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Written By Arianna

Jan. 25, 2018, 5:24 p.m.(1/14/1008 AR)

Oh I couldn't agree more with the Princess Avaline when I skimmed that journal, but I do wonder if this is an attempt to quiet the unrest in Grayson. Everyone adores Princess Reese, she's everything you could ever want in a representative of your House and she's the General. Now why wouldn't this person be a Voice already when she's, practically, the only Grayson leader whose tried and true methods have kept us all safe and whole and has engendered so much good will among the people? I've tried to address this issue quietly with missives that just get ignored but alas. It seems public outcry speaks for itself.

The people of House Grayson may not wish to speak up about it but this doesn't settle our concerns for our future. We need a leader we can depend on.

Reese for Voice of House Grayson. As it should have been, as it should be.

Written By Arianna

Jan. 24, 2018, 1:57 a.m.(1/10/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Belladonna

"Princess Reese Grayson is the least spoiled Princess I have ever met. She is kind, and she is an incredible leader. I have complete faith in the Grayson general's ability to lead their forces to triumph in the days to come. Again and again, she has proven herself against the enemies of the Compact. Successfully. These enemies will be no different."

Cousin, your candor is appreciated always. Especially when it strikes so true. I try to be a woman of few words now, so I will only say this. I, Lady Arianna Stonewood, couldn't agree more.

Written By Arianna

Dec. 8, 2017, 4:23 p.m.(9/24/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

A jawbone? I mean....damn.

Written By Arianna

Dec. 7, 2017, 12:11 a.m.(9/21/1007 AR)

As House Kennex continues to go through the difficult transition from an economy based on slavery to one of better moral principles, I would like to commend them for the good things that they've done. It's far too easy to see the turmoil and upheaval such a change has caused but all good things are hard earned and won with determination and veracity. The Marquis and his family's intentions were good and wholesome. They wished to abolish thralldom in their lands and make freedom the rule of law in their domain. While there might have been a better way, hindsight is everything.

We make mistakes, we learn from them and we grow. The peerage has made it's opinions on the matter abundantly clear and the charity and hard work that the Liberators and the other Houses of the Compact have done cannot be understated. Everyone has come together in this crisis and done what we all set out to do. Put the people before ourselves. To forgive when you can condemn, to embrace when you could castigate, to show solidarity when we could divide. These are the things that make us human, that make us better than the enemies of the Compact that still work toward tearing us apart. While I am not saying that we should forget, I am saying that we can all walk with the Gods and help one another up when we stumble and fall. Let us guide one another back to the flock when we've lost our way. House Kennex and the family of Marquis Ford Kennex have suffered enough. I hope we all strive to master our passions and love our fellow man with an open heart and if we cannot then at the very least let us refrain from spreading the darkness of hatred.

Written By Arianna

Dec. 6, 2017, 10:41 p.m.(9/21/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Vanora

You say you'll never belong but you have family that loves you Vanora. While I do understand feeling apart from everything I think you have handled it much better than I. We live to serve and that you might recognize that and act on it so naturally for the benefit of the people is a testament to your lineage and the teachings of the Thirteenth. Your strength in these trying times inspires me. May the Gods bless you and may He always be your guiding light in the darkness.

Written By Arianna

Dec. 2, 2017, 4:28 a.m.(9/11/1007 AR)

"We can evolve given the space and time to grow."

I suffered, I learned, I changed. Never has such a statement been more true. May the lessons that I've learned in the depths of the mind guide me ever further toward a deeper connection with Him and through Him all things. The truths I've gleaned during the silent retreat suffuse my very soul.

Written By Arianna

Dec. 2, 2017, 3:48 a.m.(9/11/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Edward

Moist memory juices? Really now. I just arrived back into the city and the first thing I do is read this. Thank you for the smile Baron Stormbreak, as always - such a pleasure.

Written By Arianna

Oct. 28, 2017, 9:32 p.m.(6/25/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Carita

When I heard about the engagement, I was quite excited -- in fact I might use the word delighted. I think that Lady Carita, because she is a member of the peerage of that there is no doubt, and the Baron Stormbreak are complimentary to one another. Her composure and temperament tames the passions of the Storm and his tenacity and way with coin would be enviable traits if I wasn't busy celebrating them. May our Lady of Change bring an easy transition to this exciting new phase of their lives.

With that being said, whatever these two respectable members of the court choose to engage in is their divine right in the freedom of choice. These were simply my words in observation and my heartfelt personal opinion on the matter, meager as it may be.

Written By Arianna

Oct. 28, 2017, 12:03 p.m.(6/24/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Belladonna

Most recently I offered some words which, despite my best intentions, offended a family of hard working people. It is with a sincere hand that I offer my apology to the Cullers and anyone else whom might have been upset by my words. The Sentinel's judgement isn't needed to acknowledge someone else's feelings and that will always be my stance when it comes to the emotional well being of the people.

In time I hope to make amends for my actions and to learn from my mistakes. Thank you for the opportunity to grow and move past this so graciously Duchess Pravus, without your words of wisdom on the matter perhaps I might not have chosen to reflect on my actions and find fault in myself.

Written By Arianna

Oct. 26, 2017, 5:19 p.m.(6/20/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Driskell

Wise words indeed Brother Driskell.

Written By Arianna

Oct. 18, 2017, 9:36 p.m.(6/5/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

Hahahaha! That is something he'd say. I'm gonna have to use it. Thank you kindly for the advice Your Grace.

Written By Arianna

Oct. 18, 2017, 7:25 p.m.(6/4/1007 AR)

Good Gods I had no idea so many people actually took time out of there days to read /my/ whites. This is a whole new level of opportunity. Circles within circles. It's almost as if people have nothing better to do. Hold on now, some of you have shit to do like run your domains and attend your tea socials and continue talking shit about the people out there actually doing something with their lives. You'd really think people would understand the responsibility that comes with being a noble but apparently it's all silver spoons and free rides. Seriously? No, it isn't. Let's take a look at the elite and break down just how many of those are actually high born commoners, members of the Faith or common folk who have actually worked at a trade to develop a business and establish a mercantile empire based on capitalism and not just aristocrats. You know the thing you do when you as privileged people move in and fuck over the native denizens of a region and steal their resources for your own. First, let me put this down for my own sanity and not for anything other than putting thoughts to paper in the book that's all about me. Right? Interesting concept that showcases our society is motivated by selfishness. Me, me me me. You haven't heard about my good deeds because I don't have the need to write them down and immortalize them on the pages of some dusty old tome that most people use as a medium for self-masturbation. To be quite honest, this discussion could on and I could highlight my points but I'm bloody bored already. You bore me. That's what I'd say to most of the people who come to read my white journals and walk away feeling offended about my thoughts. You know why you're offended, because you're not perfect. Something inside you begs for validation from your petty minded peers and no one else cares. No one cares.

Seriously, stop...think about it, let that soak in. No one cares. This is the last time I'll write about this for your reading pleasure, because I did this for you. (Thank me later those who know who you are). For everyone else, excellent work out there fighting the good fight. Liberating the Shav and Abandoned Coalitions who needed our soldiers. Thank you to the people who work tirelessly restoring order to the realm. Thank you to the people who have mended wounds, stitched on limbs and performed the real miracles of healing. Thank you to the common people who know my heart and have spent time with me in the past week organizing the projects that will provide free healthcare and a tuition free public university! Thank you to the people whom are working into the wee hours of the morning making sure that the Gods protection is extended all across Stonewood lands and beyond. Thank you. This is what I live to write about, and this is what matters.

Written By Arianna

Oct. 18, 2017, 6:41 p.m.(6/4/1007 AR)

How about this, when you walk into the Archives and want to read something. Don't pick up my white journals. In case the Archlector decides to read my whites again, now he will understand that he reached for /my/ book of his own volition. I Personally I read everyone's journals to satiate my curious appetite of course, but I only write about the ones that really affect me. Soooo moral of the story, if your name doesn't end with Culler. Exit stage left and take many seats.

Written By Arianna

Oct. 18, 2017, 6:15 p.m.(6/4/1007 AR)

Now I could be offended by some of the comments in the Whites but to be quite frank, I've come to expect it. The thing is, I even understand it. Not having context to an inside joke among good friends, because Torian Culler is someone I consider as much for his brutal honesty and all the effort he has put into his work of which I recommend, but when you decide to levy insults and hurl challenges on said assumptions it's disrespectful in a whole new way. As someone who has put her life on the line for the Compact time and again and has many true friends outside of the nobility I don't take offense to false information. I donate 25% of my weekly salary to helping educate, clothe, and shelter people who have less than. Besides that, I have paid to erect destroyed and dilapidated structures in the Lower Boroughs, once again using my own resources and not relying on fundraisers. Which is definitely a wise way to raise the resources our people need. I've fought for the Compact time and again and if you don't know my compassion and kindnesses then the burden of ignorance must indeed be a hard thing indeed to overcome from that lofty pedestal you occupy. I will respond to the Challenge in a constructive manner. This won't be handled by Champions or but by a contest of the minds. Here lies my opportunity to see what extent the nobility of Arvum have gone to understand the truth behind the socioeconomic divide in Arx and beyond.

Written By Arianna

Oct. 18, 2017, 4:54 p.m.(6/4/1007 AR)

Ohhh the Cullers. Haha. You...funny guys you. I don't think you want the burden of nobility. It just wouldn't suit your swag.

Written By Arianna

Sept. 29, 2017, 3:59 p.m.(4/22/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Malesh

I remember when you first came to be the Marquis of Stonehearth. Gods it seems like so long ago but in truth, it's been a paltry six years. I had grown up apart from the rest and lived such a different life that returning after father's death was like...being pulled out of the dream and thrust into the real world. I think I must have done something to impress you then, to name me Voice at such a young age. Though the truth of the matter was I didn't know who you were and I couldn't have faith in your ability to lead in such an exemplary manner as father did. Over the years I quickly learned that you weren't as good as father, you were better. Far exceeding any expectations I had in what a leader could and should be. You've led our House onward to glory and we're far more successful and secure than we've ever been before. Thank you for your never ending work days, and all the endless hours you put into the books. Thank you for always being patient with me even when I didn't deserve it. Thank you for always standing with me even when it hurt you to do it. Thank you for entrusting the legacy of our House to me, so we might elevate ourselves to our rightful place among the Compact. You've done well brother.

Written By Arianna

Sept. 24, 2017, 6:09 p.m.(4/10/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Denica

"Paint me like one of your Lycene girls."

Written By Arianna

Sept. 13, 2017, 2:03 a.m.(3/15/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Denica

Wow....the Mourning Sea...I see why they mourn so often, to see such beauties as this one depart their shores must break their little hearts.

Written By Arianna

Sept. 4, 2017, 1:50 a.m.(2/22/1007 AR)

I need to do better when it comes to reigning in my temper. There is always a time and a place. All of my companions on this sojourn are worthy of praise. Everyone did an exceptional job and Prince Calarian made a hard choice, I stand by it now as the right decision even if my heart hurts over the outcome.

Written By Arianna

Aug. 31, 2017, 1:51 a.m.(2/14/1007 AR)

Oh Gods, watching so many talented swordsmen and swordswomen go at it was just a pleasure one can't put into words. Prince Valerion, you fought valiantly and your skill is admirable. Princess Ribbons, as always you never disappoint and you fight with the strength of five men. Easily. Now, Lord Ashford. I truly didn't know what to expect from you, mind you the bar was set high because Paladin of Ideals or something. When you were fighting I realized that even though I set the bar head and shoulders above the rest, it was not enough. You are exemplary and while I could say more, the point is made. I was slightly disappointed I didn't see Sparte or Leta in action but in due time I'm sure.

As if the company was not delightful enough at the Training Center, I greatly enjoyed the evening. Duchess Nightgold, as always my love you are so gracious and an extraordinary host. I've always loved the Nightgold's ambiance and joie de vivre but if you feel a change is in order then by all means I fully support this decision. Princess Reese, Lord Killian. Duchess. All very good people whom I greatly enjoy spending time with. I hope everyone has sweet dreams tonight and I look forward to brunch! Or was it dinner? Oh well, either way I sense the Great Prank Wars in the future, Jayus lend me your creativity for this divine purpose.

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