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Written By Sylvana

Oct. 4, 2021, 10:54 a.m.(4/26/1016 AR)

I arrived back in Arx this morning after some time away. The ship that I had borrowed from the family is in need of some long overdue maintenance as our excursion into the deep seas wound up taking longer than I'd anticipated. When that call for adventure comes however, you cannot leave it be.

I had a scheduled visit with Nephele and upon arriving we spent only a couple nights together before we decided we'd had enough of paved streets and walls and set out to try to find our fortunes elsewhere.

Fortune was not found, but we found secluded places where none had set foot in a thousand years, untouched by the neverending web of civilization, ripe for exploration and discovery. Nothing we discovered was of particular value but I would not trade this time I had for anything. My mother married me off hoping I would settle down and Nephele was chosen because she was such a quiet and reserved person.

I think she still is on some level. She would never have done this if not for my gentle prodding. I made sure this was not a dangerous trip (the occasional storm on the sea notwithstanding) and now that she's had a taste for proper adventure, I wonder if we couldn't convince her to come to Arx proper in the future? Time will tell! But in the meantime I seem to have so much to catch up on. She's back at home and I guess it's time to go back to work.

Why does the world always seem to fall apart when I'm not looking?

Written By Sylvana

March 13, 2021, 12:21 p.m.(2/9/1015 AR)

So there seems to be some kind of questionnaire people are volunteering to place in their whites. Seems an interesting exercise at least, so I'll answer as well as I can.

1. What are you afraid of?
Never figuring out who I am supposed to be or what my place in this world is. Besides the obvious answers, I am Lady Sylvana Leporidae nee Chatreuxe-DeVirre, formerly of Brindleberry Wood, leaving my home has made me reflect on myself and realize that I never did figure out what I wanted with my life. I hope I figure it out before it's too late.

2. What are your opinions on honor?
Honor is important. It's how you present yourself to the world and show that you are a person of integrity. Once it's lost it can be nearly impossible to restore again.
3. What path do you see for yourself?
Not seeing the path before me is perhaps what frightens me the most. Sure I can make guesses, I can ascribe my hopes, but honestly those things are not for the whites. I hope the path for myself is good, and that I can enact positive change in my future, I just don't know where that will wind up being.

4. You can give one piece of advice to one who really needs advice to live by. What do you tell them? Live your life as if everything could be taken from you in an instant, but not so foolishly you forget that there are consequences for your actions. This is something many learn the hard way, and not all are so lucky as I was to get a chance to fix my mistakes.

Written By Sylvana

March 11, 2021, 1:55 p.m.(2/5/1015 AR)

My protege's new assistant is a delight. It's not that she's a particularly vivacious or enthusiastic woman, it is that she carries herself with a confident grace and elegance that it has become a game of mine to try to throw her off balance when I meet her. Little compliments or commentaries as we make small talk or the like as she delivers Amanita's missives. She has yet to show any sign of a crack, which has only encouraged me to try harder.

I'm absolutely certain she's playing the same game with me and I refuse to be the first one to crack. She's a great worker, I can only hope to find such good help in the future. Amanita certainly has an eye for talent, I can't help but wonder what else she might be up to!

Written By Sylvana

March 6, 2021, 1:06 a.m.(1/22/1015 AR)

You ever have a dream that feels so real, when you wake up you're sometimes not sure if you're still dreaming? How do we know we aren't dreaming now? They call life the dream don't they? Or did I dream that?

Did I dream the people I've been meeting? People that make me feel more alive than I'd ever felt? Are they just a fragment of my mind as I struggle to wake? How can we ever be sure what's real? Do we ever know for sure?

Written By Sylvana

Feb. 21, 2021, 8:42 a.m.(12/22/1014 AR)

Arx is such a loud place I don't know how anybody can hear themselves think! There are so many people I don't think it will even be possible to know everybody, or who I can trust.

It's so much easier in the forest, where I know where I stand and where I fit among it. I'm still trying to find my place here, where I truly belong.

I'm grateful for Leporidae, for their welcoming me with open arms. I truly feel like one of the family, like this is truly my home away from home, where I know someday I'll know Tremorus like I know Brindleberry. I am different from the rest of them, it's as unlikely a match as any but as strange as it all is, I truly do belong here.

Written By Sylvana

Feb. 16, 2021, 6 a.m.(12/11/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Amanita

I'd heard of the famous whisper house of Arx a lot over the years, but I hadn't thought that anybody would actually live up to the lofty reputation that the house had set up for me. Years of anticipation and each building upon the last, until I was sure that it was impossible for them to ever measure up to my expectations. How wrong I was.

I was spending some time in the Shrine of Petrichor, it's a bit different from communing directly in the forest itself, but to have this little piece of nature that feels so much like a part of him is lovely and there I met many wonderful and interesting people. Another that I will likely be writing about in a future entry but today I want to talk about Amanita Whisper.

She arrived with an offering to Petrichor. Simple things, really. A bit of leaves, an eggshell, and other little pieces of nature. From there, we spoke and she carries herself with a poise and grace that makes me look back at myself in the hopes that I'm not making a complete fool of myself. She's deeply engaging and vibrant, wise and charming. From my talks with her she sounds like someone that truly appreciates the forest for what it can provide, and that's something I wasn't expecting to find so soon within the walls of Arx, and not only that but she is very much a credit to the Whisper house. Truly they're lucky to have her.

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