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Written By Starra

Oct. 21, 2018, 11:38 a.m.(11/4/1009 AR)

It has been an interesting week for me as I return to the city. I joined myself to the Crimson Blades in the hopes of making friends and of course money. Most weeks that would be the most exciting thing that has happened but not this one! I've also worked with the rest of our House and allies to curtail Pirate activities in our waters. Nothing is as it appears though and this brought more questions than answers. I suspect there is no end to my interesting weeks in the near future.

Written By Starra

Oct. 13, 2018, 11:46 p.m.(10/11/1009 AR)

Let this serve as my official notice. To whom? They will know.

It is with both great pride and heartache that I bring this to the attention of the citizenry of Arx. Though many and most of you do not know me, I am a man of many talents. The least of which is not dueling. Since entering this hive of gossip, accusations, and frivolity I have won a number of things in wagers. ALL have been paid up with haste except the house swords I have been promised. The wagers are made with swagger and bravado and much nose pointing at the sky and yet......After the win there is only excuses and promises of payments.

THIS IS NOTICE YE HOUSES THAT KNOW WHO YOU ARE! Send me what is mine or I will continue to cry!

Unlike the woman whom I can't seem to hear very well, I am generous and understanding. I will happily accept an actual boat loaded with Silver at the collective houses' convenience. Except Faruq! From Faruq I will accept only the sword or the most winning of apologies. Seriously, it better be fucking good.

Taking Everything,

Written By Starra

Oct. 12, 2018, 12:37 p.m.(10/8/1009 AR)

Ah, can you smell that Arx?! It's the smell of anticipation, and somewhere on the open ocean, fear! Soon we sail to deal with yet another pirate menace. This time it looks like new faces shall be accompanying us and I'll meet the Sword of Pravus I have heard so much about. Lets just hope new friends don't cramp my style, there is only so much one can change for "proper" appearances.


Written By Starra

Oct. 3, 2018, 7:19 p.m.(9/18/1009 AR)

Maybe it is the season that entices us so. The consideration that our lack of restraint and control is based on the time of year is both a convenient and disturbing.

I like your thought experiment and I am going to give it a try. Perhaps I will report back my findings, it depends on how much I like or dislike this new "me".

Written By Starra

Sept. 30, 2018, 11:29 p.m.(9/13/1009 AR)

Ahhhhhh, this weather recently has been quite exceptional! It's important to just enjoy the small things in life sometimes, as I did today. Sure it may seem frivolous and unimportant to then write about it but dammit how else am I supposed to get anyone to care about my inner thoughts? What about when I had an exceptional day? Shouldn't the world have the ability to look back on that? Ahhh, think of the generational significance of our day to day minutia. Perhaps the next step is multiple daily entries tracking the important individual events of the day.

I think maybe we'll go sailing tomorrow.


Written By Starra

Sept. 16, 2018, 7:22 p.m.(8/12/1009 AR)

My sense of fashion has been called into question. Apparently I need to updo my hair, find some fancy threads and train my Fancy Lad side up. I'm a sailor! I know not the first thing about fashion.

With that being said, it did give me a solid kick in the ass to commission new armor. There I do know where to start, with the best as it has been told to me. Fare thee well Silver! You were a fine companion while you were here, I will forever remember your weighty jangle as you rode at my hip.

There is always more to take,

Written By Starra

Aug. 31, 2018, 6:28 p.m.(7/2/1009 AR)

Recent events have left heavier thoughts than usual in my head. Many men, especially around the docks seem to be reflecting on their lives and the things that have happened to them through the years. I do not fear nor regret the things in my past. Those decisions were at least decisions /I/ made. What bothers me in the wee hours of the morning are the things to come. Things of import. Things of body, mind, and soul. Those things coming down the line that I may not be prepared for. What happens if when I'm needed I cannot step up and answer the call? Since coming to the city I have let myself relax and not pushed my boundaries.

I want to be ready for when I'm needed and I never want to look back and say, I rested on my laurels and it was enough. It is never enough and that is why we must all strive to continually evolve and learn. So tonight with this journal I task myself with doing better. With trying harder so that we might...

Take Everything

Written By Starra

Aug. 24, 2018, 11:19 a.m.(6/15/1009 AR)

I return to the city and there is drama as far as the eye can see. Truly, I already miss the sea and battle. First I should say, that though I only knew her briefly, the Fire Viper will be missed.

When it comes to soldiering, Lord Faruq is correct, a soldier follows orders, a good warrior is not by default, a good soldier. It is important to know from whence we come. On a boat there is no room to go rogue without consequence for the entire crew, every swab learns this immediately. The vitriol leveled at having this opinion is surprising for a city full of "civilized scholars." Maybe everyone is so bored they are just looking to manufacture excitement? Anyone who is looking for the zest is welcome to hang out with us Seraceni folk, we'll show you excitement that requires no over reaction to opinion.

In lighter news, I attended the most excellent dinner party complete with "unique" drinks, rogue alchemists, and people setting themselves on fire. Malika says she didn't do it, I'm still up in the air..... Thanks for getting me home Faruq! I owe you one.

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