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Written By Dio

Feb. 6, 2021, 12:30 a.m.(11/19/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Orland

My quill follows in the wake of my protege's.

1. What are you afraid of?

Losing my edge. Becoming a domesticated pet unworthy of the traditions with which I've been entrusted.

2. What are your opinions of honor?

Honor is living out one's sacred oath: humanity's greatest strength.

3. What path do you see for yourself?

A nightmare unleashed on the enemies of Seraceni, Pravus and the Compact. Prosperity for the people of Ischia. Fame. Wealth. A violent death and a better successor.

4. You can give one piece of advice to someone who really needs it. What do you tell them?

Take everything.

Written By Raymesin

Feb. 5, 2021, 9:11 a.m.(11/18/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Orland

So. Questions.

1. What are you afraid of?
Me. There are a lot of fears in this world, but in the end the thing I'm most afraid of is my very own self.

2. What are your opinions on honor?
Must be nice to have the sort of money where honour's a real concern. The rest of us are just trying to scrape a living as best we can while still being able to sleep at night.

3. What path do you see for yourself?
I don't see a path for myself in the way people seem to think I should. I see a collection of choices ahead, forever in (a few half-words crossed out here) flux. Perfect word, Scholar. Um. Some of those choices won't be taken because I don't want to go where they lead. Others won't be taken because I don't have the money, or the power, or whatever else I might need to take them. It's only a path when you look back, because the possibilities of the future are forever changing and you never really know what's going to happen.

4. You can give one piece of advice who really needs advice to live by...what do you tell them.
Live in the now. The past is gone, you can't change it, so learn from it and don't live in it. The future hasn't made it here yet and you might get run over by a cart tomorrow, so don't live in that either. Live in the moment, it's all any of us has.

Interesting exercise. Thanks, Scholar.

Written By Sydney

Feb. 5, 2021, 12:31 a.m.(11/17/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Orland

Though a Wise General has already stolen a march on me for advice that should be marked and heeded well by all, I'll nevertheless scribble my thoughts, as well.

1. What are you afraid of?

The end of all things.

2. What are your opinions on honor?

A noble pursuit.

3. What path do you see for yourself?

Forward, inexorably.

4. What advice would you give to one who really needs it?

All things pass. Remember this and apply it to your comfort or your dread as the mood allows.

Written By Savio

Feb. 4, 2021, 9:10 p.m.(11/17/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Orland

As suggested by Orland in his recent white journal -- four questions to be considered, copied, and answered in the space of one's own white journal.

1. What is are you afraid of?

What I am afraid of is everything inside of me
That others will uncover it, and despise what they see
Whenever I am praised that fear is instantly induced
That wicked voice inside my head -- 'if they only knew the truth.'

2. What are your opinions on honor?

When I was a child, I could not face my fears
Father said I was a coward, and cuffed me round the ears
He said I had no honor, that an honorable man is strong
I came to understand myself as broken and made wrong

When I was a young man, I took off and sailed away
Left all that behind me and sought the dawn of a new day
I found out that I do have strength, though it's a struggle to face me
Honor is truth to my own self, oddly made though I might be.

3. What path do you see for yourself?

I could never tell you if I'm wrong, or if I'm right
But I know the darkest shadows are cast by the brightest light
There will be both ahead for me, and between, a rift
But I'm lucky to be anchored, and I don't fear the drift.

4. You can give one piece of advice who really needs advice to live by...what do you tell them.

Love will always hurt you, grief is its fondest friend
And everything that's precious will be broken in the end
To know the warmth of sunlight is to know that night falls soon
And it can be hard to bear the burden of that doom

But to fear the hurt and loss is to live just half a life
Without the joy to balance, what's the point of all this strife?
There's no escaping darkness, so find your light, hold fast
Love, and love so fully, and be grateful at the last.

Written By Piccola

Feb. 4, 2021, 2 p.m.(11/16/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Orland

To the esteemed Lord Orland of House Amadeo,

I will attempt to be succinct in the interests of reflection and responding to a peer.

Question: "What is are you afraid of?"
Answer: Feign disorder before destroying your enemy.

Question: "What are your opinions on honor?"
Answer: A wise general seeks victory from the situation and does not demand it of her subordinates.

Question: "What path do you see for yourself?"
Answer: All can see these tactics whereby a wise general seizes victory, but none sees the strategy out of which victory is evolved.

Question: "What advice would you give to one who really needs it?"
Answer: Be subtle to the point of formlessness; be mysterious to the point of soundlessness; and thereby direct your opponent's fate.

We are not the only ones who can read these entries.

-- General Piccola of House Tessere.

Written By Quenia

Feb. 3, 2021, 9:40 p.m.(11/15/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Orland

It is only quite by happenstance that I wondered onto Lord Orland's most recent journal entry. I do not know why, maybe because of the things I alluded to in my last post, but it caught my eye. So, I endeavor to answer his questions, since I, too, seem to be restless of late.

1. What are you afraid of?

Failing my brother, Vincere, in his choice to have me become the new leader of House Igniseri after his passing. Failing my family. Failing to protect Granato. Not knowing enough about the world and the dark things that linger within it that might do them harm, and not being prepared enough to handle whatever may come. Of not being able to look ahead and see what might wish to harm us most, and put them out of harm's way. Not being able to shake the shadow that lingers, or those things that take flight within the night. That nightmares may come true.

I could go on, likely, but those are the things that first come to mind.

2. What are your opinions on honor?

I believe a person's word is their bond. If you cannot rely on that, then what can you rely on? Vows and oaths should never be taken lightly. If someone breaks their word, how can you ever trust them, or anything they say again, or say they'll do? There has to be a fundamental trust somewhere, or it all falls apart.

But it's not just about your word. Your deeds and actions matter too. There are some lines that should never be crossed; the examples of which could be numerous.

3. What path do you see for yourself?

There are too many possibilities to count, and probably even more than I could ever possibly dream. I rather like to keep my options open, so as not to bound to one particular path, for one may never know what choices they are faced with, especially during times of uncertainty. But if I had to choose something, I suppose it would be the one that would allow me to give aid to the most people possible, to help better their lives and those of the people around them and lift them up, rather than break them down. To ensure they had the freedom to choose their own fate, lest they be bound to those who might do them disservice or attempt to break them down for their own purpose.

4. You can give one piece of advice who really needs advice to live by...what do you tell them.

Always look forward to the next thing, for if you keep looking back you'll get stuck in your own shadow and be left behind while others move forward around you.

Written By Lianne

Feb. 3, 2021, 10:34 a.m.(11/14/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Orland

You are absolutely correct. It is easy to fall into habits and assume everyone understands what's being discussed. I will be more mindful of my language in the future, and I recommend asking for clarification when anything is ambiguous or unclear.

Written By Savio

Jan. 16, 2021, 9:42 p.m.(10/7/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Orland

I have so much to say about everything, and I talk all the time -- ALL the time -- so to be left speechless is perhaps something to note. It has taken some time to find the right words for Orland.

If he is your friend, you will know loyalty.
If he is your confidant, your secrets will be safe.
If he is your ally, he will stand by you long after others have failed.
If you are an idiot, he will let you know.

Tenacious, sharp, difficult to impress, impossible to fool. If you don't know him, then you ought to; Amadeo's Voice is worth hearing.

Written By Dio

Jan. 12, 2021, 10:38 p.m.(9/27/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Orland

When I first met with Lord Orland Amadeo, he spoke with sincerity and honesty. He is adventurous and intelligent. Though perhaps lacking confidence, he is extremely reliable. His features are common, but uncoarse, symmetrical and possessed of a peculiar charm.

I have not worked with Lord Orland for long, but he is quickly becoming an indispensable friend. Beware those who might pass over this young lord, like so many ships over the surface of the sea. I will say no more on this account, save that those who underestimate him do so at their own peril.

Written By Ezmeralda

Jan. 10, 2021, 9:35 p.m.(9/23/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Orland

Oh my words. Savio is not known for his pragmatism, like his elder brother Giorgio, but he has -always- been very good at reading people. When I first heard that one of the Amadeo were joining the Grand Tribunal myrmidons on the scouting mission I was more than a bit apprehensive for fear that, well, if something were to happen to them I would be responsible. That they had already set sail and it was out of my hands didn't make me feel any less anxious about the whole thing and when he returned, a bit worse for wear I sighed deeply and held my head in my hands as I prepared myself mentally for the reaming that his Lord father would surely give me.

Thankfully that was not the case! Not only was Lord Orland such a good sport about it all, he served our House well in his capacity as scout adjunct and he was very generous about the whole affair when he could've griped or moaned about it and made me feel just awful about it. Since then he has been a regular around the manor and always so pleasant and charming. Having him around is a genuine joy and it makes me even happier knowing that him and Savio have an affinity for one another.

Tonight I met the Count Amadeo and was doubly delighted by the gentleman he was. Seeing the depths of his devotion and love for his boy was...touching. I respect that a great deal in someone who is responsible for the lives of others, parent or not. Lord Orland has become a fixture in our lives and I do so look forward to what misadventure he will get up to with my family.

Written By Raven

Jan. 8, 2021, 2:43 p.m.(9/18/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Orland

Looks like a man acts like a child. He, like Savio, delights in my torment. Can't account for why I care what happens to this one but I do.

Written By Teague

Dec. 15, 2020, 8:28 a.m.(7/26/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Orland

Last night, I had my first student of the blade. Each student in the past had been a soldier, a warrior, a killer. Minor adjusting was all that I need to do. This time it was fresh and new. He had never held a blade, he said. His stance was off, but his pluck and luck brought that blade down on me. I enjoyed teaching him. Maybe this is something I should do more of in my time in this city. Teach others how to live, given the state of the world and what is coming. He was a good study, I hope to see more of this boy. He can learn from me, and think he has things to teach me as well.

Written By Elloise

Nov. 19, 2020, 6:05 p.m.(6/2/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Orland

You need to speak to a Harlequin! Maybe not me, but some Harlequin! Or me, I suppose.

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