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Written By Kima

Feb. 17, 2017, 5:45 p.m.(12/10/1005 AR)

Politics are about power; we cannot evade that truth or its consequences. We dream of a better world but it is in utopia – that is, nowhere.

Written By Kima

Feb. 9, 2017, 11:35 p.m.(11/23/1005 AR)

Courage is abhorred more than admired, because cowardice is far more prevalent. Physical and moral courage require commitment to an objective or principle. Cowards abandon their objectives or principles at the first sign of pressure, resistance, or opprobrium and hate the steadfast, even if they’re ostensibly allied in the same cause.

Written By Kima

Feb. 7, 2017, 7:15 p.m.(11/16/1005 AR)

I took a nap, and when I awoke, it was dark.

I thought I had vastly overslept, but apparently there has been some sort of confusion between the day and night of the sort one finds in fables for children.

We live in interesting times, of that, no one can doubt.

Written By Kima

Feb. 5, 2017, 4:40 p.m.(11/10/1005 AR)

Things are always more complex than they at first seem.

Written By Kima

Feb. 2, 2017, 7:13 p.m.(11/1/1005 AR)

I've always preferred men to women. As friends, as lovers, as figures of authority. Men like to keep things simple. None of the absurd oversensitivity, reacting to every damned expression or glance or gesture. None of the stewing over some careless comment made in passing. And, most importantly, none of the vicious backstabbing and poison cups given with such winning smiles.


I have long since learned all the cruel lessons of my own gender. I've seen enough eyes crawling up and down my body: judging the clothes I wear, the cut and style of my hair, the man at my side. I've seen women carving up others when they think their victim isn't looking, (Sometimes, even when they know that they are looking!) with eyes like blades.

Stab! Slice! Gut!

And isn't it true -beyond all challenge or doubt- that women who prefer the company of men are they most hated women of all?

Written By Kima

Jan. 22, 2017, 3:50 p.m.(9/24/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Mirari

It may not be altogether big news for many people, but last night I became a patron, for the first time. A step above getting a puppy, but certainly not on the level of infant, either.

I jest. Sort of.

I'm proud to patron Mirari Whisper. She's a remarkable woman.

Written By Kima

Jan. 13, 2017, 9:10 p.m.(8/26/1005 AR)

Spent an evening at the Unkindness, where I met with several individuals over drinks and we discussed politics - such as they are. I left there feeling that the place was aptly named. Not for the company, mind. Took a walk home in the rain, made it back to the Tower soaked through to find Vomas up and waiting.

He asked if I was happy, and if he might go sailing with Costas and would the Duke very much mind sitting with him at the expo tomorrow. Eyes all bright and face full of hope, the way only children can manage. I found that, you know, I was happy after all.

Written By Kima

Jan. 4, 2017, 2:35 a.m.(7/24/1005 AR)

Do you ever hear a thing so stupid you hope it gets enacted just so the parties involve have to suffer the consequences of their idiocy?

Written By Kima

Jan. 2, 2017, 5:49 p.m.(7/20/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Rymarr

Sir Rymarr Lyonesse, First Captain of the Sovereign's Own Royal Guard.

I met with him briefly after the first meeting of the Low Council, where I suspect I lingered too long than was seemly. Thus, I decided to invite him for dinner. It took some time for our schedules to align, but all in all I was pleased for the occasion.

Sir Rymarr is, if nothing else, exactly what a knight should aspire to be. Confuse that not with being a character from a story book, however. The man is, as are we all (or so we dearly hope), human. He possesses dreams and foibles alike. Yet he has chosen his path, knows it for what it is, and walks it bravely. How can I say this so confidently, you wonder? Because I understand it.

But oh! Those blue eyes, so~oo dreamy.

(Well, I had to, didn't I?)

Written By Kima

Jan. 1, 2017, 5:14 p.m.(7/17/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Fortunato

Today I met with, for the first time, Fortunato Grayhope. We discussed a commission he has received, which, while informative and engaging, was not the sole virtue of the afternoon. He was absolutely nothing like I expected, which I confess I took to be a delight.

Having followed the work he sometimes puts forth within the white journals of Vellichor, I have long found myself an admirer. Thus, it was my great pleasure to host him and see first hand the early stages of one of his projects. In the future, I hope to speak more with him, though not only on the subject of business.

We are each more than our titles, are we not?

Written By Kima

Dec. 31, 2016, 11:59 p.m.(7/15/1005 AR)

I woke up with blood on my hands this morning. Blood on the sheets. Not a scratch on me.


What? Yeah, that's all I have to say.

Written By Kima

Dec. 25, 2016, 11:03 p.m.(6/25/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Hadrian

So that just happened.

Okay, that was ineloquent. I'm not a girl of twelve, I can articulate my thoughts. I merely choose not to in this moment.

But surely, my darling, you had your reasons? Some fiendish ploy? Some cunning counter-move?

Ye gods, people are going to think me a heartless tart. And if I close my eyes, I can even imagine Eos laughing.

Written By Kima

Dec. 24, 2016, 1:49 p.m.(6/21/1005 AR)

It is all rather frustrating when things don't go as you plan. Yet what else is there to do but pick yourself up (and perhaps several pieces as well) and move on?

Written By Kima

Dec. 24, 2016, 1:21 p.m.(6/21/1005 AR)

I had worried that I would be ill-suited to raising Vomas. I needn't have. It's not simply that he's old enough that I don't have to fear he'll die without my constant attention. Rather, it is that I've realized that if I think more like a teacher than aught else, then things between us go swimmingly. Together we have read one of the books of law the Legate has so kindly sent me; we've sat in on the court for a day; wandered the perimeter of Arx and talked architecture as well as flora and fauna.

He gets a green look when I talk about horse riding lessons with Leola or further sparring with myself and Athas, but if my mother had cared a whit for green looks when I was a lass, then I'd not have the wonderful background of poetry, philosophy, or religion to broaden my soul. I might not be anything more than a laymen in such subjects, but I'm still richer for what I do know.

I am richer, too, for the time shared with my nephew.

Written By Kima

Dec. 18, 2016, 4:44 p.m.(6/3/1005 AR)

I have tried many times since learning of my brother's demise to sit down and write something that means anything. I have read, of course, the many entries submitted by those who have been touched by his loss.

When we were children, one of the games we used to play had to do with stepping into the shoes of nameless heroes during the time of the Reckoning. We would stand against numberless foes, fighting the impossible battle. Knowing that we would fail; that we would fall. My brother and I, you see, understood the power of a last stand.

We knew, as only children can, what it was to live.

Eos, I wish I could have seen your last stand.

I bet it was really something.

Written By Kima

Dec. 7, 2016, 8:35 p.m.(4/27/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Anze

Anze Redrain was my partner by lot for the Concordal Melee. I have fought along side men of northern blood before. Marcas, as it happens, in the last melee. I have always found northmen to be incredibly solid personalities. In battle, they are gleefully without fear.

The north, I think, produces excellent warriors.

I have yet to determine if they produce equally excellent soldiers.

Speculation aside, I hope Anze and I continue to grow our friendship. And not solely because he has this completely charming desire to unravel the licentious mysteries that weave themselves so utterly around the Lyceum.

Written By Kima

Dec. 7, 2016, 8:35 p.m.(4/27/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Anze

Anze Redrain was my partner by lot for the Concordal Melee. I have fought along side men of northern blood before. Marcas, as it happens, in the last melee. I have always found northmen to be incredibly solid personalities. In battle, they are gleefully without fear.

The north, I think, produces excellent warriors.

I have yet to determine if they produce equally excellent soldiers.

Speculation aside, I hope Anze and I continue to grow our friendship. And not solely because he has this completely charming desire to unravel the licentious mysteries that weave themselves so utterly around the Lyceum.

Written By Kima

Dec. 4, 2016, 1:39 p.m.(4/17/1005 AR)

To say things have been eventful of late would be an understatement. From the melee to my appointment to the Low Council, to other, more personal travails, emotions have run the gamut. Adrenaline-fueled elation, sombre reflection, frustration, dejection, helpless anger and, yes, even the ghostly lick of fear.

Awash in such things, it is important to take stock of the little moments. The things that, in the swirl of chaos, are like deep-rooted trees of calm. For me, one such instant was the spar with my brother much earlier in the week. It reminds me of old times, when I yearned for life's grand adventure. You see, the more things change, the more important it becomes to have that which remains the same. The bond with a brother, for example.

Unshakeable ground on which to walk.

How many of us have lost a loved one? Too many. Not through life's natural causes, or accidents, but through malicious acts. If seem akin to the doom-saying prophet covered in ash, then so be it, but the worst is yet to come. So hold on to your loved ones, those that remain.

And mistake me not - I do not tell anyone to cower, but to gird themselves.

I come now to my last point: I am now a member of the Low Council. Politics are not my strong suit, the gods only know. Yet this isn't meant, in theory, to be entirely the realm of verbal sparring. It is meant to be a means of doing, of enacting plans. To any and all who might be wondering at why one such as myself was nominated, I care not to justify with wheedling words of ink. Instead, I hope to prove myself through action.

Written By Kima

Dec. 1, 2016, 10:20 p.m.(4/9/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Costas

Costas is my newest student. He bemoans my ruinous rates, but as another so astutely pointed out, he won't bemoan my teaching him how best to keep his innards within his abdomen. He also kept referring to his face as a slab, or leather, which I disagree with. If he were that bland, or worse, hideous, I'd not readily associate with him outside of our lessons.

Why, Scholar, do you arch your brow at me?

He's an interesting chap, one I'm more than glad has been scooped up by the Malvici. Now, he may or may not feel the same about that currently, but I'll turn him into a lover of Southport and its ruling family in time.

And I'll do that for free.

Written By Kima

Dec. 1, 2016, 10:13 p.m.(4/9/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Leola

Leola is a good lass.

Helpful, dutiful, obedient. Needs a bit of a lesson in expressing herself, though. Now, I'm not accusing her of being without spine. Quite the opposite, in fact! Yet I find it rather strange that she should have that deep well of courage, draw from it, and still be unable to speak without sounding...

Well, sounding timid.

Unless she's just exceptionally skilled at deception. Not an impossibility, given that she is of the Lyceum.

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