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Written By Orland

March 14, 2021, 3:36 p.m.(2/11/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Coraline

Thoughts of discovering a new path, a new patron, and a new Order....

During the Victory Celebration held at House Leporidae, where I and many others were awarded medals for our valor during the sea battle and siege of Scythia, I found myself quickly intrigued by the talk of the Order of East Light. The Grandmaster, Princess Coraline, was there speaking toward the value of such a knighthood. I admit, I was quickly enthralled by the notion of joining.

It made sense. For me, for my future, for Bravura, for those who look to me for protection or will look to me for protection, for those who had already trained me to have allowed me to survive thus far, it all made sense.

I have pledged myself to Princess Coraline, as her squire, as her protege, as a young man looking forward to grow himself and his merits. I only have a few moments left to reflect, since I'm to meet her to spar after I finish my essay she's assigned me to write on what Knighthood means to me...

All I know is I enjoy my freedom to be able to choose. I know this isn't going to be an easy path, this isn't going to be one with a destination, this is a life style that I'll live, but I feel good about this choice, this path, this journey. However... ask me that in three days time. Cora is a taskmasker like none other....

Written By Orland

March 14, 2021, 3:14 p.m.(2/11/1015 AR)

Thoughts of ... someone who gained their freedom through battle...

In the circles of my world, those closest to me knew of a condition I had acquired in Greypeak. There was a creature we encountered, which I came later to understand what it was and which I won't name in the whites for appropriate reasons, but, one that inevitably was linked to an entity of greater malice and greater tyrannical ways, which I will here in reference as the Dark Queen. This initial creature, a cannibal of sorts, attacked all of us, but struck with sharpened teeth to bite me. A mark was left upon my body that was confirmed by accredited sources to be of an abyssal taint and one I could only remove by three indicated choices: Die, Surrender to the Dark Queen, or kill the Dark Queen. My companions inevitably killed the cannibal, but this bite mark left me attached in a way, to this Dark Queen. She called to me at night and tormented me every time I closed my eyes. She promised me many things I knew couldn't possibly be true. She wanted me to submit and be her servant. She wouldn't let me sleep. She caused me pain in my skull when I resisted.

Six months pass and I finally was able to confront my choices. I knew what they were. I decided there were only two options that were acceptable. My death, or the death of the Queen.

Our one leader, Lord Remus, decided to send our forces in at night, to reclaim the Fortress of Scythia from the enemies under the Dark Queen's influence. I can say that the chaos was increased ten fold by the darkness of our disembarking. As I was leaping over the side of the longship that had coasted into the shallows, I was felled at once by an arrow. Savio followed behind me and was also struck, worse than I was. There was an endless volley of arrows raining down on us. People died all around us. Somehow we managed to drag each other up the beach, with help from Balnam, an Ivory Shield that literally shielded us and half dragged us across the sands.

There we hunkered down for a bit, while the combined leaders of the armies tasked the various units to proceed and overrun the trenches that the archers had been sending volleys from. I thought I was probably going to die, or Savio was, or both of us were. I had some deep reflections at that point, and I allowed the happiness of our stolen moments wash over me as my heart thundered like it never has before.

At some point, we had to press forward as well, or sit there and die. We did the best we could. I had to go my separate way from Savio though, as much as I hated the thought. I had already committed to meeting the Dark Queen and going with an elite squad of killers. They moved quick and I had to stay with them. Running full tilt with an arrow lodged inside me is not something I'd choose to experience again, yet, the choices were still with me. Die, or kill the Queen. If I was going to die anyway I thought, at least let it be with my blade out and trying to prevent this from happening to anyone else. So I ran, feeling my blood making my side wet.

The Elite unit got us inside the castle, however not before we had to eliminate forward scout units of the enemy. They would've raised the alarm hadn't we engaged them. I took down two enemy scouts that had tried to warn of our coming, Giorgio having warned me in time to avoid being stabbed in the back by one. That's a moment I will not forget. A man who has your back like that in battle, is one that has my loyalty for life.

Further on we went, I was led through dark tunnels, twisting this way and that. Servants passages perhaps. I didn't stop to ask. I could feel the Dark Queen's presence, as if her voice had grown ever louder. I was given an amulet to keep the Dark Queen from exploding me... with whatever powers she was capable of using. I also didn't have time to ask about that. I was taken through a wall. On the other side, in a secret chamber, there she was. A woman armored in shadows, standing twelve feet tall, her hair flowing in a cloud of white. I was told to wait and not move until there was a chance...

But the Dark Queen felt me there. She did something to me, I was unable to resist her calling to me and asking me to come to her. I felt my body move on it's on accord, while my inner mind was fighting upon itself. It felt so good to finally give in, didn't it? All those months fighting, all those months of struggle. I could just surrender and she could use me as a sacrifice to gain her more Power. It was something that to this moment, makes me cringe. She exploded someone attacking her, with something she took from me, twisted with her powers. But after, as she was fighting off the Elite force, I was released of her grip.

I had only a split moment to decide what to do as I sagged upright, where she had left me. She had done something to me that made my limbs feel cold. She took something from me. I cannot say what. I don't know what. I have some guesses, but I'll never quite know for sure. She was keeping back the Elite squad, fighting them, faster than I could possibly keep up with. Yet, she had forgotten me. She had forgotten that I was so very close to her right then. I remembered I used a ploy, one of words, charming her to my supplication.

She either didn't hear me, or if she did, believed me to be convinced of my choice. What she knew next was that I was right there in front of her. My knife thrust through her heart. The look of shock on her face matched my satisfaction of ending the one who had tormented my nights.

She collapsed back, aged rapidly, then turned into a .. mist of blood one could say.

I don't remember much other than the sudden weight of exhaustion come over me. It had been months since I properly slept and months since my mind had been quiet. The whole world went dark ...

... When I came too, I was back in Arx. Feeling Good.

Written By Orland

March 7, 2021, 4:11 p.m.(1/25/1015 AR)

Thoughts of ... someone receiving gifts...

It wasn't used to receiving gifts.. I'm probably terrible at it. It wasn't until coming back to Arx that I really appreciated the gesture.

Lately, I have been gifted some extraordinary things. A painting of Savio and I, a spoon necklace, dirt perfume, and a fox taxidermy piece. These are things that I wouldn't have considered ever buying for myself. I owe thanks to Egon and Zyx.

But then looking back, I received gifts of rum and whiskey, a flask, clothes, and even a cat!!

If I didn't appreciate it properly, I do. I truly do. It humbles me that people would think of me enough to do this.


Written By Orland

March 7, 2021, 3:58 p.m.(1/25/1015 AR)

Thoughts of a ... warrior....

Storming the beach was a nightmare all itself. Savio and I didn't make it off the boat before we were struck by arrows that if a little right or left... would have ended us.

I used to think war was not necessary, that it was pointless. But then I realized if I sat back and did nothing, then I'm no better than a Thrall. We have choice to fight for our continued freedom and as soon as we stop fighting, we give the power of choice to someone who will choose for us.

I do not want to live with someone else making my choices.

I fought and it was my blade that killed the one, a false Queen, who would have sacrificed me for her gain and taken away my choice with her compulsion. I would do it again, to keep my choice alive.

Written By Orland

Feb. 24, 2021, 7:23 p.m.(1/3/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Mikani

Thoughts of an ...athletic small blades... student...

Mikani is absolutely one of my favourite teachers, in fact, sorry Teague, probably my favourite. She always pushes me when I'm at my absolute worst. Ever try running balance beams when you're not completely ... sober? I don't recommend it, as it winds up with there being grass stains on your face, when you face plant.

But this time, she had me reflect on the deeper parts of myself, the places that I may not fully accept as part of me. Which, as I think about it, makes sense. If we are distracted by our flaws, we will always fumble and fall. We must not make them any more in our mind than our successes. There needs to be a balance, an acceptance, and at the end of the day, awareness of all of what you were, who you are, and who you want to be.

I highly recommend Mikani as a teacher to anyone.

Written By Orland

Feb. 23, 2021, 1:19 a.m.(12/28/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Savio

Thoughts of a proud ...... leman, .. inamorato, fancy man...

You are the People's Choice, a Champion of their Hearts. Be proud, the crown you won, while it shines with all that glass, can never be as brilliant or as beautiful as you are. If anyone doesn't know your name by now, they are missing out. Congratulations my sky, my night.

As I reflect on how fortunate I am to have come across your wildness, your drift, your glitter and glow, and smile when we are like two kids running free in our revelry, I know too, the tragedy of it all.

Neither of us are afraid of the dark. Metaphorically, you are the velvet of the night sky and I am like a star, sharing the same space, and enjoying the time that we have together, each knowing that the dawn must come, but each wrapped in each others embrace until it does. You provide a backdrop for me to shine, yet you fail to see what I do. I am not the only star. You lift them all up, small specks of light, flickering, unsure of where they fit, and you easily show them, sweeping them up with your songs and giving each one their own twinkling glimmer. You are my sky, my night. But you are also the People's.

The night, will be the new day.

Written By Orland

Feb. 23, 2021, 12:42 a.m.(12/28/1014 AR)

Thoughts of a ... nearly drowned student, tossed once more off a ship...

I recognize that it is terribly ironic that I do not know how to swim, considering that Bravura is a coastal city and that I've lived by a river for most of my life...

It hurts terribly to breath in water and I've never liked that feeling...

The kindness is that people keep throwing me off their ships, thinking that I'd learn. It doesn't work that way. How I managed not to die, this time, was because I found the bottom and learned to walk on it.

But Savio taught me to float, last we were at Tremorus burning things righteously.

I know how to sink or float.

Written By Orland

Feb. 21, 2021, 7:51 p.m.(12/23/1014 AR)

Thoughts of a... bard, a performer... who am I even anymore, a lover, a spectator...

There have been people who were an inspiration to me, taking up the lute in a public way. Savio of course, the front runner of those, but also other bards of the college, like Nina and Braxas. Then, people who encouraged me to find something of a hobby, like Lore and Raymesin, perhaps even a few of the Princes and Princesses of House Pravus. I observe what people do to spend their time, on worth while pursuits, rather than gambling or drinking ... not that I'll stop those, completely, but I see myself in a better way these days, a person who is worth the education and knowledge, and also as someone who can venture into the artful fields of Jayus. I have the time now, because of Count Duarte, to seek what wasn't available before. I have the choices and the opportunities. I have the mind, the heart, the soul, the passion not to let them go to waste.

I decided upon the lute. Why? The practical reason was that it was part of the things that I came across to be in my possession from the vacancies of old tenants and people who have passed on from this life. It was there and Savio sings, so, why not. Why not indeed. There's really no more romance to it than that.

Savio encouraged me to get up on stage for the first time, ever. We performed together at the Autumn Concert for the Bard's College. I am grateful that I could keep my attention on him during the play; he made it so I didn't feel like I was on a rolling ship and about to heave ho.

It was in the after party that it truly struck me how many people came to see the Concert. Duarte was there, proud of me, same with Dio! Giorgio came too, and Cerelia, Medeias, Raymesin and Tanith, Kiera, Zyxthylum, Liara and Zoey, and I got to meet so many new faces that I hadn't come across before, like Keely and Evaristo and even the Queen herself, with her arm piece I mistook for the king, Prince Aindre. /That/ was a fun way to meet the pair of them. YOUR MAJESTIES.

I would truly believe that was the highlight of my week, if other things didn't happen.

I sang a shanty at the bonfire in the Lowers... the sea shanty that Savio wrote of course. I can't take credit for that. But I think the crowds down there like it and it was a moment that I performed without Savio, but with him in ways. He wasn't there, to hear it, but I had the courage to do it and I felt in the moment, that it was proper, to give it a whirl. No one booed me. It went down good, as well as all the rum. I think I did the part of Bard well enough.

While I may have missed some elaborate parties held in the Lycene, I didn't miss the People's Tournament. That too, was something to make note of. There's absolutely so many people of talent that I couldn't believe there wasn't more nobility to come watch. The prospects of finding a protege was huge! I already have one of course, but that goes without saying, I could have easily scooped a few more. I met one such person, her name is Kyden Black and our follow up conversation was exceptional. I think she'll do well in this city. The games themselves though, I was spectating for the lot of it. Everyone put their hearts into it and their legs and their fists. There were hilarious moments of course, such as Arion running in a dress, or Zakhar fishing with his bare hands and fish wrestling.

Yet the most exciting thing was a private moment, under the stars, away from the city, on a ship sailing in the unknown, gentle waves split upon the prow. I will remember that night, for the rest of my life, and I will wear a tribute to the promises made, without remorse.

All the world is a song, all the seas a lullaby, all the stars a chorus, all the winds a chime, and all the hearts a drum beat of this story that is mine.

Written By Orland

Feb. 3, 2021, 6:30 p.m.(11/15/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Lianne

To be fair, you're the one that brought me clarity on many fronts and I hope that others can speak to people with as much openness as you have.

Written By Orland

Feb. 3, 2021, 3:06 p.m.(11/14/1014 AR)

Thoughts of ... some self reflection, in restless moments,

It struck me that I was asked some personal questions lately. The answers of course, might be interesting to know, if you're bored enough to read this, and bored enough to copy them, reflect upon them, and answer them for yourself, in your own whitejournal. I know how boring the days get, stuck inside, left waiting, wondering, wanting to be an asset to someone, somewhere, that you wouldn't have idle hands on your time. I know how frustrating it can get, not knowing where to turn too next, or what to do. So these three questions, might be enough to keep you occupied, as they did me. I'd like to know, if you do. You should mention me in the content of your whitejournal, as I watch.

1. What is are you afraid of?

The vulnerability of position that answering this question would put me in. How many people would leverage my fear, against me? I would reckon a fair number, considering my place in the world. That is my fear, and you should be open about your own, if you really want to succeed.

2. What are your opinions on honor?

When I think about honor, I immediately think of three pillars: Loyalty, cooperation, and protection.

Loyalty, because honor is established when there is an agreement made and staying to that agreement requires loyalty. In my opinion, you would dishonor yourself if you disrespect that agreement, whether in terms of people or duties or factions. The way I believe honor is given, is most often, with this fundamental pillar of loyalty.

Cooperation, is also in my opinion, a pillar of honor. The entire basis of honor is some understanding that a group of people value the same thing, work together, and share that morale code. In my opinion, you could think yourself honorable, but it is not until you are validated by a group of people, that your choices are thusly so.

Protection, is simply the act of protecting the above pillars. If you make an agreement, for instance with a person, and know that person is in danger, and do nothing to help them, that, is dishonor. Honor requires protecting what you've already outlined of value.

3. What path do you see for yourself?

The path that I see for myself, is not singularly bound. I envision several cross roads, with more than one choice presented at every one. I have opportunity right now, to decide who I am to become; opportunity to meet people who can influence those choices, and more chances to learn anything I've ever wanted to know. My path, is not singular. It is not based on a particular hard outcome, like earning a title, or marrying, or becoming famous for something. My path is fluid, flexible, one that winds, bends, splits off, is unknown even to me. How could we know our path, without knowing all the choices we've yet to make that linger in our futures? My path, perhaps, will be to touch the threads of many other paths which belong to other people, whether for good or bad, those are our choices to make. I could be satisfied, knowing, my own choices, would be like throwing a pebble in a pond, rippling outward to touch the lives of even those I'll never know.

Simply put, I'm open to it all.

4. You can give one piece of advice who really needs advice to live by...what do you tell them.

I think the one piece of advice I'd give, other than the infamous quote I live by, would be:

Flies buzz, without knowing there are birds to chase them. Birds sing, without knowing there's snakes waiting to swallow them. Snakes slither without knowing the spiders spin their webs big enough to catch them all.

Written By Orland

Feb. 3, 2021, 2:16 a.m.(11/13/1014 AR)

Thoughts of a ... frustrated I wasted Three months of my life on this, theology student,

Are you teaching or talking about this subject matter? If so, please read:

As students we would appreciate if you don't use CODE words when we are learning. I have now wasted so much TIME searching for the wrong clues because people were too afraid to talk straight. Lives are at stake here! Please, please, please for the love of all of us new students, TELL US THE BIG WORDS and the SCARY words. It's okay, we can handle it.

If we are putting our lives on the line, in times of War, we're old enough to use big words.

Written By Orland

Jan. 31, 2021, 4:49 p.m.(11/8/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Savio


Thoughts of an ... grand opportunist... a newly made bard, and someone in possession of the next Greatest Situation Ditty from BARD Savio Pontelaeus.

IN my Hands, I have a song written from a daunting moment of critical and most spectacular willpower, Savio has belted out another soon to be hit. The last, brought attention, the one I saved from the fire.

This one, he didn't write down in those sizzling sweet moments of temptation. But I did.

Want a piece of it? Are you should you can handle Sinfully Delicious Lyrics?

I don't know. I think he needs to know he has more followers.

Praise Savio. When you have, messenger me with DONE.

In return, you get saucy ballad that shouldn't have been sung!


You know what to do.

Written By Orland

Jan. 27, 2021, 11:31 a.m.(10/28/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Savio

Thoughts of ....someone who stuck their hand in the fire to rescue greatness,

Now I sit here, with this singed hand holding the pages burnt and curled from the heat, I recognize what these strange emotions are, that have intoxicated my mind to do such a thing. But for these words, to save these words, I know it was worth any burn.
May these words never be lost, no matter who comes to tear you down, I will be there, as you were there for me.

Here is, a poem written by Savio Pontelaeus.
I'm calling it: Star-Crossed

I met you when you were broken, and so perhaps was I
We saw a hundred sightless corpses beneath a cold, indifferent sky
I reached to find you still there, and I didn't understand
The loss that would unmake me if you hadn't raised your hand

I saw you when you suffered and I wish I could have known
Exactly what it did to you when you were left alone
I knew I was a fractured thing, unworthy, lost and poor
But every time you said my name, I fell, I wanted more

I wanted to see you smile, wanted to see you light and free
Desperate to see you unbound even if it meant you don't choose me
I had to have a part of you even if it couldn't last
And I would break my heart for you if that is what you asked

You never pushed me to the side, you never walked away
And all my aching darkness was enchanted by your day
I would have given everything to stay with you by the sea
A perfect fragile sunlit world, known just to you and me

But I am not a lovely thing, although try I might
To remember how the daytime feels and walk out of the night
You are lambent and unfettered, your freedom unconstrained
And I still love you always, through my shadows and my chains

If there is a space between us, I know that I'm to blame
And if you're angry with me then I deserve that bitter flame
I did what I had to do, I thought, to make it right
I'm still here and I'm still me, captivated by your light

I know I walk a strange path now, but I don't want to be alone
Guide me with your starlight, love, I'll always come back home
And if this broken, wretched world is more than you can stand
You'll always find I reach for you, and I hope you take my hand.

Written By Orland

Jan. 27, 2021, 11:31 a.m.(10/28/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Savio

Thoughts of ....someone who stuck their hand in the fire to rescue greatness,

Now I sit here, with this singed hand holding the pages burnt and curled from the heat, I recognize what these strange emotions are, that have intoxicated my mind to do such a thing. But for these words, to save these words, I know it was worth any burn.
May these words never be lost, no matter who comes to tear you down, I will be there, as you were there for me.

Here is, a poem written by Savio Pontelaeus.
I'm calling it: Star-Crossed

I met you when you were broken, and so perhaps was I
We saw a hundred sightless corpses beneath a cold, indifferent sky
I reached to find you still there, and I didn't understand
The loss that would unmake me if you hadn't raised your hand

I saw you when you suffered and I wish I could have known
Exactly what it did to you when you were left alone
I knew I was a fractured thing, unworthy, lost and poor
But every time you said my name, I fell, I wanted more

I wanted to see you smile, wanted to see you light and free
Desperate to see you unbound even if it meant you don't choose me
I had to have a part of you even if it couldn't last
And I would break my heart for you if that is what you asked

You never pushed me to the side, you never walked away
And all my aching darkness was enchanted by your day
I would have given everything to stay with you by the sea
A perfect fragile sunlit world, known just to you and me

But I am not a lovely thing, although try I might
To remember how the daytime feels and walk out of the night
You are lambent and unfettered, your freedom unconstrained
And I still love you always, through my shadows and my chains

If there is a space between us, I know that I'm to blame
And if you're angry with me then I deserve that bitter flame
I did what I had to do, I thought, to make it right
I'm still here and I'm still me, captivated by your light

I know I walk a strange path now, but I don't want to be alone
Guide me with your starlight, love, I'll always come back home
And if this broken, wretched world is more than you can stand
You'll always find I reach for you, and I hope you take my hand.

Written By Orland

Jan. 24, 2021, 7:14 p.m.(10/23/1014 AR)

Thoughts on a student of war, Pieros version,

I don't recommend jungle warfare. It really eats you up.

Written By Orland

Jan. 24, 2021, 6:57 p.m.(10/23/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Sebastian

Thoughts of a vassal,

I received a letter from Prince Sebastian, commending me on my actions in regards to Pieros and the war. First, I'm humbled to be acknowledged, and second, I am sure there's a few people who can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that Prince Sebastian was concerned about my health and hired an Ivory Shield, guardsmen Balnam, to watch my back for the duration of the war. It's a relief to know that someone I shared a moment of 'okay we're going to die, nice knowing you' has officially become my war time brother, and will be watching my back. Right now though, we're going drinking.


Written By Orland

Jan. 10, 2021, 4:04 p.m.(9/22/1014 AR)

Thoughts of a student,

There has been so little time to write of the great things that have happened to me over the last few months. The events are a whirlwind (cake throwing by far stood out thanks to Marquis Cirroch and his wife Marquessa Sasha), making new friends (of which there are truly many now! Who knew I could achieve that), learning to defend myself (Thank you Lord Teague, Scout Rowenova, and Lady Lady Mikani) finding a patron (thank you Marquis Dio Seraceni) from parties to exciting adventures, idolizing people (like the one and only Prince Patrizio), to having cake, and cookies, to getting armor crafted (Thanks to Apollo's hard working staff), to having my bed warm at night, and adopting a kitten (thank you Zakhar).

One of the paramount moments for me, other than all the above, was talking to the Queen's Blade, Harlequin Raymesin. I had been dealing with some trouble that transpired from Greypeak, and well, before that I would suspect based on my own journal entry history of the Wheel. We had a really good conversation. It simplified things for me too. Of course it made me angry, but, it had to. That was the only way I could let myself open up to the people who I've met, to allow them to influence my life, show me how better it can be with friends than without. I want to thank him and acknowledge that, seeking out those with knowledge of why life is the way it is, is worth it.

I realized, I don't want to die yet. I don't. Who does! I'm okay that the Queen of Endings thought to spit me out into the life I was given, but I've only just started living it. It's worked out all right. It gets better everyday too.

Finding joy, it has been, a good mission.

Written By Orland

Jan. 10, 2021, 3:23 p.m.(9/22/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Savio

Thoughts on Savio Pontelaeus, a friend, but more,

The first time I came across Savio Pontelaeus was on a ship bound for Greypeak, though I must profess my face was more over the side of the railing than useful for conversation. I was pretty green from that experience. I thought the storm waters would never let up, nor would my stomach. I honestly didn't speak much to him for the duration of the trip on shore, considering the gore. It wasn't a place to make friends. But, then the entire party who were rooting around for signs of life, ended up in a fight for our own. I think that's when I saw Savio's prowess as a fighter, nothing compared to Lady Andromeda's, but he had cut when he needed to cut and slashed when he needed to slash.

Then, I was left in the woods. Injured. It was bloody great. Really. Nothing like being in a strange place, in the deep deep dark woods, knowing some really screwed up weirdo was running amok, and you were bleeding from a disfiguring wrist wound. I was perfectly alright with it, honestly. Being alone is nothing. But I was relieved, when I heard someone's voice, some time later, calling, "Are you dead?"

Funny way to meet really. I'm pretty sure I hollered back after checking that I wasn't, a good pinch to the thigh was required. The hollar? Oh yes, it was something like "Only inside." I thought it was clever and most appropriate for my present situation.

From there, well from there... dear reader, I cannot sum it all up in one entry. There's too many parts weaved together. He came to see how I was doing and if I was dead yet. I felt his true concern. It was a thing of friendship, on the immediate, to have him veer off on a hundred different tangents, self degrading tangents being the most charming. He claims he's a drifter. I didn't believe it. So I showed him. Nothing can drift from the anchor I am. If I want to anchor you to me, I will. Or I won't. Or Raven will provide the anchor for me.

This became a very bad idea, to be friends. I mean, bad for all the people who don't know how to have fun and walk around with a stick up where the sun doesn't shine.. Our fun became easy. Poetry, parties, pissing Raven off. We even hosted an event called the Last Call, on the Rising Sun. If you missed that trip, you should be feeling sorry for yourself. It was a terribly good time, with a game gone sour by too many proper answers.

It's been great. In a weird, I'm too good for him, he's too good for me, someone's going to hurt me if I hurt him, why aren't we married yet even though we all know I'm not getting married until I'm 30 kinda way. It's been nice, but don't take him shopping, he looks and looks and looks... and doesn't want to answer your simple question of 'what do you like' because he doesn't want you to buy him things, but all you want to do is give him a nice vest...

You should meet him too. He's great at poetry. Just don't meet him too closely.

Written By Orland

Jan. 10, 2021, 1:54 p.m.(9/22/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Raven

My thoughts on Raven the Blackheart, a friend,

When I first met Raven, her tongue was barbarous and rightly so. She's still that way, don't let me fool you. The woman takes no prisoners when it comes to outlining her thoughts. The story of how I came to know Raven the Blackheart, as a friend, started in a tavern; there's no better place than that to find good quality people!

I thought because of her history, there may have been some preconceived slights between us, but, that didn't come up, at all. Rather, when she first showed interest in my well being, well outside the usual 'you're being a fool' voice she uses on me when I'm climbing a harp with six other people in a party game, was due in part to my trip to Greypeak. She came roaring like a storm, demanding to know why I mattered. Trust me, I was very much as flummoxed as you dear reader.

During those first strange instances of having her look at my injury, I encouraged her to express her feelings of stabbery to the person I thought her feelings were wrapped up in, but that turned out a wreck, that she didn't blame me for! I think I can accredit that to my being alive. However, over the weeks, I have eased into her personality and now I think, I can see through the barbarous hooks of her tongue to give her a good punch on the shoulder from time to time. She deserves a friend like me. The downside is, I know she can toss me over a ship. So I can pretty well guarantee her threat of an anchor around my balls, will be just as true if I hurt someone in particular.

All and all, a rather fantastic friendship. If you see her in a tavern, don't pass up your opportunity to meet her. Or punch her in the shoulder. For me.

Written By Orland

Dec. 20, 2020, 5:45 p.m.(8/9/1014 AR)

Thoughts of a Student:

Being bitten is not the best way to learn about the abyss.
Being left behind in a dark dark wood after, is also a good way to know who your friends aren't.

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