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Written By Seva

May 14, 2017, 5:48 p.m.(6/18/1006 AR)

Uncle Dominic is behaving so strangely!

He sent me a message saying, "Don't come into the apartment for a hour or two. Your uncle is serving Thrax."

It was so late! He was lucky that I had a spare cot in the shop. What nonsense military business could he be doing that I couldn't hear?

Written By Seva

May 14, 2017, 5:42 p.m.(6/18/1006 AR)

The event at the Hart was quite fun! It might benefit me to go out more often.

It can get boring inside the shop. Or far too busy. So many people have filtered through to buy bandages or request help after the siege.

It was nice to sit and drink in pleasant company and not need to be worrying. Besides, I got to show off my handiwork with masks.

Written By Seva

May 7, 2017, 3:40 p.m.(6/3/1006 AR)

I am honored to have stood on the ramparts with my fellow Thrax. And of course, those from Redrain and Grayson who came to support.

Despite the damages and the lives lost, in time the city will mend and move on.

We are stronger than silence. Strong than Brand.

Written By Seva

May 3, 2017, 10:28 p.m.(5/23/1006 AR)

Sometimes I am tempted to drink some of the herbal brewed wines we stock. Organizing charity is much more stressful than I ever imagined.

Especially when every hour that passes is an hour I sit here in my shop wondering if any of my warrior friends have fallen in the siege.

I should make Princess Reese a bundle of supplies to carry with her. Something that she could perhaps attach to her steed.

For my uncle, something small enough that the dogs could carry.

Gods, if I start naming people this list will get too long. Why can't my friends have nice, safe hobbies? Like baking.

Written By Seva

May 2, 2017, 7:19 p.m.(5/21/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Dominic

I love my uncle dearly. He has shown me so much kindness and has gone out of his way to make sure that I am safe.

But I am going to scream if he shows up at my shop covered in mud again.

Written By Seva

April 28, 2017, 4:34 a.m.(5/10/1006 AR)

I bought a baby goat from the market a few days back. To help clear the back garden of course.

It's actually quite cute even if he keeps trying to eat his bow. Not as cute as a certain trio of bunnies though.

My to-do list is now as follows;
-Finish cleaning up the garden and planting the necessary seeds.
-Teach Miss Juliana Bennett how to make incense sticks and cones.
-Work on a sitting room for the shop.
-Charity/donation event?

At least my mine is off of the Gyre.

Written By Seva

April 26, 2017, 9:32 a.m.(5/6/1006 AR)

(The journal page is smudged in the corners by a fragrant, dark blue oil in the shape of small fingerprints.)

I need to stop dwelling on things. Instead I will make gifts.

I can fill my time trying to discreetly find out what my friend's like and secure the materials. And if I finish that, I'll work on the menu for the dinner with Sir Armel.

Perhaps even write letters to my brothers.

(The words stop and the latter half of the page is filled with doodles of potential gift designs. Most seem to be crossed out or have question marks near them. There is one sentence below them, hastily scribbled in.)

I should go and pray. Go mediate on these dark things I try to hide from.

Written By Seva

April 25, 2017, 11:40 p.m.(5/5/1006 AR)

To kill a man is a strange feeling. I know nothing of swords or armors. Until that night, I knew nothing about fighting.

What was suppose to be a gathering of good company ended with me holding a bloody steak knife. I know I'm being dramatic but it's hard not to feel like a monster. I can see my husband's face behind that visor when I sleep. Did that man I killed have a family? A wife? A daughter? Did he believe in this cause or was he bound to do his duty.

I killed him when he only backhanded me. It hurt, yes. I may have head trauma because of it. (However unlikely) But he could have easily sliced me in half with his sword. Instead he knocked me down. Was it an act of mercy? Or was he going to bring that sword down but never had the chance thanks to the Count?

These are the questions that haunt my sleep.

Written By Seva

April 21, 2017, 6:36 p.m.(4/24/1006 AR)

Today I sat down and rolled, dipped, and dried 120 sticks of incense. My hands smell wonderful but I can no longer feel them.

The room Dominic is letting me stay in is now filled with them, various tinctures, bundles of herbs, and two live plants.

I’m grateful that all of it can fit into a corner but it all makes me wonder. To own a crafting business as a noble is frowned upon. Yet I still desire to see my work sitting in a store front window.

I don’t need the money nor really want it. So it makes little sense for my daydreams to be filled with visions of me working as a store clerk. Have I inhaled too much plant dust?

The last sentence is scratched out and written next to it is a note. “That’s not a thing. I need to stop using that as an excuse.”

Written By Seva

April 21, 2017, 6:27 a.m.(4/23/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Ford

Marquis Ford Kennex's arm did not set alight and burn off when my bandages and salve were applied. I suppose my years spent secluded were worth it after all.

Though it'd be morbidly funny to imagine Ford as one armed. Does that make me a bad person? He's just so easy to pick on even if I find myself growing fond of his quips.

Secretly, I'm excited to see him healed up. Fighting lessons from that man will be interesting to be certain.

If I die during them, I will give all my incense sticks to my uncle, Dominic. He needs them more than I do.

Written By Seva

April 21, 2017, 6:11 a.m.(4/23/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Shadow

I had not expected to receive such kindness from such a large and intimidating man. Nor did I think that such lovely crafts could come from someone whose hands looked so rough.

It's easy to become lost in the noble way of seeing things. I'm ashamed for judging him, for forgetting that people are more than the sum of their looks and social standing.

Shadow didn't judge me. He was kind and accepted my offer of help without trying to take advantage of me.

It's funny how I look forward to running errands for an injured commoner more than I do spending time with my fellows.

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