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Written By Amari

April 11, 2018, 1:37 p.m.(7/13/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Veronica

You'll have your future children heavily armed and waddling around in toddler sized battle armor as soon as they're able to walk. I can see it now; tiny, blonde, furious creatures hacking ankles and taking out knees with demented glee.

I fear for the realm.

Written By Amari

April 11, 2018, 12:08 p.m.(7/13/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Aric

What have you been up to lately, brother? I'm afraid to ask, but curious to know.

Is it shark wrestling? Have you been doing the shark wrestling?

Written By Amari

March 22, 2018, 6:52 p.m.(5/27/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Veronica

I'm overjoyed to see you home and in good health, cousin. I thought about you often, as I did all the Keatons who have been gone these last few weeks.

I'd like to apologize for the time I did secretly fill your boots with cold porridge when we were children. Although it was hilarious and you probably deserved it at the time, I've felt guilty about it ever since... They were very nice boots.

Written By Amari

March 18, 2018, 10:17 p.m.(5/20/1008 AR)

I had no idea that Aunt Margerie could run so fast! It was fantastic, being able to bring her the good news. I hope there will be more, and soon.

Also, I've grown very attached to Reigna's cheeky little goat who has been in my care. She's so cute. I've decided to elevate her to goat nobility, and she must now be addressed as Lady Marigold, Duchess of Greenfield from now on. I'd find her a bow or tiara to wear, but I fear she would eat it.

Written By Amari

March 14, 2018, 12:43 a.m.(5/10/1008 AR)

On impulse, I attended the ceremony House Redrain held today. I didn't really know anyone there, but I was curious to see what sort of people they were. It's hard to imagine my mother throwing axes or wrestling in the mud, but she died when I was very young. I wonder, had she lived, would I be more like a Crovane? Would I have been asking the shaman for a blessing and to be painted with woad?

Afterwards, who appears at Keaton Hall? My very long lost older brother, Aric. I should have been overjoyed to see him after all these years, but instead I was rather upset. I think I may have threatened to decapitate him and Lady Tessa did hit him with that crystal vase, quite squarely and with force enough to break it.

That was rather rude, in retrospect and I do regret my temper getting the better of me in the moment. I know how intolerably strict father can be, so it's really no wonder Aric ran off the way he did. But, you think I was his favorite, Aric? You are a dumb ox. Even so, I suppose I should forgive you. It must be just impossible to write letters with hooves for hands and cud for brains. No wonder you never sent any.

Written By Amari

March 11, 2018, 4:35 p.m.(5/5/1008 AR)

Well, here I am in Arx. After two years with little contact with my family, many things have changed and many things haven't. The Keatons have a new Count and Countess, my cousin Veronica is an Inquisitor, and generally, everyone seems to know their place in the world... except me.

Thanks to my father, I have the law, at least. While my cousins will be swinging their swords, discussing battle strategies, tracking and hunting in the woods... I'll be sitting on the sidelines with a head full of marriage contract clauses and court rulings. Hopefully, I can be useful. They've been very kind and welcoming, considering, and it's only right I repay their hospitality even if initially, it's only by babysitting the young Count to be while everyone else is off campaigning.

By luck, it also happens that the Duchess of House Laurent is a lawyer. I look forward to meeting her and thank Kael for the introduction and good words he may have passed along to her about my character and ability. The Duke was quite friendly when we met at the Gauntlet, so I hope she's of a similar disposition.

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