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Written By Orazio

April 17, 2018, 10:14 a.m.(7/25/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Thena

In regards to the Grandmaster's reflections on the mission trip (see her journal around this date for details of reference):

Thank you...I think?

Written By Orazio

April 16, 2018, 1:07 p.m.(7/23/1008 AR)

To the Faithful Reader:

There is a game taught to children - or there was when I was growing up - in the Lyceum, which is called "liar's poker". It actually has many names, and they get progressively more vulgar as age and alcohol content at an event rises, but we'll go with the first for now. It's a card game played with two full decks, and the goal is simple: lose all your cards. The mechanics are also far more simple than standard poker - going around to every player, one places 1-4 cards of the same value (suit immaterial) in the pile at the center of the table, and when the turn passes to the next player, the card value advances by one. Player 1 might place 3 twos, Player 2 then plays 1 three, Player 3 then puts down 2 fours, etc. You cannot skip a turn - you /must/ play at least one card. Luckily, you play all your cards face down, and the only way for anyone to know what you play is by calling your bluff. If you were lying about what you put down, you have to pick up the whole pile. If you were telling the truth, the pile goes to your opponent. Play until you get tired or the number of players is small enough that it's no longer fun.

For children, this provides a fun and relatively simple way to learn two key skills: how to bluff, and how to detect when others are bluffing with enough confidence that you're willing to take a risk on action.

Adult players, however, recognize that there is a greater strategy than bluff and counterbluff. A great liar usually ends up no more than a mediocre player of liar's poker - because once people figure out that you're lying, calling every play ends up a reasonable risk. The people who consistently win liar's poker are the ones who can succeed in turning their opponents' own paranoia and suspicion against them - if every called bluff ends up being an honest play, then it is only the opponent that suffers, whether they call often, or not at all. This is often a most effective strategy when dealing with non-Lycene, for whom prejudice has persuaded that Southerners are simply incapable of truth, even when there is absolutely no value in lying.

Ah, but how does one ensure that one has the cards to play honestly on each turn, I can hear the savvy reader asking?

That, I leave as an exercise to the reader, and urge you to enjoy a good game or two trying out your guesses.

Written By Orazio

April 15, 2018, 11:30 p.m.(7/22/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Vayne

To reference a recent entry by Blessed Vayne:

We can always send more, you know.

Written By Orazio

April 15, 2018, 10:50 p.m.(7/22/1008 AR)

To the Faithful Reader:

In case it comes to anyone's mind in in reading the entries herein to ask: Of /course/ my favorite Canticle is that of the Sentinel. I have heard the arguments that it is less musically complex than some of the others (Jayus, in particular) and although I understand the sentiment, I have to say that I find the strong, simple melody to be quite compelling. More, it is more easily sung solo than some of the others, which makes it lovely to sing while in the bath.

Not that I do that. Much.

Entry 7:

I must confess that leaving the Greenmarch is a bit of a relief. Our new citizens are lovely, thoughtful people, and I cannot fault their hospitality of them in any way, but several days of doing little but soothing a terror that they did not need to bear can be exhausting. It opened many opportunities for conversation, and for helping them understand the purpose of the Faith in the lives of the Compact, but I cannot help but feel sorrow for how badly they have been mislead, and the distress that it caused them. At any rate, we have managed to distribute our gifts, and after a while, some were able to open up enough to give guidance to the Knights of Solace on the best ways for pilgrims and supplies to reach those with the greatest need within the lands. I should like to see a small temple to the Pantheon built, but most important, I think, is to ensure that Mercies and Scholars can make reasonably safe circuits to provide healing and education.

Entry 8:

Allow me to confess something: when we first planned this trip, it was the Rivenshari that I had the most concern about, for they were the House I knew the least about. Unfair of me, and a burden from my own ignorance, I am sure. But our welcome in those lands has been far kinder than in Greenmarch - the people here seem happier, more confident, and have great trust in their leaders. Good signs, all. And hard won - I spent the day listening to the people of Rivenshari, those who would speak with me, regarding the trials which led to joining the Compact. I will not disrespect those confidences by sharing details here, but they were humbling and affecting. I am glad that we were able to bring them into the Compact, and it is my duty to aid in their protection and solace. Speaking of Solace, I am delighted to say that Grandmaster Thena and several of the leaders have come to an accord regarding a new chapterhouse of the Knights here.

Entry 9:

Representatives from some of the Oathlands houses have arrived, and Sir Preston has taken the lead on speaking with them. He has more of an Orthodox perspective than I, and I don't mind recording how pleased I am to see him excel in this diplomatic role. Perhaps I should encourage Blessed Cassandra to give him more responsibility in this area. Otherwise, our trip within Rivenshari lands has been pleasant, enlightening, and - I hope - created a foundation from which we can work together to help these lands prosper and thrive as members of the Compact. Sadly, there are not as many within these lands personally interested in myself, so my opportunities to sing my favorite Canticles have declined. Tomorrow, we will set back out for Arx. We've left several of the wagons along with their contents as gifts for the Greenmarchers and Rivenshari, so the caravan itself is much smaller. Will this translate into a faster trip home? Only the gods may say.

Written By Orazio

April 15, 2018, 10:25 p.m.(7/22/1008 AR)

To the Faithful Reader:

Further notes and observations on the mission trip to the Oathlands follow. I've chosen not to publish a fair amount of the day to day travel - let it just be said that it was not always comfortable, but it /was/ always beautiful and remarkable. There were a few threatening moments along the way, as well, but nothing serious, and the presence of the Faith Militant kept the caravan quite safe.

Entry 4:

We have reached the Oathlands, crossing the border into the heartlands of the Faith at a small city. To my surprise, Prince Edain was there, along with a contingent of his armed knights. He intends to travel with us, until our course curves to take us away from Sanctum, which I gather is his final destination. Our knights are honored by the escort shown by the High Lord of Valardin to a simple mission trip, and I gather there will time for them to exchange many war stories and impromptu sparring matches over the days that we share the road.

Entry 5: We have made it to the crossroads, and the High Lord is continuing to Sanctum. His squire remains with us - perhaps a missionary's zeal burns in the young would-be knight's heart? At any rate, I imagine that the squire and the Princess Terese shall prove invaluable guides if our directions fail us. The caravan travels on. It was hotter when we traveled over the plains, but trees are looming once again, and beneath their shade, even a Lycene like myself can feel some relief from the sun. I shall be burned dark when I return. I am told that we have a major river crossing to look forward to before we reach the Greenmarch lands. May Mangata bless our crossing. And if she should particularly remember that robes are terrible to swim in, I will be personally grateful.

Entry 6: We have been in Greenmarch for two days, now. I'll confess that our reception has been a bit...peculiar. Loud protestations of faith abound (which would be more convincing if they did not occasionally get the name of the gods wrong), but so does fear. I have asked the Whispers to take the lead, as the fear seems primarily directed at the Faith, and with gentle diplomacy and cleverness, the Radiant Whisper soothes troubled hearts and reassures those who seem to be convinced that we have come to harm them or invade their lands. My thoughts on the sources of such rumors should likely wait for more protected journals. But in the meantime, I have directed us to go gently, and focus on simply undoing the harm done before our arrival. In the meantime, many of the locals show a flattering desire to learn more about me, and I cannot go anywhere without a few tagging along, asking what my plans are. Admittedly, after a detailed breakdown of my life story, a chance to tour my wagon, several thorough explanations of some basic doctrine, and renditions of some of my favorite Canticles, their curiosity seems sated. At least, I assume that glazed look in their eyes when they finally departed was satisfaction. Yes, surely it was. I will prepare more Canticles for tomorrow and the new folk that I am certain that we will meet; it's very exciting to have such interested minds to fill.

Written By Orazio

April 15, 2018, 10:01 p.m.(7/22/1008 AR)

To the Faithful Reader:

During the recent mission trip to the Oathlands, I did my best to continue to honor Vellichor by recording my thoughts and experiences, in hopes that it would serve as a record of our journey. I am sure that others on the mission trip did the same, and would encourage them to submit their experiences to the white journals as well. Or at least highlights - I will not bore people with the more egregiously mundane notes that I scribbled along the way.

Entry 1:

The caravan is large - it's hard to understate how much material and how many people are involved with a trip like this. Although I am certain that certain names will come up, like the Radiant Whisper Selene, or Sir Preston, or Princess Terese, or the is important not to forget that we are several hundred strong. Cartiers, quartermasters, knights, disciples, servants and attendants. And then, of course, the supplies - food and feed for the animals, changes of clothing, materials for various kinds of weather, extra wagon parts for the inevitable breakages, not to mention the gifts and supplies that we bring for the Prodigal Houses themselves. It is hot, and the noise is tremendous. A cacophony of shouts and cries. A caravan of this size does not set off all at once. The caravan master has a plan, I am certain, but it can be hard to see in the chaos. There are starts and stops, and the drivers shout at one another for getting in the way. The beasts low and fidget.

And yet, despite it all, there is a bright anticipation on the air that I cannot help but notice. Part of it is the Whispers, of course. Wherever they go, they trail new fans in their wake. People are drawn to the Knights of Solace and the Templars, as well, and I am pleased to see that the knights of the Faith return that interest with kindness and charity. And eventually, the whole caravan moves, a giant, snaky beast on the road leading away from Arx. There are no cheers - I'm reasonably certain the merchants and gate guards are just as happy to see the monstrosity moved out of their way - but nonetheless, the mood is bright, even boisterous.

Entry 2

We have picked up hangers on before we even reached the Oathlands. Curious outriders from a Crownlands hold of some sort or another (forgive me that I have forgotten the name, but should someone who reads this in the future wish to remind me, I would be grateful). We exchanged greetings, and an explanation of our task, and they traveled with us, guiding us through the forest to a small village near a deep lake. The water of the lake was a peculiar green - algae, I am told, although I am also told that the water remains potable once filtered through crushed charcoal. This village exists an unusual distance from the safe roads and cities, and is filled with hearty foresters and woodsfolk who make their living hunting and harvesting. It's a subsistence level existence, for the most part, with what little they have left over sent for taxes. And yet they welcomed the Faithful with hospitality and freshly baked cakes of unleavened nut flour, sweetened with honey from hives they tend. In return, we shared gifts from our own stores, fresh beer and wine, and performed blessings. The Mercies along with us were able to tend to some outstanding illnesses during our stop, and I had a conversation with three of the village elders which vastly expanded my knowledge of local herbs and root vegetables. We had no desire to strain their limited resources, so we chose to move on rather than spend the night.

Entry 3

The trees are beginning to thin. Last night, we camped and could see the stars peeking down through the canopy. So many stars, in such great and complex profusion. I can't say that the camp was ever silent - there are far too many of us for that, and even in the wee, small hours, you could hear the patrolling guards exchanging signs and greetings. But it was an amiable noise. It has been a long, long time since I have slept in a wagon, even one so well-appointed as this one, which is why I am up writing, and giving my aching back a bit of a rest. With the gods' grace, we have made about as good time as a caravan of this size /can/. I look forward to reaching the Oathlands.

Written By Orazio

April 13, 2018, 2:02 p.m.(7/17/1008 AR)

To the Faithful Reader:

Regarding the concern about the knighting of cats - speaking with certain Scholars who were present at the ceremony, recording it for posterity as is their wont seems to reveal that the High Lord did not ask for his cat to be knighted, nor did His Majesty knight a cat. Instead, a playful ceremonial title was created to honor a beloved pet of a High Lord, a much smaller expenditure of Crown or Thrax resources or time than creating a rose barony, for example. While I do understand the concerns raised regarding the value of knighthood, I urge everyone - but particularly those of my brothers and sisters in the Faith - to exercise due diligence regarding rumors before spreading them.

Please. For my birthday, if nothing else.

Written By Orazio

April 13, 2018, 9:06 a.m.(7/17/1008 AR)

My godparents have long since passed into the Shining Lands, so my birthdays have been a solitary affair for quite some time. Today's agenda largely involves spending time at vigil in each of the shrines, and reflecting on my journey over the past year. It has been a very strange one, but that's been true for the last several years.

A great weight has been removed from my soul, but in its place, a greater responsibility calls to me. It could be argued (and has been) that such a responsibility is not mine to take, and more, that it will be ultimately futile. This is very probably true, but I feel obligated to try.

Both of my peers in the Church have passed on, and as is right, the Dominus is carefully considering their successors. The pick up work that I've taken on from both of their workloads has proved enlightening upon areas of the Church administration that I did not realize before. It has been a humbling and informative experience...but I confess that I would not mind if my stacks of paperwork returned to their previous size.

I have made, and lost, friends in interesting places. I have seen too many loved ones pass on, joining the rest of the Saiks on the great Wheel. The world continues to reveal wonders that I have never imagined - some wonderful, some terrible. All provoke awe and worry in equal measure inside my heart.

I have gone entirely gray, now. The man in the mirror is not one that I easily recognize. When did he grow old? Why do my joints ache? I am still adjusting to the change.

For the next year, I hope to fulfill the gods' hopes of me while time yet remains, so that when I go to my rest, it will be with the knowledge in my heart that I did everything I could do to honor the life that I was given, and to repent for my sins.

Written By Orazio

April 9, 2018, 1:47 p.m.(7/9/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Thena

To the attention of the Grandmaster of the Knights of Solace:

Nonsense. Everyone knows that I am a heartless old politician with no soul. I could not possibly spend any time playing with children, much less enjoying it. You must be mistaken.

Written By Orazio

April 9, 2018, 11:58 a.m.(7/9/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Agatha

The Scholar who directed my attention to Princess Agatha Redrain's journal was, dare I say, smirking. Something about large letters and bears?

It makes interesting reading, at any rate. Regarding Her Highness' comments on the season, I might say:

1) I generally do not wear full armor in the city, as it serves little practical purpose (unless duties require it, which mine do not) except to demonstrate to all who care that one can, in fact, afford full armor in the city. Likewise, I do not believe I have ever worn a bear helm, nor had any children not related to me by blood ever jump on me, much less every block.

2) I would not suggest myself as the leader of a scouting company unless you wish to send /another/ scouting company to find us all after I get us hopelessly lost. While I have a moderate degree of talent in many things, I must confess that wilderness navigation is not one of them.

3) General tips for weathering (ha! ...forgive me) the summer heat - do not schedule physical practices or heavy degrees of exertion for the hottest point of the day, particularly if you will be working outside. Before dawn and around dusk are the best times to exercise in the summer, and I myself prefer the pre-dawn hours. Wear lighter clothing (in weave and fabric) whenever possible, and styles which are loose and flowing, with dark colors for preference. This is especially important in Arx, where the mesas tend to lift us up where we might find a steady breeze. If you tend to sweat heavily, less clothing is better, both for smell and to allow the sweat to dry more quickly. If your duties permit, it's often wise to schedule an additional cool bath just after the hottest part of the day, to wash off the dried sweat and accumulated dirt - this will help with itchiness and stickiness. Drink plenty of fresh water or juice - alcohol is lovely, but not the best to keep you healthy in the heat, and milk spoils quickly. Open windows wherever possible to let the breeze flow into your rooms. Hot, still air is not only unpleasant, but it breeds miasma and can cause sickness.

In hopes that this helps our Northern brethren, and anyone else experiencing the heat for the first time.

Written By Orazio

April 9, 2018, 11:15 a.m.(7/9/1008 AR)

To the Faithful Reader:

Summer is here. Lagoma will forgive me for having favorites, I'm sure, but summer has always been my favorite season, and that only intensified once I moved here to Arx. In the South, the summer sun seems to melt all the way down to your bones, warming them down to the core. It's a glow that you can carry with you, and provides a memory to get one through the chill of winter. It's not just about the heat, of course - flowers are in full bloom, certain crops grow ripe and ready to be placed on the table, and young livestock have been born and are just now beginning to fill out and grow. It's a wonderful time for feasting, hunting, and enjoying the world.

It does have its downsides, of course - flies and other insects are also growing bold and numerous, sweat trickles down beneath my robes in a rather undignified way, and the parchment of the scrolls and books that I have in my rooms picks up a certain odor that is unmistakably reminiscent of its sheeply origins.

Nonetheless, I welcome the summer, and bask in it. Thank you, oh gods, for your bounty.

Written By Orazio

April 4, 2018, 3:02 p.m.(6/27/1008 AR)

The newest Kennex vodka contains a significant, but pleasant, kick. It doesn't smell like it would, and the taste is smooth as it goes down one's throat, but rather like a drunk warhorse, it does make its presence known once it arrives in your stomach and decides to stay for a while.

A most pleasant experience, although I have perhaps overindulged.

Written By Orazio

March 29, 2018, 10:05 p.m.(6/14/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

It should be noted for future readers that although Blessed Aleksei's dog is a delightful animal, and I do not get to pet him as he deserves nearly often enough, he would not be an acceptable Archlector of the Faith, nor would I wish to trade Aleksei for him or any other adorable animals.

However, if the Archlector would like to ensure that this continues to be true, then he could always bring Peanut by for a petting session one of these days.

Written By Orazio

March 29, 2018, 4:30 p.m.(6/13/1008 AR)

As I understand that it has come up:

In my estimation, there are only a very few occasions where a challenge is 'contemptible', regardless whether the offense that prompted the challenge was large, small, or very silly. One is when it is made against someone who has no way to honorably respond in kind - a Prince should not challenge an impoverished commoner who cannot afford a proper champion, nor should they make attempts to block one challenged from being able to procure a champion, for example. Another is when the challenger knows that the challenged will not, for some reason, be able to accept the challenge nor disclose why they cannot - challenging someone who you know has sworn not to stand in conflict against you, for example, and thus forcing them refuse the challenge and face disgrace among their peers.

Suggesting that a challenge is dishonorable or worthy of contempt without proof of actual dishonor can, in itself, be considered grounds for a challenge, if one is so inclined.

Written By Orazio

March 27, 2018, 6:30 p.m.(6/9/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Caith

To the continued negotiations for transferable siblings with Princess Caith Thrax:

I regret to say that I do not have any magic beans at the present moment. Although I do have several varieties of very pleasant teas, some mildly exotic alcohols, and a songbird with a hair theft fetish. Technically, there is a foul-tempered mouser in the basements of the Rectory who believes himself to be mine and steals my pillow on a regular basis, but if that is what you want, I am afraid you will have to come catch him yourself, for I can't be that cruel to the Templars. Bring gauntlets.

Conscientious and intelligent sound like fine qualities. Are you quite sure you truly wish to send her away? Perhaps you should, instead, play pranks on her until the aforementioned stick has resettled somewhere more tolerable for you both. I have a small list created when I needed to educate my own elder sibling that I could share. I imagine, being seagoing folk, an octopus or four could substitute for the angry mice.

Written By Orazio

March 27, 2018, 2:57 p.m.(6/9/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Caith

To address Princess Caith Thrax, who may or may not read this journal, but who has just offered up her sister:

I have never had an older sister, so your suggestion is intriguing. Are older sisters anything like older brothers, who skip out on chores and blame you? Or would she help me develop new learning opportunities for the Archlectors? It has been a while since I have played any real pranks on people, and an elder sibling could be a valuable ally in this endeavor.

Please do elaborate with details of offer.

Written By Orazio

March 27, 2018, 1:52 p.m.(6/9/1008 AR)

The Church, of course, supports all public health initiatives and is gratified and grateful for the Physicians' Guild assistance in the matter of the ill rodents and the danger they pose to people. I am relieved and proud to see that the Crown and the Great Houses seem to be united in the seriousness of the threat, and will help cull the affected animals.

But I still never expected to be writing directives towards the killing of bunnies, and I confess that i struggle with how I should be writing these. And I'm pretty sure Grandmaster Armel's ghost just scowled at me.

Written By Orazio

March 25, 2018, 9:02 p.m.(6/6/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Laric

This is a note mostly for the benefit of those who might seek to follow the illustrious Master of Questions advice as given recently in his journal:

Delegation? Yes. Excellent advice.

However, do not remove sleep from your regular routine, or even carve out 'two or three hours' from it on a regular basis. Your people deserve your best decision making skills, not you when you're so exhausted the words start to blur and 'Chaaaaaaarge' sounds like the best battle plan.

Sleep. Eat. Make regular attempts at enjoyment.

Written By Orazio

March 22, 2018, 9:14 a.m.(5/27/1008 AR)

Further commentary, of likely little use to any but myself:

I believe I have already mentioned that I am no great fan of unity as a virtue - if a fight must be had, if a stand must be made, than one must have that fight or make that stand, though all the world be arrayed against you. Likewise, if all the world is agreed in a wrong action, then you get no points for committing that action in order to 'get along'. Thus it is said by all the gods, and by the Church, and thus it will continue to be said and done.

There is, however, place for respect and for compassion, and a time and a place to have those fights. Now, I feel, is a time for mourning, and for recognizing the great losses which everyone, in nearly every demesne across the Compact, has faced. The people of Crovane sacrificed their largest city for the sake of defeating the enemy - I will not call that a tragedy, for it was a stand that had to be made, but I will stand in awe of their strength and courage for making it. Likewise, every army, Northlands, Oathlands, Crownlands, Isles, Faith, and Lyceum, stood and fought and died with unflinching courage so that the pirate king and his forces could not gain a permanent foothold on Arvum. The opposition they faced was of a number and kind that few among us could ever have imagined. And yet, none faltered, none failed. Every one of the dead, and every one of the living who prevailed, stand honored and loved by the gods for their display of the Virtues.

Whatever my personal or theological disputes with any person or land, this remains the truth: I honor you, I salute you, and I mourn those of you who will never return home. And the Church will continue to work to try and ensure that such grave losses and sacrifices will not need to be repeated, as well as to aid with those who have lost homes, livelihoods, and loved ones.

In other news, I understand that the High Lord of Valardin wishes to aid with my ignorance in the matter of oaths. I, of course, humbly accept this gracious and generous offer from the Prince of Sanctum, and am happy to instruct in the history of the Compact and theology of the Church in return, as His Highness desires.

Written By Orazio

March 22, 2018, 7:44 a.m.(5/26/1008 AR)

A few points of clarification.

There are few 'true' heathens in the Compact, and none who are rulers of any part of the Compact. All members of the Compact are, of course, devout members of the Faith of the Pantheon unless they have publicly declared otherwise, or they have been excommunicated. Some of these devout members of the Pantheon also practice certain ancestral and provincial customs which honor local spirits, and they have been permitted this by ancient treaty in the Northlands, a treaty the Faith has no interest in altering or breaking at this time. It has been a relationship which has served both lands well for centuries, and most Northerners are as devout members of the Faith as anyone in Arx, regardless of certain cultural customs which they continue to respect as local traditions.

The matter of the recently added shamanistic houses in the Oathlands is a different affair, as it is in the heart of the birthplace of the Faith, and done without the guidance or oversight of Redrain, who has centuries of practice in building and maintaining syncretic worship of the Pantheon and respect for those local traditions. Also, the houses of the Oathlands have no treaty protecting their own traditions, and the Church was not consulted on their inclusion into the Faith of the Pantheon by anyone involved, which would have solved a great many of the ongoing issues, had it happened. Still, I am assured that their ruling houses, too, have converted to the Faith of the Pantheon, in addition to their native traditions. Some people, I am told, juggle geese, while others honor spirits. So long as the Faith maintains its proper place in these Houses and lands, the Church has no quarrel with them. Should any lords, ladies, or leaders of these houses declare that they are /not/ devout members of the Faith of the Pantheon, regardless of whatever other local traditions they may enjoy, then that would be cause for concern, distress, and possibly direct action if the local lieges of the Oathlands refuse to handle the matter.

Regardless of any of the above, the Faith deployed its forces not out of a desire for gratitude, but because the cause was righteous and well within our charge to protect the Faithful from the faithless. The Faithful, most of whom were disciples from lands and fealties all over the Compact, fought side by side with their brethren with pride, valor, and honor. None considered themselves to stand above those who fought and died with them on the field of battle, nor did they consider themselves to stand beneath them. Sir Preston is very young, and as the young sometimes will, he sometimes gets overexcited on subjects about which he is passionate, and there have been a great many letters to write on behalf of the dead (as have all the commanders in both battles discovered).

I am advising him to take a much needed break from the white journals until his tasks of memorial are complete, and he has had a chance to recognize when he is feeling ill-suited to engage publicly as a representative of the Templars with people of the Compact.

Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.

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