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Written By Tarrant

Oct. 4, 2017, 10:49 a.m.(5/3/1007 AR)

The battle went much as expected.
Alas that the enemy was an I'll disciplined horde, bereft of champions, for there were no foes of high standing whose defeat would win renown. Yet they came in great number, and there were many brave deeds done in the name of Gloria and Valardin.

I regret that so many enemies fled the field, for it robbed us of the chance to make a decisive end to them, yet a victory it remains.

Written By Tarrant

Sept. 30, 2017, 9:21 p.m.(4/24/1007 AR)

I have been entrusted with a great and weighty responsibility by my overlords. That such faith is placed in me is humbling, and inspiring; I must devote myself fully to the work ahead, to prove worthy of such trust.

I was taught that a knight's first duty is service, and that the higher one is raised, the more one is beholden to the needs of those below. I pray that I do my duty well in the years to come.

Written By Tarrant

Sept. 10, 2017, 3:05 a.m.(3/9/1007 AR)

My name has been put forth by Valardin's Voice as one who may do deeds of arms in support of Thrax, our easternmost brethren within the Compact, and this offer has been accepted. I hasten toward the docks to do a knight's duty toward our foes from astride a ship's deck, rather than horseback. I expect this endeavor to provide some opportunity for valor, amid a great many exercises in humility.

A knight's first duty is service, and I must ever strive to serve well. Having been absent for the great Siege, I am eager to begin doing my part in earnest.

Written By Tarrant

Aug. 14, 2017, 5:31 p.m.(1/9/1007 AR)

Having heard of the grand spectacle of the melee that brought the Tournament of Roses to a close, I can now reflect in full on the past week.

I have ever favored the joust, for although the melee is apt training for battle and well displays the prowess at arms, the warrior's resolve, and the shifting whims and vicissitudes of fortune, I was taught that it us skill with steed and lance which most defines a knight. In other lands, I am told other talents are most desired, yet for the Oathlands, it is the mounted tilt which is conjured to mind the purity of a chivalric contest.

And such a contest it was! Having crossed the continent to face the finest opponents in all the Compact, an unheralded knight of little distinction might be forgiven a measure of trepidation at a field replete with high nobles, King's Own and Templars. I must give due praise to the Lady whose inspiration and favor steadied my spirit: my Lady Charlaine Blanchard, I am in your debt.

To all who jousted, I give thanks, for no phantoms of imagination could have exceeded the grandeur of a Crown Tournament, beheld for the first time. To my opponents, I thank you for the courtesy of your utmost efforts, and to Master Tristan, I give thanks for providing me a mark toward which to continue striving.

Whether the next call is to the lists, or to the battlefield, I am eager to spend my valor for Crown, for Prince, and for Compact.

Written By Tarrant

Aug. 10, 2017, 1:34 p.m.(1/1/1007 AR)

Mere days removed from the Tournament of Roses, which will begin with the finest knights in Arvum crossing lances, and anticipation is coiled to its zenith. There are only so many times my charger can be groomed and my maile cleaned.

Countess Keaton has offered the honor of carrying the sable paw and vert field of her house on my shield, to show my overlords' confidence; the Moore surcoat has been mended with fresh embroidery, and I am inspired with fresh zeal each time I behind my lady's favor.

I burn with the desire to see this tournament begun, to try my quality against the most renowned orders of knighthood in the world: the King's Own, the holy Templars, and the highest champions of all the great noble houses.

The wait is difficult.

Written By Tarrant

Aug. 5, 2017, 1:17 a.m.(12/18/1006 AR)

After a long journey, I have at last seen Are. The greatest city in Arvum is a thing unlike any I had expected, for better and for worse. I know that Tessa will love it here, where princes and princesses walk the streets (she'll get used to the animals, I hope). Prince Edain's Master of Games has granted me leave to compete in the Tournament of Roses, and I have been honored beyond any reasonable expectation by our overlords of Keaton. Count Kael and Countess Reigna have been unfailingly supportive of the minor cousin of a provincial baron, for which I am most grateful.

So too am I grateful for the favor I carry. It is said that knights fight half with skill, and half with inspiration; if I fail in the joust to come, it can only be for a want of skill.

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