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Written By Juniper

Sept. 6, 2018, 3:17 p.m.(7/18/1009 AR)

Whisper House is here for all of your "help me choose the words to say what I really mean so people stop getting offended every time I put ink to paper" needs! Our epistolary skills are second to none.

Isn't that a wonderful word?

A caution: if you truly have gone so far as to insult someone's dog in a fit of pique, words probably will not help. Even excellent and exceptional words like epistolary.

Written By Juniper

Sept. 1, 2018, 7:32 p.m.(7/4/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Gerard

Hello, new favourite armour expert!

Bitten by a beaver sounds much more impressive than fumbled a helmet and got herself maimed. I've never yet seen a beaver that didn't look foul-tempered and I've heard rumours of men dying to their teeth before.

Written By Juniper

Sept. 1, 2018, 6:48 p.m.(7/4/1009 AR)

The good news: I now have a better understanding of what my dearest and more martially inclined friends suffer, and may even eventually have a (much smaller) scar as so many of them do!

The bad news: I earned it by getting myself bitten by a helmet.

I'm afraid that after the tale of how this happened spreads, no one will believe me when I say I really am not usually so clumsy. It was a very cleverly designed helmet, one which I am sure is quite effective at its intended purpose. But it was also much heavier than I expected when I asked to see it and in trying not to drop it, I snapped shut the face thing on my hand. No amount of dancing acumen was able to save me from my own lack of strength.

On a sidenote, what's the name for the face thing? If I'm going to sit here bandaged and feeling ridiculous, it seems a good moment to also educate myself (because learning something new is always an excellent pick me up). Luckily it wasn't my writing hand so I can share both this warning (be careful with helmets) and the request for education.

Written By Juniper

Aug. 28, 2018, 7:58 p.m.(6/24/1009 AR)

Before Vellichor and those who've taken up the cause of Stormwall, no matter their side, I beg your indulgence and patience. Whisper House has been engaged to seek resolution between all affected parties. I understand this is a matter of some passion for all involved!

But we ask that you aid us in building unity by taking a moment to reflect on what will help this situation, rather than what will add more fuel to an unfortunate fire.

With your help (and a little patience, gods and spirits allowing!) we will find a way forward. Thank you.

Written By Juniper

Aug. 19, 2018, 10:28 p.m.(6/5/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Riagnon

I've heard he single-handedly slayed a ravenous, bloodthirsty, book-destroying bear. Or was it that he intends to? One or the other.

Written By Juniper

Aug. 19, 2018, 10:27 p.m.(6/5/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Rhea

My most thoughtful, gracious and creative Lady is now wed! I was privileged to see her rise from Lady to Marquessa, and now I have had a hand in seeing her take the next step in this life, which is truly a blessing. I'm fortunate to have served her as lady's maid and more fortunate to have her as a friend.

Addendum: This was not a paid endorsement of the Marquessa in question. I truly do just like her that much and am not angling to have at least one child named after me.

Post-Addendum Addendum: Though if she did, I would be very, very honoured.

Written By Juniper

Aug. 10, 2018, 5:55 a.m.(5/14/1009 AR)

Sometimes, in Arx, it feels to me that there are more people than stars. Objectively I know this to be untrue but feelings rarely follow absolute truth and tonight, it felt like all the stars in the firmament were collected in the Menagerie.

On a sidenote, a heavenly menagerie would be breathtaking, wouldn't it? How does one craft a habitat for comets? What is the ideal bedding material for a star? What do suns eat, and what tonics do you give them when they're ailing? Oh, I need to look at the heavens more often. What a precious world we live in.

But back to the original point of my taking quill in hand. There were very many people at the masquerade tonight and at first I thought I'd made a mistake in going (probably not a wise thing for a Whisper to admit in public but there it is, the truth -and- my feelings) but then a stranger petitioned for someone to dance with his friend, and I needed a dance partner as well, and we almost won the entire competition! I feel compelled to mention here, on the heels of my heavenly menagerie idea, that it was the masked sun and moon who did win the thing.

Coincidence? I think -not-.

Congratulations to our celestial victors, and a grateful kiss blown right from my ink-stained fingers to these people in order: the bull who was my dancing partner, the silver wolf who made it possible for us to pair up, the artisans who made such exquisite prizes, and whomever was brave and wonderful enough to decide to attend as a sad-face stump.

You, sir or madam, are the true winner, I think we can all agree.

Written By Juniper

Aug. 9, 2018, 4:38 p.m.(5/13/1009 AR)

On the occasion of my now having been in Arx for a week, I’ll record some of my impressions:

The love of mountains and high places must be bred in our bones. The farther you go from mountain ranges, the higher people seem to build their structures. We seem to be most comfortable when something is towering over us!

People have been fascinated that a Whisper could have been born in a mining camp. I hadn’t expected to find others— particularly the high born!— interested in the origin story of a lowborn no one! Proof positive that what is commonplace to one is exotic to another, though my family would laugh at me to hear me imply our home exotic.

People need only the slimmest crack in the door of opportunity to want to kick it open and shower others with generosity. Such gifts I have received this week! I will be giving adoring looks and grateful thank you notes for the next five years in order to keep the balance.

It is always very very important to make certain you clearly write the name of the addressee when sending messengers. On the other hand, if you are not clear and that message makes it into the hands of a stranger, sometimes the gods are kind and bring you a trustworthy stranger to return the letter. From such mishaps come interesting evenings and the disappearance of a truly impressive amount of expensive wine.

I really need to get a move on in regards to acquiring some impressive titles. I’m so far behind the curve I risk titles going out of fashion before I win any good ones.

Poets have a thousand and one pretty words for the joy of living near the sea but they never ever warn you about how everything smells fishy while it’s being pretty.

Written By Juniper

Aug. 6, 2018, 6:12 p.m.(5/3/1009 AR)

I’ve not yet had the good fortune to witness one of the famous Arxian duels but would very much like to do so. Perhaps someone involved in the recent kerfuffle— finally, a chance to use that word!— will issue a challenge to duel to settle the matter of duels. Then I can attend and everyone wins, including me!

Except for the loser, I suppose. But I shall pay for a drink for them from my own purse, should this all come to pass, Limerance’s honour. That way we’re all back to everyone winning again.

Written By Juniper

Aug. 4, 2018, 5:21 p.m.(4/27/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Bliss

The life she's led would have left me for dead years ago and in five minutes of conversation it's clear there's yet much she intends to achieve. Truly she's a breathtaking example of what a person such as myself can strive for... though I'll have to find other routes. Those she's taken would be impossible for me to follow in kind.

Written By Juniper

Aug. 4, 2018, 5:18 p.m.(4/27/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Saedrus

When it comes to accepting compliments, he is as slippery as the silk he wears. But such grace! Such warmth and compassion, and I've not yet met anyone who can match him for the care and consideration he shows others. Would that I can be so serenely contained and yet so available to the needs of others; if I ever manage it, I'll have achieved more than I'm presently worthy of in life.

Written By Juniper

Aug. 4, 2018, 2:44 a.m.(4/26/1009 AR)

I really ought to record the perils of the journey from the North, or the events which have led to my leaving the immediate service of my Lady Rhea to enter into the keeping of the Whispers. Here in the House, in a room where only Whispers may go-- and now me among them!-- I sat down to pen this and found the words just wouldn't come. I've managed (with immense grace and dignity, befitting of my new station) to smear ink on my chin while I've dawdled and hemmed and hawed and tried to force the words to take to the page.

Note to self: do stop chewing on your pens.

So, instead of tales of travel and internal seachange, I will write this (with what ink remains to dip my pen into): the water, seen over city walls and the false-forest of masts in the Bay, is such a strange quicksilver shade when struck by sunlight that there needs to be a poet's word for that colour; it deserves capture. Is anyone up to the task? A word or phrase to encompass that flashing light and dark colour, where hue and movement join to make something wholly itself. The tangible and intangible blending...

No, it's gone, I've lost it. But I've a new home, a new room, and new mentors dueling for my affections (and ever so modestly declaring the other superior to themselves, how sweet and gracious are they!). Requiring more from the world tonight would just be greedy.

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