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Written By Niklas

April 18, 2018, 10:24 a.m.(7/27/1008 AR)

I don't expect that this is going to be a great day.

Written By Niklas

April 18, 2018, 1:51 a.m.(7/26/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Bastien

Does this mean you're finally going to give me that high five I've been dreaming of?!

Written By Niklas

April 17, 2018, 6:41 a.m.(7/25/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Mae

So does this mean that a small seagull is a beagle?

I'd never have guessed, but you can't argue with math.

Written By Niklas

April 16, 2018, 9:41 p.m.(7/24/1008 AR)

Talk of the Valardin sense of humor makes me think of an old story that happened a long time ago and involved people who are definitely long dead now so no one should get offended or anything.

One day the Baron of Acorn Hill and the Count of Oakhaven were out on a grand hunting trip in the Oathwoods. As the sun began to set they were getting ready to turn back when the Count hears the noises of a boar. The hunt is on and at the end of the day the Count brings down a great beast with his prize boarspear. Looking at the monster the Baron, an earthy man of there ever was one, cries out, "Just look at the size of that son of a bitch!"

The Count turns on his vassal, expression stern. "I know we are friends, Baron, and you are excited but do remember that I am your liege lord and have some decorum."

The Baron, thinking quickly, says, "I do apologize my lord, but that is what this type of boar is called! A son of a bitch boar!"

The Count nods slowly and claps the Baron on his back. "Well then, tonight we dine well, old friend! But we should share such a bounty!"

Fortunately their trip had taken them into Lyonesse lands so they made their way to Lyon's Redoubt, where they greeted the Marquis.

"The Baron and I were out hunting," exclaimed the Count, "and just look at the size of the son of a bitch we brought down!"

The Marquis of Lyon's Redoubt was shocked to hear such language from his normally reserved Count and on expressing his shock was mollified to hear that this was what the boar was called. Happily he told the Count and the Baron that the Duchess of Artshall was set to visit, so he would clean the boar and the Duchess, known far and wide for her skill as a cook, would make something amazing for that night's meal.

Sure enough the Duchess shows up with her retinue just as the Marquis finishes cleaning the boar and he excitedly tells her the news. "Duchess Laurent," he cried out on seeing her, "wait until you see the son of a bitch that the Count and Baron brought. The Baron tracked the son of a bitch, the Count killed the son of a bitch and I have cleaned the son of a bitch and now I'm hoping you'll do us the great honor of preparing the son of a bitch!"

As the Marquis went on and on the Duchess' eyes grew wider, her mouth tighter, her cheeks redder. Finally she had had enough and lambasted the man for talking such a way in front of his liege. The Marquis was quick to explain that this was the proper name of the boar. Immediately placated and a little embarrassed at her error, the Duchess said that OF COURSE she would fix a grand meal for the whole group, the centerpiece of a great feast!

Just as the group is sitting down to their meal there comes a great rapping at the door. Who is it but the Prince of Sanctum himself. But that's not all, for Prince Valardin happens to be taking Queen Alarice, the legendary Queen of the Compact herself, on a tour of his lands. The Duchess, excited to have a chance to show off her skill for the Queen, excitedly tells the Prince and the Queen about their meal. "Earlier today the Baron tracked down this enormous son of a bitch and after a fight with the son of a bitch the Count manages to bring it down! He took the son of a bitch to the Marquis who cleaned the big son of a bitch and asked me to cook the son of a bitch which I did gladly! And now that the two of you are here I would be so very honored if the two of you would join us in enjoying this fine son of a bitch!"

As she told her tale the expression on the face of the Valardin prince grew more and more horrified. Searching desperately for some excuse he looked to Queen Alarice only to see her giving the Duchess a searching, narrow-eyed glare. He slowly breathed in, found his voice and turned to address the Duchess when the Queen interrupted him by sitting down in a seat at the table, kicking up her feet and saying, "You know what? You fuckers are all right!"

Written By Niklas

April 11, 2018, 8:48 a.m.(7/13/1008 AR)

There are scholars of Vellichor to be found everywhere and even the crusty ones in the Mourning Islands are happy to drop whatever important research they're doing to write down my dumb thoughts!

(Lord Niklas recited a number of tongue twisters here. He then shared a recipe for a rum cocktail he called a Minty Nik.)

Anyway, everything has been going swimmingly. Responses to the shows have been very positive and the only pushback I received was from some viewers in Maelstrom who initially gave me grief for accuracy errors in The Pirate Queen. Though to be sure, it heartened me to know they were already familiar with my work! And after seeing The Good Duke both were interested in future non-ship-related works.

Though truly the best part of the voyage has been how it was re-energized me to write new things. I've been trapped so long in the story of former thralls and wartime heroics that I forgot what it was like to make something new. I've written two new full length manuscripts (both need work, certainly, but I am still very excited!) along with a quartet of one act plays, including a new play for the children's theater I have been doing with Sabella and a play I wrote after drinking a bright green liquor from Eurus.

It is good to be inspired again. It is good to leave the city. This has been a tiny adventure, but given how lacking my life is in adventure in general it has been rather grand for me.

Love to those who miss me and even more to those who don't.

Written By Niklas

April 7, 2018, 1:05 a.m.(7/4/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Bastien

Oh, Bastien, you beautiful egotist, you! Why would you assume I was referencing you? I might have been referencing Duchess Belladonna, who is widely known for her love of the arts! Or my good friend Prince Barric, who may lack your skill with the quill, but who is no slouch at inspiring oration. Though in truth I, of course, meant Princess Agatha Redrain, who I call B for she is my Bear-Wife.

Still, it does warm my heart to see you make such assumptions! You must think of me quite fondly! You will, of course, always be my #1 top buddy!

Written By Niklas

April 6, 2018, 3:24 p.m.(7/3/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Jordan

You may not have heard, sir. Princesses of Thrax save themselves.

Written By Niklas

April 6, 2018, 3:18 p.m.(7/3/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Jan

Ah, they must have heard already!

Written By Niklas

April 6, 2018, 3:16 p.m.(7/3/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Itzal

Friend, I assure you that as soon as the dragons at Tydehall know I am on the way they will make themselves scarce.

Written By Niklas

April 6, 2018, 2:39 p.m.(7/3/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Jordan

Congratulations on your victory earlier this week, Sir Jordan!

Many a tale has been told of a young knight who strikes it big with a great victory early in his career who then decides that his newfound fame means he can insult people at random, assured that none would reply in turn lest they face a challenge. I would hope that your character would put you above such behavior. Anyone can display skill with a sword, but I am told there is far more than that to being a knight.

As for my will, Duke Harlan may wish to add books on irony to your current reading list of etiquette guides.

Written By Niklas

April 6, 2018, 1:37 p.m.(7/3/1008 AR)

All my trunks are packed, the venues are booked and half the actors are waiting at Tydehall. Or Tyde Hall? No one seems to agree. Maybe Tyde Hall is the house seat in Tydehall? I'll have to ask someone when I get there. That seems like a good way to make fast friends.

It is a very busy time to be leaving Arx for so long. Hopefully everyone is still here when I return. Or at least most people. There are a few people I could do without.

Should the worst happen, my favorite sister (even if parentage may not agree) can have my Lamby back. Honestly, he smells a bit more than I remember. Apparently fifteen years can be rough on a stuffed lamb. Give my notes for unfinished plays to my patron. Ownership of Steve can pass to the scholar Rinel. And to my best friend, B, I leave the knowledge that I died sad that we would never again share a beer and have one of those intense conversations about writing plays that we were so known for. I leave my books to my favorite neighbor. Most of them are borrowed from the Gilded Page and you probably owe Lady Monique a lot of silver. Burn my blacks, anything in there worth reading has been told to someone.

And to one other, I do love you.

(And to any who might reply to this saying 'me? you love me?!' of course I do. I love you very much!)

Written By Niklas

April 2, 2018, 2:29 a.m.(6/22/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Catalana

Congratulations, cos. Better you than me.

Written By Niklas

April 2, 2018, 2:26 a.m.(6/22/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Alessandro

See If they do nautical themes.

Written By Niklas

March 29, 2018, 11:06 p.m.(6/14/1008 AR)

Attitude adjusted from "lovely day" to "freaking out".

Written By Niklas

March 29, 2018, 10:52 p.m.(6/14/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Vanora


Written By Niklas

March 29, 2018, 10:50 p.m.(6/14/1008 AR)

A busy day. It's probably a good thing that everything is picking up like this.

A morning drink with my good new friend Lord Pharamond followed by some sparring with Sir Jordan Ober, who had some very interesting advice on the best way a writer could handle his quill.

An early afternoon visit by Mae Culler was an absolute delight. We discussed queens, bears and the unintended side effects of child rearing. She had several suggestions for my most recent work and her enthusiasm was rather infectious.

Evening brought a cruise of the bay with excellent company, followed by an wonderful dinner with family and friends.

I do not mind staying this sort of busy if I do say so myself!

Written By Niklas

March 24, 2018, 10:08 p.m.(6/4/1008 AR)

Seventeen years since I broke my last sword. Turns out I didn't develop some secret natural talent during that period. My ribs hurt.

Written By Niklas

March 22, 2018, 9:26 a.m.(5/27/1008 AR)

This discount book of bird training isn't worth the money I didn't actually pay for it.

Written By Niklas

March 12, 2018, 10:43 p.m.(5/8/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Sabella

He's doing his best!

Written By Niklas

March 12, 2018, 10:20 p.m.(5/8/1008 AR)

Some eventful days.

After some thought Princess Sabella has taken me on as my patron. She pays me money and I write. It's an ideal situation. I have already had several plays performed in Arx, but now we should be able to perform in the city's finest venues.

A few days who I found a part of my heart I didn't even realize was missing. Elara is here in Arx. My best friend and (reluctant) co-conspirator from my childhood in Stormward. I haven't seen her in such a long time. And I cannot blame anyone for it but myself and my tendency to put anyone out of sight out of mind. We need to make up for lost time. I'd say we should go steal some pie from the kitchens, but I tried doing that a couple of weeks ago and the cook chased me down to give me a plate and ask if I'd like a glass of milk. Not quite the same. Perhaps we should pay a visit to Octavia's office. Borrow a gavel.

Spent a morning taking a walk with Lady Estil. That was quite nice.

Bought a bird. It's a nightmare and I will probably lose an eye before I teach it to deliver messages without shitting everywhere or vomiting fish all over the recipient.

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