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Written By Lark

Feb. 18, 2017, 6:46 p.m.(12/12/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Mae

We're allowed to be sweet.
And we're allowed to be a Bitch.

Written By Lark

Feb. 15, 2017, 9:56 p.m.(12/6/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Vincere

One might not expect a great deal of overlap between the Ministry of Civil Development and the Ministry of Defense, but we found quite a bit to reference to one another in the beginning days. If you've ever tried to find volunteers willing to do charity with you, you might sympathize with some of our early frustrations -- and he was doing something actually interesting!

I did not do right by Marquis Vincere. ...even after he saved my cousin, his Regent, Princess Dawn from a throng of Iron Guard deserters. That is another shame, among the many others, that I will carry with me always. It is made worse that he did not begrudge me, rather remained a steadfast ally.

He was a brilliant strategist, so loyal to the Compact that he gave his life for it, and was deeply revered by all who came to know him including myself. Oh, and his Elven name was Nerd.

Pietro was terrified of me and with good reason, overprotective mother-griffin that I am.
I can regret that, too. He brought someone that I love a great deal of happiness.
Now that he has gone, it is as if he has taken it all with him ...even from me.
They both have.

Goodbye, Steel.
Goodbye, Fire.

Written By Lark

Feb. 7, 2017, 12:58 p.m.(11/15/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Cara

Hand-in-hand. Heads high.

Written By Lark

Feb. 1, 2017, 10:19 p.m.(10/27/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

I don't know what all the fuss is about. Quite frankly, I find him to be extremely reasonable.

Written By Lark

Jan. 31, 2017, 2:07 p.m.(10/23/1005 AR)

The first time I entered the Palace since my cousin the King fell into his deep sleep, it was to seek an audience with Princess Dawn then Lady Regent Dawn to interview for the position of Minister of Civil Development. She'd been calling it Minister of Population at the time.

I've never had a talent for rubbing shoulders or putting on theatrically friendly airs, but I have always considered myself to be a skilled administrator and economist. And whatever mistakes I have made in life, I have always considered myself to be Good. I hadn't, of course, thought she'd give me the appointment ...being a silly, pompously-academic princess ...toting naive ideals about the welfare of everyday people whom I foolishly almost never deigned to meet ...raised in the safe and luxurious cocoon of the Bastion, and what protective wing of that place exists here in Arx.

Years prior I'd developed a system with which to track rehomed wards, which King Alaric had already given me leave to facilitate through Grayson funds --- he was always very obliging with those. What I found was that, and this does not at all surprise me in retrospect but at the time remember who I was, a great many of them disappear. Unwanted and unknown, they fall through every manner of hairline crack that exists. It was with this system and the patterns (predictors) identified from it -- who is most at risk, who is most in need -- that I attained my position as Minister, with the prospect of expanding it so as to better serve those Without.

Presently, I've come to inhabit almost exclusively a certain desk once owned by Queen Alarice herself if you can even imagine... I spend more time behind it than I do in my rooms. I bring it up because in cleaning some of it, I found a great deal of notes from that particular project, the uncirculated Census -- the purpose of which was to identify and predict vulnerabilities, to be taken into consideration when making key decisions in the distribution of aid resources -- which has been pushed aside by catastrophe after catastrophe.

So many Losses...

With the influx of refugees and those in need now flooding Grayson Ward and the Bastion... in My ward... in the lands within My influence... I have decided to implement it. I just desperately need to look at something and be able to say, "That was a Win."

Written By Lark

Jan. 28, 2017, 3:11 p.m.(10/14/1005 AR)

What happens to a pawn when it makes it to the other side of the board?

Written By Lark

Jan. 23, 2017, 3:16 a.m.(9/25/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Preston

Sir Preston was given half a million silver in exchange for his continued servitude to a scoundrel and villain. Receipts do not lie.

Written By Lark

Jan. 22, 2017, 3:05 p.m.(9/24/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Aislin

I judge every treehouse on its own individual merit.

Written By Lark

Jan. 17, 2017, 10:23 a.m.(9/8/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Fawkuhl

Loss has been on the forefront of my mind as of late. This is the season of loss. Loss of love. Loss of freedoms once taken for granted. Loss of esteem for men and women that otherwise held it.

Loss of a parent -- The Compact lost a parent, recently. She abandoned it, throwing herself from the nest so as to shield it from danger with her own body. Though she has returned, we are forever made more independent from her by that act.

In another time after suffering a blow as the one I was struck with last night, I might not have found the strength of character to let my curtains be drawn open or to rise from my bed ...were it not for that mother's example ...were it not for my own maternal instinct, planted now in my heart.

There are those who would be poor substitutes for a parent if they could. They would harm the children they have sworn to protect, keeping them forever reliant on themselves ...for vanity that they mistake for pride ...for what selfish benefit could be gained from the post. They might cause opportunistic chaos to achieve their wicked ends.

Today when my feet touched the floor beside my bed and shifted to accommodate my weight as I stood -- I hope you felt it. I'm sure the Bringers did.

Written By Lark

Jan. 12, 2017, 4:16 p.m.(8/22/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Dawn

[Breaks glass in hand.]

Written By Lark

Jan. 11, 2017, 8 p.m.(8/20/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Barric

Pragmatic. Fickle, only where it is required and appropriate. I see so much of myself in my young brother even despite our many differences.

I have only pity in my heart for an enemy that this man -- Sword of the Bastion -- my heir -- and I share in common.

Written By Lark

Jan. 11, 2017, 12:39 p.m.(8/19/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Ainsley

Regime changes are always difficult. This great chaos that has fallen into my small hands is an entirely different animal. ...Far be it from me to question the great blessing I have in my cousin, Prince Ainsley. He is quite possibly the most virtuous of my kin. His ready dedication to good at the cost of his own personal happiness fills me with pride.

Though the list of tasks that I am honored with continues to grow, assisting him in realizing his noble destiny remains chief among them.

Written By Lark

Jan. 7, 2017, 12:07 p.m.(8/7/1005 AR)

I own a single gown by Myrinda Grayhope, made for me around-about the time of my initial appointment as Minister. I am no paragon of fashion. I put little stock in it. I do however recognize a scrupulous mind and strength of character wherever it can be found. I recall her asking me what I wanted the gown to ‘say,’ which is a ridiculous concept but if you've ever met the woman then you know not to question her. I told her it ought to say, “I am one of the good guys but do not get in my way.”

I know not what I expected but it came as no small shock when what I received was nothing short of, well, a work of art. She had seen through to me, plucked out my core, and committed it to silk and thread.

It does my heart well to hear that a powerful woman has passed on peacefully, for I did not know it was an option.

Written By Lark

Jan. 6, 2017, 12:58 p.m.(8/4/1005 AR)

I have seen my predecessor show the caution and wisdom to carry on in relative secrecy and I have seen that used to turn hearts and minds against her. So, I will choose to be remembered as reckless if that is the cost I must pay to set before you the truth of your own reality. I would not have this great house carry on in ignorance. I defy ignorance now and forevermore.

The time has come for you to understand that this city has been rooted in a powerful influence. Not that of the Nox'Alfar. A different sort that most our people remain incapable of acknowledging even to this day. It has so seeped into every crack and every crevice so much so that no curse meant to make us forget it can ever hope to truly dissolve it.

The Bringers of Silence were created to corrupt this influence and others. They carry with them a death sentence infection that will not only wipe out the Nox'Alfar but also our soil, our air, our roads and the very bricks we've used to build up our walls.

There are THOUSANDS of Bringers amassing in the Crownlands. /Our lands./ Even if we succeed in pushing them off, which I am determined to do -- our inheritance is withering into a wasteland, into ash and death while others watch and deliberate our descent.

In exchange for thirteen volunteer sacrifices and a pact to fulfill human-elven marriages in adherence with treaties dating back to my ancestor Queen Alarice the Great, the Nox'Alfar have agreed to help us push off our common enemy. Their ways are abhorrent, yes. ...and to her discredit, without consulting anyone Mistress Dawn who-would-be-Regent has attempted to pay that terrible cost with her own life rather than see her people do it. My beloved cousin King Alaric sleeps. Our "advocates" pretend to concern themselves over this slumber's Nox'Alfar-cause while I am made to keep vigil for their assassination attempts. His Queen lies slain -- by some dark servant worshipped NOT by Elves but by men and women within these city walls.

We stand on the thin jagged lip of a cliff-face but griffins do not fall.
We rise in flight, talons and teeth bared.

"None greater than Grayson"

Princess Lark Grayson
Princess of Bastion
Highlord of the Crownland
Regent Council to the Throne

Written By Lark

Jan. 6, 2017, 1:36 a.m.(8/2/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Dawn

Ink disrupted by a few teardrops and made to run down the page:

Where you go, my heart goes.

Written By Lark

Jan. 4, 2017, 11:10 p.m.(7/27/1005 AR)

All people deserve to live comfortably, regardless of whether or not they are productive to our economy.

Written By Lark

Jan. 4, 2017, 10:38 a.m.(7/25/1005 AR)

With Grayson forces engaged in response preparations to an imminent military threat, it comes to our great house to stand with them. Allowances for Grayson family members and any others who might volunteer are to be temporarily withheld in order to conserve resources, with exceptions to be made on a case-by-case basis.

It is to each of us to do our part, set an example for the realm at this perilous time, and support the brave men and women risking themselves so that we might remain safe.

Written By Lark

Jan. 1, 2017, 7:48 p.m.(7/18/1005 AR)

A paper has been recently published that might be of note to the socially conscious and/or politically inclined entitled 'The Progressive Progress of Princess Lark Grayson's Civil Development Ministry.' It is written in a precise, flowing, almost delicate hand, and attributed to one 'Jeremiah Arvani,' dated 7/10/1005 AR. Despite the sometimes-dry topic of law and economics, the twenty-page paper is easily readable, breaking down the activities, intents, and means of the Ministry of Civil Development. it dispenses of titles after the first introduction and retrospective on the Princess, thereafter referring to her as 'the Minister.' 'The very existence of the Ministry was in doubt by some; under another lead, perhaps, the organization might have done more harm than good, as sometimes charitable endeavors to; the Minister has effectively proven through leadership that any such criticisms were unfounded. The Crown and the Minister and the Compact are all three well-represented by the designed policies, and meaningful work is already underway.'

The first five pages are devoted to the creation of the Ministry and the Minister's history, in near-equal measure; after, policy is examined on both a legal and economic standpoint, consuming the next ten pages. Where there is praise, it is not ubiquitous, and where there is need for reform, it is gentle and guiding rather than scathing, the author's position one of subtle change rather than sweeping revolution.

The final five pages are devoted to the future--where the Ministry may develop, what organizations it might need--supposition and conjecture, or perhaps advice, both concerning a bright future and in the face of economic downturn or war.

Written By Lark

Dec. 21, 2016, 5:02 p.m.(6/12/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Samantha

Had I a single doubt as to considering the addition of the Marquessa’s aid in my new appointment, it has been alleviated. Having only known her by reputation before, I am most impressed. She displays exactly the virtues I find endearing in an individual -- those of which I know myself to possess in abundance and those I am often found in wanting of.

I have every indication that this is the beginning of something very promising.

Written By Lark

Dec. 13, 2016, 2:17 a.m.(5/15/1005 AR)

A messenger came today bearing an anonymous gift.

I find myself revisiting the short list of all the people in Arvum that would send me such treasure: A bird of course, which tells me it can only have been from a man.

...I'm briefly reminded of years ago when a certain Lord who shall remain nameless sent me a bird in a cage. Can you imagine such a romantic gesture? I shamed the poor man until he set it free. A lark, obviously. Anything else would have been too subtle!

This bird, though... in full flight with its fierce face and form, carved out of a gemstone bolder than anything I dare to own. There's no cage, here. A dangerous little creature. Mysterious and thought provoking.

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