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Written By Dominique

Feb. 12, 2017, 10:29 p.m.(12/1/1005 AR)

I feel like a puzzle piece in the wrong box some days. Days I want to shake every brick down into dust out of anger. Everywhere I look, I am not a part of anything. I sit alone and draw war machines. My head is going to hurt in the morning I can feel it. I still do not understand this fun. I rightly do not belong. I am scribbling on. I will keep drinking the pain away so the shadows stay away. The darkness doesn't seep.. so I can get some sleep.

Written By Dominique

Feb. 10, 2017, 1:40 p.m.(11/24/1005 AR)

My mother always said, "If you are losing hope, you are not doing enough." Though, when I try to be helpful, I feel I fall short. All I have to do is fulfill my duties and responsibilities. I sparred with Lord Ansel, quite faster than I anticipated, and hits hard! I am still mending bruises. I am glad I called mercy when I did. Walking with another limp was not something I would enjoy.

I feel disconnected. But I am not sure how to connect. I spend most of my time on this design for the war machine. Though I understand the vague mechanics of it. I am unsure how I would build such a monstrous thing. It is the hope that a one manned machine may save the lives of many others. I miss my sister and cousin. Bianca is so busy and so smart. She seems to know everyone and is so good and socializing. I still flounder haunted by the ghosts of my past.

I could do more. But I don't know where I would better serve my family, house and the compact. Life greatly lacks fulfillment.

Written By Dominique

Feb. 8, 2017, 6:28 p.m.(11/19/1005 AR)

I had a moment yesterday to get acquainted with Dame Ida's new pet, Runtystiltskin. I also had a chance to spar with her. She is steep competition with just her fists! It is nice to be able to spar with someone that is of my own gender. You know.. land a strike once in a while.

Written By Dominique

Jan. 30, 2017, 4:12 p.m.(10/20/1005 AR)

All these questions about a future husband has me in a tizzy. Anyone ever thought that I wanted a wife? A partner. Though... I suppose that makes the subject of heirs a tad more difficult.

Written By Dominique

Jan. 29, 2017, 12:13 p.m.(10/16/1005 AR)

It has come to my attention with heavy sadness that the House of Wyrmguard has dwindling numbers. My house needs heirs. Unfortunately, this responsibility lies on me. I would not force this responsibility on my sibling or my cousins. I will have to search for suitors soon. It will be out of a sense of duty and responsibility.

Written By Dominique

Jan. 28, 2017, 2:19 p.m.(10/14/1005 AR)

The study of Floriography and flowers. Nightshade is deadly. The toxin is know to cause bizarre delirium and hallucinations... perhaps feeling of love. Love or Delirium may be the same thing. I haven't experienced either, so I wouldn't know first hand. This is why you do not trust flowers.

Written By Dominique

Jan. 27, 2017, 5:49 p.m.(10/11/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Merek

It was nice to spar with someone today. I meet Mister Merek Black, my cousin's new patron. He's skilled but I didn't realize how fast I am. I should have eased up. I will run out of challengers if I keep up like this.

Written By Dominique

Jan. 26, 2017, 7:37 p.m.(10/8/1005 AR)

I have very little experience with the sea. Growing up in Blancbier I have more in common with mountains than the beach. We do have some traditions, some simple family traditions. Sea is odd because the tide is stronger than a lake. I almost set the dock on fire by under estimating the tide. I think I figured it out now. I wait until the tide is headed out and a send a wreath of white lilies with candles out to guide Damon home or to peace. Whichever it is. I do this once a week now. Sometimes I can see the candles flicker far off on the moonless nights.

Written By Dominique

Jan. 22, 2017, 7:03 p.m.(9/24/1005 AR)

I had a leather case commissioned for my dear cousin Bianca. She cannot be running around the city with important documents and my secret crushes on princes without having a lot on the case! Now they'll be easy to carry and she won't be victim to the wind.

Written By Dominique

Jan. 22, 2017, 12:57 p.m.(9/24/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Damon

Poetic & Dearly Missed Brother

Written By Dominique

Jan. 22, 2017, 9:54 a.m.(9/23/1005 AR)

I had the honor of losing to Duke Leo this week in a spar. I was at least able to land one blow before he danced around all the others. I need to be faster and train harder.

Written By Dominique

Jan. 21, 2017, 8:19 p.m.(9/21/1005 AR)

I stumbled upon a text about Floriography. I may use this more often. Possibly for my own amusements or messages.

Though some days I am just invisible and cryptic to some already.

Written By Dominique

Jan. 15, 2017, 10:53 a.m.(9/2/1005 AR)

Sometimes it feel right when I gain a ray of hope, it is stolen from me twice as quickly. I am certain this void will never mend. I pity any who stand in my way now. I will show no mercy after everything that has been taken from me.

Written By Dominique

Jan. 14, 2017, 7:44 a.m.(8/27/1005 AR)

Losing a father is an eventual. Losing a younger brother should never happened. I have failed to protect them as promised. And now appearance of elves? I have to practice my smile. I fear this pain will never leave.

I love you brother. I hope you find peace with Father and Grandfather. Now to entertain guests and plan a memorial service.

Written By Dominique

Jan. 13, 2017, 10:48 a.m.(8/24/1005 AR)

The mournful wails of agonizing grief can be heard all the way back to the Oathlands and back for the House Wyrmguard.

Confirmed reports of Lord Damon Wyrmguard Missing. Howver no confirmation on his death or findings of his remains.

The House of Wyrmguard is now on lock down during this time of mourning and searching for their lost kin. A reward for promising information on Lord Damon's Disappearance has been posted by myself.

Written By Dominique

Jan. 10, 2017, 9:33 p.m.(8/17/1005 AR)

Last 24 hours have been emotional, wrought with lack of sleep.

Today was full of more hope for myself. A better peace. Even though there has been disappointments and heart break, there is always room for growth.

Even after a flowering lily is burned to the ground, the bulb will still rise life after a resting season.

There is still hope.

After this evenings duel. How does a person get people to duel over them? I'll never be so lucky since I can fight for myself. I couldn't possibly take a side they both had valid points and fought well. Duke Leo Fidante said so many passionate words, make a goddess swoon. I had to leave so much roar and ruckus.

Bed early tonight, after restless sleep for many nights. Sleepless Knights.

Written By Dominique

Jan. 10, 2017, 3:37 a.m.(8/15/1005 AR)

I am unable to sleep this evening. Life heavy on my mind. I suppose I should try a stiff drink to steady myself for sleep. I need answers and the one person I want to speak with to clarify things, is so dreadfully far away. What would Father do?

Written By Dominique

Jan. 9, 2017, 10:35 p.m.(8/14/1005 AR)

Learning from my own mistakes can make me a better person. Seems I have some light bedtime reading ahead of me tonight. Though I'd rather dream and feel the grass between my toes. Or maybe wet sand beneath my feet.

Written By Dominique

Jan. 8, 2017, 9:14 p.m.(8/11/1005 AR)

It should be known that my brother, Lord Damon Wyrmguard, after careful thought and consideration; no longer speaks for my house, myself or my family. His voice to speak for mine is suspended from this point forward until I see fit. This is with a heavy heart and a sound mind I make this request.

May the circles of life keep us, protect us and keep us connected.

Written By Dominique

Jan. 8, 2017, 7:52 p.m.(8/11/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Desiree

Oh Joyous day my little sister is with us! Blessed be to see Desiree's smiling face again, brings me such joy and hope all over again.

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