

As a scientist and scholar, one of the worst feelings in the world is to realize a fallacy in a concluded experiment whose observations you have already committed to paper. Realizing it had been contaminated, that the inputs of information and knowledge that was passed on to you was faulty and misleading that tainted the results without your realization leaves you with nothing usable in the experiment, and certainly you can't return to an earlier point in the experiment to set things differently. Normally in such cases, I would start anew, looking forward to understanding what consistent information one could get from a multitude of attempts. But in the latest example? No. Never again. I think the lesson here for me is that some sciences are better left to other people.

Written By Percephon

March 5, 2017, 11:56 a.m.(1/14/1006 AR)

I continue to be amazed at the sheer amount of information in this world, the arts and sciences that exist and how they are tackled. Take for example a prodigal I ran into by happenstance the other day. A taxidermist by nature, even if he didn't refer to himself that way. Growing up, we always had our room of 'trophies', the various creatures that were fine specimens of their kind, preserved to celebrate the hunter that had brought them down.

We talked briefly about the sheer amount of work that goes into this preservation, even if it is so that the head and hide can be worn like a cloak. The careful stitching, the choice of items to replace those parts that could not be preserved. As I was leaving, he mentioned what was next: plucking out the eyes. I couldn't stay, else I would have to witness this. Perhaps it is a morbid thought, but I do believe everything is worth experiencing once. Hopefully, I might run into this man again someday, and help him to pluck out the eyes so that I might see for myself how this art is performed.

Written By Percephon

March 4, 2017, 11:17 p.m.(1/13/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Eirlys

Eirlys was one of the first people I met after my arrival here in Arx, and along with her brother, the first of the Greenmarch I met. On the surface, one might think the two of us near polar opposites. While my time is spent in books, and my emotions are reserved, Eirlys is one of the finest warriors that I have had the pleasure of knowing, and wears her emotions freely upon her sleeve. Yet I am certain this is the reason we have become such good friends. We both share a passion for teaching in our own ways, a loyalty to our families, and a desire to make things better in this world. This friendship has blossomed into something more akin to family: a cousin or sister, but regardless, a more steadfast companion to have your back, I could not ask for.

Written By Percephon

Feb. 25, 2017, 10:16 a.m.(12/26/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Isolde

I recently had a chance to meet with the Princess Isolde. While at first glance most might make assumptions as to her nature, I found the woman to be pleasingly open minded and forward with her answers. She was clear when she did not know the truth of some of the inquiries I made, was more than happy to help expand on some other ideas, and in all? Was a wonderful conversationalist and willing to engage in debate. It is discussions such as those with her, where I come away wiser for it -- even if I have more questions than answers still -- that I look forward to.

Written By Percephon

Feb. 19, 2017, 11:09 a.m.(12/14/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Zhayla

An energetic young woman with a good sense of humor. I had the luck to find her lost in the Archives, and again later at Festival hosted by the Deepwood House. She reflects well upon them I think, and her sword will no doubt be quite busy in the months to come. I look forward to future conversations with this one.

Written By Percephon

Feb. 17, 2017, 3:50 p.m.(12/10/1005 AR)

I have seen a few other comments on this, and thought I would lend my own journal in support.

For those who feel the appeal to emotions, is it not right for us to assist these refuges of Abandoned -- regardless if they bend knee or not -- for actions that we, in part, seem to have caused through the issues of the Tiend? Does it not invite hubris, such as the stories of the Reckoning so many centuries ago, to think them unworthy of our help? It seems only right to assist these people in their time of need, those refugees who have clearly come in good stead, wishing nothing to do with our enemies.

For those who feel the appeal to the practical, is it not right to turn these people away, into the arms of our enemies? They will strengthen their numbers. For those who cannot, or will not fight, their sacrifices of blood will be used to fuel their evil magics. By not helping these people, we are only making our enemies stronger. They have practical skills, in foraging and foods, in leather and cloth. Skills that the compact can put to use, to strengthen us.

Regardless of the side of the coin one ends on, our path should be resolute: let us not turn these people away. Let us help them, in whatever ways we might. While I do not speak for House Telmar, I will gladly offer my personal assistance to those such as Marquessa Deepwood and Marquessa Greenmarch in their efforts to help these refugees.

Written By Percephon

Feb. 11, 2017, 11:23 p.m.(11/27/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Juliet

I finally had the chance to meet the Lady Fidante, and the opportunity did not disappoint. It makes me hopeful that the connection between her Salon and the Scholars can be forged into one of strength in communication and knowledge, to encourage informed debate on the pressing issues of the day for Arx. I look forward to a more official change to sit and discuss with her, and am left with little doubt we might spend hours speaking on a variety of subjects.

Written By Percephon

Feb. 11, 2017, 9:03 p.m.(11/26/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Jael

The Lady Laurent has proven to be a most humorous acquaintance. Ever the optimist, I think, but this is a quality in short supply these days, but in heavy demand. So too is her sense of humor strong, her willingness to try new things. Her attempt at the Gauntlet was admirable. We are lucky to count her as one of us in the greater family that is Valardin, and I only hope that she doesn't wither away after seeing my painting in the Valardin dining room.

Written By Percephon

Feb. 7, 2017, 1:22 p.m.(11/15/1005 AR)

I often tell people the only bad result we might get from an experiment is the result we do not observe and learn from. As a man of Science and Knowledge, my passion has always been in discovering and processing this information. The rush is at the revelation, and the many implications and questions a new observation brings. It's always forward looking. Always something new to dive into, more questions to answer, the enjoyment of knowing something different to learn is right around the corner.

And yet, this week, there was one event that strikes me different. One result I never would have expected. And rather than consider all of the many questions that springs from it? I find myself quite blissfully satisfied to just enjoy the moment for once, playing it out again and again in my head.

Written By Percephon

Feb. 4, 2017, 11:42 a.m.(11/6/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Monique

A true friend. One who isn't afraid to speak her mind, and will not let the heat of an argument linger long. Not only is she remarkably resourceful, willing to delve into the most odd of investigations, but she has proven her worth as someone to trust.

Written By Percephon

Feb. 4, 2017, 11:38 a.m.(11/6/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Aislin

A stalwart companion on our trip to the Grove. She had nothing but respect for our journey, and her ability to translate, along with Monique, proved invaluable. While I did not witness it, her sharpness with the bow was most useful. I only hope she understands that the... incident with the mushrooms was not my typical behavior.

Written By Percephon

Jan. 25, 2017, 11:30 p.m.(10/6/1005 AR)

To help create a diversion for myself among items that are of far more serious consequence, I've taken to experimenting with alchemy in the creation of perfumes. I thought it wise to document a few of my findings from my test subject, who shall remain nameless, mostly because I enjoy not being full of dagger holes.

Extreme care must be taken in the preparation of the mixtures: one wrong element or stray oil on your materials can lead to severe consequences. It did not take long for the rash to appear upon her wrists. I'm really not certain why she was so irate about this fact, as I did warn her that it was a possibility. Given that the more severe possibility I posed was her throat swelling shut, truly, I'd thought she would have been relieved. Still, I am glad to report that based upon this feedback, my methods of preparation have been improved, and a subsequent result of this type has not been experienced.

The other observation of note is that, at least with this test subject, one must read between the lines. She said she'd be happy to take something for the rash if it wouldn't smell bad. What I gave her, if I might say, smelled divine. I then received a note with a... colorful description of her feelings about why her skin was now a bright pink, swearing anyone with eyes could see her from a distance in even the darkest of nights. She didn't say it had to look good, after all!

Still... I eagerly await to see what happens with the next batch.

Written By Percephon

Jan. 18, 2017, 7:58 p.m.(9/12/1005 AR)

While I do not speak for House Telmar, I wish to be clear on my own personal judgement on these thoughts that have been bandied about. I will leave the theological debate to those who feel religious differences is the most pressing matter upon us. For me, it is a matter of who in our midst is working towards solutions, whose heart and soul is put fourth to the betterment of our land and people. And unequivocally I would let others know the Greenmarch family have been instrumental in helping to push forward our progress in saving the lands from the Blight. So too do I know those from fine Houses such as Halfshav and Redrain whose sole focus has been on assisting us in this monumental task of fixing what is wrong. To these Stalwart Allies whose beliefs just so happen to be different than my own, I offer you my thanks and continued support.

Written By Percephon

Jan. 13, 2017, 1:32 p.m.(8/25/1005 AR)

I have promised a few my current information on a certain, new type of creature that people exploring the catacombs have run across. While the how of it is uncertain at this point, there are entities that posses the ability to reanimate skeletons. While further tests and hypothesis will be conducted over the coming weeks, I thought it wise to document what we know in the chance that there are brave souls out there that might come across these abominations:

* They are felled easily by blunt bashing, though swords and arrows have far less of an affect on these walking bones than they do on the living.

* Holy water and Holy Fire do nothing to them. They are not susceptible to these things, as other recently resurfaced horrors have been.

* While there is not (yet) proven science and experiments to confirm the hypothesis, one should be wary around desecrated graves, or areas that the dead have not been given a proper burial. This seems the most likely place for the skeletons to be raised.

There will be more to come that I wish to make certain those who seek to protect Arx and the Compact will be made aware of. Knowledge is as sharp a tool as any sword, as heavy a weight as any hammer. Let us be prepared for as many possibilities as we might be.

Written By Percephon

Jan. 7, 2017, 8:57 p.m.(8/8/1005 AR)

A long and trying week, but one whose lessons have been well learned:

Respect those whose actions support their spoken convictions.
Admire those willing to forge new paths rather than take the easy, old road.
Pity those who are content to remain in ignorance.
Help those who work for everyone, not just the few.
Combat fear through the spread of knowledge to all.

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