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Written By Romulius

July 9, 2022, 6:25 p.m.(12/23/1017 AR)

May the scions of House Grimkin tell their fellows the price of treachery.

Written By Romulius

June 26, 2022, 1:12 p.m.(11/24/1017 AR)

War is the realm of violent men. There is no shortage of individuals in our world willing to die for their ideals; a willingness to die, however, is far from any sort of guarantee of victory. Such a thing can only come from possessing the conviction to direct focused, unyielding aggression upon those who possess similar convictions in similar measures.

No man of any sense has ever relished in the act of killing; no man of any worth has ever shied from it, when necessary.

Written By Romulius

June 1, 2022, 7:53 a.m.(10/2/1017 AR)

It is the realm of cowards, scoundrels, and curs to speak publicly in support of one thing while the hand acts in opposition to it.

The traditions and stability of the Mourning Isles are of dire importance to its continued existence and to the well-being of its people. That there are those who would desperately clutch to a single bit of floatsam in the name of 'tradition' rather than swim to the shore in sight is disappointing - one throws out the babe with the bathwater when proper judgment is clouded by excessive zeal.

Written By Romulius

March 27, 2022, 12:58 p.m.(5/10/1017 AR)

Our capital, the supposed heart of civilization in Arvum.

Plagued and polluted by vermin that some call 'pets'.

Written By Romulius

Jan. 22, 2022, 6:46 p.m.(12/23/1016 AR)

Relationship Note on Macario

I assure you that the 'traditionalists' of our Peerage do not view you in the best of ways.

Written By Romulius

Jan. 6, 2022, 11:05 a.m.(11/18/1016 AR)

The Mourning Isles are not a place known for any sort of excessive sentiment.

Sentiment is largely abhorred, really, though I do not believe this to necessarily preclude its existence outright. The past weeks have afforded me the opportunity to welcome my firstborn into the world, and there is no small amount of pride to be had in the fact that Prince Marius has been so well received by the Peerage. That such fortune is accompanied by the blessings of his health and that of my wife speaks directly to the kindness of the gods, and I pray only that their benevolence continues and that I prove worthy of it.

In the days to come, Marius is to be introduced to the place of my birth in Blackshore, however radically different New Hope might be from the Keep that served as my home for so long. I expect his welcome to be an even more enthusiastic one than those that he has received from afar in the capital, another bright-eyed scion to be wrought in paint and canvas in its halls. Once, I had been arrogant enough to consider myself the pride of my family, as though being named my uncle Oswald's heir was implicit of some unrealized greatness. I have long since disavowed myself of the notion, but even if I had not, Marius has offered the revelation that 'pride' and 'greatness' can survive no longer than a single generation in the superlative.

I wonder, perhaps, if every father learns the same.

Written By Romulius

Dec. 1, 2021, 5:40 p.m.(9/3/1016 AR)

Relationship Note on Haakon

One of my shipwrights directed me to the journal recently published by the Lord Eswynd.

I approve. Ardently. The Compact also has the maddening tendency to describe any vessel fit for intercontinental travel as a 'caravel'.

The Eurusi caravel (and the Arvani, for that matter) are radically different ships from the galleons employed by the Cardians.

Written By Romulius

Nov. 22, 2021, 1:41 p.m.(8/12/1016 AR)

Relationship Note on Valencia

Your courage in making such a publishing with the Scholars is commendable, and ought serve as an example for each and every member of our Compact. Where matters of justice and righteousness are concerned, there should never be any shame in voicing opposition to such a flagrant refusal to honor the living will of a Highlord.

Especially given that the Archduchess-Regent seems to have a poor understanding of the terms of her own regency. Whatever riches or strength she may have brought to the Lyceum, the suggestion that her selfish and blatant grab for personal power is meant to bring stability is a laughable idea. The Lyceum has a Archduke, already, and given her apparent disregard for honoring the will of Archduchess Eleyna, I find it immensely difficult to trust that the throne will be returned to its rightful holder in Prince Donato. Further, the incredibly thin veil that the Archduchess-Regent adopts when threatening those who owe her vassalage in a space as public as the Assembly of Peers is an embarrassment to her rule and to her family.

Written By Romulius

Sept. 18, 2021, 10:28 p.m.(3/23/1016 AR)

While I was unfortunately unable to attend this most recent Assembly of Peers due to the demands of duty, I was disappointed to hear the response to my uncle, the Lord Aedric Blackshore's, address of the Peerage. His address seemed to be turned into a question of the sovereignty of those houses that have caused the most recent clamor over the issue of nobility and those elevated to it. How it was interpreted in such a manner is a mystery, to me, but I would echo it more plainly and invite an explanation from any who believes they might be able to offer one.

The recent proclamation by Count Duarte Amadeo prompted the Marquessa Tyche Inverno as Voice of House Pravus to call for a moratorium on elevations of commoners to the Peerage. Notably absent, however, was any condemnation by the Marquessa of her own vassal for such a foolish public statement, or any proclamations by House Pravus itself claiming responsibility for the ennoblement of the Count to begin with. How are we to preach accountability if we will not accept it for ourselves?

Written By Romulius

Sept. 13, 2021, 5:01 p.m.(3/13/1016 AR)

It has been brought to my attention that my most recent publishing with the Scholars saw its closing remark misconstrued. In keeping true to my word, consider this a clarification: my intent was not to suggest neo-nobles to be deserving of death. I simply believe that those who have proven to be poor stewards of their house's dignity and derelict of their responsibilities should be stripped of titles and land. This is similarly true of those of high birth. I would only expect that those deemed exemplary enough to be granted noble title to be held to a more exacting standard - after all, are they not meant to have already proven themselves in being so ennobled?

Written By Romulius

Sept. 12, 2021, 6:30 p.m.(3/11/1016 AR)

There has been, in recent years especially, a great deal of attention paid to the ideas of noble birth and of the privileges and duties expected of the station that comes along with it. The same scrutiny has been paid to those elevated to the Peerage despite being of common birth, and rightly so. Those lines that have proven themselves over centuries and generations as proper stewards of their holdings can be reasonably expected to continue that stability, and to provide their vassals and servants with the leadership and steady hand expected of them. There are some who would suggest that blood is insignificant. An altogether foolish statement, by my judgment, but one that bears address. Are there not ties carried implicitly by blood? Is the obligation of family and house not one that weighs heavily upon all those familiar with it?

I am not so foolish as to assume that the furthest back of my forebears were ever titled as nobility. Perhaps that is the case, or perhaps somewhere, a millenium and more ago, an antecedent proved himself worthy of the burden of rule of our holdings and was granted the title. I do not think that there are not exceptional individuals who have proven their own worth, along with an understanding of responsibility, and earned the privilege and burden of nobility. I think they are far fewer in number than so-called 'neo-nobles' are, however, and I think that recent events are indication enough that some titles are given too hastily, and that some beasts need the occasional reining in.

Some, I think, need to be returned to the dirt that they came from.

Written By Romulius

July 28, 2021, 12:47 p.m.(12/3/1015 AR)

It is little surprise when the commons express such an exasperation for the Peerage that it can, on occasion, manifest as outright disrespect for those of noble birth. There has been a trend in recent years, one that I am certain did not exist in my youth, of treating beasts and vermin with such esteem that they are granted noble titles or the high honor of knighthood. It is my belief that every such instance of frivolity and foolishness weakens each and every noble line that exists in Arvum today.

What sort of respect is a serf meant to treat their liege with if they cannot be sure that the rat digging through rubbish a few yards away isn't that noble's social better?

Written By Romulius

June 13, 2021, 12:26 p.m.(8/25/1015 AR)

Our Compact has no shortage of talented shipwrights.

We have mastered the efficient construction and fielding of diverse, versatile fleets. We have proven our dominance at sea recently, and the evidence of our ability rests on the seafloor of the Bay of Pieros. The blessings of Jayus and Mangata are plenty on our ships, and our sailors manage the vessels expertly.

We are not perfect, however, and there are aspects of the craft in which other peoples in our world undeniably surpass our ability. We possess skilled hands and sharp minds, but the Compact falls behind in naval innovations, too often unwilling to break from the traditional methods to experiment with those of our neighbors or to boldly venture where others have not before.

We have fallen victim to this sort of complacency before, and we have always managed to correct it and strengthen our Compact. I have no doubt we will do the same in this arena, as well.

Written By Romulius

May 26, 2021, 8:39 p.m.(7/17/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Orland

While I cannot profess to be any sort of font of wisdom, it is a rewarding thing to know that I might act as some steadying force in such an uncertain time.

There is catharsis in rage, particularly when it serves to temper those more tempestuous emotions into thoughts closer to something righteous. The gods and many others know that I have fallen into such furies, as I am sure every other with any other experience with the tragedies of war has. When one assumes the duty to protect others, failure in those efforts is inevitable. This will never lessen the sting, as they are failures all the same.

We are all only mortal, Lord Amadeo, and the Queen of Endings will collect us eventually. If you feel that you have debased yourself in our conversation, allow it to serve as motivation to better yourself moving forward.

Written By Romulius

April 24, 2021, 9:15 a.m.(5/8/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Natasha

Climbing cherry trees is dangerous work. Even if one were to set aside whatever chivalrous sentiments I possessed in insisting to take up the task for myself, I would have done the same strictly out of self-preservation. Were my family to return you home to Maelstrom battered and bruised, with your dress in tatters, it surely would have been the last such summer you were allowed to visit the Keep and our holdings.

As for the cherries, while I am remiss to waste the opportunity to profess their virtues to the whole of the Compact - I will leave the mystery of 'sweet or tart' to surprise in the coming summer.

Written By Romulius

Jan. 17, 2021, 6:51 p.m.(10/9/1014 AR)

It is important to understand the nature of the games that one involves themself in - when the rules are subject to constant change, you are perhaps better off simply not playing.

Written By Romulius

Dec. 31, 2020, 4:18 a.m.(9/1/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Natasha

Both my longest friendship and the one that I hold most dear. Twenty years and I value her more every day.

Written By Romulius

Dec. 6, 2020, 9:38 a.m.(7/8/1014 AR)

A friend and mentor posed a question to me:

What does it mean to be a swordsman?

While I will not share my answer to the query here, I will say that it is something that bears consideration for any who fancy themself any sort of warrior.

Written By Romulius

Nov. 29, 2020, 2:50 p.m.(6/22/1014 AR)

Contrition, it seems, is best expressed with the accompaniment of silks.

Written By Romulius

Nov. 21, 2020, 10:01 a.m.(6/6/1014 AR)

It is easy, I think, to use duty as a shield in order to ignore those you otherwise have obligation to offer some degree of attention to, or to be short with those you owe patience to. I am certainly guilty of the transgressions, and duty is in no short supply these days.

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