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Written By Victus

Nov. 14, 2019, 10 a.m.(3/12/1012 AR)

I don't often go to the archives to read through journals of people I don't know or those outside of the peerage. Sometimes though there's such a commotion being drummed up that you just /need/ to look. After bringing myself up to speed on Miss Tatienne's words, I do have to say that yes, that's very rude. I appreciate that she's taken the time to take stock of how things stand in the present and how they are progressing toward the future.

However, I can't say that I've seen much in her words that I haven't heard before. There's been heavy criticism of thralldom for every generation it's existed since the times of Queen Triscali. Either from logical and valid points, a sense of vitriol or just the desire to see an entertaining scuffle. Throwing the word 'slavers' about to describe Islanders is something I've heard from more Abandoned over the years than I can count. I'm certain that Miss Tatienne's viewpoint is not as uncommon as one might think.

I do not take offense at how she views a people she does not live among. There will always exist that contention to a thousand years of history, good and bad. If we were to try and put down every commoner with an inflammatory opinion on how the peerage operates, we would be bankrupt of resources in weeks.

What is disappointing to see is the dismissal of an effort to change for the better, along with blatantly striking at the wisdom of our Faith for their perceived complacency. Not only does it show a startling lack of respect to the very institutions that are the backbone of our society, but ignores the incredible strain that leaders from our Church and Isles nobility put forth to remove a deeply embedded evil.

I have written about it time and time again how destroying something so utterly, no matter how much suffering it brings, still leave a gaping wound that will hemorrhage for ages. The patience and support from the rest of the Compact, within the Isles and our Faith has been nothing short of incredible.

When someone genuinely endeavors to change, to cast off an evil they held so closely and embrace something better, I believe it is paramount that they be offered the aid they need to see it through to completion. There are times when we must knock someone down, and there are times when we must offer a hand to pull them back to their feet. If all one did was tear down, we would be a miserly few standing on the necks of what could have been.

Seven years may seem too long, I agree. But compare it to the thousand years that thralls have labored, suffered and died underneath Maelstrom's watch. Compare to the millions and millions of dead souls who's blood has built these lands. Compare to the fact that every thrall today may see freedom for the first time. Compare that no child born in the Mourning Isles will ever face the risk of their lives being stolen into chains ever again.

It has been longer than any of us could imagine since the first thrall was pressed into service. Some day, it will be longer than any of us could imagine since the final thrall was freed. Is seven more years really too high a cost?

Written By Victus

Nov. 8, 2019, 12:19 a.m.(2/27/1012 AR)

Most who made admirable strides toward curtailing thralldom from outside the Mourning Isles did not do so through embargo or completely denying interaction. One example in particular would be House Deepwood, who brokered trade agreements in order to assist the economy of Mourning Isles houses during a transition into /less/ thralls. I'm unsure how many realize the drastic extent that thralldom blankets the economy of the Isles.

Rowers, miners, farmers for three. That's food, steel and ships for the great majority of domains across the Isles. If you take it away without preparing for a replacement, you may as well have knocked your legs out from under you with a hammer. We saw as much during the troubles in Kennex. Thralls with nowhere to go, thralls who sought to take revenge on their owners, thralls without any life to lead outside of their chains suddenly having to survive on their own.

Freedom is the overall goal, but the fact of the matter is that most of the Isles has yet to implement means to blunt the loss of thralldom. Those who have a genuine interest in seeing slavery in the Compact come to an end should remember this well. We are not simply destroying something, we are /building/ something else to replace it. Most importantly something that will reject the use of indentured servitude utterly.

That is the true battle if we're not to see utter collapse and chaos.

Written By Victus

Nov. 4, 2019, 7:04 a.m.(2/20/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Jaenelle

After growing accustomed to the tradition of the Mirror Masquerade, I had thought a year without the late Archduchess Eleyna would be a difficult one. And indeed, it was much different without the White Lily's presence or her husband attempting to wrestle me to the ground. I had worried for the entire week beforehand that it would be cold, stricken with grief or a sense of longing. I am happy to say that none of my concerns were anywhere close to true. A fool I was for even entertaining the idea.

My cousin was an excellent host. The night was filled with bittersweet memories, yet with the promise of something new as well. Even in tradition, one can see the small, intricate details become mutable. She has become such a diligent leader as time marched on. I'm proud to call her family and I'm looking forward all the more to next year.

(I solemnly swear not to bite through an eel and contaminate a prize pool next time.)

Written By Victus

Oct. 31, 2019, 9:28 p.m.(2/13/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Vincenzo

I have no idea who you are.

Written By Victus

Oct. 31, 2019, 6:54 p.m.(2/13/1012 AR)

I make it a point not to keep many mirrors about. Perhaps I am overly superstitious, but I find little good comes out of a reflective surface. However, the eclipse will always hold a special place in my heart. One of my favorite traditions is the grand party held at the Velenosa estate, where we can party with our oldest allies underneath the red moonlight.

The masks are neat too.

Written By Victus

Oct. 17, 2019, 8:58 p.m.(1/13/1012 AR)

Unrelated follow up:

Astrid locked herself in a cabinet for an hour yesterday. There was a widespread panic before someone heard her cackling. I don't know why it was hilarious, but apparently cabinets are very funny.

Found her in there again this morning. Laughing. Again. Hoping this new hobby fades fast.

Written By Victus

Oct. 17, 2019, 8:54 p.m.(1/13/1012 AR)

I had the good fortune of running the captain I'd served under as a cabin-boy, on a night at the Ebb and Flow with the some other graybeards. I hadn't seen him since our first run in with the Marin'alfar.

Once when I was very young, I was being foolish at the helm and rocking the wheel side to side. I was making noises as if we were in a storm and I was only hope as a navigating savant. Complete with lightning striking and thunder crashing in my own head. Unfortunately due to my idiocy, I'd also thrown us entirely off course.

When the captain interrupted me he took me into his quarters. He had a cupboard around five or six feet tall. He locked me in there for about eight or nine hours. Never did I play with the wheel of a ship ever again, that's for fucking sure.

My favorite story of him. I'm glad he's still sailing.

Written By Victus

Oct. 14, 2019, 9:21 a.m.(1/6/1012 AR)

There is a certain disconnect that occurs when I look upon Cardia’s society and find many things to criticize, and yet so many uncomfortable similarities at the same time. Perhaps most obviously their use of slavery.

Certainly it is correct to decry them as a country of writ using slavers. But all around us, merchants and peers shall also clad themselves in Cardian Snakeskin, Cardian Steelsilk, or adorn their jewels in precious dragonweep. All of which undoubtedly required chained hands to assist in their creation.

And we buy them as some of our most expensive goods. Handing hundreds of thousands of silver into Cardian hands every day of our lives. Several people of significant standing have probably contributed millions to Cardia’s slaver economy in the pursuit of fame or greater survivability against Arvum’s enemies.

Yet, the pragmatist in me tells me that these lucrative goods provide incredibly useful boons. How the public loves to see tears of dragons adorning the newest fashion craze, how many eyes it puts upon a person, or their family.

How much I and any general would adore their warriors to be protected by the finest steel yet move in the grace of silk. All of these things provide uses, so long as one can overlook the moral clusterfuck of how they came to be.

My conviction that marches toward an Arvum freed of chains tells me to join the denouncing voices. Then I look at the world around me. The food I eat, prepared from farms worked by thralls. The steel I hold, mined and carried on the broken backs of thralls. The ships that are the blood of my people, rowed tirelessly by thralls. So much of significance in the Isles would not be possible without our own share of slavery. It is not something to be proud of.

When the day comes that everything new shall be made by free men and women, it will not change what exists after a thousand years of history. Its already been created, it simply is.

Then there is me. Counting the scars of blades and arrows that have tried and failed to pierce the snakeskin I wear. Snakeskin undoubtedly made possible by slaves. A life saved, recorded into the fabric itself, a dozen times at least.

Were I to cast stones at Cardia as a slaver state, I would dishonor myself to do so while I hold onto possessions of their world. And to not acknowledge what the practice of thralldom has afforded the Isles for as long as it has existed.

By no means would I ever praise the Cardians for their barbaric slaving practice. That is not the point of what I write. It is a personal conflict that keeps me up at night. Putting it to paper may settle my nerves. At least, I hope this scrap to Vellichor serves a better purpose here than in my head.

I dream of the day that Arvum can produce leather and silk as strong and as durable as whatever secrets the Cardians hold. I pray for it.

While I can only lament and loathe the circumstances, I do feel confident that I might criticize something else of theirs.

Please stop murdering us. It’s very fucking rude and easily drowns out your more reasonable voices when these atrocities seem to pile on.

Don’t get me started on those roving lunatics trying to extinguish Valardin. “Can’t help some people falling to dragon worship”? What about when they’re /genocidal/?

Bah. I had a concise thought but now it’s a frustrated ramble. We stop here.

Written By Victus

Oct. 4, 2019, 11:55 a.m.(12/14/1011 AR)

I have seen a few comments aimed toward /when/ today's thralls will be made free citizens. The deadline set tat the Assembly was seven years for a total abolition. A date that has not and will not change. I understand that nearly a decade is a long time to be in chains. Perhaps it would ease the mind to think that for a thousand years, no thrall was given the peace of mind to when they would be released. When their torment would end. Seven years was decided on with the specific goal in mind of seeing all /living/ thralls make it to freedom in their lifetime.

Legate Aureth outlines perfectly how silver alone will not fix this problem. It is a problem at Thrax's core. Infrastructure, agriculture, mining, the simple act of rowing our ships is carried on the backs of thralls. The foundations cannot be torn down without a thought, it must be replaced with something stable.

In the many months since the last Assembly, we have remained committed. Fifteen percent of thralls across the Mourning Isles have found freedom within the year, at the cost of trade and our own economy. Ramifications which have been felt across the mainland and the seas aplenty. It is my hope that this upcoming Assembly will be a time for the Compact to regroup and focus on our next steps into the future.

The work ahead of us is taller than the mountains. But we can do it.

Written By Victus

Sept. 24, 2019, 3:30 a.m.(11/21/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Alarissa

Some day, I'll gift you a shark's body. I'll kill it with my bare hands and then I'll stuff it. With teeth of rubies, hide of sapphire, eyes of stygian, bones of alaricite. Until everything it was is taken and everything that replaces it is beautiful.

But it will never be as beautiful as you are, even with what you're lost.

Written By Victus

Sept. 10, 2019, 6:53 p.m.(10/22/1011 AR)

The price of ending thralldom. All knew it would never be easy.

This is the first of many, many difficulties along the way. I would expect that any who had advocated for thralldom's end would understand the true cost, and would be more than ready to weather the storm which comes. Every day it will become clearer that this is not just Thrax who suffers, but the whole of Arvum.

Now is the time for unity. Now, more than ever.

Written By Victus

Sept. 4, 2019, 8:33 p.m.(10/10/1011 AR)

It's getting worse of late. Sometimes I lay down my head and I just hear them pounding. When I dream they're always around. Drums. War. Steel scraps against steel and the sparks travel down the edge of the blade. Another uses an axe, hooks it into a shield and pulls it away. He hacks into their neck, blood flows from the open wound. An Eurusi spear marks the corpse of a woman. I know her. It makes me angry to see it.

War. Battle. War. Battle. Smell of ash and iron. Lightning crashes. There's blood on the sand. There's blood in the water.

I can't sleep of late without having another one of those dreams. If it's not in the thick of it with sword, axe, or shield in hand, it's watching from the sidelines as chaos unfolds. I want to reach out and DO something about it. But I just wake up in bed again. Where peace reigns while my blood just boils away.

I'd thought spending time home in Maelstrom would quell it, but I've returned to Arx much the same. Hmph.

I need to take my ship somewhere. I need to find an enemy. Put all of this energy and restlessness to good use on something that needs it.

Written By Victus

Aug. 25, 2019, 2:59 a.m.(9/17/1011 AR)

It’s always exciting when the words end in battle. I applaud the aggression from both parties, action surrounding a duel between champions is not only decisive but damn exhilarating.

Written By Victus

Aug. 13, 2019, 1:35 p.m.(8/22/1011 AR)

A dream came to me in the night. One of the Oathlands. Frost. Thorns. Cavalry charging and a voice like Ice...

What did you do, Duke Arn? What did you do to House Thornweave?

Written By Victus

Aug. 10, 2019, 7:42 a.m.(8/15/1011 AR)

I have always believed a Prodigal is due some amount of respect.

The ones who were not assimilated into the Compact at sword point made the wise decision of abandoning their savage ways and coming to civilized society. As Arvum is the Compact's by right, they should be commended for recognizing its dominion. Likewise, those who are taken by force are also due credit. Rather than stubbornly hold their ground on barbarianism to the death, they choose to swallow their pride for a better life. It is only those who must be totally destroyed for their obstinance that truly deserve no sympathy.

It is saddening to hear of so much death and violence against our Prodigals. It is our responsibility to bring them in line with the Compact's culture, the Compact's gods, so they might learn from their superiors. Is that not the entire point?

Otherwise we will simply be fighting Shav to the point of annihilation forever. Eventually it becomes a waste of good soldiers, we know full well that many are smart enough to bend the knee.

Written By Victus

Aug. 5, 2019, 3:27 a.m.(8/5/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Harald

I look back fondly on the day I asked him to serve as my Voice. I, ready made with all the political rhetoric. He just looked at me and said, “You need someone to remind the Compact how fucking nice you’re being”.

He said so grimly with a scowl, and then chortled before accepting. That was the day he and I came to understand each other perfectly. I should have expected as much however, the man fashioned goblets from skulls to drink his mead.

I needed someone to represent the cold, the ruthless, the brutality of life within the Mourning Isles. He did exactly that and even more than I could have asked. Loyalty while standing before an endless barrage.

There are many words I’m saving for the day we reunite in the shadow lands.

Written By Victus

Aug. 1, 2019, 8:07 a.m.(7/26/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Parisa

Thanks to the expert tailoring of one Miss Parisa Ravashari, I think I will be the most stunning at this Flower Ball. I wonder if Teemo will be about. Fitting to be running in a pack with a fellow lion.

Written By Victus

July 29, 2019, 9:55 p.m.(7/21/1011 AR)

Sungreet was even more beautiful than I had originally pictured. The sunflowers in bloom were perhaps my favorite part.

It was a shame I couldn't meet Duke Ivan in person. I had hoped giving the good Duke a few weeks notice would have allowed plenty of time to prepare. Alas, the work of nobility is never done. I was pleased to hear that his time is being spent on a worthy cause, massively increasing his naval power and heavily militarizing Helianthus' capital. Certainly all that time and resources will be spent defending the Mourning Isles against any incursions from the east. I commend him on focusing on such a worthy cause.

I had the great pleasure of speaking with Duke Ivan's newly appointed Voice, Melar. A man that was freed via some of my earlier reforms. It was very flattering to see the fruits of labor in person. To think, this man was the son of someone who slaughtered a Maelstrom village remorselessly. Now he serves as the right hand of a ducal house. Truly inspiring to see such commitment to progress.

Great toasts were had, many celebrations of House Thrax and Helianthus' future relations. I am appreciative for the company of all forty representatives that arrived to meet us. I'm anticipating the opportunity to speak to Duke Ivan face to face all the more after such a gracious hosting.

Written By Victus

July 23, 2019, 11:24 p.m.(7/9/1011 AR)

I have an idea for a melee tournament. One that ends in a fighter owning a very nice belt, that I myself won in the Tournament of Roses in 1007 AR.

I'm starting by collecting interest. Possibly sponsors. It's an idea only in its fledgling state, but I'm getting more and more entertained by the prospect the more I think on it.

Written By Victus

July 22, 2019, 11:11 p.m.(7/7/1011 AR)

I am a dandelion.

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