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Written By Bethany

Dec. 11, 2016, 3:34 p.m.(5/10/1005 AR)

One - two -

Perhaps one will play out more successfully than the other.

The pursuit of coin (or, status) is no vice.

Written By Bethany

Dec. 10, 2016, 9:58 p.m.(5/8/1005 AR)

( From the notes of B. Mercier, Steward: )

* To quote : 'puffy nipples'

(Pardon me.)

Never, ever, ever try the curry unless you have a constitution cast of iron.

Written By Bethany

Dec. 10, 2016, 9:42 p.m.(5/8/1005 AR)

( From the desk of B. Mercier, Steward: )

* Did not expect maple to be the prominent note at a Valardin barbecue. Yet, am not completely surprised.

* Silas. Brought. Cake.

* Leola friendly with - whom? A princess of Valardin. Interesting, yes. Approaching new face, new lady, new name which also is intriguing.

* There are cards and dice. Suddenly wishing to play.

Written By Bethany

Dec. 10, 2016, 9:34 p.m.(5/8/1005 AR)

(From the notes of B. Mercier, Steward:)

* Knight looks overwhelmed with the protection of R. Steadfast silence and possibly very dedicated to his post. Intriguing.

* Valardin manor is very fine - very large and full of grandeur with a distinct warlike quality. Would explain the copious amounts of meat, perhaps.

* Barely heard it through the din, Eurusi accents are very interesting.

* Many people with names beginning with, D. Suspect two of those are siblings.

* With a buffet of food available, there are some that you wouldn't suspect to be the heartiest eaters. They are like hummingbirds, truly.

Written By Bethany

Dec. 10, 2016, 3:17 p.m.(5/7/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Bethany

Amend my previous statement to include the following : only until you have considered an alternate plan.

Only then is it allowed.

Otherwise, it is wise to keep an ally than to create a rival.

Written By Bethany

Dec. 9, 2016, 8:42 p.m.(5/5/1005 AR)

There are times when taking a knee or kissing a ring will win you more favor than speaking your mind.

Written By Bethany

Dec. 9, 2016, 8 p.m.(5/5/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Jeremiah

My fault for writing that last message at an abysmal hour.

(So many errors.)

Written By Bethany

Dec. 9, 2016, 1:29 a.m.(5/2/1005 AR)

( I hope that there was Mercier wine at this orgy.

- not tea - oh dear - the complications involved with hot beverages and -

It would have been a perfect time to advertise. )

Written By Bethany

Dec. 8, 2016, 10:24 p.m.(5/2/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Lazarus

I love my brother from the depths of my heart; I do.

I can even put myself in his position and understand his reaction for the slight that he feels like (a careful omission, here) caused.

However, I am now overly fretful.

Written By Bethany

Dec. 8, 2016, 10:20 p.m.(5/2/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Jeremiah

A penpal, perhaps?

Written By Bethany

Dec. 8, 2016, 9:40 p.m.(5/2/1005 AR)

( From the slightly untidy desk of B. Mercier, Steward: )

Thralldom is ... an atrocious debasement to the nature of a person. It is done because of power, of wealth, on inequality, as a punishment in a system that would be better stripped to the foundations and rebuilt on higher ideals.

Of one type and class that feel the need to strip the individualism away from a person (even a criminal) and force them to become abstract ... resource, property. Bought and sold on the block like livestock... it is frightening to consider.

We are all enslaved in various ways: to passion, to war, to duty, to coin, by kin. However, to be held in thrall by a noble ... no.

To dedicate one's self to the service of a noble House is a choice.

Written By Bethany

Dec. 8, 2016, 1:19 a.m.(4/27/1005 AR)

( From the Rather Tidy Desk of B. Mercier, Steward: )

* Created teas. And a wine. Sent those out to a careful few to critique and tucked the rest away to show the others.

* Sat and took tea with Natalia who is - as always - infinitely pleasant to be around. She liked my mint blend, and I am worried for her. Nearly, very nearly, said too much in regard to personal matters.

* Met the Lord Mydas Nightgold. Potential patron. Potential investor. Potential supporter. Potential potential.

* She accepted the wine. Oh, yes. An orange rose. No, I mentioned that. I had to slip into Aurum Texts in order to check the meaning. Twice.

* Another evening ventured in the Lower Boroughs. Another fruitless afternoon that concludes with me taking space at the end of the bar with a cup of cider. Only adding in the new company of my dear companion, Molly.

*Met with a Prodigal, Crownsworn, by the name of Jeremiah. More potential. I addressed the matter to my elder brother, as he is supposed to be working with him. I think.

*Uncouth, unmannered, unnamed creature. I sent her one of the Guildmaster's chiming, shimmery bracelets.

(Kill it with kindness, yes?)

Written By Bethany

Dec. 7, 2016, 8:45 p.m.(4/27/1005 AR)

Orange roses are also an expression of desire.

Or of enthusiasm,

Or fascination.

Oh my.

Written By Bethany

Dec. 7, 2016, 2:10 a.m.(4/25/1005 AR)

( From the desk of B. Mercier, Steward: )

Silvered and exact.
It has no preconceptions.
Whatever it sees it returns.
Just as it is.
Uncaring of like or dislike.
Not wicked.
Only honest.
The eye of a dark god, it flickers.
Faces and darkness.
It sees her -
and reflects her faithfully.

Written By Bethany

Dec. 6, 2016, 1:59 p.m.(4/23/1005 AR)

An idea:

Darkrose - a fortified wine (check with Lazarus, perhaps we make a rose brandy that we can use) that's the darkest red that the vine and barrel can produce. Powerful and complex. Aged in wood so that the notes carry over, along with: dried fruits, exotic spices, and honey. Elegant and long-lasting. Something that can be sipped following with a dessert course, something suggestive of dimly lit rooms and whispered conversation.

Written By Bethany

Dec. 6, 2016, 3:50 a.m.(4/22/1005 AR)

Letters and letters.

(Molly is chewing on a few of my earlier drafts, and I think that she may have disrupted the poor messenger that I called to deliver my missives - he might have made off with more of the same message. Goodness.)

Words are power. Words can light fires in the mind and bring tears from the heart. Words can shift and influence when used with precise care.

With the regent being so busy, I need to search out another of the noble Grayson to focus my attentions on.

If nothing of worth or entertainment comes from my attempts, I will adapt and continue.

Written By Bethany

Dec. 6, 2016, 3:24 a.m.(4/22/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Sabella

(From the desk of B. Mercier, Steward)

Your Royal Highness Sabella Grayson,

Please forgive the earnest tone of this message, but, I wished to convey the following: I do so admire your style and fashion sense. I think that I saw you in passing while in the palace - and I have been so busy - between duties to my family and my more important responsibilities as steward to your most noble House.

One day soon, if it would please you, I would humbly ask you to take tea at Mercier Manor so that we may speak on matters of fashion and trend. I am woefully outdated and could use a critique on my wardrobe.

Respectfully yours,
Mistress Bethany Mercier'

Written By Bethany

Dec. 6, 2016, 3:23 a.m.(4/22/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Natalia

(From the desk of B. Mercier, Steward)

'Your Royal Highness Natalia Grayson,

The news of your nuptials spread like wildfire across the palace staff, and as steward I thought that I would personally congratulate you on your fine match. I wish you and your prospective bridegroom many years of health and happiness together.

If you need anything at all for the event - be it flowers, wines, or food for your guests at the event - please do not hesitate to send a messenger with the request. Since your esteemed family and mine are known to one another, you may rest assured that it would be our pleasure to serve you.

Respectfully Yours,
Mistress Bethany Mercier.

Written By Bethany

Dec. 5, 2016, 6:22 p.m.(4/21/1005 AR)

Dipped into the Murder for the first time in a very long time --

The conversation with the knight errant that I met (one Aleksei Morgan) was very pleasant and light-hearted.

I now have a rain-check for someone that is, quote, good at thrashing people.

Could be useful.

Written By Bethany

Dec. 5, 2016, 2:16 a.m.(4/19/1005 AR)

A list of interactions and observations that followed the Mercier Family Supper.

In no particular order:

* The poet was terrible. Then, terribly amusing. I almost felt a twinge of an emotion when it seemed that I embarrassed him - it passed, however, as it was just a shiver due to being caught in the rain.
* Someone that serious is highly suspect. He was looking around the tavern, as if he had lost something - or, someone.

(No assumptions, Bethany. If you want to know you need to have the courage to ask the proper questions.)

* Possibly his cloak. The Lady in the black dress made off with it. She was lovely, nevertheless.
* As was the other Lady. The one that pressed the coins into my hands for the dark-haired gentleman and his pup.
* That other gentleman has a razor in place of his tongue.
* The Guildmaster gave me an unexpected gift which made me smile.

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