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Written By Zakar

May 15, 2017, 6:38 p.m.(6/20/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

I found a surprise on the doorstep of my shop recently. At first, I thought it was one of those dainty little necklaces or bracelets you made.

But then, I realized it was a pile of -actual- dogshit.

I had a rather shady-looking fellow come by the shop this past evening. Asking for something that would be good for dispatching happy-looking Knight-types in their shiny armor. I think I'll point him over towards your shop, and that happy-looking guard of yours. Gerry. Whatever his name was. Don't care.

I hope someone steps on the back of your sandals.

Written By Zakar

May 5, 2017, 10:54 p.m.(5/27/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

For some unfathomable reason, our Guilmeister-thing has taken it upon herself to rush to our -beloved- city's defense. Be still, my heart.

Look. I care as much about what happens to you as I do where a squirrel shits out the nuts he ate for lunch. Actually, I probably care more about the squirrel shit than I do about how many pieces you decide to come back in. Sometimes it ends up on my front stoop, and I have to walk all the way to your shop just to wipe it off on your door handle. It's fucking inconvenient.

I've been told that my membership in the Crafters' Guild is somewhat dependent on you retaining the Guildthinger position or whatever, and the only thing more inconvenient than having to walk a quarter-mile to wipe off Steve the Squirrel's shit on your doorknob would be not having a shop for Steve to shit on in the first place. So, look. If you want to get torn up by a Bringer and set the record for coming back in the most pieces (which I'm told is currently held by some poor Laurent chap who came back in a couple different baskets), then at least have the fucking common decency to not do it when you're sorta responsible for holding the agreement that I got my shop through. Then, by all means, come back as a much more portable version of yourself.

I hope you step on a jeweler's hammer.

Written By Zakar

Feb. 12, 2017, 12:39 p.m.(11/28/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Calandra

Torian's niece, apparently. Glad I found the right place.

Says he's taking up leatherworking now; I suppose it's been just about 10 years, so anything could have happened. Need to find him and get caught up.

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