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Written By Isabeau

Oct. 30, 2016, 11:21 p.m.(12/25/1004 AR)

I must admit that I am very pleased with how the Grand Ball went, other than a decided lack of dance partners for many of the esteemed guests that attended. Such a thing would have never happened in Sanctum, but that is the fault of the Hostess. I shall endeavor to ensure that for our next ball, there are a suitable number of dance partners available to avoid any unfortunate situations or broken hearts. I must admit, the attendance of Duke Leo Fidante, however short as it was, was a definite highlight of my evening although I am not entirely sure why. Perhaps he reminds me of home and the days long past in a strange way, even if I did not know him as a girl.

Written By Isabeau

Oct. 16, 2016, 10:42 p.m.(11/11/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Lazarus

I do not know Goodman Mercier well but he is MOST generous with his wines and I must say, they are the best in the land I've had in my entire life. I have no doubt, before long they will become a staple within our Household.

Written By Isabeau

Oct. 16, 2016, 10:40 p.m.(11/11/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Gareth

It is the fate of heroes to be sung of, to be celebrated in story and legends. Fate was not kind to Prince Gareth Grayson. Once I heard tales of his exploits but now I hear little. I find him curious but there is something dangerous about him. A man who has lost nearly everything and lived, is a man to be feared if not at least respected.

Written By Isabeau

Oct. 16, 2016, 10:35 p.m.(11/11/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Edain

Uncle Radley was a paragon of our family and so is his son, Edain. As I trusted my Uncle, so I trust my cousin. My heart aches for him though, to be thrust into the role of High Lord after such great tragedy. It was not how any of us wanted to see his succession occur. The burden of command has been placed upon his shoulders, but despite his hesitation he is well suited to it. I have no doubt; he will go down in the annals of our family history as a hero. Until that day, I will do all I can to aid him, what strength I can offer to him, is given freely.

Written By Isabeau

Oct. 16, 2016, 10:23 p.m.(11/11/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Beaumont

Beloved brother. Cherished companion. My greatest supporter. Beaumont has always been there for me. When I took my first steps, it was he who helped pick me up after I fell and he has continued to do so throughout my life. As he supports me and keeps me aloft, I must do the same for him. While following a different path than many of our kin, I feel it is a path best suited to him and it is one I support him in. Forever, Beaumont will be my Champion.

Written By Isabeau

Oct. 16, 2016, 10:18 p.m.(11/11/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Aurelian

My cousin Aurelian was once as exuberant and excited as Beaumont when he was a boy. The tragedy that befell him long before the massacre of our kin in Sanctum changed him though. That excitement and exuberance was tempered into a quiet wisdom and curiosity. I will always be there for him, but I believe in the coming days and years it will be the knowledge he reclaims for our family that we will come to rely on. Knowledge is power.

Written By Isabeau

Oct. 9, 2016, 3 a.m.(10/16/1004 AR)

To ease my distraction, I've had a pair of new gowns commissioned for Sophie and I. I have no doubt my younger sister may think the choice of fit is a tad adventurous, but we need more of that in our lives. What truly troubles me is the loss of so many of my family and people two years ago. It seems to be a dark pall that hangs over our family and the more we learn, the greater the mystery deepens. How much was truly lost in the Reckoning?

Written By Isabeau

Oct. 1, 2016, 12:57 a.m.(9/20/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Sophie

I love my sister dearly; she is a beacon of light and hope to our entire Household. I must confess, I love her even more because she has not followed the same chivalrous path that so many of our family follow. I fear that she may one day renounce our House and become Godsworn, but I dare not speak these fears to her; I only want her to have the opportunity to follow her heart and do what is best for her. She will always have my support, even if I cannot always agree with her.

Written By Isabeau

Sept. 30, 2016, 12:39 a.m.(9/17/1004 AR)

The Sun never quite rises the same way in Arx as it did in Sanctum, although beautiful it is not the same. The light doesn't touch the buildings and illuminate them as majestically. I cannot help but be reminded, that with every victory and every battle; the darkness will always be lurking in the shadows. We must hold fast to hope, while also being reminded that when night falls, we must remain vigilant for we cannot lose hope. The dawn will always come.

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