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Written By Leena

Oct. 24, 2020, 7:40 p.m.(4/6/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Medeia

A small get together that was social, with a pool, and plenty of entertainment. Yet another successful event, may you have many more. And don't forget, a Lady only turns 20 7 times in her life.

Written By Leena

Oct. 15, 2020, 9:09 a.m.(3/15/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Quenia

I find myself in somewhat awe of you dearest sister.

I've been out in public more lately than perhaps ever, socializing with the sociable. As Marquessa, people not only respect you, they downright love and cherish you. To spend so long in the public eye and garnering such support - that is impressive.

Written By Leena

Oct. 11, 2020, 7:37 p.m.(3/8/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Medeia

Some days I wish I had your grace to ease through social dealings with grace. Though usually I instead prefer to hide somewhere with a few books to read, and a sketch pad. I'm reminded after today - you have a gift.

Written By Leena

Oct. 11, 2020, 7:33 p.m.(3/8/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Piccola

She seems to have a purpose and a direct way to getting to the point of what she wants without the real banter that can go on in conversations. I like her for this, leaves more time for doing actual work.

Written By Leena

Oct. 11, 2020, 7:31 p.m.(3/8/1014 AR)

A morning at the Blackshore event, and it was a huge success for them. I've learned that Arxians love games, and even someone as socially inept as me can somehow find a place in the social circle.

In a whirlwind of talking there was talk of my hand, I saw a brief glimpse of softness from someone with a very strong personality, and even addressed positively by a Princess. My biggest takaway from the event - Thrax knows how to party.

Written By Leena

Jan. 12, 2018, 8:25 a.m.(12/13/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Ariella

A lovely woman, features dark yet vibrant of voice. She defines the very existence of the word boisterous. Equal parts beautiful and lovely, she is also equal parts sailor and troublemaker mixed with those lovely parts. It makes for one interesting - and particularly entertaining family member. I love you, dear cousin. Never change - for you certainly are a jewel the way you are.

Written By Leena

Jan. 12, 2018, 8:22 a.m.(12/13/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Edward

It has been fun getting to know the Baron. He is reserved, yet can be bold when he wishes to. He has been a good friend and I certainly recommend him as a confidant. He is strong of body, and of mind. I've enjoyed getting to know him, and he has advice that can cut right to the heart of the matter, yet be just as effective.

Written By Leena

Jan. 12, 2018, 8:19 a.m.(12/13/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Quenia

My darling sister has once again risen to the occasion and used her powers of persuasion, called in favors, or just used pure might to pull the Igniseri family together once again for a successful family dinner. It's always nice to get everyone together and we manage that no one loses an arm. The food was good, and..Bacon Muffins were donated by the good Lord Edain from Valardin. I hear the house primarily runs on bacon as fuel. I cannot say I am quite of the stomach for continual bacon, however they produce many stalwart knights and I am not so physically stalwart, so perhaps there is something to this bacon physique diet?

I got to say hello to most my family here, the lovely Echo whom is as fierce as she is beautifully petite. The lovely Ariella, whom starts out good company and I swear becomes even better so the more she drinks, though the bawdiness is equal to that of any seasoned sailor. And of course my sister, whom managed somehow to keep us all in line. Good show, sister of mine. To any reading know that the lovely Marquessa Quenia is not only intelligent, a good leader, and the true voice of our family, but she also happens to be single.

Inquisitor Laric Grayson came to the party. Invited, of course. Though perhaps he was lured in curiosity about the bacon muffins as I was? a muffin? Something about that seems blasphemous, perhaps he chose to investigate? Perhaps not. Either way I do hope he had a satisfying time and a equally satisfied belly.

To my family - I've missed you all so. It was good to see you all. I love you, and it is good to see you all well and around a table once more, even if I question the viability of what appears to be Ariella's choice of seating.

We should certainly do the family dinner again soon. Perhaps I will help my sister with it's planning..though probably not.

Written By Leena

Jan. 4, 2018, 4:30 p.m.(11/26/1007 AR)

I have arrived from Arx. It seems like we have all sorts of Igniseri family here which I am thankful to be surrounded by such good and familiar people. The trip here was shorter than I had expected.

Arx is..different than I thought it would be. It certainly is larger, with all of the people of the compact represented. So lively and so much to do. So many artisans, so much beauty, ingenuity. I look forward to seeking people out and delving into so many different new things. My mind reels at the realization of truly how much there is to do. I seem to arrive when there is a possible invasion coming from the east? Perhaps I could lend talents to a defense effort if the need may be, though my talent would lend heavier to repair than actual battle. Not being particular hardy of body not spirit I've never really swung a sword, a spear. I dont know if I could even string a bow properly. I wish I could do more to help and for all of my intellect I fear I would just be in the way of even the most common soldier. Still, I will do what I can to help the effort to protect woman and man.

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