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Written By Khanne

Feb. 11, 2018, 6:05 p.m.(2/27/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Kael

"Do other people sometimes have that feeling? That so much has occurred that you do not even know where to begin?"

All the freaking time..........

Written By Khanne

Feb. 8, 2018, 11:29 a.m.(2/21/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

Dear Josie:

Like the leaves that bud in spring only to turn to colors of flame before they fall in autumn;
Like the coast that changes its curves with the pounding of the waves over time;
Like the rain that turns to snow in the cold of winter;
Like our faces that slowly become etched by every emotion it expresses though our lives;

Change is constant, it is unavoidable. It is on the horizon, and shadows that loom over us could destroy so much we hold dear. It is truth. Even when we win the war, for we will, we will have great loss to recover from, in many ways. So what choices can we make now, with so much potential for dark times ahead? What choices do we make now that we can hold fast to in the aftermath?

We make the choices that give us reasons to fight. We make the choices that give us the determination to survive. We make the choices that allow us to enjoy our every single day between now and then as best as we can make it; full of love and happiness, friendship and even romance. We make the choices to hold the darkness at bay however long we can, by embracing these things that make us feel light. If the choice now means enough to us as all that.....

...they will be the ones we are still holding onto when we begin to rebuild.

Written By Khanne

Feb. 5, 2018, 3:07 p.m.(2/15/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Ann

Congratulations, Ann, on taking Sameera as your protege. Her work is lovely, as is her company if you are one of the few lucky enough to be tolerated for any period of time. I rather adore her myself and really should get in contact with her again soon.

Written By Khanne

Feb. 4, 2018, 7:05 p.m.(2/13/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

It is true, Percephon, her cheeks were as red as the rubicund Sir Thorley won for being the last man standing. I saw him take his other prize.... I even applauded.

To be fair, she seemed quite eager to give him that prize too.

Written By Khanne

Jan. 31, 2018, 10:36 a.m.(1/25/1008 AR)

I just want to know what the one word, or two words, is!

Written By Khanne

Jan. 31, 2018, 9:39 a.m.(1/25/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Brianna

I asked others for good memories (and I am still collecting them!), so I figured I should share one of my own.

Names have been changed to protect the innocent.

Once upon a time, there was a young girl child by the name of.... (we'll get back to that). She had stormy grey eyes and hair the color of merlot, though she didn't really know what merlot was, where she was from no wine was had. Anyway, she was a pale, lightly freckled, skinny thing from the mountains, sent to the manor in Whitehold to prepare for a trip to Farhaven. She was supposed to be shown how better to be a Lady. Having never known her mother and being raised by sword-wielding men, she was lacking a bit in the "finer graces". Surely her older cousin, Brianna Halfshav, would help show her the proper way to represent herself as a noble Lady.

This is when the young girl child (Okay, let's call her Lhanne) realized people did not always have the wisest of ideas. Had they even MET Brianna?

Brianna had big dreams, dreams of things further south than the snow line. She loved to wear the prettiest dresses, especially those gifted to her by the diplomats who came to speak to her father; the ones made in the southern territories. She would spend the time it took to dress and primp for official dinners, every hair in place, every jewel sparkling, nary a crease in her gown, but deep down, she was also had a wild streak. Proper and pleasant at the table, after she would tear the pins from her hair and go running off to play Bear Hunt with the boys. Was this what the Lhanne's father hoped for her to become? Was this the picture of a proper young Lady, meant to one day marry into a good family, have children, do any manner of elegant Lady things?

Brianna represented the sort of Lady that young Lhanne thought it would be easier to become; one who could blend in, but still be free, be herself. BUT, Biranna was also full of mischief. She knew Lhanne had a bit of a sweet tooth, so would coax her into stealing pastries from the kitchen to share, but when caught, let Lhanne take all the blame. Punishments of no sweets for a week are the worst! (Brianna, you still owe me pastries to make up for all the time lost... I mean Lhanne. You owe Lhanne.) She also took a page from Prince Kieran of Redrain's book and left frogs in my, I mean Lhanne's bed!

But, Brianna also showed Lhanne what it meant to have family, and a friend; someone other than her father and brother to count on. She showed Lhanne the meaning of sharing joy, mischief, and even comfort. Lhanne witnessed the hope Brianna had for her future, and knew that her own hopes and dreams should be nurtured and strived for. Lhanne did not stay in the Halfshav manor for long at that time, just a few months, and what would happen after that stay would change Lhanne's life forever. But... her time there....

MY time there, my time with Brianna, was some of my very happiest childhood memories. Still, I changed my name, because I am the innocent victim to her crimes of pastry thieving and mischief causing.

Written By Khanne

Jan. 28, 2018, 2:23 p.m.(1/20/1008 AR)

*A parchment bearing nothing but three lines of a powdery red stain shadowed in black ash. The colors are deep and thick at the top of the page, fading as they are drawn down. Towards the bottom, only faint traces of color remain.*

Written By Khanne

Jan. 27, 2018, 4:23 p.m.(1/18/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

Reading Joscelin's description of a crocus was like reading a love poem, meant to woo one's heart. Is it any wonder she makes the most exquisite jewelry when her mere words are art in themselves?

Written By Khanne

Jan. 24, 2018, 12:02 p.m.(1/11/1008 AR)

Thank you to all those who have given me their Good Memories! I appreciate every single one! Each has made me smile, even those who think they might not be such happy things for others to hear. Keep them coming!

Also, I had coffee! Real, true coffee! Thank you, gifter of coffee!

Written By Khanne

Jan. 22, 2018, 5:20 p.m.(1/8/1008 AR)

Inspired by Princess Consort Alarissa Thrax, I am seeking:

Good Memories

Many of us have suffered deep sorrows and loss in our lives,
some of us very recently. With what we face in the future,
I fear there will be more to come. In effort to preserve
stories of joy and hope, of the things that give us a
reason to protect what we love or hold dear; family,
friends, lieges and all. I would like to collect stories
that you (yes you! All of you!) are willing to share of
a moment in time spent with a person important to your life.
It does not have to be a grand heroic tale (but it can be),
just a good memory that perhaps inspires or causes others
to smile. I would like to put these stories together in
a book, or a series of books, depending on how many are
collected, so that we can preserve the good in our lives
that too often do not get recorded. I will thank all those
who contribute in some manner, though that is yet to be
determined. Thank you in advance!

Written By Khanne

Jan. 21, 2018, 10:58 p.m.(1/6/1008 AR)

As so many of my weeks go, this one has seen some amazing highs, and some devastating lows.

I have heard, this week, the most heart-shattering sound in the cry of the broken hearted. It is a keening that will echo in my ears for a long time. And yet, that immense sorrow was followed by a smile, to see the beauty of a mother's love. It was a moment that really struck me. And yet, another moment that makes me treasure every single bit of time I have in this life.

And, I am fortunate to have much to treasure. I will not take that for granted.

Written By Khanne

Jan. 13, 2018, 3:08 p.m.(12/17/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Gwenna

There is a lot of stress hanging over most of us in the city these days. There are a lot of meetings, a lot of planning, a lot of worry, a lot of preparing... etc. A lot of darkness and gloom. Some might throw in their judgments and say 'how dare you people have lighthearted fun in such dire times!'. Well, it is my opinion that having things that spread smile and laughter, that lift the spirits of ones own soul, are ever MORE important in times such as this. It is essential for keeping morale up, while also giving us gentle reminders of the GOOD that we fight to maintain.

On that note... I have to say, though many things this past week or so have given me cause to smile despite the stress, that one of the smallest things that caused me to smile came from Gwenna.

It came in the form of an exclamation amidst a note of appreciation, and may have become my new favorite phrase.

"Oh, snowballs!"

Written By Khanne

Jan. 13, 2018, 2:59 p.m.(12/17/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

I feel I have to add my voice to the choir of adoption offerings. Morrighan is right, come north, Halfshav would gladly accept you as family if Redrain didn't. And we do have great booze up here, and a deep appreciation for talent and humor, plus, there's the crazy bunch of Sanna right next door. Anyway, the whole ward would likely be ready to open their arms and call you Cousin or Sister....

Heck, I could even try to find a good man for you to marry if you wanted. I am sure there's a few around here somewhere.

Written By Khanne

Jan. 13, 2018, 10:38 a.m.(12/17/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

I do not know the woman as well as I would perhaps like to. Nonetheless, she's earned a certain level of respect from me over the years. I mean, not only has she saved my life (that's just something a person can't forget, no matter what shrugged explanations about 'job' are made), but her words written for the archives often make me smile or nod in agreement.

I often just skim through journals Drysi brings me in the mornings, not looking at who wrote it unless the words pique my interest. Many of hers do.

Written By Khanne

Jan. 3, 2018, 10:51 a.m.(11/23/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

I have to disagree, Shard.

Heroes most definitely do exist. They have, since the beginning, if you ask me.

They are heroes for a reason, and that reason may vary. Some might say that a person saving another person's life is a hero. Even if that person did so out of a sense of responsibility or duty (or even pay). Some... might say that, Shard.

...someone, might be saying that now.

But. Being a hero does not make a person infallible. Heroes have faults, just like anyone else, so in that, yes, expecting a person, even a hero, to be flawless not only leads to problems, but is foolish.

People are People in the end... but some people are heroes.

Written By Khanne

Jan. 3, 2018, 10:42 a.m.(11/23/1007 AR)

"The beauty of the soul is constant, continuous, and endless."

Written By Khanne

Dec. 31, 2017, 6:54 p.m.(11/16/1007 AR)

Time is so fleeting. Our lives keep us so very busy all too often. We are never guaranteed another tomorrow... so live for today.

And do me a favor.... let those you care about know beyond a shadow of a doubt just how much they mean to you.

Grasp the now and fulfill the dreams in your hearts. Do what you can to ensure that if you are blessed to live for thousands of tomorrows, you do not look back and wonder what could have been so many yesterdays ago. Give it your all.... everything that you do.

Written By Khanne

Dec. 31, 2017, 6:47 p.m.(11/16/1007 AR)

Back to back to back... journeys to seek truths, to arm myself and others with knowledge.

Some promising....

Some just a nightmare. Did we get the warning in time?

I know this journal is rather disjointed... but sometimes, that is how life seems.

One final note. Aislin, wherever you may be... hold onto your strength. Hold onto who you are. There are many of us who are determined to find you... I am but one. And I am stubborn....

Written By Khanne

Dec. 20, 2017, 8:47 a.m.(10/21/1007 AR)

I set out on a mission this week to shore myself up and prepare for the things that loom on the horizon of the coming days and months. It is daunting, knowing what we will face. The darkness can be easy to dwell on... so, the goal I set for myself was to not to dwell.

Focus, yes.

Prepare, yes.

Plan, yes.

But not dwell.

I've mentioned it so much lately...smiling. There is power in a smile. So much power. When you want to say something that might get you in trouble with someone... smile instead and politely excuse yourself, disarming what could become a volatile situation. When you see someone cute you want to flirt with but aren't sure how to approach them... smile. Look directly at them so there is no doubt it is them you are smiling at and see if that might be all the invitation they need to approach you. When you overhear someone bragging about something, trying to make themselves out a hero.... or even hear them talking in a way that makes them out as a martyr... smile. Why? Because that person might need to simply feel good about themselves for some reason, or perhaps they desire pity to make them feel important. Don't argue that they surely did not slay a dragon as tall as five castles stacked atop each other all on their own. Don't deny their statement that people are against something they did and now they wear a crown of thorns. Let them have their fantasy for that moment, and smile. As long as they are not harming anyone... smile.

I've been lucky lately. I have not had to tell myself to just smile. I haven't had to stop myself from saying something by smiling. I haven't needed to force a smile when I want to do everything but. I have been given reasons to smile genuinely. I wonder, am I smiling more because more good things are happening for me? Am I smiling more simply because I am determined to not dwell? I think the reason lends more towards that... Perhaps I am smiling more because the not dwelling allows me to better see all the good there is to smile about.

This morning though... This morning, I woke with a smile; a bright smile. Stretching out upon my bed as the sun's light just began to trickle in through the window then cuddling up to my plushie teddy bear (yes, I have one. Stop laughing. Shush I say!) as I lay and let my body slowly wake... I smiled. A few words have given me the greatest gift I could ask for, well, one of them... and for that, I think I shall smile all day. No.. not those words. I know what you are thinking. A different set of words, perhaps in some ways even more powerful and special, depending on your perspective. Words combined with a moment in time, one of those small moments I have mentioned before, that may just keep an upward curl upon my lips into tomorrow... And when it does slip away, that smile, I bet I can think on that moment but for a moment and it will return.

And for that... Thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Written By Khanne

Dec. 19, 2017, 6:28 p.m.(10/20/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Magpie

And again, he shows why I am quite proud to call Magpie not only a friend, but my protege as well. His talent and business savvy are beyond compare. I look forward to your book, Magpie!

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