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Written By Kenna

April 28, 2019, 5:42 p.m.(1/4/1011 AR)

At times I feel like I am spinning out of control - spinning and failing.

Then I'll have a moment of peace talking to my sister, my cousin, my partner and I hope it will steady.

I think my animals know when I am spinning too. I took a nap and woke to find Sally's bushy tail mimicking my pony tail, Muffin arranged half on my feet and Bird valiantly trying to crawl up one of Muffin's legs. It was silly, but for a moment all was still.

Written By Kenna

April 22, 2019, 8:43 a.m.(12/19/1010 AR)

Sometimes you think something is funny, but then you realize that it really really was not.

I owe Sir Calaudrin Estardes the most profuse apology. I chose to participate I mocking him, rather than supporting a man who has done countless good for this city, and still answers my messengers.

To be clear:

I propagated a joke that Calaudrin shared a name with a Cauldron. I agreed with my Marquessa and pushed a joke that was not funny.

The money has been donated to the Iron Guard, and I will work to put what power I have to repair the damage I have done to his reputation.

Written By Kenna

April 16, 2019, 10:54 p.m.(12/8/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Rymarr

I had a tricky question, so I reached out to someone I knew would never lie to me and who would say straight up what needed to be said.

I cannot understate how much Maquris Rymarr Deepwood's words mean to me.

Written By Kenna

April 14, 2019, 12:04 a.m.(12/3/1010 AR)

I think Bird and Muffin are conspiring to do more things together.

I was opening my bag half-way to my patrol only to find Bird sitting on top of my armor. I'm pretty sure that Muffin knew that Bird was there, but just didn't bother to let me know. All it would have taken is some good barking. That's it.

Of course I didn't take him on patrol with me. I went back home and made sure that Bird STAYED HOME this time.

Written By Kenna

April 11, 2019, 1:37 a.m.(11/25/1010 AR)

I have to admit, I knew nothing at all about Acheron before this marriage was finalized beyond what I could look up in a general geography book. The only thing I had was a random comment from Evonleigh about turtles. Apparently there had been some gathering or another where Riagnon had been talking about them and Evon was completely confused.

I was confused also at first. The were quite a few turtles, and they seemed to show up in strange places. I got an explanation from Dame Elenaor once I felt comfortable enough to ask. Seems that she is fond of turtles and as such there are turtles about. I haven't gotten a firm count yet of exactly how many. I think there might be two called Responsibility? I'm not sure.

After Muffin came back to me I realized that dogs and turtles go together very well. There is one turtle named Bird in particular Muffin has taken a liking to. She will follow Bird about and let Bird try to crawl all over her. When I pick bird up and put Bird (I actually don't know if Bird is Male or Female) on top of Muffin she is very calm and doesn't move less Bird slips off of her.

Today I came home to Muffin scratching at Rhea's doorway. She wanted Bird to come out and play.

I think I am finally feeling a little settled. I still wake up most days expecting the bright sunlight from my Whitehawk windows, and not the darkness of Acheron, but I remember quick enough where I am. Comfortable enough at least, to join the yelling down the hallway that is apparently the best way to communicate.

Princess Acorn could care less about the turtles so long as they leave her nuts alone.

Written By Kenna

April 8, 2019, 11:11 p.m.(11/21/1010 AR)

I feel like I have been accepted fully into Acheron when one of the turtles is found asleep on my bed.

Written By Kenna

April 4, 2019, 9:45 p.m.(11/12/1010 AR)

I think I ate something that had turned in the Lowers. It wouldn't be the first time.

It probably will not be the last.

Written By Kenna

March 20, 2019, 12:08 p.m.(10/10/1010 AR)

I should not be pleased by the announcement by the Knights of Solace that they are pulling out of the lands of those who massacred the troops of Threerivers. It is an uncharitable emotion and one that does cause me shame because it will bring more ill will and more deaths to these places because they lack protection.

However I am pleased. I am pleased that the faith took notice of these absolutely despicable acts perpetrated by Blackram and its allies. I am pleased that these were not ignored. Moreover I am hopeful that Blackram will be too busy with their own troubles that they will give us time to seek peace in a now even more justifiably upset Threerivers.

Written By Kenna

March 18, 2019, 2:15 p.m.(10/6/1010 AR)

Before we of Acheron were even able to set out to convince the Count of Threerivers to pull back from his ill-placed siege, devastation has fallen. His folly is his own, and I place his blame firmly upon his head for many deaths that occurred during his siege of Last Bridge.

However, there is much about the destruction that cannot be laid at the Count's feet. Word has come that when his forces found themselves in an unwinnable situation that they surrendered to those of Bellerive, Blackram, and Decalmbre, ... but were not given quarter. Instead they were murdered in cold blood.

These deaths I lay at the feet of those who chose to attack rather than give diplomacy a chance to work.

Blood is upon their hands.

Written By Kenna

March 16, 2019, 8:39 p.m.(10/2/1010 AR)

No. No. No. No.

I do not think I will ever get the image of that man's head being bitten off out of my mind.

That said, I am becoming more and more attached to this sword Marquis Rymarr Deepwood gave me. It has saved my life twice.

Written By Kenna

March 13, 2019, 11:33 p.m.(9/25/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Josephine

I happened to be in Mistress Josephine Arcuri's shop when I came across a fantastic bear pendant. It was so perfect that I had to buy it, but it was more silver than I could personally hope to own. I do not know how to repay Rhea for helping me with the silver to impulse buy it.

I think Riagnon enjoyed it, though I can never be quite sure.

Written By Kenna

March 13, 2019, 11:31 p.m.(9/25/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Michael

Everything I said about Lord Michael Bisland is true.

Every word of it.

I'm not sorry.

Written By Kenna

March 10, 2019, 10:14 p.m.(9/18/1010 AR)

It was good to see my cousin Tabitha and Cousin-in-law Radhilde together in one room. I thought they were charming side by side.

Written By Kenna

March 5, 2019, 1:57 p.m.(9/8/1010 AR)

I'm personally perfectly okay with not getting visions.

I'm good with what I have thanks.

Written By Kenna

Feb. 22, 2019, 8:13 a.m.(8/13/1010 AR)

At the moment I've put my head down and I am just working. Social engagements have gone to the wayside. I am so greatful for Marquessa Rhea Acheron for letting me host a trade summit in her great hall.

Our great hall?

One of these days I will need to get use to shifting my thinking around my name. It took almost a year for the Whitehawk name to feel natural, so I assume this will be the same.

Regardless, I am excited for this summit. I hope to have many houses come an be represented so that we might set up some mutually beneficial connections.

Also, just to work with my brother Gaius is a joy. He travels much too much.

Written By Kenna

Feb. 16, 2019, 10:13 p.m.(8/3/1010 AR)

It's amazing how the concept of home changes over time.

Written By Kenna

Feb. 13, 2019, 7:25 a.m.(7/23/1010 AR)

I want to show my affection for my new family, but what do you get those who seem to have it all already?

The stuffy and the chair really were not my best effort. I'm going to have to keep thinking.

Written By Kenna

Feb. 8, 2019, 10:32 p.m.(7/15/1010 AR)

Sometimes you think a thing and you know it's a bad idea. But then someone else goes, "No, that's a bad idea," and you realize HOW bad of an idea that thing was.

Written By Kenna

Feb. 3, 2019, 9:04 a.m.(7/3/1010 AR)

Things I've learned as a married woman:

You can't milk turtles.

Turtles lay eggs.

Written By Kenna

Jan. 27, 2019, 1:22 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Evonleigh

I really have an amazing sister in Evonleigh. She puts up with my eccentricities with such grace and never makes me feel like a fool. I don't know how I managed life in Arx before she joined us.

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