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Written By Sophie

Jan. 31, 2019, 9:54 p.m.(6/27/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

If someone does make these very dangerous sounding gauntlets - please keep in mind that the Mercies are always available when (not if) they are needed.

Be careful scratching your nose (Or whatever else might itch.. ahem).

We can be found at the House of Solace. I'll have a bed ready!

Written By Sophie

Jan. 28, 2019, 9:03 a.m.(6/19/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Ansel

When I was a child I had a stuffed horse named Whinnie. I loved Whinnie and Whinnie loved me. I had Whinnie until a certain Telmar Sword decided to give Whinnie a haircut and put a hole in her that the stuffing escaped from. I cried.

That is all. Never let it be said that the Mother Mercy isn't willing to cut blackmail off in its earliest stages!

Written By Sophie

Jan. 22, 2019, 10:27 a.m.(6/8/1010 AR)

When every single option represents catastrophic loss how do you choose your path?

While the King and High Council make their decisions we as citizens must make our own decisions. What path will we walk? Will we stand behind our faith and rally to the cries of our gods? Will we take up swords and prepare to die if we must to slay the enemies that threaten to destroy us? Will we wear our perfumes and pretty dresses and dance while the world crumbles around us?

In the First Reckoning we saw men and women rise up to the occasion. We saw allies appear just when we needed them. We banded together to vanquish our foes by sheer will and we came out victorious - battered, but victorious.

We can stand on our own. I am certain of it. It is fraught with danger, and we will certainly see more loss of life than I can bear to imagine, but we will stand. We will fight. We will heal. We will endure.

I hope our King, High Counsel, and the people of Arvum share my faith in us.

And while this is happening we must our own decisions. How will we rise to the occasion? What can we do to make the world better today? What can we do today to prepare to make the world better tomorrow? We can make a difference. Each and every once of us.

Written By Sophie

Jan. 21, 2019, 9:32 a.m.(6/6/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Bliss

Whomever said to you "May you live in interesting times." Can you please ask them to spread it out more?
All at once is a little much, don't you think?

We are all stretched to our limits. I'm not sure how much more we can handle.

Written By Sophie

Jan. 9, 2019, 10:17 p.m.(5/1/1010 AR)

Sometimes we must make a choice. We must do what is safe, or we must do what is right.

We lost so many young Mercies, and yet I find myself faced with the choice of holding them near to my heart and keeping them here safely in Arx or sending them into the world to protect and heal, which is our sacred duty.

This is the choice I make today.
If any group travelling outside of the city of Arx is in need, and they have adequate swords to protect them, a petition may be given to myself or Mercy Estelle and we will see to it that they are attended by a number of Mercies that are appropriate to their needs.

Any great endeavor holds the potential for failure. We are fallible, and human, and it is impossible to foresee every possibility. May we continue to dream big, and find ways to make those dreams a reality. Only through failure do we grow.

Our hearts and prayers are with those affected by the senseless loss of life all across our lands.

Marquis Ruslan Volkov has made a sizable donation to start a fund for a memorial for those young Mercies whose lives were lost on the pilgrimage to Blancbier. If anyone else would like to be involved in the fundraising efforts please contact myself or Mercy Estelle Blackram, Voice of Mercy.

Princess Sophie Valardin, Mother Mercy of Arx

Written By Sophie

Jan. 8, 2019, 11:36 p.m.(4/27/1010 AR)

The House of Solace is so quiet tonight. The Mercies mourn the loss of so many of our young ones. My heart is broken.

Written By Sophie

Jan. 8, 2019, 10:11 a.m.(4/26/1010 AR)

It's amazing how wrong we can be when we make judgements of people based on others assessments of them. I have found myself challenging those preconceived notions of people very much in the past few days.

What a pleasant surprise it is when you meet someone, or get to know someone who you had previously only encountered on a surface level who you expect to dislike, and they turn out to be someone you find to be entirely charming and pleasant.

I might have met Lady Margret under unpleasant circumstances, but her kindness and strength have made an impression on me. I hope, one day, to call her friend.

Bliss Whisper... I don't even know what to say. She's more than charming, she's intoxicating (and I am not referring to the whiskey she brought me!). It's like an apothecary bottled up youth, and vibrance, and adventure and that bottle was made human. I have not always sided with her on the matter of Vowkeeper, and the reason why anyone would want to shake the very foundation of a house such as the Telmars by demanding their house sword eluded me. I have never been unwilling to admit when I am wrong, and this is one time when I was wrong. The reverence to which she shows Vowkeeper, and the sincere desire to wield it in a way to reflect positively on the Telmar family have changed my feelings. I knew Arn would make the right decision, no matter what decision he made, and I think he has. I wanted to dislike her. I couldn't. I think she is destined for great things.

It has been a trying time for me here in Arx lately. I think perhaps I shall make a pilgrimage somewhere soon. Just to get away from it all - and away from these infernal ships sitting in the harbor like a shadow of death across our city. They frighten me.

Written By Sophie

Jan. 7, 2019, 11:17 a.m.(4/24/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Ysbail

Sometimes we all make choices and there is no way to know the far reaching consequences. You serve your house well, and those wronged likely see that, even through their pain.

I will pray for your Marquessa. She's going to need it.

Written By Sophie

Dec. 7, 2018, 9:25 a.m.(2/18/1010 AR)

It's amazing how one can be in the depths of despair, and feel as if you've messed your life up beyond repair and something quite simple - as simple as meeting another person - can help lift you from that despair and give you the motivation to focus on the things that are truly important.

I've felt sort of.. disconnected from the faith for quite some time, perhaps in part due to the nature of the assault on the lodge and the preparation and then the aftermath. It's quite easy to get caught in the day-to-day activities when you are so busy you barely have time to sleep, much less pray.

I find that now that my soul has refreshed I have this overwhelming desire to renew my connection to the Faith, and to Lagoma, Our Lady of Change. There are so many projects that I wish I could undertake, but I fear I must take them one at a time. First, and foremost, I shall not let the survivors and injured of the assault at the lodge go unremembered. They are my greatest priority, but as they begin to heal and return to their families I will turn my attention to other matters.

There is the trip with my brother. I'm quite looking forward to an adventure. Hopefully some knowledge we did not previously have will come of it. Even if it doesn't, I'll spend time with Beaumont and his beau. She's charming. I'd like to get to know her better.
There is also the pilgrimage to Blancbier with Verity and a number of Mercies. I am excited to return to a place that was so formative in my youth, and also to travel to Fen De Lay. Perhaps the prayers of the Mercies and myself will bring some peace to a place that has been so tainted.

When those trips are done I am planning a pilgrimage of my own much closer to home. I plan to visit every shrine of the faith in Arx, and spend a day, possibly 2 meditating on the nature of each God and fasting. While there are some Gods that don't sit as easily with me, I think that through communing with them it will help me in my service to Lagoma. If nothing else it will strengthen my ties to the faith and hopefully give me a renewed sense of purpose.

I've also been thinking lately about the necessity for a Mercy garden, and greenhouse, to aid in the growing of healing herbs. A storeroom to place the herbs once they are dried would be helpful as well. Fund-raising will be much-needed, but I am confident that the citizens of Arx will come together to support such a worthy cause.

Another project I'd like to see off the ground is a series of First Aid classes to be held in the Lower Burroughs. Attendance wouldn't be restricted only to the residents there, but I think it would benefit them to have some skills to treat minor injuries and ills. Perhaps they might be less inclined to let things fester to the point that medical care from the Mercies or Physicians guild is needed.

So many ideas, and so little time to do them. It's amazing the power of another person to leave you feeling like the world is not quite as dark as you once felt. I shall treasure this feeling because I know all too well how fleeting it can often be. Some people are so fickle.

Written By Sophie

Nov. 26, 2018, 2:55 p.m.(1/23/1010 AR)

The House of Solace has been busy since the defense of the Lodge, both in healing the immediately wounded and in treatment the festering wounds of those who were minorly wounded and chose to ignore them until they grew so much worse that they had no choice.
It seems that's the way with soldiers in general. To admit the need for help is seen as weakness, when admitting the help immediately when needed would make things much easier on all involved.
At least those cases are getting fewer and fewer, and the majority of the injured are back home with family recovering.
We have had our first few cases of soldier's afflicted with Soldier's Heart start to arrive at the House of Solace, and after perusing the white journals today I realize how important it is that we remind the residents of Arx of the Harrowed Heart Initiative that was first implemented in the aftermath of the Seige of Arx to treat those individuals afflicted with emotional trauma after the activities at the Lodge.
I just pray that those who need us are brave enough to seek help, and don't try to suffer silently to their own detriment. Lagoma willing, the Mercies can help them through this difficult time.

Written By Sophie

Oct. 15, 2018, 12:19 a.m.(10/13/1009 AR)

I admit that recently I have been engrossed in my own life and thoughts, and the closing of a chapter, and now the beginning of a new and exciting one.
As I made my through the recent journals and caught up on the recent public proclamations I became quite vexed with the state of things here in Arx.
It's almost as if the populace has forgotten that we have a much more dangerous enemy waiting for the time in which our bonds weaken and we turn upon one another and become obsessed with selfish needs.
When you wish to deprive a family of their birthright then you also wish to deprive all future generations of it as well.. and for what? Personal gain? Riches? Vengeance?
I fear that they would be cold and lonely bedfellows and I fear that nothing positive will come of such things.
I trust that the faith will come to a fair and reasonable solution to this problem. Whatever that is - I hope everyone involved finds peace and tranquility through this process and that the crimes of the past receive some closure and that all involved can begin healing their souls from the damage that was done.
Most importantly - I hope that all involved remember to be kind to one another, even when kindness seems hard to find in a situation.
May the gods gift us all with more foregiveness for our own mistakes and the mistakes of others and allow those with anger in their hearts to release that and begin the process of recovery.

Written By Sophie

Sept. 26, 2018, 3:29 p.m.(9/4/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Isabeau

Ah, I've done it. It's come to my attention that an entry that was intended for my black journal was placed in the white journal. I'm so grateful for everyone's concern.

I am joyously awaiting the marriage of my sister, and looking forward to an entire manor of bouncing baby nephews and nieces that I can spoil with chocolate, spun sugar, obnoxiously loud toys, and lots of Auntly hugs and kisses.

Isabeau, change makes us stronger - once we adapt, and we will adapt to this too!

Written By Sophie

Sept. 26, 2018, 9:20 a.m.(9/3/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Isabeau

My dearest sister. Things are a bit strained right now due to her upcoming marriage, but eventually things will be back to normal. I hope.

Written By Sophie

Sept. 17, 2018, 11:13 p.m.(8/15/1009 AR)

Today I catalogued the contents of my bedroom. I had no fewer than 23 pots of tea in there.
I was in amazement. I knew I loved tea, but... perhaps this is getting out of hand.
I then looked around my office at the House of Solace. 26 pots of tea there.
I shall come to the acceptance that I have a problem, and endeavor to heal myself of this most holy addiction.
So... if anyone needs tea, please stop and see me. I can't possibly drink all of this tea.
I'd float away... I'd get a lot done, perhaps... but I'd float away while doing it.

Written By Sophie

Sept. 10, 2018, 10:59 p.m.(7/26/1009 AR)

What a day it was! After my recent self imposed solitary soul searching I was much too busy with matters relating to the Mercies to focus on what is truly important -my relationship and service to Lagoma. I surmise that it is normal human nature to become lost in the daily grind and forget the bigger picture of why we do the things we do.
I took a relaxing walk to the Shrine of Lagoma, and once there I spent an entire glorious hour in silence, simply communing with Lagoma and seeking her guidance in the months to come. It seems almost as if she was drawing certain people there today. Perhaps I'm being overly dramatic, but I suspect there was something much larger at work today and I can't wait to see what comes of the acquaintances that were forged today.
Archlector Roran was there, of course, and though I like him and respect him for his work I feel that he is silently disapproving almost constantly. I fear he questions my ability to adequately fill my post and I suppose, in future, I'll have to watch what I say to him. I have a tendency to tease and he seems to take nearly everything quite literally. As nearly half of what I say cannot be taken literally, it makes for a rather interesting conversation.
Lord Aethan was perhaps the most surprising part of the day. I left thinking I hadn't left the least bit of an impression on him, and that I would have to make a concerted effort to try to bring him out of his shell, and within hours he had sent, via messenger, a generous donation toward the purchase of new linens for the House of Solace. I have invited him for tea and cake. I look forward to discovering why Lagoma saw fit to bring us together in that most fortuitous meeting in the presence of her holy flame.

Written By Sophie

Sept. 10, 2018, 10:59 p.m.(7/26/1009 AR)

What a day it was! After my recent self imposed solitary soul searching I was much too busy with matters relating to the Mercies to focus on what is truly important -my relationship and service to Lagoma. I surmise that it is normal human nature to become lost in the daily grind and forget the bigger picture of why we do the things we do.
I took a relaxing walk to the Shrine of Lagoma, and once there I spent an entire glorious hour in silence, simply communing with Lagoma and seeking her guidance in the months to come. It seems almost as if she was drawing certain people there today. Perhaps I'm being overly dramatic, but I suspect there was something much larger at work today and I can't wait to see what comes of the acquaintances that were forged today.
Archlector Roran was there, of course, and though I like him and respect him for his work I feel that he is silently disapproving almost constantly. I fear he questions my ability to adequately fill my post and I suppose, in future, I'll have to watch what I say to him. I have a tendency to tease and he seems to take nearly everything quite literally. As nearly half of what I say cannot be taken literally, it makes for a rather interesting conversation.
Lord Aethan was perhaps the most surprising part of the day. I left thinking I hadn't left the least bit of an impression on him, and that I would have to make a concerted effort to try to bring him out of his shell, and within hours he had sent, via messenger, a generous donation toward the purchase of new linens for the House of Solace. I have invited him for tea and cake. I look forward to discovering why Lagoma saw fit to bring us together in that most fortuitous meeting in the presence of her holy flame.

Written By Sophie

Sept. 6, 2018, 7:40 p.m.(7/18/1009 AR)

I have been in self imposed solitary mediation for.. I don't even know how long. Hearing of the impending marriage of my dear sister Isabeau and Ansel was difficult. I'll admit that. I might have spent the first few days of meditation in tears, but they are spent. I hope.
I am emerging with renewed energy and sense of purpose. The first order of business - a complete scrubbing of the House of Solace. Everything must shine! I must place orders for new linens, beds, and anything else that needs attention! Now to tackle this paperwork that has been piling up while I was in meditation.

(New player here! New to ARX as well so please be patient with me!)

Written By Sophie

March 25, 2018, 2:48 a.m.(6/4/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Armel

Even now, it is bittersweet to recall my dear friend, for I feel joy in revisting fond memories, as well as the aching sorrow of loss.

I first met Sir Armel when I was of novitiate of Mercy training in Blancbier. Sir Grumpy Greaves, I called him, which amused us both because it always made him smile.

Over the years he travelled, as is the wont of a Knight of Solace, and we corresponded when possible. When we were reunited in Arx a few years ago, it was a happy occasion for the both of us, and we quickly re-settled into companionable company.

When he was named Knight Commander, I was so proud, and he was so apprehensive. It was a feeling of doubt -- even, at times, unworthiness -- that he carried when promoted to Adjutant and then Grand Master. We both took comfort that I was named the Mother Mercy of Arx around the same time he took leadership of the Silver Order, and it reinforced our feelings that we were in this together. He never hesitated to give the Mercies what they needed. In the most terrible of times, even when his numbers were spread thin, he always found a way to see we were well protected.

One of my fondest memories is both sweet and sorrowed. It was not long after he lost his eye in a gruesome battle with an occultist at the Queensrest Inn. I tracked him down to the Shrine of Gild, and we spoke of things deeply personal and of things profound that I will not detail here. Throughout the course of the conversation and a rousing game of Yum-Yum Kingdom, which is ever so popular with Oathlanders, and which I do hope exists in the future, much was shared, and he left feeling brighter and lighter than I found him.

Armel wasn't what most would call talkative. I am blessed, however, to have been his confidant over the years. He was good and brave. He lived his life with honor and with generosity. I am certain he died the same way, for what is more generous that readily and unhesitatingly sacrificing one's life?

For those in the future who might one day come across this entry, please know this: Sir Armel Godsworn was a great Knight Commander of the Silver Order of the Knights of Solace. More than that, he was a great friend and is greatly missed.

Written By Sophie

March 12, 2018, 5:01 p.m.(5/7/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Arn

Duke Arn Telmar has loyally served my family since before he ruled the Telmarch. It is no wonder why my Uncle Radley, the once Prince of Sanctum -- may the Gods bless his soul -- appointed the indomitable Duke as Lord Marshal of the Oathlands.

I deeply feel that this letter, penned in bold crimson and posted throughout the Ward of Valardin, deserves to be preserved for posterity.

People of the Oathlands,

War is upon us. For some of you, this is your first opportunity to fight for your high lord. For others, it will be your last. For an unfortunate few, it will be both. In the end, it is in the hands of the gods when we live and when we die. While we live, we do what we can to protect those close to us, punish the wicked, and uphold the just. Have faith in the gods. Have faith in your commanders. Have faith in your lieges. Have faith in your high lord. Have faith in yourself. Above all, have faith in the men and women standing beside you in the field of battle. It is these people to whom you will entrust your life and your mission.

We go to war not for the petty grievances of men but for the survival of our people against a wicked foe. They do not attack us directly, but should the Lyceum fall or the Mourning Isles, or the North, or even the Crownlands - the Oathlands could not stand alone. We have no peer in faithfulness nor knighthood, yet even a land as strong as ours would fall if isolated.

Clear your minds, warriors of the Oathlands. Toughen your hearts. Say goodbye to your loved ones. To those who sail the seas, remember the words of Farshaw - The Horizon is Ours. To those who ride to Southport, remember the words of House Laurent - Loyal to the Queen. To those riding north with our high lord, show our enemies that steel bends but honor holds. But above all, Oathlanders:


Arn Telmar
Duke of the Telmarch

Written By Sophie

March 10, 2018, 10:43 p.m.(5/4/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Alis

No, really. Where is my copy?

Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.

Leave blank if this journal is not a relationship

Mark if this is a private, black journal entry