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Written By Leola

March 30, 2017, 8:08 a.m.(3/7/1006 AR)

I continue to practice with the bow. His Highness, Prince Tristram has stated he is unable to offer any training until the siege is over; a shame, when there is a proliferation of targets and now, more than ever, we need to be ready.

The Crimson Seed lives up to her intent. She's a better bow than any I've handled, and truly worthy of a better archer than I.

Written By Leola

March 26, 2017, 2:57 p.m.(2/28/1006 AR)

"Everything ends in the dark. Everything ends in Silence. Everything, Daughter of the Wood."

These words were spoken to me over a year ago, before I ever came to Arx. More and more, they seem like prophecy. When I consider their source, I wonder if they are. Still. It is the right of all living beings to attempt to defy fate. Everything will not end. Even if I will, this world will not.

I gave my word to my Baroness, and her liege. I gave my word to Petrichor. I will do everything I might. Everything I must. Lest everything end in the dark, in the silence.

Written By Leola

March 23, 2017, 11:35 p.m.(2/23/1006 AR)

The Role of a Host,
Or, What I expect of my leaders.

I wrote, recently, about how I expect the vassals of a house, or a great house, to behave, and the demands placed on a commoner, and the expectations of them in their service to their lord. Let me now, in turn, say what I, as a servant to the Barony of Saik, expect of my lords and ladies.

As a vassal, I am expected to serve my lord's will. I cannot do this if my lord has not communicated their goals and aims. If you have not done this, you cannot expect service from those below you. If I see your actions and your words part company, how can I trust your words?

I am expected, at all times, to maintain decorum and politeness to those I owe fealty to. If the family I serve has no line of descent, this is impossible; I must know to whom my fealty is offered, and the line the title shall follow, to know who has priority in their requests of my time. If this is unclear, or the household in disarray, you risk dissent amongst your vassals; and ultimately, their loss.

A noble should be generous. Not solely with money, as the silver of the house is given through the sweat of your vassals, but with your time. If you do not know me, how can you make the best use of my talents?

I serve the Faith. My family has held to the Pantheon since before my grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's time. I appreciate a noble may hold to a different standard of their faith, but I still hope to see that they venerate the Pantheon. If you do not, if you do not support the Faith or speak against it without explaining your reason, and the virtues of the Faith, what trust in tradition do I have that you will not abandon your vassals when it suits you?

Ultimately, I expect my lords and ladies to be honest, decorous, generous and steadfast. These are virtues that enrich both the master and their vassal.

Leola Allenatore
Vassal of Saik, of Malvici, of Velenosa
Disciple of Petrichor

Written By Leola

March 19, 2017, 11:03 a.m.(2/14/1006 AR)

Southport Square is so quiet now.

The Saik and the Malvici have marched off to war. Due to one thing and another, I have been forbidden to march with them; so I remain in Saik Tower, tending the horses unfit for battle and the messenger birds they did not take. I've practised my archery in the square, and while it's good, I really need to be taught further in how to use the Seed.

I keep think I hear voices. I never knew you could feel alone in the city this way. I read the family histories, I still busy myself about town, and I try to prepare. The Lodge has been riding out often, and I with them, preparing for the siege, and now even before the armies arrive, I feel as though a noose is tightening around me, tugging my hands in and restricting my grasp.

I have faith. I have faith in Petrichor, the Forest King, the Stag Lord, and his message of Dominion. We have a duty to this world, for we reside as guests within it, until our time comes. I have faith in the Triad of Creation, the land, seas and skies of Arvum. All things are held within, from the changeable paths of Lagoma to the nurturing breath of Mangata and the sustaining hand of Petrichor. I have faith in the Pantheon, that together all is possible and the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. I trust in my lords and ladies, and their judgement, and I hope they return safe, unharmed.

I hope I am here to greet them when they do.

Written By Leola

March 19, 2017, 9:56 a.m.(2/13/1006 AR)

A gift unbidden
Pretty rubicund hairpins
I will punch his grin

Written By Leola

March 12, 2017, 4:05 p.m.(1/28/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

To those who read this; I ask, before judgement is made, please read to the end. To those of House Grayson, I offer my sincerest apologies. To Sir Silas Mercer and his family, please don't hurt me.

I shot Her Highness, Princess Reese Grayson in the face with a blunted arrow from an alaricite bow.

Context might be appropriate. Sir Silas and her Highness were looking to spar and, as her Highness was armored and Sir Silas was not, it was suggested that the archers present offer distracting fire against the amored knightly princess. We agreed, and took position. I was, in fairness, not used to the draw of the bow nor prepared for the princess's speed of movement and ducking, diving, in her full metal armor. As a result, when she ducked, I loosed my arrow, and hit her.

In the face.

I then immediately switched my fire to Sir Silas; her Highness was still, to her inestimable credit, fighting on, and indeed won the bout. We understood much of the nature of supporting archer fire and how valuable it will prove in the siege to come.

I'm so very sorry. It was in a sparring ring, and all were agreeable to it. We have witnesses!

Written By Leola

March 7, 2017, 3:21 a.m.(1/17/1006 AR)

I was approached by the Regent, Duke Gabriel Bisland today, as I prayed in the Shrine to Petrichor, preparing myself and considering the questions raised by the letters I have received, considering my position and the form of words I should use in beseeching.

In light of the incoming armies, the Ministry of Agriculture has been making preperations. We agreed that the threat was grave; I noted several of the farms tainted would be unlikely to ever be fruitful again; and I produced the duties that the Ministry and the Lodge have been taking to prepare the city for the threat. I explained, reluctantly, my duties to the Faith would make my taking any higher position in the Ministry unwise at this time, and passed the papers for the most recent supplies of goods to the Duke, in lieu of arranging delivery personally, as an apology.

I feel as though the ground is falling away beneath me. I can't see what's coming.

Written By Leola

March 5, 2017, 3:38 p.m.(1/14/1006 AR)

Lady Juliet and her aide Joslyn talked to myself and Hana Greyhope in the Storied Blade. It was an interesting experience, with discussion of alaricite and our hope for the future.

Written By Leola

March 5, 2017, 3:29 p.m.(1/14/1006 AR)

For the records of the Lodge of Petrichor

- The materials gathered for the construction of the physical Lodge were donated to the Crown for the defence of the city of Arx, as siege looms. After discussion with the Legate of Concepts and the inadvisability of constructing a defensible location within the bounds of the Forest, away from the city and easily isolated and destroyed, the materials have been put to a better, more immediate use. Once this war is over, we shall discuss rebuilding and regathering them

- Leola Allenatore, the Horn of the Hunt of the Lodge of Petrichor

Written By Leola

Feb. 26, 2017, 4:52 p.m.(12/28/1005 AR)

- Continuing to gather supplies to prepare Arx. The Lodge are hunting for meat, escorting grain supplies and chasing vermin from farms.
- Fought and lost again to the Lady General. She's better, as I am. Don't expect to win
- Prince Cicero gave me a gift. I can't possibly wear it. Seasilk! It's the second most valuable thing I own.
- Brier's new shoes are clattering on cobbles wonderfully. It makes me laugh whenever I hear it.
- Lady Niamh and Lady Juliet are still being incredibly support.
- I got tired of Hana telling me she was too busy to come hunting and got her a pony. Now she has to come!

Written By Leola

Feb. 22, 2017, 4:30 a.m.(12/19/1005 AR)

"Through the blessing of Petrichor's grace you are granted dominion over all lands"

I have been asked to write on my thoughts on Petrichor, and in particular, why I believe that the right of hospitality demanded by the Forest Lord impacts all of us, each day, in our relationships with those above us, and those below. I apologise in advance; I am no scholar or wordsmith, but I will lay my thoughts out as I was taught them, and how I have interpreted them since.

It is through Petrichor's grace we hold dominion over the lands of the Compact. This does not mean the animals, the trees, the people; it means all of these, and more. The lands of the Compact do not belong to the King, the Regent, to the High Lords; they belong to the Compact as a whole, held in trust by these people whom we refer to, truthfully, as our lords and masters. Therefore, each of us acts as a guest within the Compact, a guest of all those around us, and we must act with the care and politeness hospitality demands. This is, what was taught to me before I came to Arx, what is meant by civilised behavior, the understanding that we shall act in the better interests of those around us, not only ourselves.

This is not a call to rebellion, but the opposite. Those who stand at the peak of the Compact, the leaders of the Great Houses, have the responsibility to all within their domain that a host does to their guests, for they have the greatest demands placed upon them by the right of dominion; they must act in the good of all of their Great House, and speak to the King, the Regent, the Council, and account for their actions in doing so. Likewise, those beneath them, whether Duke, Count, Baron or free folk, must ever keep in mind the interests of those they serve, and trust in them that they act in the best interests of those below them. Again, we are but guests in their House; we sit upon their land, and they offer us shelter and hospitality from those outside it.

I am Leola Allenatore, Vassal to Saik, who is sworn to Malvici, who are part of the Great House Velenosa, of the Compact of Arx. My responsibility, then, is to act to aid my immediate masters, as I lodge with them; literally, at this time, I lodge in Saik Tower. In return for their hospitality and their protection, I train their horses, their lions, and perform other duties in times of need. The Duke Malvici is not my lord. Nevertheless, those I am sworn to owe him fealty, and so I in turn respect him; for my own lords, and thus myself, are counted as on the lands of the Malvici, and so we are his guests. The same, to Velenosa. The Grand Duke is unlikely to make any call upon my time, but as he is my host, and responsible for all upon his lands, as a good guest I should take his wishes into account.

This is why I treat the demands of hospitality with such seriousness. If I did not, if I did not give my thanks at each door, and honor the right of the Church to defend those within as their guests, if I did not consider my thanks for what I am given as a part of my House; if I did not trust my Baroness, my Duke, my Great Duke, to hold my interests at the core of their being, how could I continue living under their roof as their guest

Written By Leola

Feb. 20, 2017, 12:06 a.m.(12/15/1005 AR)

The Lady Arcelia has arrived in Arx.

She seems to enjoy the gardens of Saik Tower, as each time I've noted her, she has been there. We've talked, a few times in the past week, and she consistently takes care to listen to me, to respond and to seek guidance. I suggested, should she seek a further involvement in the social scene of Arx, that she speak to Lady Juliet Fidante. I've even offered, should she be serious, to assist her in training with the bow or blade.

... I can barely use either. I'm certainly not skilled enough to class myself as a tutor in them. I watch those in the training centre move with skill, power and purpose, and I certainly could not raise a candle to any of them. So why? Perhaps, I think, that I do hope to allow her to feel more included among the nobles of Malvici and Saik. We are the more martial side of Velenosa, after all, and each and every one of my lords and ladies seems more than skilled in war's arts.

Written By Leola

Feb. 19, 2017, 3:45 p.m.(12/14/1005 AR)

The Lodge
- with armies advancing on Arx, for the moment, the physical construction of the Lodge must be placed on hold. It annoys me so, but I - we cannot allow the enemy a fortification within striking range of the city. The Legate spoke to me on this, and I agreed with him. He is an intelligent man, beyond my own powers, and I thank him for his insight.

Written By Leola

Jan. 29, 2017, 4:52 p.m.(10/17/1005 AR)

The Baroness Saik directed my attentions to the Knight Commander of the King's Own, Sir Rymarr. I was pleased to offer my support to the stables of the King once more, to the horses and tortoises of the King's Own. The Lord Commander is paying me handsomely, and I am determined to do right by him. Perhaps I can make up for my previous failures.

The excursion to the Forest went well. We have our place to found the sacred lodge and are beginning construction.

On my return, I was called to the Velenosa Estate and had to remonstrate with both the Princess Isolde and Sir Talen for allowing their animals to fight. I cared for both the injured pets, ensuring fox and snake would recover, and left firm instructions on what they must do to ensure it.

Written By Leola

Jan. 29, 2017, 9:15 a.m.(10/16/1005 AR)

Apparently I can make the Thrax Highlord laugh. All I have to do is say something relentlessly bloody and practical.
I don't know whether to be proud or not.

Written By Leola

Jan. 22, 2017, 9:55 a.m.(9/23/1005 AR)

Business this week
- Brier is now a solid shot with her hooves. She can kick a tin plate out of the air and leave it dented. Quite the blow! I might have a smith make her some better horseshoes soon.
- I trained Ariel further for Lady Calypso. She comes along well.
- I assisted his lordshop Inigo with his new hawk. The same breed as my darling Aletta, which bodes well. He seems intelligent enough, quick to take direction and advice, and the hawk is quite skilled as well. I dare say the two will be working in concert soon.

It was with a heavy heart I sent the beautiful cloak Sir Silas Mercier sent me, via Lady Juliet Fidante, to the whispers organising the business in the Lower Boroughs. I have a responsibility, now, to act in a way fitting, and that means giving the very best of what I have.

Written By Leola

Jan. 22, 2017, 9:38 a.m.(9/23/1005 AR)

I'm now a Deputy Minister. Of Agriculture, appropriately.

Lady Niamh thanked me for my work with her so far and asked me to step into the role. I assume she's either an inflated sense of my worth or wishes to court the good graces of the Church. Either way, I'm thankful, and I intend to do all I can to ensure I am worthy of the position.

Between this, and my work with the Lodge finding a place to be, I'm quite busy of late!

Written By Leola

Jan. 15, 2017, 4:33 p.m.(9/3/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Niamh

I honestly did not see this coming. Lady Niamh offered me a position as a deputy minister under her in Agriculture; I think better to access Petrichor's grace and wisdom and seek popular support for it, perhaps.

I'm seeking permission of my own from my own house before I accept. It's a great honor.

Written By Leola

Jan. 11, 2017, 2:40 a.m.(8/17/1005 AR)

The dinner at Malvici's was interesting. The presence of Hish Highness Anze was telling, and speaks of closer commitment between the house and that of Redrain, which is good. He agreed to speak more to me of the Stone Grove, when we are both free to do so.

The Stone Grove. I've heard a little of it, how plants grow there that will grow nowhere else. It sounds precisely as the type of place so mentioned in my work; but inside the city and in the care of Redrain. I don't doubt they'll give permission, should I ask to speak there, but it is something to consider.

Poor Mistress Hana. She's been so harassed and busy of late, and her grandmother's death, in addition to this. I offered what comfort I can, and smuggled her into Saik Tower for a night or two away from it all, a place to grieve without dealing with customers or the scene it happened. She brought her grandmother's cat, and Aletta refrained from chasing her at all. Myrinda's sharp tongue lives on, it seems.

Written By Leola

Jan. 8, 2017, 2:36 p.m.(8/10/1005 AR)

The Great Escape
- the animals burst from the Menagerie. Lady General Calypso was pleased to allow me, as the first spear of the Lodge, to lead efforts in retrieving and saving them. I personally returned the great white bear to the cages, and assisted many others in handling the animals. Hopefully, this will do much to improve the standing of Petrichor's Lodge.

Stepping Down
- The Lady Regent stepped down, and left, to do what she felt was right. As much as that was denied myself, by her and the former Baron, I might profit by following her example.

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