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Written By Caith

May 21, 2018, 11:56 p.m.(10/14/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Elloise

Oh Elly.


Stumphrey is the most majestic creature that has ever existed. He is the champion of Thrax, the champion of Arx, the champion of all Arvum. Centuries from now, legends will preserve his memory.

(He is my corgi.)

Written By Caith

May 21, 2018, 11:38 p.m.(10/14/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Luca

Oh Luca. I much prefer Jaenelle's answer on this issue.

However, I can appreciate your position. I would destroy anyone who tried to take Stumphrey from me.

Written By Caith

May 21, 2018, 6:11 p.m.(10/14/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Luca

It is rather vexing that Lucy continues to dodge my question on whether nor not he’ll give me one of his kittens. It is making me rather sad.

So sad.

Much sadness.

Why, Lucy? Why must you torment me?

Written By Caith

May 21, 2018, 12:25 a.m.(10/12/1008 AR)

Why is that when you seek out the answer to a question, all you find are about five new questions?

Written By Caith

May 20, 2018, 11:14 p.m.(10/12/1008 AR)

Oh dear.

It has happened. I have done it. I have broken and repelled someone with my puns.

How very .. PUNfortunate.

Written By Caith

May 17, 2018, 7:37 p.m.(10/6/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

We do?!

Where is it?
Is it a boy kitten or a girl kitten?
Does it have a name yet? y/n
--> If it doesn't have a name yet, can I help naming it? I have ideas!
What color is it?
Is it fluffy?

Oh my goodness, I am SO excited!

Written By Caith

May 17, 2018, 7:21 p.m.(10/6/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Luca

You're welcome.

PS: May I have a kitten?

Written By Caith

May 17, 2018, 4:39 p.m.(10/6/1008 AR)

I adore you. Truly, madly, deeply .. I do.

Written By Caith

May 15, 2018, 2:41 p.m.(10/1/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Luca

Oh! Please don't drag your cock. That sounds incredibly painful. At the very least, make certain that your hands are well moisturized.

And thank you for the clarification! I missed that duel as well so I only heard things second-hand. I seem to miss all the good displays of .. swordsmanship. Darn it all! Considering that you were defending my honor -- well, Cassima's honor to be offended on my behalf or something to that effect -- the sisters Thrax thank you (and your cock) for the victory! Hooray!

[To the Scholars: Again, many apologies for all the talk about Prince Luca's genitalia. I promise that when I woke up this morning, my intention was not to write AT LENGTH (do you see what I did there, Luca?!) about such things. But this is the world we live in, I suppose!]

Written By Caith

May 15, 2018, 2:14 p.m.(10/1/1008 AR)

Goodness gracious!

I was going to journal about this lovely autumn day but apparently the thought on everyone's minds is the most recent duel! I never realized that deciding whether or not bars can be noisy, sociable places required reverence on the sand. Good to know, Arx! Thank you -- every day is a journey. The more you know, that's what I always say!

Although --

Considering that a recent duel between Caspian and Prince Luca resulted in His Highness stripping completely nude and I do not recall there being any fuss afterward, Jeffeth's chest must have been ASTOUNDING and Bliss' moves AMAZING in order to stir up such a hullabaloo! It's either that or Luca's genitalia is .. no, no, no. Clearly, Jeffeth's torso must simply be -that- shocking!

It makes me a bit sore that I missed it.

So if any of the artisans in the city would like to create a painting of Bliss and Jeffeth's duel for me, please reach out! I mean, if it doesn't offend your eyes, that is. Which, if it does, simply heightens my curiosity. Goodness, what did I miss?!

[To the Scholars: I am sorry that I brought up Prince Luca's genitalia and made it part of historical record. I am sure it -- his genitalia -- is very nice.]

Written By Caith

May 13, 2018, 4:44 p.m.(9/25/1008 AR)

Oh my goodness, I wake up this morning with such a headache. SUCH A HEADACHE. No, no. Uppercase letters hurt my eyes. So its:

such a headache. shhhhh...

I was out and about yesterday evening when I got delightfully caught up in a pub crawl. From what I recall, I was asked to come up with names for various drinks. For posterity, I record them here --

- A Sooty Clambake: A blend of Northern Whiskeys with cinnamon and, for some reason, a vague hint of fish
- Ashcrack: Cheap, terrible whiskey

There was a third drink -- rose water, vodka, and a taste of cherry juice -- but I seem to have, ah, forgotten what I came up with for that one. Yes. Completely forgotten. What a tragedy. So sad. So, so sad.

Written By Caith

May 13, 2018, 4:51 a.m.(9/24/1008 AR)

What a day. So many revelations. I sit here now with this bottle of wine and a glass that constantly needs refilling, not knowing what to make of all of them but to repeat:

What a day.

Written By Caith

May 9, 2018, 8:55 p.m.(9/17/1008 AR)

I always thought the point of the Salon was to lounge around drinking. The debate part was just a bit of a fancy excuse to do that. I mean, people aren't actually expecting anything more, right?

Written By Caith

May 7, 2018, 4:54 p.m.(9/13/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Itzal

They might not appeal as much but they would be much more appropriately named.

Written By Caith

May 7, 2018, 4:29 p.m.(9/13/1008 AR)

I'm not sure how the whites got their name with all the mud being slung in them all the time.


Written By Caith

May 6, 2018, 5:42 p.m.(9/11/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Coraline

Goat names?

Well, there is always the classic 'Billy'. If you want to be clever, name it 'Scape'. If you want to laugh endlessly?


Written By Caith

May 6, 2018, 2:39 p.m.(9/11/1008 AR)

I like nicknames.

I think they indicate a warm affection that one has for another person, a comfort between two souls that allows for teasing familiarity. It can be affection shared between family, between friends, between lovers. Granted, there is a time and place to use them. Casual settings: yes. Formal occasions: no. Also, there comes a time when it is appropriate to retire childhood nicknames and upgrade to something more fitting.

So, as someone who has recently shed her nickname of youth, I will entertain suggestions of what nickname suits me now*.

*Don't be mean. Hurtful nicknames are the antithesis of sincere nicknames.

Written By Caith

April 30, 2018, 1:13 a.m.(8/23/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Saoirse

Option one, path one:

Why do people even do this? This sounds very dumb. Seduction is strange; I already feel like I am learning a lesson.

Written By Caith

April 30, 2018, 1:03 a.m.(8/23/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Saoirse

So. Option one, path one:

When you say that you won't come calling or send me any messages, will you have at first told me that you intend to and thus leaving me to wait anxiously for word from you? Because I have heard that is a thing.

Written By Caith

April 30, 2018, 12:37 a.m.(8/23/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Saoirse

I cannot decide if this would help or hurt our relationship.

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