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Written By Ophelia

June 23, 2017, 10 p.m.(9/17/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Artorius

I have decided that I shall become a Knight! Baking really isn't for me, and I think being a Knight will be a lot more exciting!

Artorius gave me my first lesson, and while I am not pleased to admit that I did rather poorly, he was kind enough to not tease me too heartlessly about it. I'm sure with more lessons, I shall become strong soon though!

Written By Ophelia

May 16, 2017, 1:59 p.m.(6/21/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Valerion

The Twilight Drake has been accepted by my uncle to court me starting this week, although it is up to me on the specifics. I'm thinking a courtship of a year, with trials and tests along with what the Faith might have to say, then followed by a marriage celebrated by nine days of feasting and tournaments. This marriage could cement a Western Dragon and Southern Fox alliance.

Written By Ophelia

May 12, 2017, 2:28 p.m.(6/13/1006 AR)

I'm very happy to hear that brother Aleksei has been raised to Archlector of Skald. He's an exceptional priest in the limited time I've spent with him and has a gorgeous smile that could make a cloudy day just turn into sunshine.

Brother Aureth is spooky, so I think it's very appropriate he's been raised to Archlector of Death. I haven't spoken to him, because he's so creepy. I'll try to figure out a way to change that. Maybe we could think of something like a metallic cord with beautiful ornamentation for his robes, I'm thinking something like little skulls of platinum with neodymium chains and rubies. Creepy, but cute. Brother Aureth, if you do read journals, don't think too terribly of me thinking you're incredibly spooky. Honest, spooky is okay. It lends itself an air of mystery, and what girl doesn't like that?

I think we're very blessed to have a Dominus like Aldwin leading the Faith. He's an exceptional man that leads with a guiding hand, he reminds me much of a shepherd that watches over his flock and looks after the straying sheep just as much as those who follow him to greener pastures. An active leadership across the Faith is vital for our wellbeing, and all should support publicly the legates, arch lectors and priests across all the Pantheon. Through this, we nurture our souls. Hmm, I wonder if a Dominus is allowed to read black journals.

My uncle Niccolo and his beautiful wife Deva have been working very hard for the Lyceum as well as our allies. They are a strong foundation on which peace and prosperity for not just us but all people. I'm organizing a masque to happen in a few month's time (there's been SO many things happening lately) which should really showcase the dark beauty of the Lyceum and celebrate it with our friends.

I killed twenty birds yesterday. They're being delivered soon to people.

I had a very good introduction to the King's horseman, Tristan. He says he's mean, but I don't think he really is. I'm getting horse lessons from him, and I'll organize those to be on the days I go visit my beloved King. My prayers and thoughts go to King Alaric daily.

Oh, and I need to bug Luca. He needs to be out more with Reese.

OK, that's enough writing for today. There is a whole world out there to explore and I'm getting a cramp in my fingers from jotting all these thoughts down.

Written By Ophelia

May 9, 2017, 4:06 p.m.(6/7/1006 AR)

A busy little day and I haven't written for awhile so I'll make it up now and the Vellichor brother can be extremely pleased with me.

It's been forever since I've been outside the walls of the city and today I'm going to spend at least half of it out on the plains and edge of the forests to hunt birds. I've three quivers full of arrows and those birds have it coming. There was a new? temple that appeared yesterday for the First Choice, but I haven't been there yet. I wonder if I can persuade Brother Aleksei that Peanut needs to take me. Peanut looks even more adorable with the gift I sent.

Bought a little gift for Princess Ann, her ankle is sprained and she's stuck inside. It should let her go places even if she can't walk. This is why wearing high boots is good, they help protect your ankle from twisting plus they look terrific.

Sent a thing over to the Dominus, I've been enjoying talking with him and he has a head full of good suggestions and ideas that he's happy to give if you ask very nicely. I think a present would be good to give him, but then what do you give a man like that? I'm thinking a stuffed hunting falcon with the talons outstretched but then having one talon hold something else would be even better.

Organizing a group for horse racing. I can't be the only one who likes to run my horses as fast as they can although others probably don't try things like jumping off said horse while it moves or seeing if I can jump on it when it moves past me. Note, I've had to get a new pair of leather pants as the last ones ripped.

I haven't done anything lately with Calista, Valencia or Deva. I'm scolding myself here to fix that as they've been pretty patient waiting for me. I'll organize a family dinner or lunch, lunch probably would be better since the spring sun will be up but then again night is always so nice too. What do you call something between lunch and dinner? Wine hour? Must seek out brother Branan and order that special wine, just in case.

I really miss my brother Luca. I'll send him a basket full of dead birds.

Written By Ophelia

May 1, 2017, 8:25 p.m.(5/18/1006 AR)

I was reading some journals today and was thinking "My goodness, I think the same way!" and for a moment my heart soared into believing that out there somewhere was someone who thought like me. Then I saw that they were my own journals.

Sometimes I think those priests toy with me.

Written By Ophelia

May 1, 2017, 8:22 p.m.(5/17/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aldwin

He's an exceptional guide, leader and listener. A man closest to the gods yet available for tea and honeycakes. We are blessed to have him as Dominus.

Written By Ophelia

April 28, 2017, 5:33 p.m.(5/11/1006 AR)

Mydas. The Voice of Nightgold looks amazing in umbra, I think his dark colors go well with that type of outfit. Those eyes of gold remind me of my jewelry that sparkles in the sun, very pretty. He seems to like to read books, is quite polite and handles a conversation by making it interesting for me which are all terrific qualities. That a northman follows the Thirteenth? Why can't there be more nobility that are handsome, smart and mysterious? I think I'll arrange things so that he'll have to meet me again.

Written By Ophelia

March 19, 2017, 9:42 a.m.(2/13/1006 AR)

(This journal page is sticky and has many red fingerprints - it's also stuck to someone else's journal entry. Hope they didn't have anything important to say, and good luck putting the page down).

We made strawberry-rhubarb jam the other day. (Serah and I).

Precisely 72 bottles, and used every grain of sugar that the Hundred Cities had to offer, along with a big portion of their honey.

We had intended on using it for our stores. Burying it in the Menagerie with the rest of the supplies but by the time we got there we only had 20 bottles left and one hell of a sugar hangover. We were caught and then had to barter 12 bottles for the Keeper's silence when he discovered us miserably trying to dig holes in the frozen ground.

We have 8 bottles left and I can't say I'm sorry. I never want to eat jam ever again.

On a related note, I could see sound and food now has a different taste all around.

Also on a slightly related note, the striped ass at the Menagerie has become my arch-nemesis. He's eaten something very dear to me - one of Mathias' letters. Just when I reached the last line, he took it. I thought for a moment he was going to ask me to the ball! I now know why they call stubborn men asses. The striped one will be my first victim should our stores run out. I'll keep some strawberry-rhubarb glaze set aside just for him, however as I suspect as a last act of stubborn defiance he will taste /terrible/.

Written By Ophelia

March 15, 2017, 8:08 a.m.(2/5/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Artorius

I don't know how Artorius sleeps.

Having another human being to look after is quite possibly the most stressful thing I have ever experienced in my entire life.

She's not even mine! And it's what, for a few days? A week? Two weeks? And she's not even the terribly helpless tiny pink kind of child that's 90% potato.

I can't sleep. I just stay awake and stare at her and occasionally go into panic mode.

Should have seen the face of the waiter that convinced me we were finally under attack when he dropped a tea kettle in the stairwell. I'm proud to say I mobilized us within 30 seconds and made him have an accident in his pants within 45 when I showed up on the staircase wielding a sword in one hand and a chamber pot in the other.

She does keep me on my toes, however. She finds the strangest things to do. I think we'll make strawberry jam tomorrow. She assures me she knows just how.

Written By Ophelia

March 12, 2017, 3:30 p.m.(1/28/1006 AR)

Today, I prayed at the temple of Lagoma for our King.

I was fraught with uncertainty as I lit the candle and closed my eyes and prayed.

Then all of a sudden, a sparrow -- one of the ones from the Old Grove, I suspect -- exploded overhead.

I shit you not, it burst right into flame.

Reassurrance, yay!...... Right?

Written By Ophelia

March 10, 2017, 3:07 p.m.(1/24/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

The Princess Reese Grayson is truly a good Princess. The epitome of what a good Princess should be.

Unfortunately I think I missed those classes, so now, instead, I have someone to look up to.

Written By Ophelia

March 10, 2017, 11:11 a.m.(1/24/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Artorius

Yesterday morning, in the stone garden - I met a man and his wonderful daughter. Together, we fed our horses sugar cubes, let them graze, and fed the winter birds.

He and his daughter made me laugh and smile. I could not imagine a better father figure. It's times like these when I miss my own father.

I see a lot of Serah, his daughter, in myself too.

I can't wait until the siege is over and we can find more things to do. Like horseback riding and chasing butterflies. It was minutes I spent with her - well, twice, but the Winter Rose, as she is most definitely called now - has stolen my heart. And I realized we fight this battle very little for ourselves, but for her. Specifically her, and specifically the other children of this Realm and I feel honored that Artorius would entrust her with me during the siege.

My plan is - the Menagerie. It probably won't be attacked right out, and if the battle lasts longer than usual, I have a supply of fresh meat and water. I'm going today to bury some provisions including camping gear and possibly set up a vantage point in the highest tree, for a lookout. If they get close I'll release some animals that have a somewhat defensible structure/compound/stable for us. I need to find an apothecary that can make smokeless fire or something. To keep us warm.

If this fails I will move us to the Velenosa or Grayson Estate on either side - depending on which side is more open. If that fails, and I am capable of getting there I will then go to Thrax. You know, hit Perrach up for that favor he totally owes me.

Serah - definitely love at first sight.

Written By Ophelia

March 7, 2017, 12:26 p.m.(1/18/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Perrach

Perrach is so mean. Can't take a joke. Maybe he's spent too much time on the seas and has swallowed too much salt.

I'll still help him. And by the gods I'll find out what he wants to know and I will get a smile out of him as payment. This I know.

Written By Ophelia

March 5, 2017, 8:28 a.m.(1/13/1006 AR)

I wish someone would invite me to the ball or to the feast of the senses. But, i have already stuck my foot in it this week and i sense my luck is thin at best and i dont think i should go stag. Ah well.. Maybe next time?

Written By Ophelia

March 5, 2017, 8 a.m.(1/13/1006 AR)

They say the king stirs as the army grows closer to siege. My heart flutters with fear and excitement. I wonder what this could mean.

Written By Ophelia

March 1, 2017, 7:56 a.m.(1/5/1006 AR)

My Dearest Brother Luca has been devastated since the news of Deva's betrothal to Uncle Niccolo. Seeing him in such a state has come as quite a shock. I thought it was terrible when I returned and he was simply in a gruff mood... well now, I fear the worst for him. His heart has truly been broken. Never have I seen a man so rife with sincere regret.
     Oh dear brother, there is no remedy for love but to love more and sadness flies away on the wings of time.

Written By Ophelia

Oct. 30, 2016, 8 p.m.(12/25/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Freja

Princess Freja is a delight! And how fortuitous that she is here in Arx! She is stacked with wisdom and she even killed a bear herself - with a sword, no less! Right in the eye! It went splurt! Or was it splut?

The North might say that weakness is not tolerated, but I would rather be weak and warm and have all my toes than strong and cold and toeless. It would be so very-very awful if one were missing their toes, after all. Climbing with stubby little things would be terrible, forget digging them in the sand and tip-toeing to sneak out would be completely out of the question. Awful!

So a white bear headdress to match hers is off the table. But maybe a nice fawn-colored brown bear? Or a dark brown? Or a ... well. I'm sure there's a seamstress or a leatherworker out there that is able to come up with more shades of brown.

But oh! If Princess Deva will also kill a bear, we can be triplets! Wouldn't that be wonderful? I just need Luca to hold the bear off with his very fearsome self (with a bunch of other people) so I can shoot it without fear of it rampaging. Yay!

Inspiration truly can come from anywhere and Princess Freja is certainly inspiring.

Written By Ophelia

Sept. 19, 2016, 12:39 p.m.(8/13/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Luca

My most beloved and wonderful brother, Prince Luca, can only be described as fantastic and devoted (and the first two descriptors, if one must get technical, and perhaps all the synonyms). His very presence in a room brings me a sort of unparalleled joy that I have trouble explaining. I would challenge anyone in Arx, be it man or beast, to prove otherwise and fight him. Just... in a month or two. I think he was rewarded with a hiatus.

Written By Ophelia

Sept. 18, 2016, 5:22 p.m.(8/11/1004 AR)

Someone once informed me that it was not polite to stare, but there was a man - whose appearance I can't describe aside from him looking like a person - that lured stares like honey lures bears. Is staring okay if everyone else is doing it? He had the kind of mouth which made my fingers twitch. Perhaps its due to a lack of hunting?

... I don't think that rhyme was supposed to be in there, but honey doesn't lure birds. I tried.

Written By Ophelia

Sept. 18, 2016, 5:14 p.m.(8/11/1004 AR)

Dear Diary,

I cannot, in good faith, ever recommend dining on raw boar hearts, even if drizzled in the most fantastic chocolate sauce that one can find. I thought the sauce would've made a difference also, but I am not above admitting when I may be wrong. I can, however, heartily endorse how far a well-timed splatter can reach, if the vessels have been tied just so, and should one have the right amount of cunning to angle it towards someone deserving, the results should logically prove entertaining. Logically.
On another note (or the same note really), Princess Deva proved herself worthy of being so very-very fierce and it was a good reminder of all the reasons her and Luca brilliantly match together. Which reminds me that Prince Darren probably deserves a belated half dozen curtseys, but I may just pay a messenger to begin making up the deficit. That works, I hope?

Yours Truly,
Princess Ophelia Velenosa

P.S. Gifts are good for every occasion.
P.P.S. Napkins are saviors in silken disguise.

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