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Written By Scipio

Jan. 21, 2022, 11:46 a.m.(12/20/1016 AR)

Those who stray too far from Lagoma's purview ossify and suffocate.

Yet those who are too far removed from The Sentinel's province come apart at the seams.

There is a tendency to choose sides. To lean more towards one than the other. Improving this balance is a critical opportunity for an individual to develop their character. Because the truth is that people, communities and societies all require both. We require order to sustain that which is essential, and change to receive that which is vital.

Else we perish, either by flame or by stone.

Written By Scipio

Jan. 20, 2022, 11:31 p.m.(12/19/1016 AR)

When you sigh the world goodbye, how long will it take for your story to die..?

A year?

A decade?

One generation? Three? In 60 years, will anyone remember your name? Will they remember the lessons you taught? The struggles you faced or the sacrifices you made? Will your descendents praise the service you gave?

Some are content being swallowed like a stone in a pond, leaving behind no sign of their passage. Which I have no judgment for. If you're one who doesn't care how long you live after death, then I fear you've lost time reading so far. I'd suggest finding other material.

But if you're someone who is determined to leave something of value behind to those important to you... Someone who, when faced with oblivion, would not go quietly. Who would wish their essence to echo long after they've left...

Then I want to tell your story.

Perhaps you have one important story to tell. Perhaps you have a collection. Whatever your offering, as a Scholar of Vellichor, it would be among my most sacred duties to preserve it.

Written By Scipio

Jan. 17, 2022, 11:43 a.m.(12/12/1016 AR)

I fear I have erred greatly. Yet I can see no way to have avoided the fate before me. Somehow, I have found myself in need of adequate skill in self defense. Not something I can gain, unfortunately, during my scholarly work in the Great Archive.

And so, I found myself seeking the aid of perhaps the most competent and trustworthy warrior I know. My sister, Felicia Harrow. And to my still growing horror, she agreed!

Now I am no stranger to hard work. Indeed, I lay my offering on the altar of worthy toil at least daily. Even to the idea of physical exercise, I'd show no hesitance. But that speaks towards the mundane exercises of mere mortal men. Which is not how anyone with eyes describes Felicia at work. And knowing the inexhaustible manner my sister drives herself...

I fear she may unmake me.

NTS: Collect a few scrolls and books to study during the times you're stuck in bed, too sore to move.

Written By Scipio

Jan. 15, 2022, 8:39 p.m.(12/9/1016 AR)

Relationship Note on Sira

Perhaps my new seamstress? I haven't had the chance to actually commission anything yet due to the whims of serendipity. But she strikes me as a very guarded woman. Curt. Focused. And someone I don't feel like I understand yet -- which is rare, and thus intriguing. She seems to open up better to women, though. Both to a bell wearing woman she murmured about making more dresses for, to herself, and to an Noblewoman named Ivy whom she seems closer to.

Written By Scipio

Jan. 15, 2022, 5:05 p.m.(12/9/1016 AR)

Take heed, he who reads this, whether it be me in the future or another who by some twist of fate finds themselves reading this:

The most dangerous thing your enemy can do is convince you that they don't exist.

The dagger in the dark kills many more than the army in the sun. May the Thirteen watch your back when you cannot. And may your friends be as loyal in their hearts as they are from their mouths.

Written By Scipio

Jan. 15, 2022, 4:51 p.m.(12/9/1016 AR)

It's good to be a Harrow. Truly, it's an honor to share blood with people such as this. We are an unyielding force against those who would stand against the Crown, The Compact or the Faith.

After today's conversation with my sisters, Felicia and Cufre, I walk away knowing there's much work to be done and yet full of determination to see it done. Even if maddening matters like the occult have regrettably yet necessarily been mentioned far too often this morning. We walk through shadow and ashes today, but the sun breaks through over tomorrow's steps.

Written By Scipio

Dec. 21, 2018, 12:44 a.m.(3/17/1010 AR)

I admit, I mused a fair bit over my votes for the Commoners' Council, and might've even left it a bit later than I would usually be organized about. Part of it was being personally familiar with only a couple of people nominated, but also knowing 'who' a whole lot more were.

But then I thought -- should I vote for those commonly known people? They already have a voice by the fact that they are well known, that people know who they are, and listen to them, and this council, at its core, should be about giving voice to people who aren't really so well known.

So I might've blind-voted a handful of people. I hope you'll represent us all well.

And if not, well, there's always next term.

Written By Scipio

Dec. 16, 2018, 6:39 p.m.(3/8/1010 AR)

As much as I prefer the warmth of a good fire, I do find myself pleasantly surprised by the interactions I've had of late, getting out and meeting people in the depths of the Arxian winter has proved quite pleasant indeed. Many opportunities are unfolding, and I'd be fool not to take advantage of them.

That said, it's made me realize I do need a good, warm winter coat. And something for my fingers -- I am fond of them, after all, and would prefer not to lose them.

Written By Scipio

Dec. 8, 2018, 10:03 p.m.(2/21/1010 AR)

Newly returned to Arx, I decided to reaquaint myself with the social circles by attending an event held in the Thraxian courtyard. It was an interesting take on history, one I managed to listen avidly too despite nearly losing sensation in my fingers!

I have found that history is mutable, details are washed away, nuances fade, and context is rendered lost. There are many times I have begun my researching thinking a historical personage is one thing, only to find out that it is but only one small facet of a very complex whole.

They were, after all, once people like us, with foibles and failings, even the heroes and legends we sing of.

Written By Scipio

June 17, 2018, 5:24 p.m.(1/12/1009 AR)

I dreamed of fire, and ash, and blood. Armies clashed and cities burned. I woke with a great weight on my chest.

Written By Scipio

June 17, 2018, 5:22 p.m.(1/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Rinel

I thank you for your kindness, your guidance, and your wisdom.

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