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Written By Stygia

June 8, 2020, 11:10 a.m.(6/10/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Tescelina

The moonbeam passed on. Maybe the mouse will see her again next turn. The mouse hopes so.

Written By Stygia

April 23, 2020, 2:29 p.m.(3/1/1013 AR)

So who forgot to feed their pet kraken they kept leashed in the harbor?

Written By Stygia

Jan. 30, 2020, 2:06 a.m.(8.901410796957672/30.47900462962963/1012.6584508997465 AR)

Arx prepares for war and nobles prepare themselves by getting married and having copious amounts of children.

I'm just waiting til they start listing all their valuables in the whites again.

Written By Stygia

Aug. 27, 2019, 4:33 p.m.(9/22/1011 AR)

All the Onyx is gone - maybe in a few months I'll have a bit more.

Written By Stygia

Aug. 26, 2019, 3:06 a.m.(9/19/1011 AR)

The offer still stands for the rare and precious gem known as onyx, as I have posted and made public to the people of Arx. I will remove the ad once the supply has been exhausted. It will likely be the last I have my hands on for a while.

It's going relatively fast - in the first week I have sold 1/5th of the supply and can guarantee complete anonymity to those that wish to purchase it.

Simply send me a messenger with your desired amount and I will make sure it gets to you - don't worry, I don't ask questions.

Written By Stygia

July 31, 2019, 8:35 p.m.(7/25/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Ras

Well. A new 'quaintance of mine went and got him a trial by Combat. Apparently a Lord gave him grief over the way he ordered his soup n biscuits, and he got punched in the nose for it.

What really baffles me about the whole thing is the response he received from the Champions Guild. He wrote to someone he know in the Guild and the response was that he wasn't going to bleed for him.

Which is mighty fuckin hypocritical.

The Champions bleed over silks all the time over stupider matters... Just to name a few of the more entertaining ones:
Tea v. Coffee
Who's broken a sister's heart something something broken courtship
Who asked a question first

But no, when a man is facing legal consequences in a trial by combat, won't bleed. Not arguing that his temper got the better of him, it probably did. Then again, we're only human after all. We make mistakes. Then again I think Lord Farshaw also made a mistake. Who is wronger? Well, we gonna let the trial by Combat decide.

But when there is a real chance to make a difference and represent the Sentinel or Gloria by putting to rest a serious matter and seeing justice done? Nope.

No I get it, if it were me I wouldn't bleed for no one else either. Specially over stupid stuff... But then again, I'm not a fuckin Champion. And I'm certainly not a Champion that has already assumed who the guilty party is. Knowin better than the Sentinel I guess.

Gods bless Lady Brianna for seein' the truth of the matter. He deserves someone that *wants* to represent him. May justice prevail.

Written By Stygia

July 28, 2019, 3:25 a.m.(7/17/1011 AR)

The other day I received thirteen bottles o' booze in the loveliest little box.

Then today for patron's day I was gifted the ugliest gods damned creature I have ever seen. I keep wonderin if my birthday is fast approaching...

At first I thought it was a cat with a hairless tail. Then I thought it was a very unfortunate dog. Rat? Too big, too hissy. No ship rat I've ever known's ever fuckin hissed.

It arrived in a box in my office. At first I didn't know what to do with it so I nipped out to the bakery to grab something for it to eat and when I came back it was gone. Looking around for it, someone tells me that they saw the box loaded onto the truck cart and was about to be hauled off. I chased after it, dove into the back of the cart. It spooked the horse and caused them to kick the driver out the cart and bolt. Straight downhill.

So that is, why this morning I smell like yesterday's garbage and am limping with a hissy possum that also smells like garbage and why there is trail of garbage stretching from the Commons Courts right down to the river's mouth. I won't make mention about the fire and the incident with the old lady as I'm still being questioned about that.

Thanks, Gaston. Best Present Ever.

Written By Stygia

July 12, 2019, 3:39 a.m.(6/13/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Mikani

Now that's the cut throat typea politics I like to see from the Silks!

Don't worry, ye fit right in.

Written By Stygia

May 17, 2019, 1:40 p.m.(2/14/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Evaristo

The gray hairs may not be because of you, but I am willing to bet one is at the very least named after you.

Written By Stygia

April 9, 2019, 4:08 a.m.(11/21/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Aethan

Note to future self.

Betting with this man is a bad idea. He probably only makes wagers when he is confident of the outcomes. Which means you're on the losing side.

Ouch, right in the hubris.

(Still probably didn't hurt as much as the titty-twister I witnessed the Guildmaster Joscelin give to Evaristo, though).

Written By Stygia

March 29, 2019, 6:30 p.m.(10/28/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Dion

Good taste in pants.

Written By Stygia

Dec. 30, 2018, 6:59 p.m.(4/9/1010 AR)

Here's hopin' that after the foreign 'dignitaries' have been dispatched that Victus ain't gonna stand on a boat and tell Marcus or the Undying Emperor t' bring friends the next time.

Maybe he should see to it that his victory speech is better prepared this time round?

Are we really going to send them to negotiate? Is this the best idea for the Compact? Here's hopin' that they chose this Shard woman because she's got the most sense in the Compact or somethin.

Written By Stygia

Dec. 18, 2018, 11:45 a.m.(3/12/1010 AR)

Bliss Whisper posed several good questions to her whites regarding the Commoner's Council election and I'm happy to see that there are those of us running that have taken the time to answer her. I think I'll do the same, because her questions were good.

1. Which projects are nearest and dearest to your heart, that you hope to see organized and realized through this board?
I have several projects I'm working on that do not necessarily hinge on me getting into the council but it wouldn't hurt. Right now, I'd like to find practical, effective solutions to the overpopulation issue and the crime rate, but also improve the quality of life for the citizens of the Boroughs on the whole. For example, I'd like to use the Council as a platform for a bit of city development. We need new housing (which I have already seen to the first of many buildings), encouraging and funding education and training for those that can't afford it, as well as helping Mae with those soup kitchens of hers.

2. When you run into intransigent opposition - furious Peers, someone stonewalling you for their own political gain, injustices committed against you - how will you attempt to resolve these matters?
It's hard to give my exact plan for dealing with such broad categories of opposition so it's hard to paint my answer with such a broad paintbrush so maybe I best give an example:

I once worked with some ships that were having some pirate problems. Bad ones. Lost thousands - maybe hundreds of thousands - of silver. They always knew when and where we'd be. We knew we had a traitor in our midst that kept tellin' them where and when to be. Seemed hopeless and we were backed into a corner. The peers wanted to rally together fleets and sink them and in the end they did I guess, but it was my duty to see that the goods got from port a to port b and not fall into the hands of pirates. I took matters into my own hands and changed up the schedule. The well informed pirates didn't get their prizes anymore. Some of the goods went a bit bad, but it didn't fall into enemy hands anymore.

I wouldn't say I fully outsmarted them, but it lead me to the saying 'there's more than one way to skin a cat'. You can also work around your opposition if you can't convince them otherwise.

3. What is it about you that should make us select you to represent our concerns over any of the other candidates?
People can have faith that I'll represent them and the problems plaguing the Boroughs. I'll make sure those that need to hear these issues hear it and we can work together on some solutions. It's not going to be easy. Nothing in life that's worth having is free.

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