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Written By Sabella

Dec. 6, 2020, 4:17 p.m.(7/8/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Niklas

Always and forever.

Written By Sabella

Dec. 6, 2020, 4:14 p.m.(7/8/1014 AR)

One more day until the auction! If you have not yet gotten me or Lord Jyri anything you would like to us to auction please do so before the event starts tomorrow! I cannot wait for everyone to see what's on offer! And to see how much we can raise to help rebuild the Cathedral!

Thank you to all who have donated so far!

Written By Sabella

Nov. 29, 2020, 8:28 p.m.(6/23/1014 AR)

Oh! And should anyone stumble across this journal and want to see what's been donated so far there is a display at the Whitehawk Gallery that shows some of what will be offered! Not everything, but some of what we have gotten so far! Go and marvel at the skill of your fellow Arxians!

Written By Sabella

Nov. 29, 2020, 11 a.m.(6/22/1014 AR)

I have been so pleased with the donations rolling in for the auction! People who I didn't even realize had such amazing talents are surprising me at every turn! Thank you to everyone that has donated so far! And for those who may be thinking about it but also thinking they are not talented enough to create something please try anyway! Every silver counts and your efforts will absolutely be appreciated by someone--perhaps many someones!

I may be sitting by the window watching messengers arrive and hoping the next one is carrying a package containing your donation!

Written By Sabella

Nov. 25, 2020, 9:52 p.m.(6/15/1014 AR)

I have created my very first painting that I intend to put up for auction at the Cathedral fundraiser! While I am sure it is no masterpiece and will pale beside all the rest I am quite pleased with my use of color and when Niklas saw it he praised my "use of color" and that I had used "lots of paint" to create "something utterly unique that is definitely a painting people will notice" and I could not be prouder!

Several people have approached me so far to show me absolutely gorgeous things! I think people will be quite interested in what Baroness Lucita is offering up and I've heard Princess Gwenna is painting and I just absolutely love that people are leaning into their creativity to help in such a wonderful project!

I can't wait to see what else people come up with!

Written By Sabella

Nov. 22, 2020, 5:33 p.m.(6/9/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Niklas

In case I don't say it enough I am so, so lucky to have you as a partner in all things!

Written By Sabella

Nov. 22, 2020, 5:32 p.m.(6/9/1014 AR)

It's so exciting to see everyone's generosity and creativity when it comes to fundraising for the rebuilding of the Cathedral! And I know Sir Porter is working very, very hard, so hard that when I stopped by I honestly couldn't tell him and the other workers apart they were so covered in dust? But I'm quite sure that in the end the Cathedral will look even more glorious than it did before! And we'll all have an even deeper connection to it than we might have originally.

I cannot wait to see it finished!

Written By Sabella

Nov. 12, 2020, 4:28 p.m.(5/16/1014 AR)

I was there at the Cathedral, one of the first to gather when I heard there were heretics denouncing the Faith and saw the smoke billowing from within. I saw the first two Templars to be slain on the steps and watched as everything devolved into fights within the crowd that had gathered. I saw incredible feats of bravery from those citizens of Arx that had come to ensure that we would not be terrorized in our own streets.

And I saw the Gods themselves answer prayers to help in the fight by sending rain to quench the flames. They crushed the heretics that had retreated into the Cathedral they tried to destroy.

They are with us.

It is so important for us to not give up hope in moments like these when grief can be overwhelming. What I saw last night was terrifying in the moment, but I also was able to return home without a scratch because the people of Arx, the people of the Compact rallied together to defeat the threat we faced. Many had swords, others buckets, some only their voices, but we all stood in opposition and fought for the Faith and the Gods. Regardless of family or house or affiliation to one of the many groups in Arvum we all stood as one.

The Cathedral walls still stand and I have no doubt that the restoration of the inner sanctum will be absolutely glorious--a testament to how much the people of Arvum love and cherish our gods and each other.

Those who have fallen will never be forgotten. Let their memories inspire us to be our best for what comes next.

Written By Sabella

Nov. 8, 2020, 6:17 p.m.(5/8/1014 AR)

I always enjoy the parties surrounding the Blood Moon but I think this one was my favorite for I'm rather sure no one knew who I was! It was an incredibly delightful evening of mystery and wonder and enchantment!

Written By Sabella

Nov. 8, 2020, 6:14 p.m.(5/8/1014 AR)

I have very much enjoyed Lady Monique's series on Eurus so far and cannot wait until the last one! I think it's very important that we understand the cultures of the different nations even if we don't agree with them and this series has been very popular! I believe I've seen new faces at each one which is lovely! I very much hope that everyone that can gets to at least one of them!

Written By Sabella

Oct. 18, 2020, 9:02 p.m.(3/22/1014 AR)

I am so far behind in planning for all the upcoming balls! Someone must tell me what the themes will be this year! What is rumored to already be in the works?! It would just be horrific to show up at a party wearing the same mask as someone else!

Written By Sabella

Oct. 18, 2020, 1:22 p.m.(3/22/1014 AR)

As another conflict looms I urge the nobility of the Compact to not forget those families who have lost people to prior wars, whose wounds may not be as fresh as those we might see in the coming tomorrows, but who still feel the keen loss of their loved ones who died in defense of us. I will once again be mounting a large scale effort for the Crownlands to help these people who may have lost income of profession from being wounded or those children who have lost a parent or been orphaned that will need help to learn a profession, find a trade, or a place as a squire. While I still have some hope that the coming issues with Eurus might still be solved or at least lessened with diplomatic actions, Grayson intends to be ready to support those families who will inevitably pay a great price to ensure our Compact stands whole.

Written By Sabella

Oct. 14, 2020, 1:02 p.m.(3/14/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

Do you really need a hobby? I can help you think of a million things to do! What about dancing? There's always a new dance to learn and a billion and two old ones that you can pick up! And then of course you'll need to get a few pairs of dancing shoes as if you take to it they wear out quite quickly! And some for Alarissa since I'm sure she'll want to be your partner! And then there's the dancing doublet and pants you'll want and depending on the style a cape! Having at least three dancing costumes and perhaps upwards of fifteen would be best actually as there are different aspects of different ones you'll want to wear to enhance the style! Why it's like a hobby in a hobby in a hobby since you need to research the correct clothing and find a tailor and learn the music and the steps and wouldn't that be so fun?!

Written By Sabella

Oct. 11, 2020, 10:02 p.m.(3/8/1014 AR)

I had the utmost pleasure of attending Princess Adrienne and Prince Sebastian's wedding the other night and I am still reeling from the dizzying happiness the event caused! Perhaps it was all the alcohol, but never have I seen two people more suited for each other and it is always something to celebrate when two houses--Great Houses at that!--can come together to form alliances that will benefit them both! The party was sublime, the wedding gown was so absolutely glorious I admit to some envy, and the music was of course delightful!

I do hope they make it a yearly event! Not getting married, of course, but throwing a party to celebrate it!

Written By Sabella

Oct. 11, 2020, 10:01 p.m.(3/8/1014 AR)

I have to say that Mistress Zyanya and Mistress Maren have absolutely outdone themselves with the opening of the Jade Moon! I have never heard such interesting and lovely music and I was utterly transfixed by the story they wove through their song. It was also quite lovely to catch up with Princess Berenice and Master Harlex, whom I rarely seem to cross paths with these days! Hopefully that will be rectified as I'm rather certain we will all be in rapt attendance for the second half of the story telling event!

I do highly recommend that everyone stop by there!

Written By Sabella

Oct. 4, 2020, 8:36 p.m.(2/22/1014 AR)

So many invitations lately! I'm going to need to go shopping.

Written By Sabella

Oct. 4, 2020, 7:27 p.m.(2/22/1014 AR)

Lady Monique's informational session at the Queensrest was so enlightening that my head was just about spinning when I left! Especially since Archlector Hamish informed me of some very unique traditions for commoner weddings that I had no idea about! Suffice to say that I need to ensure Scholar Oswyn and Mistress Aurora have cows at the ready in the coming months.

Just in case!

Written By Sabella

Sept. 27, 2020, 10:19 p.m.(2/8/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Michael

Did I hear correctly that you rode a bull and won a competition to do so?

Where in the world would you ride a bull?

Written By Sabella

Sept. 26, 2020, 9:20 p.m.(2/6/1014 AR)

Tonight I attended the official opening of Lady Mabelle's Dire Bee Lounge and it was absolutely fantastic! She has an amazing attention to detail when it comes to fashion but also it seems when it comes to designing anything at all! From the cozy atmosphere to the menu to the absolutely delicious drinks I had an incredibly fun time and saw so many familiar faces I know it will continue to be a huge success!

Written By Sabella

Sept. 24, 2020, 11:44 a.m.(2/1/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Esme

That is far better than I can do! I once sent Bard Itzal a poem and he died.

Well, not from the poem. It just so happened I did send him a poem and now he is dead.

While I am gifted with many creative talents, poetry has never been among them!

I find your poem quite lovely!

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