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Written By Sabella

Dec. 23, 2019, 7:17 p.m.(6/7/1012 AR)

After making a few inquiries, I am happy to announce that A Taste of Arx will become an annual event! So, start making plans now everyone! What best represents your House?

Written By Sabella

Dec. 20, 2019, 11:01 a.m.(5/28/1012 AR)

I am so happy to announce that I have TWO wonderful new proteges! Marquessa Iliana Leary, who has one of the sharpest minds I've ever known and combines this with a most wonderful sense of humor, and Mistress Wren who most of you likely know from the market where she keeps a stall packed with the most wonderful of things! I highly recommend the lace that she puts up on offer, it is exquisitely worked and so soft to the touch that I'm having an entire dress made out of it for the summer heat! Perhaps I'll even have a delicate latticework tiara made to accompany it. When was the last time lace veils were fashionable? I think it's about time they made a comeback! But do see her for anything you might need as she finds the best quality products and offers them for quite the discount!

I am very honored that they have both accepted my patronage and will do my best to ensure that everyone is always talking favorably about them!

Written By Sabella

Dec. 9, 2019, 2:24 p.m.(5/6/1012 AR)

Tonight is the scavenger hunt! I do believe I have everything in order and hope that people have as much fun in playing the game as I had in creating it. And I have prizes! It should be an incredibly fun night out and I hope that the people of Arx welcome all the newcomers that will be going in and out of places they may have walked by a thousand times but never truly seen!

It's going to be a fantastic night!

Written By Sabella

Dec. 8, 2019, 8:44 p.m.(5/5/1012 AR)

I am so excited for the scavenger hunt tomorrow I can barely sleep! I hope it will be challenging enough for people who are already acquainted with the city and interesting enough for everyone. If everyone that attempts it learns a little something then I will have succeeded in my task.

I cannot wait for tomorrow!!

Written By Sabella

Dec. 5, 2019, 1:21 a.m.(4/25/1012 AR)

As I'm sure everyone knows my mother is a woman of great decorum. I grew up rather sure that she knew the rules of EVERYTHING! Not only our house, but those of the other houses we'd visit, some of which were very far away. To this day I'm honestly not sure how she did it!

She had a seamstress, Maris, that would accompany us every year when we went to visit some of my cousins on one of our outings. She normally did not travel with us, but for this one trip every year she would and my mother would always ask her to accompany us the night before we left at dinner. It was as standard as a birthday, just before the dessert arrived, my mother would say, "Maris, be a dear and come with us to watch the children for me, hm?" And Maris would say, "Of course, Princess." It was this beautiful little exchange that I always wondered if they rehearsed. I suppose they did, just once a year!

And then one year it didn't happen. I remember being a bit surprised when dessert arrived and my mother and Maris hadn't done their exchange. But I was a girl all of nine years old and more inclined to pay attention to my pudding and the handsome steward that was delivering it then I was to anything else.

The next morning when we were getting ready to go, Maris appeared as usual with her bag in hand. She stood there for a bit while my mother chased us around and got us into the carriage. As she was helping Reese up, Maris said very calmly to my mother, "I will accompany you on your trip, Princess, even though you didn't ask me to."

I will never forget the look on my mother's face. Surprise and shock and confusion. "But Maris," she said, taking the other woman's hands, "You come with us every year! I did not think I really needed to ask you."

And Maris replied, "But people still like to be asked."

She never forgot to after that for all the years that I was in Bastion. As far as I know, every year she still does. And it's something I've tried to remember my whole life as I interact with people of varying stations about things big or small.

People like to be asked.

Written By Sabella

Dec. 3, 2019, 9:52 p.m.(4/23/1012 AR)

The Grayson Basket Raffle could not have been more successful and I really need to thank all of those who donated baskets and goods:

Prince Niklas Grayson
Princess Elgana Redrain
Countess Carita Darkwater
Lord Jyri Whitehawk
Lady Zoey Kennex
Lady Kaia Bisland
Lady Monique Greenmarch
Brother Felix Meadson
Guildmaster Josephine Acuri
Mistress Ephrath Drake
Master Alexio Donatti

This fundraiser also would not have been successful without all the amazing people who bought raffle tickets! All in all we were able to raise just shy of 2 million silver, which will be used by the Knights of Solace on such projects as the Tragedy Orphanage and maintaining the safety of travelers on the Great Road.

I remain deeply touched by the generosity of Arx's citizens. Those of us who can afford it should turn our attention to the less fortunate as often as we can. It is our duty and I am so happy to see how many people jumped at the chance to better the lives of those who need help.

Thank you all so very much!

Written By Sabella

Dec. 1, 2019, 3:25 p.m.(4/18/1012 AR)

I am quite pleased with all the donations to the basket raffle tomorrow! People have been so generous! While I did make the rounds asking things of people, others have just offered them up unasked and that just shows that our citizens have the best hearts to help those they don't even know with their generosity! I think everyone will be quite pleased with the things that are up on offer! And I'm still trying to finagle things as we speak, so we shall see what the final prize will be in the end!

I cannot wait until tomorrow!

Written By Sabella

Nov. 24, 2019, 11:42 p.m.(4/5/1012 AR)

Brother Felix is truly one of the most amazing smiths I have ever had the pleasure of knowing! Not only is he a kind and thoughtful person in general, but the hairpin he has made for the basket raffle is a true work of art. It shows the building phases of Arx from a time before the city was created until the present day, with Copper's clocktower as a centerpiece with movable arms for the time! It's a masterpiece and I am so honored to be able to offer such craftmanship as one of the prizes for the basket raffle!

Written By Sabella

Nov. 24, 2019, 1:46 p.m.(4/4/1012 AR)

Coming up on the second, I should have noted! Thank you scholar for the reminder!

Written By Sabella

Nov. 24, 2019, 1:45 p.m.(4/4/1012 AR)

The basket raffle is coming up!! If you want to donate a basket and are reading this, please contact Princess Sabella Grayson!

And don't forget to purchase your raffle tickets!

Written By Sabella

Nov. 24, 2019, 1:44 p.m.(4/4/1012 AR)

One of the things I love about spring is that it's still chilly enough most nights to curl up with blankets by the fire whereas the days are warming up enough to not even need a cloak! It's like winter's last kiss, a slow goodbye of cool nights to remember it by.

Written By Sabella

Nov. 11, 2019, 11:30 p.m.(3/7/1012 AR)

A trip home was exactly what I needed to get myself back to, well myself! Bastion is just so peaceful and I was extremely lucky to have Princess Tikva along to keep me company! And of course, the very well meaning lectures from my mother were very inspiring as to both knocking some sense into me and getting me back to the city faster. She always said when we were young that when faced with crushing disappointment whether in matters of life or love you had three days to cry about it and then even if the tears had not washed away the bitterness of the moment you must pick yourself up and hold your head high and move past it as the world would not wait for you.

I remember thinking this to be a somewhat cruel outlook when I experienced my first heartbreak for surely the world was ending and I would spend the rest of my days wallowing in the depths of utter despair. But, as it often turns out, mothers know best and the world didn't end and I regained my spirits far faster than if I had been left to wallow in sadness.

One of the most poignant things she said to me while I was home was that I set the mood of a room and how terrible it would be if I chose to cast a pall over the atmosphere rather than bringing what light I could to the lives of those around me. And she was absolutely right, how sad a thing that would be--a true tragedy greater than mourning a possible future that was not to be.

And so I have returned to Arx with renewed vigor and sense of self and I cannot wait to push forward with the projects I have in the works!

Written By Sabella

Oct. 31, 2019, 10:03 a.m.(2/12/1012 AR)

I think maybe a quick trip to Bastion to see my mother is in order.

Written By Sabella

Oct. 17, 2019, 9:51 p.m.(1/13/1012 AR)

If we are laying claim to the seasons, I would like to claim the spring!

Written By Sabella

Oct. 13, 2019, 11:06 p.m.(1/5/1012 AR)

Perhaps one of the most exciting auctions I have been to in quite awhile was the one for the steelsilk dress that Mistress Talia put together. The amounts that were bid were incredibly lavish and left everyone guessing as to who would be the winner right up until the very end! I do hope that she has more offerings in the future as I did like what I saw even if I could not justify the expense myself.

At least, not that day!

Written By Sabella

Oct. 13, 2019, 4:54 p.m.(1/5/1012 AR)

I always love the first of the winter snows when they roll around! There's no better weather for curling up in front of a fire and writing letters or journals! And everything looks so pristine for the first few hours, like the world has been wrapped up in a bright, glittering white blanket. As if the world is saying slow down, hush, look it can all be made well again!

Of course, then the wagons and carriages go out and boots tend to turn the snow a bit gray or worse, but! It's still quite wonderful to behold and it inspires so much creativity in both the old and the young who go out! I adore seeing everyone's take on snowpeople and watching the snowball fights--from afar! While aeterna surely does not stain it still feels absolutely horrible on the skin when wet.

I am sure this feeling of winter bliss will last until about the third snowfall. Maybe the fourth! And then I shall be complaining about the cold like my dear husband already is!

Written By Sabella

Sept. 27, 2019, 11:05 a.m.(11/28/1011 AR)

I had such terrible dreams the other night that there was strife and yelling in the streets over some complicated troubles or other! Imagine my relief to awaken to find that everything was fine!

I should likely stop eating so many sweets before dinner.

Written By Sabella

Sept. 22, 2019, 6:45 a.m.(11/17/1011 AR)

The party at the Ambassador last night was all around amazing! Lady Catalana and Lord Martino truly outdid themselves. I don't think I've ever seen that much alcohol in one place in my life! Sadly, Jayus' hand did not guide mine when it came to creating new drinks and I may have inadvertently poisoned my husband. But! He's doing much better today and his tongue is only double the size it should be rather than triple so that's good news!

Written By Sabella

Sept. 20, 2019, 9:24 p.m.(11/15/1011 AR)

Like others, I have received a beautiful ring with a seraphinite at the center from House Stahlben! It is so exquisite that I am having a difficult time deciding exactly where I want to wear it to. Of course, the answer is always! To everything! But I truly want to showcase this lovely piece so I shall have to pair it with something amazing to give it its due. Hopefully with enough of us showing such gems off there will be a run on them, so should you know how to get some, I would recommend doing so now before they become so popular they are hard to come by!

Written By Sabella

Sept. 15, 2019, 10:49 p.m.(11/5/1011 AR)

I am continually amazed at how deeply the people in this city and beyond care about each other. So many people have such vast and wonderful ideas as to how to help those less fortunate and I am incredibly moved each and every time one of them reaches out to me for help. Especially during times when the news seems so dire and dark, it helps to be reminded that there are these incredible forces for good in our world who are just normal, every day people doing their best to help!

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