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Written By Samantha

Dec. 21, 2017, 10:20 a.m.(10/23/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Zhayla

I've already given a recount of Zhayla's history in brief.

After being accepted into my service, Zhayla was overwhelmed by the idea of having a bedroom of her very own, and the means to furnish it. She'd never had so much before to call her own. She kept asking me if I was sure I wanted to give it to her.

Day after day, I would read journals of some of Arx's greatest warriors, speaking praise for Zhayla's prowess, and my heart would swell with pride. Often she would journal of how proud she was to serve Deepwood, and my heart would swell...but with gratefulness, that she chose us. That she chose me.

I look at Nara, and realize now that neither she, nor any of the children I may yet have, will truly know Zhayla. They will never learn to wield a sword under her tutelage, or take rides on Dumpling with the reigns in her hand. They will only know her as a great hero of the March, and their mother's friend and Sword of the House.

I know there are some who think that I should have ordered her away. Deep into the heart of the March, away from the edges of the water, and put her under lock and key to keep her safe. To these people, I say this: you did not know Zhayla as you think you do, if this is what you think she would accept. You see, I was prepared to do this very thing. I even wanted to. But I gave Zhayla a choice, because for too long Zhayla didn't have any. We are both disciples of Skald, and not only is that choice paramount, but the reason Zhayla chose to remain rather than hide was because she knew that evil could not be allowed to perpetuate. Had I taken that choice from her, I do not know that I would be truly be the liege she swore herself to. And I would have no right to call myself a Disciple of Skald.

It pleases me to know she touched so many lives. I have received many messages of condolence and read many expressions of sadness at her death and celebration of her life. There are many who regard her as family, and it gladdens my heart to know that she was cared for so deeply. At her burial, I do intend to mourn her death, but I also plan to celebrate her life, because there's no reason why one cannot do both. To be told you should not mourn is to deny what is natural, and to celebrate is to remember in the best of ways.

It is a custom in some parts of the March to plant a tree in honor of the dead. I intend to do so for Dame Zhayla of Old Oak.

Written By Samantha

Dec. 19, 2017, 5:18 p.m.(10/20/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Magpie

If only he was seeking a patron!

I long to bring such effulgent stories to the people.

Written By Samantha

Oct. 31, 2017, 10:15 a.m.(7/2/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Skye

One of the largest mass conversions of Shav'arvani to Prodigal in recent history involved 30,000 swearing fealty to Deepwood. Not a drop of blood was shed, nor threat issued.

Instead, we offered them safety in a time of war without demanding a bend of the knee and asking only that they live in accordance to the law within Deepwood's borders. We showed them the benefit of being united under the Compact, and addressed their leadership with honor and respect. When asked for their help in return, 3,000 answered the call to war and aided in ending the Siege of Arx.

We look at ourselves. While there is always room for improvement, in this matter, our conscience, and our obligation, are clear.

Written By Samantha

Oct. 30, 2017, 5:12 p.m.(6/28/1007 AR)

It must be a remarkable thing, to grow up knowing who you are. To have connections, a family, born of your blood, and a history that you know you are part of. I have never had that. I have long associated the idea that knowing who you are involves knowing who and where you come from.

I was born Ivy, to a woman I will never know, though I named my daughter after her in the small hope that perhaps one day I will see some spark of her in my child's eyes, and to do her the honor she never received while she lived. To thank her for loving me enough to risk her own life.

The one who sired me is an unknown factor.

I love the Bislands very much, and they have supported me despite my questionable origins. In my heart they are my family, but we are not connected by ties of blood, and some days I feel that distance more than others.

I was raised believing myself to be one person, only to realize one day that I was not. But by then I had been this person for so long that I didn't know who else to be. "Ivy" was - is - a stranger. "Samantha" has been who I am for as long as I can remember, even if I am not the true Samantha that was born to the Deepwoods. I don't know how to be Ivy. I don't know if I want to be Ivy. Is Ivy my name? Is Ivy who I am, though I call myself Samantha? I don't know. I do know some use the name as a means to insult me, to infer that calling myself Samantha makes me deceitful, a liar. I try to look past such insults. They're petty.

I have a husband, a child. I have created a family, one of my own making, my own choosing. But at times, I feel unanchored, adrift, because I feel like I don't really know myself.

Ugh, this is entirely too maudlin. Clearly I need to go do something useful rather than prattling on...

Written By Samantha

Oct. 30, 2017, 3:21 p.m.(6/28/1007 AR)

Let's look at this matter objectively.

Thralls are human beings who are regarded as "commodities" by the majority of society in the Isles. A value is set upon these people based on their skills, their crimes, and various other factors as determined by those who own their contracts.

The Liberators have approached these various citizens who own these contracts for these "commodities", payed the requested price (or bargained to satisfaction for it), and as such received those contracts while proceeding to release them.

This is all in accordance with the law of the Isles and how trade is approached.

With this in mind, the concern that too prompt a liberation of all thralls would be disastrous for Thrax economically - on all levels, from noble to commoner - is a legitimate one, and not just the concern of those with a title in front of their name.

I believe the best way to support Thrax and its vassals who seek to end thralldom is to engage in trade with them, and to do so at discount. Not at a loss - profit needs to be made, and one must support ones own domain, but you can choose to take a little less in order that they are enabled to provide a bit more. This is why Deepwood trades with House Thrax and all of those vassal Houses who choose to pursue the liberation of thralls as part of an ongoing process.

Written By Samantha

Oct. 16, 2017, 5:44 p.m.(5/28/1007 AR)

I confess that I am somewhat disappointed to have missed an opportunity to add a goat to our household catalog of animals, but Nara has a touch of fever and I want to stay with her. I hope those who attended the forum can forgive my absence; I understand that Princess Tikva did a marvelous job leading things. Some of the feedback has already come back to me, and I will be taking some action and making some changes.

Written By Samantha

Oct. 9, 2017, 6:29 p.m.(5/14/1007 AR)

Spring and summer. I have seldom left the manor of late, in part because Nara needs me, but also because I've had an oddly lethargic turn of my energies. It's bothersome because I don't want to lose touch with what's going on around me, and I can't serve the people of the March or the city if I am distant from all of the goings on. But I am having moments where motivation is difficult.

Is the right answer to throw myself into my duties as one might be thrown into the river to learn to swim? I suppose so. It's also been ages since Deepwood has held any kind of social function, so perhaps it might be time for one. I suppose there's an ever present worry about people showing up. Speaking to others and communicating ideas is my forte. I need improvement in the art of hostessing.

Written By Samantha

Oct. 5, 2017, 5:17 p.m.(5/6/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Alaric

I dare you.


Written By Samantha

Sept. 28, 2017, 11:13 a.m.(4/18/1007 AR)

Now and again - more often now, since having Nara - I find myself wondering if there are those who think Deepwood is weak. Who think I am weak, because I choose to position myself in a place of benevolence, and wish to direct my life and use what power I have in a way that provides better mankind. I am not prone to violence, nor particularly warmongering; the latter is not a quality I ascribe to at all.

But I swear, I will cut the throat of anyone who tries to harm my child.

And I would not lose any sleep.

Written By Samantha

Sept. 21, 2017, 10:52 a.m.(4/4/1007 AR)

Oh, I suppose I should mention; I've decided to try my hand at writing a book. It's meant to be a primer for those wishing to engage in the craft and art of Diplomacy with particular emphasis on how to engage with those outside of the Compact's society. The process has been slow, but I find that I may be halfway through my first pass before I go over it once more and make some revisions.

A few folk out there may have some idea of its structure; I liken diplomatic efforts to the act of building a house.

Written By Samantha

Sept. 21, 2017, 10:49 a.m.(4/4/1007 AR)

I wrote an essay on thralldom back in 1005, which some like-minded people saw fit to publish. I've included a portion of it below:

It is a truth nigh-universal that the state of thralldom is only a scant step above the institution of slavery. The premise of this system is that of indentured servitude, with few if ever any earning their wage with the intent to release them from their eventual debt. More frequently thralls die in servitude, and it is not unknown for their debt to be further passed down to their offspring, who must in turn engage themselves into the system in order to pay it off, while acruing more debt.

It is also a truth night-universal that the institution of thralldom is regarded in disdain by almost all the regions of our great kingdom, save amongst the Thrax, from which it originates. In the past, thralls who have escaped have been welcomed into the service of other lords and masters in order to prevent their return to such a demeaning and inhumane circumstance. However, this was done as a quiet measure, with no one truly daring to openly challenge the convention. Until now, all objection has been subversive. But if the nobility ofour great land is to truly act in the name of the people they have by the grace of the Gods been granted to lead, this social construct must be confronted, and a solution must be sought.

Dear friends, it may seem on the surface that an immediate abolishment of thralldom is the natural conclusion to such thoughts, however that is the furthest from the case. It is important to remember that the House of Thrax and its banner Houses are strong, providing members of our great land, and to simply insist that they revert an entrenched element of their culture and economy would be to do them a disservice. We must not throw the lives of so many into chaos, not only those who gain directly from thralldom, but also those who live simpler lives that are dependent on a secure economy and would suffer as a result of too swift a change, and for thralls themselves, who would eventually need to realize a new way of thinking about their personal value and worth. Change and growth are painful processes, but with guidance and support, great change for the betterment of all men and women may happen.

I do not believe that all Thrax or all of their bannermen believe in maintenance of this institution, but are perhaps cautious of speaking out against it. They are a proud, strong people. If any were able to face such a significant alteration of their lives and culture, it would be them.

But what solutions may we offer, to ease the pains that would surely come from such a deconstruction? How can we buffer our fellows who, if they choose to commit to this course, will surely suffer from the loss of an established institution? Can solutions be found at the Crown level? Through the support of the other Great Houses? Perhaps, if House Thrax is so willing, a kind of council can be formed to discuss the topic of gradual abolishment in a way that minimizes the impact.

All men and women deserve the right to shape their destiny in as much as they are able, in the loyal and willing service to those responsible for their mutual care. To trap any in less is to reduce them to a state of chattel. If your great kingdom is to be a beacon of true greatness and utopia, we can no longer quietly avoid the inequality present within the realm. It must be faced head on, but respectfully and with consideration for those who will need to prepare for the brunt of this change. Anyone familiar with the natural world knows this to be true: the strongest creatures of the forest and sea survive by adapting to their circumstances. It is not easy, but for doing so, they become stronger, swifter, and more powerful than before. If we can succeed in this my friends, it makes not just the House of Thrax more powerful, but it will bring greater power to us all, throughout the realm.


Today, things are very different. Progress has been slow - and I believe that this is a good and right pace for the progress necessary. As jusice begins to be tempered by compassion, as reform evolves the way crime and punishment are dealt with. And reform has come from some of the most unexpected parties involved. One of the reasons that despite our philosophical differences, Deepwood has such strong trade ties with Thrax and most of its vassals - because by aiding in providing a stable economy, I can reduce the financial burden that would come from the abolition of thralldom as it progresses.

We can spend our time condemning what has been done, or we can encourage better action for the future. I know that which I choose.

Written By Samantha

Sept. 11, 2017, 2:58 p.m.(3/12/1007 AR)

Branch and apples.

Written By Samantha

Aug. 31, 2017, 9:56 a.m.(2/15/1007 AR)

Hello, Nara.

Welcome to the world.

Hopefully, I will teach you to live as I have tried to - to do your best to make sure it is a better place before you leave it.

Your Mother

Written By Samantha

Aug. 23, 2017, 4:30 p.m.(1/27/1007 AR)

Little one,

While I have every confidence that you will be quite possibly the most beautiful infant to have ever been born, I'm quite cross with you for preventing me from being able to assist the Crown in an important and necessary task. To that end, I would very much appreciate it if in turn you opt to not be too difficult about it when the time comes to vacate your current residence.

Your Mama

Written By Samantha

Aug. 9, 2017, 4:54 p.m.(12/27/1006 AR)

I find myself considering what to do with myself in the final months of this pregnancy. I suppose when I become a mother I'll have even less time to devote to projects, but I don't enjoy being idle - though I have rediscovered a love of naps. Naps are amazing. There should be a royal decree. Naps are essential.

As an Observer, I am called to duty as needed. Most recently there has been no need, and there are others who may yet be called upon. However, there is someone I wish to recommend to the corps, if I can pin them down long enough to talk to them about it.

In the Ministry, I mostly delegate. I am there to review the projected of the respective Deputy Ministers and aid them in getting them off the ground. There's at least one task still pending, and I am at fault for neglecting it. I intend to rectify that promptly.

I continue to administrate the March, seeing to our finances, trade, and internal governship as is my responsibility and privilege, while Rymarr sees to our military efforts.

I prepare to welcome this child into the world.

My sponsorship of the Menagerie is established, and the Arboreal Dome is complete.

Perhaps we should try resuming our dinner parties? Every so often, the Marquis and I will invite a few people of diverse interests to dine with and enjoy some activity and discussion.

I've taken up tutoring in Diplomacy, mostly the younger generation of my fealty. It seems where the guidance of young people is concerned, the apple doesn't fall far from the foster-tree.

What causes should be brought to my attention?

Written By Samantha

Aug. 3, 2017, 10:09 a.m.(12/14/1006 AR)

While most of these entries are charming, I am waiting for the inevitable entry evincing disdain of arachnids, and/or the wedding, and/or the fact that people have opinions about arachnids and/or the wedding that they want to share.

(The wedding was lovely, even if I was too tired to attend the reception, and I did not mind the spiders as long as they stayed in their places. Had one fallen on me, it would have been a very different story.)

Written By Samantha

July 19, 2017, 4:37 p.m.(11/13/1006 AR)

I've been distracted this past week and I have a great deal to do.

I still need to pick a new Deputy Minister of Prodigal and Refugee Affairs. And once selected, get the running start on their program development.

I really wish this offspring of mine would STOP KICKING ME.

I need to call my vassal Houses to meeting and find out more directly what they're up to, what projects they're developing, etc.

We continue to host the Prince and his retinue...he is actually a very enjoyable house guest. I think some of his people are faintly baffled by my belly, though.

I will probably need to meet with Their Majesties. After all, I serve at the pleasure of the Crown.


Written By Samantha

July 18, 2017, 10:07 a.m.(11/10/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Rymarr

He really does need to be more careful, as people will start to believe he has a sense of humor.

Written By Samantha

July 11, 2017, 11:49 a.m.(10/24/1006 AR)

As it is the fashion at the moment, I shall share my thoughts on marriage.

I was not born of the original Deepwood bloodline, but I have been named a Deepwood, and am indeed the only Deepwood, and so it is my duty to carry the name and establish the bloodline anew. But Deepwood has become a phoenix rising from its own ashes; a place where those who have lost much can begin again, and emerge stronger for it. And so I have always known that I was obligated to marry at some point, and to the benefit of my march.

The question of course, then becomes - what do I need to look for in a spouse? Well, I knew I could not marry a fellow landholding noble, because it would complicate the dominion of our respective territories. I could not marry higher unless my potential spouse was willing to step down in terms of title, as any spouse of mine would need to take my name. It would be unprecedented, but not unreasonable, to marry from a commoner family if they were of sufficient economic status and societal placement, but most certainly not ideal.

In terms of title, I would need to find someone of equal or lesser rank. But what qualities must I pursue in said spouse? Statecraft was the study in which I was trained, and I was dependant on the strength of my advisors where martial matters were concerned. The consideration seemed obvious; I would need to marry a man of martial skill and noble birth, able to lead Deepwood's military forces as I would guide it in rulership.

I think it is the general consensus that I married for love, and in part, I did. But Rymarr was also exactly what I needed in terms of a spouse - a man of suitable rank, well-schooled in martial matters, and would father strong children to continue the Deepwood name. I can tell you that when we met, neither of us thought our lives would lead us to where we are now, but we both thank the gods every day that it did.

His suitability is beyond reproach, but that is not why I love him. We are building something together. We fit to each other like pieces of a puzzle, in all the ways that are important.

I can only pray that others, noble or commoner, can find such happiness in their partners.

Written By Samantha

July 6, 2017, 1:20 p.m.(10/15/1006 AR)

I count Prince Darren and Princess Donella amongst my friends. The news of their impending union brings me great happiness.

(I need to write them both a note.)

Now if only this little Marquis/Marquessa would STOP KICKING ME...

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