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Written By Valencia

Jan. 21, 2017, 9:25 p.m.(9/22/1005 AR)

Being a good friend is not always easy.

I should like to raise a glass, no, an entire tavern, to those who walk this path with such grace and kindness and still keep their hearts in tact.

Gods above and below know I am struggling.


Written By Valencia

Jan. 21, 2017, 5:23 a.m.(9/20/1005 AR)

Such a busy and strange week.

I have experienced great sorrow and loss, unrepentant and playful joy, frustration, worry and fear, deepening friendships, new and beautiful faces that I wish to see more of, terrible trouble, heartache, feelings I did not know I had, lost things found, old things renewed, questions, so many questions, and some temptations that are just far too go to ignore. Bitter sweet, but always beautiful. I wonder what this week will bring.


Written By Valencia

Jan. 15, 2017, 8:52 p.m.(9/4/1005 AR)

An earnest wish....

Dearest gods and goddesses, please help those I know and adore to realize that if I offer a kind compliment it is sincere and from the heart.

I wish it was not so hard for people to understand this about me.

I do not mean to complain, saddens me that an earnestly sweet compliment can be so easily turned to taint and labeled mere flattery or worse?

I am by no means perfect. So far from it. But I cannot help that I see lovely things in most people.

Perhaps it is just easier for people to hear about the wicked and not the wonderful.


Written By Valencia

Jan. 14, 2017, 3:38 a.m.(8/26/1005 AR)

I have tried and tried to find the words, but none will come.

It has been awhile since I have lost someone I care for. I had forgotten how sharp the pain can be.

All I can think is why has this happened? How can you not be here?

How could you leave us like that? Don't you know you are needed? You promised. I know it is not your choice, but you promised.

I adored you so much and I hate that you are gone.

We never said goodbye properly. I wish I could see you just one more.

I still can't find the words. Perhaps there are none.


Written By Valencia

Jan. 8, 2017, 4:03 p.m.(8/10/1005 AR)

Finally, a much wanted and long awaited respite from mutual hostility and hopefully the beginning of a lasting peace was struck between myself and she who has called me enemy.

The agreement as it stands will last at least until our mutual enemy has been defeated.

With hope, bonds and mutual respect will blossom and perhaps a lasting peace will be born of this. I am cautiously optimistic.

I pray that others will see fit to do the same so we can be a united city. Our enemy is at the gate if not already inside, and we do not have the luxury of time to be hateful to each other.

Gods above and below, please help us see our way before its too late.


Written By Valencia

Jan. 6, 2017, 6:44 p.m.(8/4/1005 AR)

I am concerned by the barrage of heated insults and divisiveness that seems to be being thrown about during a time when we should be most united.

I ask why we are sending our best and brightest to certain slaughter when we need their expertise and skills for the fight to come. What good can come killing those we need most? There must be a better way.

I worry that our real enemies -- our REAL enemies -- must think we are such agreeable prey.

Defeating ourselves through bickering and in-fighting and serving up our finest up for others to dine on. All this just makes our enemy's job easier.

Regardless of what we may or may not do, let's not defeat ourselves before we even properly meet the enemy on the field.

Yes, there will be disagreements, but let's focus on what is important. Or our people will all face dire consequences for our folly and lack of vision if we do not.

Gods and grove protect us all from ourselves.


Written By Valencia

Jan. 6, 2017, 2:31 a.m.(8/2/1005 AR)

I love you far too much to let you do this. Please forgive me. But I would rather die than see this happen.


Written By Valencia

Jan. 5, 2017, 1:23 a.m.(7/27/1005 AR)

I have found that I have a true friend where I hoped I might find one.

I try not to take things for granted like that. Especially when they are so very interesting to me.

I am elated and so grateful. A girl can always use more lovely friends.


Written By Valencia

Dec. 31, 2016, 1:56 a.m.(7/12/1005 AR)

I have been thinking about approaches to life lately and it has me pondering which of the great Houses or cultures may be the happiest.

I've heard the Thrax's "Tears in our wake, never at our wake" several times this week. It is beginning to grow on me. That might be dangerous.


Written By Valencia

Dec. 26, 2016, 4:28 p.m.(6/27/1005 AR)

Confused. Despite great temptation I find myself holding back when I wish to offer so much more. Perplexing and vexing all at the same time.

Perhaps I am being too cautious, though why I cannot say. Then again, perhaps it is wiser to not let one's passions run so recklessly wild. Lately, that seems to only invite trouble. Then again....


Written By Valencia

Dec. 23, 2016, 1:30 a.m.(6/16/1005 AR)

There are days when all I want to do is just run away and go to sea. Why should my beloved brother and pirates have all the fun? I could flee land and fall in love with the ocean and the mysteries she harbors. A pretty but impractical thought.


Written By Valencia

Dec. 22, 2016, 12:59 a.m.(6/13/1005 AR)

A lovely night in the company of delightful Prince Cicero, truly lovely Bethany, the charming Lord Killian, the dashing Lord Damon and the esteemed poet Branan.

Bethany and Branan were most clever with their poetry about the nature of beauty. Such pretty words. All I could come up with was an ill formed verse. I fear that Anze may be far more sweet with his tongue than I. If he knows this, he will be incorrigible. Proof if you will:

Some say that beauty goes beyond skin deep
That in the soul is where beauty will sleep
Til woken by passion or a heart most fair
That sees far deeper than a casual stare.

It is good that I do not have to my poor talent for income.


Written By Valencia

Dec. 21, 2016, 3:30 a.m.(6/11/1005 AR)

A warm acceptance of my invitation. How lovely! I'm rather smitten by intelligence, especially when it is accompanied by charm and skill. How blessed I am to often meet and know such people. How I cannot wait to become better acquainted with more. Truly enchanting. ~~~<~<@

Written By Valencia

Dec. 19, 2016, 11:35 p.m.(6/7/1005 AR)

All stories are made up of different strings. It is these strings that weave the tapestry of truth or lies. The more artful the storyteller the tighter the weave.

Written By Valencia

Dec. 17, 2016, 4:19 p.m.(5/28/1005 AR)

Recent experience has keenly remind me that familiarity seems to breed contempt and that I am perceived as too soft. It would further seem that my effort to be kind has earned nothing but disrespect.

I have forgotten the fundamental rule of things I suppose. And now I sit unsure what to do.

Perhaps they are right. Perhaps a my more liberal views of the social strata are too naive. Perhaps I ought to treat people as they expect me to treat them, not as how I wish to treat them.

Why be silk when they demand steel?


Written By Valencia

Dec. 17, 2016, 8:25 a.m.(5/27/1005 AR)

Praying calmer seas or at least safe harbour. What started out as a lovely day with fine wine and good company had turned into a rather awful mess. Though I will gladly admit there were a few silver stars in an otherwise gloomy sky. I am grateful to those few lights. My ship would be lost without them. Though still at this rate all may be lost in this storm.

By the thirteen, what for the love of all is wrong with me?

Shall try again tomorrow.


Written By Valencia

Dec. 15, 2016, 2:13 p.m.(5/22/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Rymarr

I have had the great pleasure of meeting the chivalrous and dedicated knight Sir Rymarr. I will admit upon first meeting the man I was nearly daunted. Stern, painfully professional and relentlessly unflinching, though not unkind. But it was his eyes that caught my attention first. There is a sweetness there I wish I could see more of. Since then, what little I have seen of his smile has made me smile in turn and I am doubly certain that there is something lovely and wonderful below that cool exterior. He even came to Redrain Villa for the Bear Wresting. I was so delighted to see him there, I cannot even begin to explain. Whether or not he will continue to allow or even encourage me to venture past his guarded demeanor I know not. Regardless, I seem to be becoming very fond of the man. ~~~<@

Written By Valencia

Dec. 11, 2016, 11:42 p.m.(5/11/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Anze

Ah, what can I say about my sweet cousin-in-law? He is a true man of the North -- strong, fierce and wild in his way, and by all accounts a bit of a jester. Delicious.

Also to his credit, there is clever and good-natured warmth there that cannot be denied and always makes me feel at home.

I trust him completely, adore him entirely, and am proud to know him. Being in his presence fills me with the greatest of joy and I am pleased to find myself there often.

Though, perhaps he could do with just a ~little~ more southern refinement and flare. Tis a work in progress, but we'll get there. I have faith in him.

Written By Valencia

Dec. 10, 2016, 7:24 p.m.(5/8/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Serafine

My beloved, beautiful blood-cousin, oh, how I have missed you and how I delight to be in your company once again. To have made you proud is a joy to me. We must be in each company more often. You remind me to be true to myself and to drink deep of life.

Written By Valencia

Dec. 10, 2016, 7:14 p.m.(5/8/1005 AR)

What a spectacular return to the city and to my beloved families. So happy to see familiar faces and to meet new ones as well.

Such a happy reunion with my cousins-in-law Anze and my darling blood-cousin Serafine, who seems to have a terrible and wonderful influence on me. Oh, how I have missed her.

Happily spoke and drank with all sorts of lovely and interesting people. I cannot wait for more adventures. Such delicious company.

I have also heard about elves and now am determined to meet one myself. One hears so many things about them, but I find a personal experience such a good and often enjoyable teacher.

Also, I truly must be better at accepting invitations and overcome this unusual and rather uncomfortable timidity that seems to have blossomed. Perhaps more time with Anze and Serafine will cure me of that silliness.

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