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Written By Felicia

March 5, 2018, 6:31 a.m.(4/20/1008 AR)

I ride for Stormwall. To represent, along with my fellow Swords, his Majesty's will on the field of battle.

My brothers and sisters at arms, may Death decide your work not yet done. But if She is ready for you to return home, may Gloria's light shine on you. May Skald's wisdom ride with you, and the Sentinel guide your hand.

Mother, let me not fear Your embrace, but come to You in the fullness of time with love in my heart.

Written By Felicia

Feb. 28, 2018, 5:28 a.m.(4/10/1008 AR)

Having walked the Hall of Heroes and the statue garden in the Grayson ward, it struck me that there's no memorial for those of the Hundred that have fallen in service to Arx over the centuries.

With war looming on the horizon, it's perhaps not surprising that my mind turns towards Death, and I've resolved to try and raise funds for a memorial, both so that those who have passed are not forgotten, and those who are to come will be inspired by this small honour.

So far people seem willing to aid, and I'm grateful for it. Whatever does not go into the creation of the memorial itself will be passed to the officers to help with other projects around the Crownguard, so that we may always keep the promise that while we stand, the crown will not fall.

Written By Felicia

Feb. 27, 2018, 12:06 a.m.(4/8/1008 AR)

I choose to place this here, where it might be read by some scant handful at best.

Just because we serve choose to serve his Majesty, to devote our lives to his protection, does not make us less than human.

It does not make us less deserving of respect or honesty. It does not excuse dealing flippantly with our emotions. Or make it less obvious when we are lied to bold-faced by one we trusted.

It doesn't make it hurt less. It doesn't make the empty words about friendship more believable, all it does is emphasise just how little true regard was held for us in the first place. And it doesn't mean it's forgiven, or forgotten. The truth of a man is in his actions, or lack thereof. They speak more loudly than all the pretty words people like to fill the space with.

We remember, who helped us when it was needed, and who twisted the knife. All the empty words in the world wont change that. All that is left is to pick up what Lagoma's wind has left, and choose a new path.

Written By Felicia

Feb. 22, 2018, 10:36 p.m.(3/28/1008 AR)

Went to First Bloom today. It's about changes and new starts. So I made one.

I sucked it up and asked a question that I didn't particularly want the answer to but has been on my mind for days. And I owe someone a big apology.

That would have been embarrassing enough to do in private, but of course I was stupid and decided to ask in the middle of a crowd, and Gods it was mortifying when it seemed like everyone was looking on. This is what excessive pride and bad timing get you, and it's a fair enough lesson... even if I could have wished one of those holes was big enough to crawl into.

<There's a couple of ink splotches dripped onto the page>

His Majesty came and planted a tree near mine and others, and asked what I intended to name mine. Which, I confess, I had forgotten in the course of things. Harren, was the first thing I could think of, and I don't think he would be offended by it. His Majesty liked it enough to suggest to Lady Darkwood she should name hers Harren.

Suffice to say there's now an oak, an elm, and a basswood all named after him. Planted by his Majesty, Lady Emily Darkwood, and myself respectively. May they live long and grow strong.

Written By Felicia

Feb. 13, 2018, 9:08 a.m.(3/2/1008 AR)

Dame Cornelia's Cinnamon Curse.

I think this thing has been maligned unfairly, it's delightful, delicious. It sparkles, it scorches, and then it soothes. I'll have to get Magpie to give me the recipe for that one, definitely. Better than whiskey, even if it makes you feel like you might belch flames afterwards.

Anyone know where this dragon statue came from?

Written By Felicia

Feb. 12, 2018, 8:10 a.m.(2/28/1008 AR)

Went to the Sip'n'Spar, wearing half a wolf and my leathers. Though I had the cuirass made for the Woodlands ball, I'm finding that for sparring outside of work it's a fine piece of gear, even if the fur on the mantle feels a little odd.

First I fought the Master smith, Felix Meadson, greatsword versus polearm, and staying in my reach without falling prey to his was an interesting exercise. Leaping about in leathers might generally feel like I'm fighting in my smalls, but keeping my pauldrons and vambraces at least gave me a surface a little less inclined to piercing on which to try and deflect his blade.

I think my temper got the best of me on the second one, not towards my opponent, Admiral Wash Kennex is a fine soldier and it was a pleasure to cross blades with him, even if my ribs still ached from the earlier bout. But, yes. I'll leave it like that.

Not sure what games are being played with me, but I don't find them amusing. And perhaps I am a little angry at myself, too, for mistaking things. You know who you are. Don't think a pretty smile will help you.

Written By Felicia

Feb. 11, 2018, 3:38 a.m.(2/26/1008 AR)

I think I'm getting the hang of this social attendance thing. Went to the woodland ball, as a wolf. Wasn't the only one, huge surprise there. Didn't win the costume contest, also not really a huge surprise, or the dancing contest either.

Did manage to get one of the riddles right first, though, and now own this horrendously soft and fluffy blue furry toy whose name is apparently Meownica. It's terrifyingly adorable. The dragon suggested I should send it to Princess Reese, and were it pink, it would be in the hands of the first messenger to the Grayson estate.

Perhaps her highness would accept blue, for a one of a kind adorable kitten.

Written By Felicia

Feb. 6, 2018, 9:41 p.m.(2/17/1008 AR)

I can't say I've had myself referenced in many journals over the years, let alone by a collection of people in short order.

I'm aware of the difference, between competition and battle, though one can learn something of the other from either. But I'll certainly take to heart the words of his highness; 'In battle discipline wins'. I think those will be very important words to remember, as war creeps closer.

But at the same time, I apologise unreservedly to my team-mates that might have felt my words a slight. They were not intended as such, it's a joy on the battlefield to work with and cross swords with those I do not often get to. Simply that the path towards Gloria is not one I'm ever likely to consider mastered.

Written By Felicia

Feb. 5, 2018, 4:16 p.m.(2/15/1008 AR)

I've learnt a number of things over the last week, having chosen to make a point of attending as many rally's as duty and physical capacity allow.

I won none of them, did not come even close, but it was still educational, and shall no doubt make me a better protector for his Majesty in future.

In the free-for-all I became part of a larger alliance, with Lord Theron Mazetti, Caspian Wild, Lady Sorrel Wyrmguard, Prince Luca Grayson, Princess Cadenza Velenosa and Lady Brianna Halfshav. It was a particularly effective alliance, managing to clear the field before those left standing fought one another for supremacy. But it was noted at the time and I cannot disagree, that to field so large a force against many smaller alliances was perhaps an unfair advantage. Still, as was also noted... war is never fair.

Then at the Grayson rally at the Gauntlet, I was paired on the blue team with Princess Marian Redrain, Dame Esoka Greenblood, Sir Preston, Sir Norwood Clement, Lady Jael Laurent, Count Kael Keaton, and Lady Veronica Keaton. Sir Preston provided me shielding, with the idea that we were to focus on Prince Edain Valardin of the red team... and in this task we were successful! Though I fear my final blow was heavier than intended, and I paid for it dearly as I was so focused on completing that task that we were flanked by another and I soon joined his highness in having to leave the field.

These kind of melee's seem to favour the fast and lightly armoured, those with far greater ability to avoid a blade than take its blow. How well this would translate in my duties I am not sure. It's certainly something to investigate further.

Written By Felicia

Jan. 27, 2018, 2:39 a.m.(1/17/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Brogan

Fighting a Northman can sometimes feel like being kicked by a horse, and as one who has done both... the horse might just hurt less. I knew it wouldn't be an easy fight, but I'll give him credit, I think I did more damage to my knuckles than I did to his skin. Next time, it'll be blades... and we'll see who wins that round.

That said... he's easy on the eyes, about as smooth as seasilk with his words, and drinks like a fish. He certainly wouldn't be out of place among the Hundred, in my opinion. I look forward to the next round.

Written By Felicia

Jan. 24, 2018, 5:21 p.m.(1/12/1008 AR)

I missed what sounds like an interesting free-for-all yesterday, it would have been nice to get out and practice with new people, but my first duty is to Arx and his Majesty, and no-one was inclined to trade shifts.

Ah well, perhaps next time.

Written By Felicia

Jan. 24, 2018, 8:22 a.m.(1/11/1008 AR)

I'm pretty sure that if I asked a Scholar to write this for me, they could come up with a hundred better ways of saying it than me. The poetry of words would do justice to the gift I've been given, but instead there's just me.

This thing. This beautiful, impractical thing that I have been gifted with, must have cost a fortune, but Gods its lovely. Mistress Alarie is truly a master of her craft, and there's not words to describe the honour of having been gifted it. To call it merely a belt would be to insult its craftsmanship, and it deserves a far more eloquent tongue than mine to do it justice.

I'll never complain about being assigned a dawn shift after a night of drinking ever again.

Written By Felicia

Jan. 13, 2018, 7:01 a.m.(12/17/1007 AR)

Attended an event over at the Murder of Crows last evening with Eleanor, met up with the Lord Commander, was defeated at darts by Princess Reese Grayson, and drunk the most godsawful sweet concoction of booze that has ever been inflicted on the city. Agnarr was also there, and on a drunken whim I asked to braid his beard. He was most obliging.

Written By Felicia

Sept. 20, 2017, 1:05 a.m.(4/1/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Hana

Hana is surprisingly sweet and handy when it comes to forging blades. I hope to see more of her soon. Perhaps I'll purchase a new sword. It needs the King's Own mark but it could be made of something fancier than steel if I can wrangle the price... Hmm.

Written By Felicia

Sept. 5, 2017, 11:25 p.m.(2/26/1007 AR)

“In ol' Arx town, there lived a man,
Sing all the live-long day now.
And he was happy in his home,
For all the live-long day…

In Arx there lived a lady fair,
Sing all the live long day, now.
The lady she had not a care,
For all the live-long day…

In wond'rous Arx, they both found bliss
Sing all the live long day, now.
And sealed their love up with a kiss
For all the live-long day…”

I find myself singing this when I walk the streets now. I'm such a fool. I'll be on my way soon enough. Business for the King's Own. I might as well enjoy my bliss before I risk my life.

Written By Felicia

Aug. 23, 2017, 2:37 a.m.(1/26/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Clover

These last few weeks have been a whirlwind. I don't think I was expecting... I have no idea what I was expecting, really. All I know is I no longer come home roaring drunk. Clover would probably object if I did anyway. And we don't both need to be falling over at every given opportunity. Just some of the more memorable ones.

One of these days that girl will trip and we will both fall in front of an oncoming wagon and be trampled to death.

Written By Felicia

Aug. 12, 2017, 10:27 p.m.(1/5/1007 AR)

I made it into the Semi-Finals of the Joust before being knocked out by Jael, the younger Lady Laurent. It's exciting, actually. I've never jousted before I started to prepare for this tourney. Not so different from a lance in combat - and yet utterly different. The rules felt wrong. And some of those people were tremendous talents. I feel privileged to have made it as far as I did.

Also, I got King Alaric's favor. How great is THAT?

Written By Felicia

Aug. 5, 2017, 4:06 p.m.(12/19/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Clover

Clover insists on braiding my hair. It helps me with work, to be certain, and it's pleasant enough. Who am I to say no?

Written By Felicia

Aug. 5, 2017, 4:05 p.m.(12/19/1006 AR)

Having met the King and Clover again I think we see eye to eye on one measure most key between us: Lady Clover is the single clumsiest person either of us knows who is still reasonably capable of function as an adult and is, insofar as anyone cna tell, uninjured or handicapped in any significant way. It isa marvel that she has not yet driven Sir Dalan to become bald.

That said, Clover handles herself with grace. Simply not of the variety that involves physical movement.

Written By Felicia

Aug. 1, 2017, 3:04 p.m.(12/11/1006 AR)

I've decided not to cut my hair after all. It had been a hot point of contention after I found my braid was getting so long I might have to change the style of helmet I wear to keep it. Clover convinced me... And I'd hate to cut it anyway. I'll make do with what I have.

In other words when I take off my helmet I can garrote someone with my red hair. There's an image that will stick with you for a lifetime!

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