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Written By Rysen

Oct. 14, 2019, 1:52 p.m.(1/6/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

Keeping one's head in the sand exposes the neck and the whole body. 'Tis better to look your enemies and rivals in the eye, I think.

While there's been a lot of talk about the initial offers made by the empires, there's very little discussion of counter offers or negotiation. Perhaps the situation has changed, and those empires who made an initial offer in hopes of maximizing their benefit at our expense, will now accept an arrangement that minimizes their losses.

It might also be worth asking why, if these empires are so powerful, have they not simply invaded Arvum already? Perhaps we are mightier than we think we are, and all we need is a little bravery as some have suggested, or perhaps the wider world holds a delicate balance of power, and they are reluctant to commit many resources to oppress a people who prize freedom, sovereignty and the gods above all else, a people who will never surrender, and who will fight to the last, while other powers stand ready at their own doorstep.

Perhaps they remember something we don't. It would not be the first time an ancient treaty that we had somehow forgotten was affecting the Compact, in which case our brightest researchers and cleverest diplomats might find us leverage with other significant powers.

Embassies are putting the cart before the horse - but it not an option that should be foreclosed upon forever. Let us first find a worthy ally.

Our diversity is our strength. Let those who excel in negotiation negotiate, and those who excel in the application of force prepare their weapons. In that way, when it comes time to deal with the greatest threats to our sovereignty, we will know all of our options, and trust in our leaders to choose the best of them.

Should we find ourselves on a battlefield facing the legions of some invader, Captain-General, I hope you trust that no foe shall attack your flank while I draw breath to defend it, but I respectfully ask you to give some consideration to those who wish to test soft power, as sometimes a Whisper or quill may preserve cherished traditions, and allow thousands of souls to flourish a bit longer in the Dream.

Written By Rysen

Oct. 10, 2019, 10:49 p.m.(12/27/1011 AR)

It is a commonly held truth that Aurumadin is imaginary, very much like the metaphorical relation to our belligerent guest, and yet I find hope in such potent works of imagination - even if others are quick to dismiss them. I don't think there need be such a focus on embassies so much as finding allies or other solutions to deal with the rude guest who threatens our family. If the leaders of our Faith are confident that beseeching our gods will grant us protection or weapons great enough to contend with a group whose might is beyond contestation, then it goes without saying that I place my faith and absolute trust in them.

I admire the princess's courage in addressing the crisis we currently face. If embassies are not the answer, I hope that we may continue to search for the best solutions, such as those offered by the Radiant Whisper.

Written By Rysen

Oct. 10, 2019, 12:21 p.m.(12/26/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Arik

An ode to beards inspired by composing a song for the Nightingale:

Of all the signs of power high,
Of timeless majesty and might
Nothing claims the foremost place
Nor pleasantly can frame the face,

Or be with fingers set in braids,
Or with gleaming, artful charms arrayed,
Or scratched when one is deep in thought
Or in freezing cold keep faces hot

O, beards of many colors!
Of sizes myriad and shapes!
Some by nature granted,
And some by human arts were made!

But all we celebrate with brews:
The hair that from our face protrudes,
The confidence our beards exude,
Shall like the fairest flowers bloom,

So let your majestic beards flow free
That grace your face so stylishly,
And drink your fill to celebrate
Such a wonder that adorns a face!

Written By Rysen

Oct. 9, 2019, 5:46 p.m.(12/25/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Preston

Imagine for a moment, Grandmaster, that this rude guest, to borrow your conceit, who has invited himself into your home has a very big stick. You are quite certain that you could not win in a contest of force with this guest - and yet you might be aware that this guest has members of his own family who also carry big sticks. Might it not be advisable to open your home to one of the virtuous kin of the rude guest, as having dealt with their indecorous relation all their life, might know full well the best way to subdue him?

Written By Rysen

Oct. 6, 2019, 11:11 a.m.(12/18/1011 AR)

May the Faith, the people of the Compact, and our gods ever support those free Islanders who traded with the Eurusi for generations, and who now give everything in order to live in accord with our Legate's decree.

It is both an agony and relief to watch children rise from the gluttonous belly of a slave ship, who'd been taken from their homes when the slavers cut down their parents, and dragged screaming to an existence of suffering and toil.

Written By Rysen

Oct. 2, 2019, 12:11 p.m.(12/10/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Bree

Ode to Dame Bree Harthall

O witness you gods and goddesses bright
The deeds of valor from Solace's knight.
To the dying, a mercy found on th' field.
For ev'n the desperate, remains yet a shield.

Let Vellichor's mind, immortal and true,
Record for all time this woman's virtue,
And when she arrives at Elysia's gate,
Let then the gods' chosen ones celebrate

Their sister's return, unbroken by fear,
Who quailed from no danger, held naught more dear,
Than service to gods and folk of our land,
Who suffering banished like leaves in th' wind.

Written By Rysen

Sept. 24, 2019, 11:05 p.m.(11/23/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Icelyn

Song of the Master of War

Woe to those who cross her,
The archer of Aviaron's Peak,
Whose arrows soar like falcons
That cut the air with wings and beak.

Sharp are all her senses;
Keen and supple is her mind.
Her courage in the darkest caves,
Yet like the golden sun does shine!

And when the choice befalls her
To play it safe or rise to meet
An opponent huge and hideous
That her wards should stand between,

Without a thought to her own safety
The hero races then to free
Those souls but for her valor
Soon a grisly fate would meet.

Her voice so like a clarion -
A call to rise and run -
And lo! she passed not into light
Till she'd saved everyone.

Such is the heart that beats inside
The Master bold of War
And let the bards yet sing her song
From Bonespire to Tor!

Written By Rysen

Sept. 23, 2019, 6:37 p.m.(11/20/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Olivia

Thanks again for the book you lent me. It's proven invaluable time and time again.

Written By Rysen

Sept. 18, 2019, 8:01 p.m.(11/10/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Fianna

Shriek? Stray cat? Surely you mean 'battle cry' and 'bear,' right, Cousin?

I'll do my best to keep wolfie out of the hall - but I really want to try and scare Rukhnis at least once, and I feel like the hall is the perfect ambush point - either right when she wakes up or when she's returning from a long shift at the clinic.

Written By Rysen

Sept. 18, 2019, 10:08 a.m.(11/10/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Willow

How much braver is the woman who would face such monsters without the benefit of combat training in order to protect those in need?

Written By Rysen

Sept. 17, 2019, 12:24 p.m.(11/8/1011 AR)

Prince Artur Redrain had given us a large, stuffed wolf, apparently from Twilight Dale, as a wedding gift. The taxidermist did an excellent job, and Prince Artur even had its eyes replaced with rubies, which, as if it didn't look savage enough in its posture and with its fangs bared, also makes it look diseased and bloodthirsty. It's pretty creepy, but I love it.

Mikani has taken to hiding this stuffed wolf in various places to scare me. It's big, so this is no easy task, but Mika has gotten creative. Once she used some rope to hang it from the door of our chamber, so that when I got home (drunk, because Lady Monique and her protege Delia Whisper were offering Stonedeep whiskey, and in the Northlands it is an unforgivable crime to turn down such fine spirits), I opened the door and this hideous wolf swung down upon me. I'm not saying I screamed - it was more like a battle cry, and I wasn't scooting backwards in a panic, I was preparing to kick my assailant.

The incident had a happy ending in so far as I've never heard Mikani laugh so hard, and my battle cry was apparently enough to wake up Rukhnis, who, after staring at me with her beady eyes and shaking her head in what most certainly was not disappointment at my noble reaction to the wolf's ambush, she brewed me some of her disgusting but potent hangover tea, and I woke up the next morning with not so much as a headache.

I'm thinking about regifting the wolf to Countess Arcadia in a really nice big box from Lottie's with a pink bow.

Written By Rysen

Sept. 15, 2019, 3:21 p.m.(11/4/1011 AR)

I made it back to the city in time for the fealty meeting in the Redrain Villa's Great Hall. A group of us had traveled north from Pearlspire to visit the port currently being constructed in Stormwall. On the way we found ourselves mired in deep fog, and happened upon pirates preying on a merchant vessel.

Unfortunately for the pirates, our ship was captained by Lady Peri Seliki, and had on board some of the most renown pirate hunters in Arvum: Lords Ian and Aethan Kennex, as well as Lady Jan. In addition to such skilled warriors and sailors we also had on board the Count of Pearlspire himself, whose axe proved to be a source of might and mercy. When the fog cleared, the pirates found their captives freed and their own ship taken. Those few left alive revealed themselves to be a remnant of the Undrowned Sons, likely drifting southward from the Frozen Sea, preying on what seemed like the easiest targets.

It is said that the unrest in the Isles has brought greater risk to vessels traversing the Mourning Sea. Let those who act in contempt of the law of the Compact take heed: attacks on those under our protection will not be tolerated. Be guided by the light of the law, seek help from the Faith, your lieges, your friends and family - but those who turn to piracy will be destroyed.

Written By Rysen

Sept. 10, 2019, 12:19 p.m.(10/22/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Niklas

I spent a significant part of my life training for maintaining diplomatic relations with the Shav'arvani in Northlands, which often involves fighting - not necessarily because negotiations failed (though that did sometimes occur), but because in the north, the struggle for survival is an unshrouded daily reality. That reality shapes the values of the people who live there, and many a chieftain or matriarch will not even speak to a diplomat from the Compact unless they can prove that they are strong and hardy, blessed by Petrichor and the spirits, and the quickest method they have to determine such fitness is through ritual combat.

In seeking to continue my studies in the arts of diplomacy, I was honored to accept an invitation to learn from Prince Niklas Grayson, where I was exposed to a whole different manner of diplomacy, which has opened my eyes to methods which I have seen firsthand to be exceedingly effective. Prince Niklas is a gifted speaker on any subject, but his method of teaching is entertaining as well as enlightening. He asked me questions, dilated on my responses, provided examples and seasoned the lessons with humorous digressions, which, in the end, proved further illustrations of his points and principles.

I also had the privilege of accompanying the prince on a diplomatic meeting he had been asked to join, involving representatives of Houses Twinstone and Wolfhall and a dispute over some stone that had been quarried and transported, and the price to be paid for it. Prince Niklas listened to both representatives and lauded both Houses for their contributions to the Crownlands. He then gave a hilarious account of an intractable baron whose greed had prevented him from coming to terms with his allies, and whom he had made the principle character in a satiric play he had written that had been recently performed in Arx. We had all seen the play, and laughed together at coming to know the inspiration for that truly unfortunate character. Prince Niklas went on to say that this poor Baron was now so reviled in polite society, that even the commoners in Arx will not acknowledge him, and, that his daughter, for lack of a better option, had married a profligate merchant. Perceiving the prince's aim, I added that I had last seen this merchant in the Golden Hart, gambling away the last of the poor baron's wealth in the most dissipated and shameful manner. Happily, the diplomats of House Twinstone and House Wolfhall decided to accept Prince Niklas's mediation, and offered him several personages who might be a good fit for the villain of his next play.

I learned a great deal from Prince Niklas, and am most grateful for his lessons. When we parted ways, he even gifted me a copy of the classic guide to diplomacy, _In Defense of Lying_, the works of Giovinazzo Pravus. I will cherish it.

Written By Rysen

Sept. 5, 2019, 4 p.m.(10/12/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Eleanor

I am very grateful to those who came to share the history of their weapons recently in the Sanctum of Genesis. Among those who spoke was Dame Eleanor Allenatore, Lord Commander of the King's Own and Voice of the Crown. Though I had not met her before, her reputation and that of the First Captain of the King's Own, Sir Corban, were well known to me. It was a sincere pleasure to meet them in person, and let it be written now in these sacred records of Vellichor, that the aura of inspiration and hope that emanates from Dame Eleanor is inescapable, though beyond my ability to describe.

The Lord Commander presented The King's Own Silver Dueling Long Sword, a weapon of gleaming alaricite, diamonds and dawnstone. She spoke of its history - a history extending back to King Calithex of the Nox'alfar, a history which hung on her shoulders like a hallowed mantle, lending to Dame Eleanor's native kindness and vibrancy, a regal power, calling forth invincible courage in each man and woman who might stand by her in battle, such that even if their bodies should perish, their souls would fly to the Shinning Lands triumphant in the knowledge that the Compact and its gods and traditions would not be suffered to fall.

Many others also shared the history of their weapons, some humble, but imbued with great personal meaning, and others with long traditions. I truly enjoyed hearing each of them, and I learned a lot - both about the weapons, and about the constellation of warriors who wield them.

Written By Rysen

Sept. 3, 2019, 12:04 p.m.(10/8/1011 AR)

The news coming out of the Oathlands is troubling to say the least. There is little I wouldn't give to speak with Emissary Zulana, and I now regret more than ever that I was not present when she addressed the peers of the Compact.

Their concerns are understandable, but their methods are inexcusable. Much can be gained from a peaceful solution, and the hounds of war would strengthen our mutual enemy, but safety without sovereignty is not safety at all. It is slavery.

Written By Rysen

Aug. 31, 2019, 5:15 p.m.(10/2/1011 AR)

It was a blessing to have the High Shaman, Princess Drea Redrain perform a wedding ceremony for Lady Mikani and me. I learned much from her insight into the elements and the underlying powers of nature.

I couldn't imagine a better way to start a new period of our lives, and I am most grateful to Princess Drea, High Lord Darren, and all of our friends and family who came to celebrate with us.

Written By Rysen

Aug. 30, 2019, 6:15 p.m.(9/28/1011 AR)

A famous poet once said that the value of art lies in its ability to delight and instruct. Such was certainly the case in my recent visit to the botanical gardens to watch a play recounting the life and adventures of Weohstan Redrain. The play was well acted by Prince Artur Redrain and Princess Sabella Grayson, who, I am not ashamed to admit, brought me to tears with the elegy she sung in the play's final act.

I also had the privilege of sitting with excellent company, among them my wife, Lady Mikani, Countess Arcadia Stahlben, Lady Thea Malvici, Lady Alessia Mazetti, and the Poet of Tor, Lady Narcissa Fidante in whose hair rested perhaps the most beautiful rose I have ever seen. If I were to have been told ahead of time that the play was a history and involved audience participation - which in all other instances in my experience has been rather cheesy - I might have passed, and been sorry for it too, for the play was an exciting, fun and moving experience. I learned a great deal as well, and I now wish Prince Artur the best of luck in his hunt for Weohstan's vamplate.

Written By Rysen

Aug. 27, 2019, 11:13 a.m.(9/22/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Arcadia

Countess Arcadia has great poetic talent, but her choice of topics is horrendous.

Find a better subject for your verse, My Lady, and your work will find a happier fate than incineration.

Written By Rysen

Aug. 25, 2019, 10:38 a.m.(9/18/1011 AR)

Wit - especially that which cuts in defense of true science, like Princess Marian's blade through the Undrowned Sons - should never be suppressed with violence. For what but wit offers so great a check to absurd behavior and so much amusement to people of all stations?

Written By Rysen

Aug. 23, 2019, 1:52 p.m.(9/14/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Narcissa

Sonnet for Narcissa

O true poet, what light within you shines,
Though shrouded oft in sable verse most grave,
Well wrought in images and tones sublime
That like a potent dream does with us stay

Not for an hour, week or passing year,
But like a timeless, deep and hidden spring,
With inspiration charms our inner ear,
And to our souls gives drink most nourishing.

O true poet, take up your raven's quill!
For to time your verse will not be lost.
Though all of Arvum's life grow cold and still -
Then would Jayus your words still hold in trust,

For if I never more enjoy your verse
I could suffer not a greater curse.

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