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Written By Volcica

Jan. 2, 2022, 9:50 p.m.(11/11/1016 AR)

It's so strange, having so many others hear what I've heard my whole life. Voices of the past offering opinions, calling to loved ones, making demands.

How much stranger it must be, when the dead don't seem to hear you.

Written By Volcica

May 9, 2021, 7:50 p.m.(6/11/1015 AR)

..I still have no idea why Prince Aindre and Queen Symonesse appeared to be talking about me at the Celebration.

Written By Volcica

Nov. 22, 2020, 5:03 p.m.(6/8/1014 AR)

I don't think I've ever forgotten my own name before. It's.. disconcerting.

Written By Volcica

Sept. 22, 2019, 11:08 p.m.(11/19/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Grazia

I did not, in my wildest dreams, expect seraphinite to take off like it has. While I may have been the driving force behind the campaign, the idea was far from mine alone. Arcadia encouraged every step of it.

Duchess Grazia, however, was the one that convinced me to send pieces not only to friends and family so that they might more easily talk it up, but to notable fashion icons and Whispers, as well. It felt strange, sending a gift with a request to flash it about. I did not expect how amazing everyone would be. The letters of thanks back, and the lengths of promotion..

I never would have gone so far, if not for my patron. Thank you for pushing me.

Written By Volcica

Sept. 19, 2019, 4:36 p.m.(11/12/1011 AR)

It's rather fun designing jewelry. Perhaps in another life, I'll be able to explore the art more fully.

Written By Volcica

July 11, 2019, 5:39 p.m.(6/12/1011 AR)

Returning to Arx is always interesting, even if I didn't truely settle in the first time I came. Now I have a new Sister-in-law, and the Stone Grove is withered.. So much to do, but I'm used to being busy. Idle hands die in the Everwinter.

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