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Written By Belladonna

July 14, 2018, 11:11 p.m.(3/11/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Eleyna

Quite. I suppose we could always mine more of the lands for gems. Do you suppose diamonds will soon be low quality as well? We could always invest more into fish and seafood, I suppose.

Written By Belladonna

July 14, 2018, 10:35 p.m.(3/11/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Eleyna

Well. Since silk is apparently so low quality, I suppose I can have all my people halt the harvesting. That will, of course, mean also halting the production of seasilk, umbra, and aeterna... given that all three items base material is 'just silk'. I'm sure they will be happy for the respite from the silk fields. Perhaps we can instead turn them into good farmlands instead. I understand oils and butters are quite popular right now.

Written By Belladonna

June 23, 2018, 12:22 p.m.(1/24/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Lydia

You did not deign to speak to either Cassius or myself in the -months- after our return from Setarco. Never once did you reach out or attempt to make contact. Not to either of us. It was only -after- Cassius' death (nearly a year after our return) that you decided was a good time to finally try to make contact.

As they say, too little, too late.

And your cousin is an idiot.

Written By Belladonna

June 20, 2018, 4:35 p.m.(1/18/1009 AR)

Yes, do. My son loves to turn them into enemy boats he can sink in the bath.

..and I will enjoy the chuckle.

Written By Belladonna

June 17, 2018, 4:37 p.m.(1/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Elloise

Inquisitor Godric was perfectly hospitable when I made the trip to the morgue to collect my late husband's belongings. He may not be very -chatty-, but I don't know that I would want someone like that in his position. He was polite, offered conversation if I wanted, or silence if I did not, and most of all, he was a consummate professional.

Written By Belladonna

June 17, 2018, 3:33 p.m.(1/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Jordan

Actually, I was comparing the words and actions of one Dominus to the words of another Dominus. I am not that sloppy, thank you very much.

Written By Belladonna

June 17, 2018, 12:42 p.m.(1/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Reigna

That was a very well-worded reply, and one that has actually given me something more to think about. You have made your point well Countess... or is it Marquessa now? Admittedly, my social followings have been less ardent of late. In either case, thank you for giving me something more to chew on before making a new conclusion.

Written By Belladonna

June 17, 2018, 12:02 p.m.(1/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Rhea

Have you... have you ever heard anything at all about me? Truly? Is this your first experience? How droll.

Let me assure you, my people are well aware of my actions. They are also well aware that I will continue to provide for them, as I have done, through all the scandals that have touched this House. We are not called the 'Sins', for nothing.

And.. aren't you from one of those minor Nightgold branches that nobody heard anything about until you got into so much trouble that you were being sent away to some remote place where you couldn't damage your family's reputation anymore? And yet.. here you are... auspiciously Marquessa to a dead House left behind by a Prince. A -Lycene- Prince, I might add. How amusing that you're attempting to proselytize to -anyone- on proper behavior.

Written By Belladonna

June 17, 2018, 11:43 a.m.(1/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Rhea

Except I did. I did say that he was taken into custody. After the Convocation, the Iron Guard took Fawkhul into custody. Plain and simple. And no matter how you want to 'pretty' it up, Fawkhul had the title of Dominus removed from him. And given that I knew your cousin FAR better, and more intimately, than you ever could... I'll thank you to cease speaking on what he would have wanted. You clearly knew him not at all.

Written By Belladonna

June 17, 2018, 11:36 a.m.(1/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Orazio

Perhaps you should check my past postings yourself, Legate. I never claimed that Fawkhul was -charged- with Esera's murder, I said he murdered her. People -saw- him push her from the bridge. Or would you shame the memory of Archduchess Esera Velenosa by claiming that he -didn't- push her physically from the bridge? I myself stated that he was never put to trial, that there was no execution. That Fawkhul simply managed to 'disappear'. Which, if he has not and you are aware of where he -is-, that is information that I am sure everyone from the Iron Guard to the King's Own would love to know. Whether he chose to stand down or not, he still lost the title 'Dominus'.

As to the current situation. If Fawkhul is so innocent of wrongdoing as you seem to be implying that he is, then what is the harm in making the comparison? If he was innocent of all that he was accused of, shouldn't the comparison to the current Dominus then be a good one? Its only if you accept that Fawkhul was guilty of the accusations that the comparison turns ugly.

Written By Belladonna

June 17, 2018, 11:09 a.m.(1/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Rhea

Then perhaps, my dear, you should leave the accounting to those of us who were actually present in the city and knew all the parties involved, instead of recollecting from a single written statement?

Esera was not absolved when she was killed, she had gone to meet the Dominus on Sovereign Bridge, to seek her absolution. When her words were not what the Dominus wanted to hear, he grew wrathful and pushed her from the bridge. The Dominus then fled to the rectory while the Convocation was called, with the Iron Guard standing just outside. With a new Dominus named, Fawkhul was stripped of his own title and taken into custody by the Iron Guard, as lead by Prince Ainsley Grayson and Prince Laric Grayson. From there, well... nobody quite knows. Or if they do, they aren't saying. But he wasn't given trial, nor sentenced, there was no execution. He simply disappeared.

The other High Lords, again, either paid their penance or, in some cases, died and their replacements had not been excommunicated in the first place.

Written By Belladonna

June 17, 2018, 10:18 a.m.(1/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Sparte

Actually... and here is where I will part of the secret of the creation of seasilk... drape it on a line, or hang it loosely as the case may be, and let it dry in the sun and wind. Once the garment is dry, apply just a little steam to allow the fabric to loosen back to its luxurious state.

What, you didn't think the striation of color was -all- in the dyes, did you? The sun is key!

Written By Belladonna

June 17, 2018, 8:51 a.m.(1/11/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Preston

Yes, right up until the point Dominus Fawkhul pushed Archduchess Esera Velenosa from Sovereign Bridge. At which point he was taken into custody, stripped of his position, and Esera was granted posthumous forgiveness by the Faith, if I'm not mistaken. That the other High Lords sought forgiveness -before- his regrettable break from sanity was discovered is moot.

Written By Belladonna

June 17, 2018, 8:38 a.m.(1/11/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Preston

Just because one person's viewpoints are right, does not automatically make another person's viewpoints wrong, Sir Preston. We are a cohesive group with many beliefs and walks of life. What is right for one person may not be right for another. That does not make them wrong anymore than what is right for -you- making another's choices wrong for not having walked the same path.

I believe you are trying to force an issue with many shades of gray into stark black and white. There is not 'what is right and what is wrong'. There is 'what is right for -you-?'. And that is a question that every person in Arx, Shaman or Priest, Common or Noble, should be asking themselves right now. The Gods give us much.. including the right to -choose- what is right for us as individuals. What is saddening people throughout the city is that they are being told that what is -right- for them is actually -wrong- because it does not follow what someone else thinks it should be.

What is worrisome is that the Faith is now dictating who can and cannot help those in need based upon that idea of right and wrong. The Scholars, the Mercies, these organizations will suffer with the loss of those who -rightly- refuse to step away from the ideological path that is right -for them- and thus are made to step away. I, for one, cannot understand why it matters so much if the person I look to for help in finding an obscure reference to a fabric blend from 300 years ago believes wholly in Vellichor or if they feel that the spirits of the world are also entities to be acknowledged. I doubt my late husband, a man of devout Faith and member of the Knights of Solace, would have cared if it was a shaman who closed his wounds on the battlefield so long as they did a proper job of it. I know for damn sure neither he nor I would give one fuck what mingled beliefs they held if it meant healing our son of an illness.

I will leave one final reminder. The last time we had a Dominus decide that something was not allowed because it went against the Faith, High Lords were excommunicated and an Archduchess lost her life. Pray we are not looking to repeat history by substituting the Nox'alfar with the Shamans.

Written By Belladonna

June 3, 2018, 11:30 p.m.(11/28/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Mydas

Clearly you've gone soft. You're writing in the Whites again. Softy.

((Because Cassius would have wanted you teased for this))

Written By Belladonna

May 22, 2018, 2:03 p.m.(10/15/1008 AR)

What my feelings are regarding my husband's death are nobody's business but my own. That I do not make a public spectacle of wailing and beating my chest and pulling my hair is very deliberate. My private life is exactly that, private.

However, since it apparently offends some people so much that I do not openly weep over his death, let me apologize. I am sorry that I do not have the time to put on a better show for your public consumption. I am sorry that I have additional duties now laid upon my shoulders with my husband's passing that I must sort through and deal with, rather than adding to the already substantial sums being offered for information about his death. I am sorry that my way of dealing with his death is not up to your exacting standards.

And to those of you who truly knew Cassius, expect an invitation shortly.

Written By Belladonna

May 20, 2018, 2:13 a.m.(10/10/1008 AR)

It was so nice to see that a wake for my husband has been set up already. One that I was neither informed of, nor asked about. And one in a manner that he himself would have found abhorrent. But I suppose its less about remembering him and more about seeming the grieving family to a man they hadn't spoken to in months, possibly longer.

Written By Belladonna

May 17, 2018, 1:22 a.m.(10/4/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Percephon


The "Just Another Cog In The Sea"?

Written By Belladonna

May 15, 2018, 5:03 p.m.(10/2/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Eirene

Cassius' death in NOT your fault. Much as I hate to admit it, he was always destined for a young and violent death, and you well know why. Death surrounds some of us. We cannot control it, we cannot stop it. We must simply learn to bear up under the burden and keep going. I could share an even longer death toll of my own, Lady Malvici, but it would do none of them any good to lament my culpability in their deaths.

Now, as I believe you would say... Pick your ass up, have a shot of something strong, and go kill something, for fuck's sake.

Written By Belladonna

May 15, 2018, 3:31 p.m.(10/1/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Saoirse

You did not say 'mostly'. You said 'explicitly'. If you wish to mean what you say, you should say what you mean.

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