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Written By Monique

Dec. 5, 2021, 3:31 a.m.(9/9/1016 AR)

Relationship Note on Camilla

I am not often compelled to take a protege, nor am I ever actively seeking one out. But when you know instinctively that you've found a perfect complement, you act. Without hesitation. Without thought. You seize the day, take what life offers and make it yours because if you don't risk anything, you risk everything.

And already my instincts have been proven out. She is magnificent.

Written By Monique

Nov. 27, 2021, 3:46 a.m.(8/21/1016 AR)

When I touch you it is like all the time in the world has passed, and no time at all. When you warm against my skin I understand temptation. You pierced my heart and I knew then the feeling of wanting to die, as others have known when you plunge into them. There is nothing in this world to compare to you. Welcome back, my darling. Welcome back.

Written By Monique

Nov. 17, 2021, 5:12 a.m.(8/2/1016 AR)

One wick can light another
But the sun can't light the sun
And in this sultry summer
All flames die on our tongues.

I had to write it down. I don't want to forget it. And the whiskey is so good at that.

Written By Monique

Nov. 14, 2021, 4:06 p.m.(7/25/1016 AR)

Going without alcohol. I have done it before and I can do it again now. But that doesn't mean it won't be abyssal. It already is. I hate it. Sobriety is overrated.

Written By Monique

Nov. 1, 2021, 5:46 a.m.(6/26/1016 AR)

A night I will never forget and full credit to the Archduchess Velenosa for the experience. It was by turns dramatic and dizzying, dangerous and dreamlike. I won a particularly satisfying wager. Not to mention encountered a glow the likes of which stole my breath. If life gets better than this I'll embrace it with open arms the way I do everything but I cannot imagine it could. Still, happy to be proven wrong this once.

Written By Monique

Oct. 31, 2021, 3:56 a.m.(6/24/1016 AR)

I turned my ankle trying to help a friend. Well, that's not exactly how it happened but that is the story I'm going to go with because it certainly sounds better.

Written By Monique

Oct. 24, 2021, 2:53 a.m.(6/9/1016 AR)

Information itself is not enough. You can have all the information in the world and no idea what to do with it. Conversely, you can have all the plans in the world but without the knowledge to implement them they will fail. But a marriage of the two is the most beautiful thing. And like any good marriage it cannot be done alone. That is an open invitation.

Written By Monique

Oct. 17, 2021, 12:40 p.m.(5/24/1016 AR)

Every night since my return I have dreamed the same dream. I stand on a deserted island off the coast of the Dune Kingdoms surrounded by an ocean of change. It is twilight in this dream of mine and as the soft glow of the sun sinking below the horizon deepens to dark night the island begins to shrink. I look up as the sand starts to slide my resisting feet toward the water and I see the midnight moon where I wish to be cradled. But it is so far away now, out of reach and all I have left in the dream is me. I am my own savior. I know the only way off is to dive in.

And then I wake.

Written By Monique

June 15, 2021, 9:56 p.m.(9/1/1015 AR)

I found it...
~one more thing to mark off my list

Written By Monique

Jan. 24, 2021, 2:16 p.m.(10/22/1014 AR)

They're beautiful and /so/ fitting. You should be proud of yourself. I know I'm proud of you.

Written By Monique

Jan. 19, 2021, 3:22 a.m.(10/11/1014 AR)

On making amends. I have done this in my life. Set aside pride and ego to apologize, and that is an exceptionally difficult thing for me. But every time, it has been worth it. Never squander such rare opportunities.

Written By Monique

Jan. 18, 2021, 12:27 a.m.(10/9/1014 AR)

My birthday in a month. How have I possibly lived this long? Ah, well. I suppose there's still time yet.

Written By Monique

Jan. 15, 2021, 3:36 a.m.(10/3/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Lexir

The gown, slippers and veil of Olivetta and a type of revenge. This trip has been unforgettable. Well worth the horror of crossing the seas. He is a shining example of Pravus at its best.

Written By Monique

Jan. 9, 2021, 4:04 a.m.(9/19/1014 AR)

I record for posterity another one of my truly terrible poems. You may blame Marquessa Lianne, Duchess Khanne and Count Duarte for this one. And booze.

The sea during the day?
I'm filled with dismay
But the sea at night?
Now there's a fright!

Alone without hint of solid ground
Amid lustrous shadows I'll surely drown

Something slides by
No, I won't cry
With that slippery feel
Surely an eel!

It couldn't possibly be a shark
Swimming alone in the dark

My kingdom for a boat
Or simply to float
In crabgrass
Or seabass

Anything smaller would be just fine
Maybe a glimpse of the nearest coastline

But these aquatics at night
Will. Never. Be. Right.

Written By Monique

Dec. 29, 2020, 3:31 a.m.(8/25/1014 AR)

I've been on a quest looking for the oddest paintings, and it has yielded some excellent results thus far. A few more and it ought to be enough. Though can you ever really have enough?

Written By Monique

Dec. 27, 2020, 2:50 a.m.(8/21/1014 AR)

The truth of the matter is that you can only lose what you cling to. There will always be an irrevocable distance between the goodbye and the letting go, but there will inevitably come a moment when you realize that the old you is just a shadow of the reality of what you have become and you embrace that which is with your whole heart; when you let the winds of change blow through your body like a northern gale and you allow them to scour away what was; when you embrace your farewells and let the fire burning inside take you where it wants to go.

When you become the fire and leave ashes in your wake.

Written By Monique

Dec. 27, 2020, 12:32 a.m.(8/21/1014 AR)

My friends gave me occasion to smile today. It felt good, and I am in their debt. I know enough not to take these things for granted.

Written By Monique

Dec. 21, 2020, 5:39 p.m.(8/11/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Damik

I sometimes write letters addressed to the fire. Letters never meant to be read by anyone but the lick of flame. Something stayed my hand, and I kept this one.


When I boarded your boat, you claimed I stole your heart. But when you fought at our side, you claimed something even greater than my heart in return. My answer is yes, and I look forward to a life of breaking chains at your side.


In the end, I settled for simply ‘Yes’, to avoid an abundance of soft sentiment. But now I wish I had sent my original reply, so he would know I thought the world of him in truth. It is not easy to turn your back on everything you have ever known and fight for a cause greater. I know I won’t see him again in this life, but the ripples of his presence will be with me for the rest of mine.

There will be no mercy for the merciless.

Written By Monique

Dec. 19, 2020, 2:50 a.m.(8/5/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Lore

Lore took what could have been a terrible evening of being denied something shiny and made it an exceptional evening by gifting me with a wealth of things priceless beyond compare. Leave it to her to sweep into town after being gone so long and make the best and most dramatic entrance. If I wasn't so entirely thrilled to see her once more, I'd be green with envy.

Written By Monique

Dec. 14, 2020, 5:35 p.m.(7/25/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Sydney

Smart woman.

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