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Written By Vano

June 13, 2022, 7:15 p.m.(10/27/1017 AR)

I have the loveliest wife in all the compact. I do not understand these journals -- why do the Compact gods not listen to the words of our mouths? But I will write my thoughts, and see if I can understand this. So. My wife. She is lovely, and her skin is the softest. I love to kiss her, and she smells pretty, too.

Written By Vano

June 16, 2018, 10:47 p.m.(1/11/1009 AR)

The irony I have learned since I came to this city. I have learned to respect and even admire in some respets your Arvani gods even as I respect less and less the members of its Faith.

It seems my thoughts were not misplaced nor misjudged.

The odd thing is that a person religious views are not free. Some would say they are free whatever you wish, so long as you believe what others tell you to believe.

You are free to do as they tell you.

For the record, I have never cared once what a man or woman believes in. It's never been and never will be any of my business. You religious views does not impact my life one way or another.

I cannot understand how some can think contrary to this.

Written By Vano

April 16, 2018, 5:25 p.m.(7/24/1008 AR)

I got a joke.

Why is the ocean so salty?

Because my sister bathed in it.

Wait...I don't think that's how it's supposed to go....

Written By Vano

March 30, 2018, 9:57 p.m.(6/17/1008 AR)

*The Lord Rivenshari is noted reading through the recent days of whites.*

*The Lord Rivenshari is noted to having a quizzical and perhaps confused look on his face.*

*The Lord Rivenshari makes a number of statements in a language that the writer doesn't recognize.*

No. No, forget it. I was going to put something in, changed my mind.

Written By Vano

March 28, 2018, 6:05 p.m.(6/12/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Lavinia

To be fair. It was a really good cookie.

Written By Vano

March 22, 2018, 7:53 p.m.(5/27/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Yasmine

And yet, you known nothing of ours.

Written By Vano

March 22, 2018, 9:12 a.m.(5/27/1008 AR)

I have no been back in Arx for even a day and I see the topic of heretics have come up again.

Out of respect for Prince Edain, one of the few Arvians who's actions have backed up the words he first spoke to me and therefore, I respect, I'm not going to comment too strongly. And reality is because I'm not going to change anyone's mind with something more long-winded and eloquent. I'd be wasting my words. So I'll just say this.

For those of you that take issue with the Rivenshari's shamanistic faith, as we are some of those shamanistic Oathlanders, and feel the desire to hold judgement over a people that you don't even know: go fuck yourselves.

Written By Vano

March 21, 2018, 8:43 a.m.(5/25/1008 AR)

Sent from Setarco:

To my family.

I am alive, but not unscathed. The warriors of Rivenshari proved they are still worth the tolling of the bells we had been known for in years past. I am no leader, but as Shaman of Riva, I am proud of how they did. Still, of those that went with me south, a discernible number are missing. Dead or lost. I pray the Spirits guide them to rest.

As for myself, I saw a great deal of action on the water. And things that I'm not sure I can describe with complete justice to what my eyes saw. I had told myself that after Brand, I'd be willing to give anything credit. Even saying that, it defies most notions of rational thought. Seen plenty of strange things, but never a shark made out of glass. With teeth as large as I'm tall.

My forearm hurts, but I'm sure it'll hurt months from now. I doubt the bracelet can be removed without losing my hand, fused together as they now seem to be. An ugly, inflamed mass of cooked meat and silver. A 'brand' of my own, I suppose. A reminder. As if I needed any more. The pain will subside I imagine. Though I'm not quite sure how to explain to Admiral Caelis that she may not be getting this back.

Not quite sure how it happened. But what I do know is that the Spirits do not abandon. They are here, as they always have been. As they always will be. I was only their conduit for the wrath they gave to the Gyre. I'm glad to of played my part in that. Gladder still that they answered my call. I had always wondered if I was worthy of that. Seems they have seen fit to give me an answer in regard, though it may not always be the same answer next time.

Still, I'm counting my blessing. And I have much to think on. Time to heal. And time to consider a shirt with a large sleeve on the left arm.

Written By Vano

March 18, 2018, 4:14 a.m.(5/18/1008 AR)

I am still alive. What I tell myself after every fight. I am still alive.

To those who care: Rivenshari ships still sail, we did our part. Not much else to be said.

Written By Vano

March 10, 2018, 9:31 p.m.(5/4/1008 AR)

People have been talking about wills. What they leave for family after they're gone. Or should they shrug off this mortal coil.

There is very little I own, I have never needed a great deal. A sword and a set of armor.

Both of which go to my sister Lavinia. Considering her mouth, she'll need it more than most people.

Written By Vano

March 4, 2018, 12:48 a.m.(4/18/1008 AR)

I have some reservations about going to another war. At least I can tell myself that this one was one of my own choosing. I've never viewed myself as a leader of soldiers, but here Eshra has put me in charge of a number of Rivenshari ships. I'm a warrior, a soldier, not a leader. I'm no named man. I just happen to be the luckiest, or unluckiest one that happened to be one of the oldest ones left alive after Brand. Don't know if it's qualified as *the* oldest, but I can't say say I've sat around with others counting the rings.

Still, I'm thrown into the role, which I guess, as my mother said, the only ones worth a damn are the ones that never go seeking it. Maybe that's giving myself too much credit. Either way, we'll find out.

Makes me realize I'm scared again. Oddly not as much as last time, but I don't think much is going to top that. Fear. Funny thing, that. Fearlessness is a fool's boast, to my mind. The only people with no fear in them are dead, or the soon to be dead, maybe. Fear teaches you caution, and respect for your enemy, and to avoid sharp edges used in anger. All good things in their place, I think. Fear can bring you out alive, and that's the very best anyone can hope for from any fight. Every single person who's worth a damn feels fear. It's the use you make of it that counts.

Written By Vano

Feb. 20, 2018, 3:08 a.m.(3/22/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Preston

As one of these 'faithless Oathlanders' you've been talking about, Rivenshari makes no bones on the fact that the majority of us do not ascribe the Arx's Faith. We have, as we always have, followed the Wind and River.

And while I respect the members of the Arx faith, hold no ill words to them and hope that whatever belief they believe brings them comfort, at the same time, we don't hide the fact of what we are. And as one of Rivenshari's Shamans, I would never tell anyone in my clan to be ashamed of what they believe, no matter who it comes from.

Marian makes a good point. Unity, despite faith, despite many things, is what will lead to survival. This is a lesson we have learned. Because the Rivenshari should be viewed as a warning and an inspiration to the rest of the Compact. We were alone. The things Brand did our clan I will not speak of here, but enough of you are aware of it. But we all remember, there is not a day that goes by that any of us in the clan don't think about it. What happened to us could happen to any clan, to any house. But we survived, and we still stand. Through family, through faith, through will. And through unity, strength.

To make someone change, to force them to be something else, even if it's something like faith, like you're so suggesting, to make people be less of 'faithless Oathlanders', you're suggesting the very ideas, the very things we're fighting against. The loss of freedom, the loss of knowledge, the loss of choice. It should not matter what anyone else believes in. You look at these 'faithless Oathlanders', and it almost sounds like you view them as less. When oddly enough it is your close-mindedness that makes you less.

These are enemies that want to strip us of our mind, our freedom, our lives. These enemies do not care who you pray to. What religion you practice. What house or family you belong to. This enemy will strip us of who we are. Bare and down to nothing. I know. The Rivenshari know. We have suffered it once already. Almost two years ago, we threw ourselves mindlessly at your walls. I was one of them. So if it doesn't matter to them, why the hell does it matter to you.

And that is why we apart of this Compact. Unity. We were alone once, and it almost cost us everything we were. Now we know more, and we can impart what we know so that maybe, just maybe, it doesn't happen to anyone else. I may not trust the Compact yet, but I do respect it. And that for me, is enough. So whether I worship the Wind and River, which some would say is one side of a coin with the Arvani gods on the other, it shouldn't matter to you or to anyone else whatever someone puts their faith in.

Written By Vano

Feb. 12, 2018, 8:15 p.m.(3/1/1008 AR)

Whatever this dead man may or may not of did, the fact is that he drew is sword against another man. He made his choice at that point. Maybe he didn't want to be viewed as a mad man. Maybe he didn't believe in the punishment that would've been put on him. Maybe he wanted to go out and die on his own terms.

Regardless of his reasons, he's dead now. I don't believe this man that killed him went out with the intention of hunting him down and killing him in the street. I don't see it as vigilante justice, I see it as self-defense.

It should be left at that.

Written By Vano

Feb. 12, 2018, 12:33 a.m.(2/28/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Eshra

You're the reason I stay in this damn city. Somebody has to have to their hand on the rudder. No one better than our best navigator.

Written By Vano

Feb. 8, 2018, 11:07 p.m.(2/22/1008 AR)

I watched a duel today. Over what I was told were 'dolls'.

I'm not really sure how else to really explain that further. I remember, back on the fleet, we'd rarely fight over something in particular. Usually, we'd gamble over it and let the dice decide who it belonged to. And sometimes, that item didn't always end up between one of the two people arguing over it.

The gambles were open to all, if they thought they wanted it bad enough. More often, I remember, many things could fall to a game of chance. Always been a big belief in the matter of luck. And when I consider that with the clan, I remind myself that we're luckier than I give us credit for.

Written By Vano

Feb. 6, 2018, 8:02 p.m.(2/17/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Roran

Sometimes, there can be too much change. To the point where you're unable to handle it any longer.

Like for my clan, the past year. There has been enough change I would think.

But, I'm more than aware that there is more to come.

Change occurs too much, it can drive a person mad. It can, and will, break you.

Written By Vano

Feb. 5, 2018, 1:23 a.m.(2/14/1008 AR)

"Compliance without compromise."

That's some of the best advice I've been told since I came to this city.

Given me some things to think about.

Written By Vano

Jan. 30, 2018, 12:03 a.m.(1/22/1008 AR)

(Various attempts at writing in a white journal, but every time it's started, it's in Oathlands shav with a line crossed through it each time. Eventually, a more block script is written down. But at least this readable.)

White journal.

This. Is a thing. I guess.


Like this script.


One more thing. To get. Used to.

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