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Written By Ronja

June 8, 2019, 4:40 p.m.(4/2/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Braden

Ah, hell. Rest well, then. The children of Arx have one less guardian to help them through a snowstorm.

Written By Ronja

June 8, 2019, 4:20 p.m.(4/2/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Catriona

I was stunned to hear from Princess Catriona's own mouth that she's to pose nude for a painting -- but I'm sure she'll find a lot of eager artisans keen to seek that commission, so I wish her luck in fending them off!

Written By Ronja

May 21, 2019, 4:56 a.m.(2/21/1011 AR)

One thing, Journal, before I go seek out whatever's going on today -- I was at a tea house in Arx the other day, surrounded by royalty, when the news of Highhill being sacked came through. I believe Lord Braden was there to first receive word, and Sir Jeffeth, Princess Marisol, Princess Reese...? It was grim, I can't lie. It put to light for me something that I knew, but didn't KNOW, if that makes sense, my Journal: these people have not lived lives like mine. In the pirates, ships got sacked. You would hear about it, pour a drink in their name (or utter a particularly vile curse on them), and move on, learning from their failure to avoid getting sacked yourself. I figure it's the same way for career soldiers -- other soldiers die! But for nobles, to find out about other nobles' death... no, MASSACRE... These noble families build everything they know about themselves on the idea that their families will continue forever. To hear of another family so completely snuffed out is to remind them that history will continue on without them, if it so chooses. I found my heart going out to them, but I couldn't find the words to try and soothe them.

Written By Ronja

May 7, 2019, 8:33 p.m.(1/22/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Marisol

I hate the snow. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. The sea breeze on my face is a wonderful thing, and this is its horrible reverse, with snowflakes whipping sidelong through the air and stinging the whites of my eyes, and cruel winds making me feel as if my face might be sheared off completely... if I could feel my face at all, after more than a few moments in this. Perhaps BECAUSE I am so singularly unsuited for this weather, people are inclined to show me kindness... or perhaps I'm just an exceptionally lucky woman, constantly crossing paths with those who would be kind and generous to a stranger in need of a fire to sit alongside and un-freeze her extremities. Today while blundering about I was invited to sit by the fire with no less than Princess Marisol, of the Valardins. She gave me cider and food and, most importantly, WARMTH, and listened to my stories of my time on the seas with the kind of rapt attention that, between you and me, dearest journal, makes me think that she longs for adventures like that herself. Oh, and then after it all, she gives me a cloak. A cloak, gifted to me by genuine royalty! I've seen and done some THINGS, but I still didn't expect I'd ever find myself in that situation... I'll repay her generosity one day. After all, every day I don't freeze to death in this awful, cursed snow, thanks to this new cloak, is now a day purchased on her credit...

Written By Ronja

May 7, 2019, 12:59 a.m.(1/21/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Elsbetta

I've only been back in Arx for a day... and I'm already well and truly sick of the snow. I'd give everything I have for the city to up and move itself to somewhere with sunny beaches year-round... unfortunately, I don't have much, so I'm not sure that barter would work out. I went searching for Dad (even a year on, it feels weird to call him that) and ended up meeting Lady Elsbetta, who I suppose would be my cousin? I need a chart to keep track of that sort of thing... Next thing I knew, she had more or less decided for me that I should be staying with family, rather than in my little room at the Sleepless Knights. It seems like it could blow up in my face if I protest this too strongly, but at the same time, staying in some fancy family house... it's bad enough to not have a bed that rocks me to sleep with the waves...! I hope this works out well, if only to avoid it coming back around to affect Dad...

Written By Ronja

May 7, 2019, 12:55 a.m.(1/21/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Braden

I was trudging through the snow to the Bank when I toppled face-first into a snowdrift. Just my luck, a Lord was there to see it. He offered his help, even though he was already assisting some lost children in finding their way home... but even more importantly, he looked the other way when I made an ass of myself in front of him. I truly hope he and the children enjoyed the candy.

Written By Ronja

Aug. 26, 2018, 8:43 a.m.(6/19/1009 AR)

Thinking about things isn't really on the list of things I do well. It's a weird thing when your whole life, there's a path laid out before, and suddenly there's nothing to follow. I was a captain, a leader, but I still just followed the path that was laid before me. There's so many open paths to take now and I don't know how to even begin choosing one.

Written By Ronja

Aug. 23, 2018, 7:20 a.m.(6/12/1009 AR)

That settles it. No more placing bets on my own fights, I never win them. Also, there's someone called 'The Slaver' apparently attacking the Petrichor Lodge soon. Anyone with a name like that is on my shit list, and since the Order's involved, I have an in for the fight if I want to help. I just don't know if I'm ready. I've spent days at the training center and just keep getting pummeled into the ground by everyone I come across. It's embarassing and infuriating, but mostly it keeps me humble. Maybe I shouldn't go to war just yet.

Written By Ronja

Aug. 22, 2018, 1:48 a.m.(6/10/1009 AR)

For the first time in more than a decade, I saw my father. And he saw me. I gave up everything to get to that moment, thought over a hundred thousand times what I might say. Bruised and battered, wearing three days of cuts and bruises, standing in the fighting pit wearing his armor and holding his weapon, barely able to breathe, I stared him in the eye and said, "Hi, dad."

Written By Ronja

Aug. 21, 2018, 3:56 a.m.(6/8/1009 AR)

I spent most of today in The Stacks doing more reading. I figure if I'm going to rubbing elbows with nobility and royalty (that still blows my damn mind), I should try not to look ignorant. I couldn't focus, though. I read all my father's whites, and- I don't even know. I spent a while at the training center punching shit, felt a little better.

Written By Ronja

Aug. 20, 2018, 7:08 a.m.(6/6/1009 AR)

Where do I even begin? I joined a sparring tournament and fought Sir Jordan using that sword my dad sent me. I lost, but put up enough of a fight that the crowd seemed very impressed. Holt and Nico arrived and after some conversation, and we decided to have some spars with little wagers tagged in. Before it began, an interested noble offered me patronage, but we decided to talk about it more in-depth later because fuck if I know what that means. Nico and I teamed up against Holt and wagered favors for the victor. I may have lost every fight I was in today, but the blood, sweat, and sand was all worth it in the end.

Written By Ronja

Aug. 19, 2018, 8:07 p.m.(6/5/1009 AR)

I was doing some research in The Stacks when a messenger came to me. Delivered a sword and a note from my father. He called me 'daughter'...

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