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Written By Vincenzo

Jan. 23, 2023, 6 p.m.(4/13/1019 AR)

A lovely jaunt through the woods has inspired me.

Written By Vincenzo

Jan. 22, 2023, 7:37 p.m.(4/11/1019 AR)

Dear diary,

Today we caught up a bit with Ilira, and then bandits. We made new friends.

Dear monster under the bed,

I don't know which child-hating SOB told me about you. But I tell you this, now: I've seen Raja in action and my legs are going to dangle off the side of the bed without so much as a whisper of fear. Or else.

Written By Vincenzo

Jan. 22, 2023, 7:35 p.m.(4/11/1019 AR)

Come dear, take a seat, and let me tell you what is true

Hues are the truest colors to be invoked when one speaks of colors like blue

When mixed with white it becomes a tone, with properties strange and new

Blue and white in these proportions yield periwinkle, perfectly balanced between red, violet and its mother hue

Written By Vincenzo

Jan. 17, 2023, 4:03 p.m.(4/1/1019 AR)

On The Way Home

I saw you, late last night or early this morning, making our respective ways home from an evening.

You looked wonderful. Your costumier-- well, I would recognize you anywhere.

You looked tired.

I hesitated to say hello. I wanted to ask if you were feeling well. You did the polite thing and kept walking.

Later I will make this into a joke for The Salon. Something trivial to laugh about and forget. Witty remarks, like sheets, are better with the right company.

Written By Vincenzo

Jan. 17, 2023, 3:39 p.m.(4/1/1019 AR)

I spoke at length today on the differences between drape and silhouette.

Such minor things, to some. And yet, our most powerful images are invoked via silhouette; and who wants clothing with no drape?

In this weather?

Written By Vincenzo

Jan. 17, 2023, 3:37 p.m.(4/1/1019 AR)

Relationship Note on Mabelle

If all life is a party, I'm glad someone merciful put you on my dancecard.

Written By Vincenzo

Jan. 14, 2023, 5:06 p.m.(3/23/1019 AR)

I had retired to my quarters for the evening, going so far as to remove the adornments from my hair and person. A proper bath, I thought, and then some light reading.

With my hair down like a wild man, I spilled a bottle of blue and violet dyes. When they had settled, the water was a mixture, but the bubbles that arose from the mess were a color I will never forget. And then they popped.

Written By Vincenzo

June 20, 2022, 2:07 p.m.(11/12/1017 AR)

I dream of the theater.

Written By Vincenzo

Nov. 8, 2019, 4:28 p.m.(3/1/1012 AR)

Slavery needs to be destroyed, and the Compact needs to eradicate that practice from its borders. It's wrong, it's terrible and has no place at all with anyone who follows the Faith. If your riches and power are built on a foundation of slavery, then you need to see the dry rot of your house for what it is and take drastic measures. If your hand has an infection of blood poisoning, you cut the hand off to save the body. Every day where a slave is still allowed to be this way is one day too many.

To put it another way, if the yoke of being a slave was on your shoulders and neck, you’d probably be protesting the loudest on the delays to freedom.

Written By Vincenzo

Oct. 31, 2019, 8:17 p.m.(2/13/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

You're better than this.

Imagine, Shard, if every single artist and crafter out there decided they won’t help you because you put down crafters and dismiss their art and work as "not doing anything".

You’d have no food, shelter, armor, weapons and more.

The Compact is multi-faceted, it requires all sorts of diverse people, backgrounds and capabilities to be able to work. We’re stronger together, and thinking that any one vocation is worth more than another is gross ignorance.

I give thanks that I'm able to support the Templars and see to it that their economic power and equipment capability are getting stronger and threats to the Faith are stomped out. It means if I'm doing my job as a crafter and artist, they can do their job even better which brings safety for commerce and life to thrive. Yes, even making damn paintings or an outfit that transcends to become a masterpiece that inspires others to act. Just like the bravery of you on the battlefield can inspire other soldiers to give just a little bit more which could make all the difference.

Written By Vincenzo

Oct. 31, 2019, 2:09 p.m.(2/12/1012 AR)

I read Shard's and highlord Victus' journal, they're both good journals and more importantly, they're both great people. Generally I agree except they're advocating that it's okay to wear or keep slave-made materials and items because you already have them and they gave you protection from this or that. I'd argue quite strongly that if someone is wearing pyreweave, steelsilk, jade, platinum or materials from Thrax with the idea that it protects you so you can fight, I'd say they're still advocating slavery. There's materials here in Arvum that already are superior, they might be more expensive but I'd say that's the price to pay to stop supporting slavery. You ultimately have a choice, if you desire to support slavery by keeping these items or commissioning work with them then that's on you and you can make any reasoning you want to see that choice is justified. It still comes down that you're a slave supporter. Don't do it.

I've been told that my shops and banning actions mean nothing or that one thrall freed by Liberators isn't hurting slavers. I'd disagree. Every cause starts with one person making a choice, and then more follow it until it becomes a force in of itself. I'm proud to have disassociated myself with slavery and fight against it with economic and cultural weapons. I'm proud that there are houses who have given me disfavor, because there has to be a line in the sand and sides drawn. Economic and trade embargoes against these items is more powerful than what we're doing now, which generally is nothing. While the force of the Templars is mighty, a military action against these far nations or Thrax isn't available. But we can still act against them.

Morals help define us and guide us against wrongdoing. Thralldom and any other name for slavery is a revolting practice. We can't sit on the fence on this one, we either fight slavery wherever it exists or we're supporting it. Should you make the choice to wear these things, then it's a slap in the face of every freed thrall or slave. It shows weakness that our morals can be bought for convenience.

I'm no paragon of virtue, I'm far from people like Aleksei and Legate Aureth who are good examples to follow. But I'm proud to take a stand and fight slavery.

Written By Vincenzo

Oct. 30, 2019, 3:38 p.m.(2/10/1012 AR)

An updated embargo for the Pins and Needles has been distributed to my shops in various cities and towns.

We will no longer be offering services on materials or recipes that have the taint of slavery on our art created in our stores by our artists and apprentices. This includes any art created with steelsilk or pyreweave and those materials have been destroyed.

The Pins and Needles will not allow services for persons from institutions directly linked with slavery such as Cardia, Eurus, Thrax and the Undying Empire. Each of these institutions have continued to this day supporting slavery, and I'll be happy to redirect their buying desires elsewhere other than my shops.

Slavery is abhorrent, no matter if it's called slavery or by another name like thralldom. Art doesn't bring beauty to the world when it's stained with this abhorrent practice of the bondage of living souls.

I support house Thrax's continued desire to dismantle thralldom, but until it is eradicated completely from their domain, they will not be welcome in my shops.

Written By Vincenzo

Oct. 23, 2019, 2:55 p.m.(1/24/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Preston

Evil, no matter how small or where found, needs to be fought and eradicated. It's been over a year now since the Grandmaster let me have a taste of being a Templar. I've been assisting with supplies, crafters and economics. But given my last trip and what has been happening, I'm thinking I should take the next step, whatever that might be.

Written By Vincenzo

Oct. 23, 2019, 2:29 a.m.(1/23/1012 AR)

Thorn and I went to Cascade Springs, checking on my shop up there and the fledgling bustling village to see if there were things still needed beyond the initial investment. An opportunity of sorts to reconnect to nature where walls don’t exist except for huge mountains.

Hearing stories of some famed hot springs and big game out in the forests, we went to explore with a Redrain barge pilot. We found what became the ruins of Riversbend. Every last one of those villagers there were killed brutally. Needless to say, we were nearly captured ourselves by some very odd Abandoned; however we put them and huge snow leopards to rest. We lost our guide in the process. The village had to be cleansed, and we righted a terrible wrong.

I’m reminded of the Queen though, from one ending comes a new beginning. Riversbend is lost, but Wigne’s Solace has been found. A potential outpost against the dark forest.

I’m looking to speak with the Halfshav house as soon as possible though.

Written By Vincenzo

Oct. 20, 2019, 6:44 p.m.(1/19/1012 AR)

The Volkov of Volkov Woods. The Steelhart of Highhill. The Moores of Acorn Hill (save for one). The county at Cedar Vale. These noble houses and much of their people have been lost.

At what point in time will it start to be clear that the Compact isn't able to protect its own when entire houses are wiped out? If an overlord isn't able to provide safety so that the common can live their lives in peace and prosperity, then that oath is based on a lie.

I can imagine future Shav'arvani and even Compact citizens thinking twice about bending the knee, and studying these house massacres as textbook examples of the Compact speaking big and then actually being weak. I worry those Shav'arvani that should be accepted into our Compact and to the embrace of the Faith would instead look to other foreign powers that seem to be able to provide protection.

Written By Vincenzo

Oct. 10, 2019, 3:39 p.m.(12/26/1011 AR)

Version 3 of "On Diplomatic Relations" is completed, and the Salon will be having a discussion regarding statecraft and diplomacy. I'm looking forward to sharing the latest on the exchange for diplomatic relations, what is happening in the political arena and perhaps see representatives of each foreign nation too.

Jayus, I hope this document helps inspire the leadership of our nation and foreign nations to put diplomacy and the value of life at the forefront. I'm not looking for alliances, treaties, pacts or anything else, but the sovereignty of our great nation and King can't continue to be stepped on.

Written By Vincenzo

Sept. 22, 2019, 1:54 a.m.(11/17/1011 AR)

Your lips are like the holy shrine,
and mine the pilgrims
who seek holy pilgrimage.

And where they meet,
Elysium is found
as we live in paradise forever.

Written By Vincenzo

Sept. 8, 2019, 11:36 p.m.(10/19/1011 AR)

My jade piece returned home.

Redemption requires humility and mercy being exchanged. Through Lagoma, the person redeemed is made whole but with the scars to hopefully guide them with future choices, and for others to see those scars, not to judge, but to learn. For either we have scars ourselves, or we will be earning them later on. No one returns to the wheel without the marks of living a life.

I'm happy that the piece came home, and I'm hoping that my friend finds the challenging path of redemption a worthwhile one. I'll be here if you ever need help.

Written By Vincenzo

Sept. 6, 2019, 10:19 p.m.(10/15/1011 AR)

I still can't find that jade sculpture, I've been looking.

Written By Vincenzo

Aug. 29, 2019, 10:09 p.m.(9/27/1011 AR)

Remarkable are the secret treasures
that the gods fit to choose and hide.
Like the rainbow seen behind the falls,
or vitreous worlds that pop and die.
Similar as the magpie at my window,
and sings to me of things far far away.
Of onyx feathers like a love’s silken hair,
iridescent blue, secrets they convey.

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