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Written By Santiago

June 11, 2020, 9:41 p.m.(6/16/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Thorn

A Ward of Fidante in title, but she has established herself as part of my family. As such, she is held to the same standards in my eyes as any of my nieces; and each time, she meets it. Thorn is the kind of Wild Child I had imagined myself having as a daughter, when I was a young man, and now that I have met with her, spoken with her, I could confirm it to the whole of Arvum that she is not just wild and free; but deeply invested into the soil of Tor, literally and figuratively. Her wisdom lays in plants and the truth of the earth, rather than people, and besides? She, knows the Secret of the Best Roses.

Written By Santiago

June 11, 2020, 9:38 p.m.(6/16/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Esme

This woman, one of my nieces, is like a light in a cavern. She does not show her full hand, but she is still a light in the dark, enough so as to bring one comfort, safety, and some small amount of joy just by existing. Her mind is sharp, and her will is strong.

Written By Santiago

June 11, 2020, 9:30 p.m.(6/16/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Calista

The Duchess of Tor, MY Duchess, and my beloved sister's daughter. One of them, but the one who most reminds me of my sister. She is the epitome of Tor, and what it means to be Fidante. Cunning, wise, she loves her people as if they are not just her people, but family. Fidante.

Written By Santiago

June 11, 2020, 12:42 a.m.(6/15/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Aconite

Rumors are rumors. I did this woman a kindness when she was three, or four years old, and now? I have watched her grow to a great Woman of Tor.

Written By Santiago

June 1, 2020, 9:27 a.m.(5/23/1013 AR)

Every time I set my eyes on Calista I see my sister, and I recognize she is gone. In her place, her daughter, and my Duchess! Duchess Calista Fidante! Who is the bloom in the brambles! Whose mind sits on sharpened edge, and whose person could ask all of Tor to die for her - and We would! My pride in this life rests upon my niece, her achievements, and no longer am I worried about the little girl who used to smile at me, who calls me Tio, but I am honored by the woman she has become! Long Live Duchess Calista Fidante! Long Live Tor! She, is the beating heart of the land!

Written By Santiago

May 20, 2020, 2:57 p.m.(4/28/1013 AR)

I have left my beautiful city of Tor, and put my Estate filled with Creeping Terror roses behind me to attend to the needs of my family, and to shadow my nieces, my kin, and provide for them the same courtesy my father did for me: To see what they see, and cut the weeds aside so The Path is clear as can be.
    It is in Arx I, once more, find the company of my family, and I recognize it has...perhaps, been too long since I've properly socialized, for one of my station in life.

I come to Arx the day after a riot, I hear the voices of my Peers, and look about at all the many faces whom are concerned. There is nothing like a properly tended book. Nothing. I will give you an example:

    If Group X needs Y-Amount of Z-Food, every A-amount of weeks. If you have a properly tended book, you know this. You know this. You know these facts, and you know that with these facts you can now restore a balance and keep a balance - you will need B, C, D, and E. B-Amount of Coin, C-Ways this coin to funnel in, D-Amount of laborers for the goods to reach Group X. At the end, you are left with E. E can be debt, or profit. In a properly tended book? You know this. This, is a Beautiful Thing.

    It is by this wisdom I join my family, and see before mine own eyes much work to do to serve my King.

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