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Written By Lucita

Sept. 17, 2017, 1:18 a.m.(3/23/1007 AR)

The servants had decorated the Grand Hall beautifully, Master Cesare sang and played as entertainment and Nisaa performed exquisite dances. I had the pleasure of accompanying them, playing instruments. More people attended than I expected and ...GASP, the King himself, King Alaric surprised us with his very welcome presence. He mingled with people. complimented the entertainment and event, seemed to enjoy the wine. He impressed me as being witty, wise, charming, caring deeply for the city and its people, and he did not even lose patience with my chattering away with him.

Written By Lucita

Sept. 12, 2017, 12:27 a.m.(3/13/1007 AR)

Good food, good company, amusing conversations, and stories ranging from adventurous, exciting, to humorous or dangerous. Service was impeccable. My cousin will regret having missed this gathering.

Written By Lucita

Sept. 11, 2017, 5:51 p.m.(3/12/1007 AR)

Dulcimers are more fragile than they look, dulcimers break. If you ever want to clear a crowd out of a room, just play one with a cracked soundboard and a warped bridge. Luckily that did not happen today although I almost dropped mine while getting it measured for a padded carryall, thanks to Sir Daemon's quick action in securing it. Also shopping were Lady Vesper Nighthawk, a sword of Brassfall March, but she did not have a sword yet, and a big, very, very tall man, Agnarr. You have to back up to talk to him or get a crick in the neck from looking up so much. Am not sure what to think of that one after he made some comment about at least not being born Lycene (at least I think that is what he said)...and well, Igniseri's are of Velenosa fealty and I live in the Lyceum district.

Written By Lucita

Sept. 8, 2017, 5:32 p.m.(3/6/1007 AR)

Meeting new people, growing to know others better, darling twin babies to admire, delicious food, challenging conversations, tips on preparedness... ... am glad I pulled away from copying music scores long enough to attend.

Written By Lucita

Aug. 26, 2017, 10:50 p.m.(2/6/1007 AR)

Merry music, knife juggling (and no one got stabbed, at least while I was there), free drinks. I was relieved I managed a passable dance with Lord Hadrian and did not make a fool of myself. It was some sort of party for Ian. A lot of people attended. The noise of the band and crowd made introductions difficult to hear. Lord Walsh or Watch, or maybe Wash was his name, claimed to smell of bacon grease. All I could smell was my mulled wine and a few sweaty knife jugglers. It was fun. Can't wait to tell Quenia about it.

Written By Lucita

Aug. 26, 2017, 12:40 a.m.(2/4/1007 AR)

Listening to Cesare at Whisper House when Princess Valencia and I visited there was so inspiring that when I accompanied him in a duet, I played better than I ever have before. That might not be a good thing. The goal may have been set too high to reach again.

Written By Lucita

Aug. 24, 2017, 1:36 p.m.(2/1/1007 AR)

Meeting new people is interesting, and meeting these especially so. The ARRG organization, of which was unfamiliar, did not relate at all to the 'arrgh' sound one makes on hearing some puns or not-very-good actors make when faking death. Instead it is a very worthy organization with charitable goals. It was quite inspiring to hear of the ARRG plans, so much so that I found myself volunteering to assist them.

Written By Lucita

Aug. 20, 2017, 10:59 p.m.(1/22/1007 AR)

When my cousin asked I help with family social obligations, I never imagined coping with representing the family at a fealty dinner so soon. Did not know anyone there but it was delightful, and colorful. There were under-currents in some conversations, a risky game of drinks, and at the end, a challenge issued.

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