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Written By Patrizio

April 7, 2024, 8:43 p.m.(1/21/1022 AR)

Awaiting that which is to come is... tedious.

I thought that the waiting would end with the fall of those who would have enslaved us, those who would have destroyed us, and the other armies that have faced us... and now I find myself waiting for the spring to come. Setarco delights me - more than I could have ever believed - for being here in the winter. (To those who said that it is a better thing to want than to have... may the gods have mercy upon your souls. Having is so, so much better.). There has not yet been a celebration for our surviving, with so much to be done, but I await that as well.

Perhaps that is the matter I can rectify most, beyond helping to guide the rebuilding of our Compact and our southern isles - the preparations for a proper celebration of our survival. Nearer mid-summer, so that all can have time to be more prepared, with crops planted and rebuilding in full effect.

So let it be done.

Written By Patrizio

June 25, 2023, 4:53 p.m.(1/22/1020 AR)

In the midst of an Abyssally cold winter (are they not all so in the city of Arx?), there are few things that warm the heart more than a shared drinks and lively conversation with wonderful company beside a roaring fire.

The Ambassador Salon, among others, is one such place that I enjoy such grace and I dare say my most recent visit was made all the more pleasant by the company found there.

Will this entice me out into the winter's icy embrace more often? Perhaps, depending on the company and the conversation.

Written By Patrizio

May 14, 2023, 2:27 p.m.(10/21/1019 AR)

The seasons turn, and autumn has returned to Arx. I remember keenly still my first autumn here within the city (has it really been five years?), and... at least I am not the clueless one who knew not that there was to be a sharp winter to follow.

I suppose this is a cue for me to see about getting a warmer cloak - aside from that which I wear with my armour - and some good boots to see me through the snows to come.

Written By Patrizio

March 26, 2023, 6:27 p.m.(7/8/1019 AR)

Summer has, at long last, returned.

Truly, it is the greatest of the seasons, and a blessing from the Summer Seas to the remainder of the Compact if only for a short while. One need not worry about the difficulty of passage from one place to the next, nor the effort needed to keep clear paths for those who've more trouble in getting about. And, for some of us who have too often wintered here in this, the capital of our Compact, it soothes that ache of homesickness for more constantly warmed shores.

Written By Patrizio

Jan. 1, 2023, 9:54 a.m.(2/24/1019 AR)

I will be quite pleased when winter finally passes. Every time the weather turns a hint more mild, more accommodating for moving about the city, I fall for it and then find myself blundering home in a blizzard-like bluster.

Written By Patrizio

May 8, 2022, 10:52 p.m.(8/11/1017 AR)

I had the good fortune in recent days to share a drink with the charming Marquessa Cassiopeia at the Dancing Feather. It's a delight when I hear that there are others who adore the hotter months, as I do.

We spoke on many topics, from dancing and the desire to visit home to how to appoint who stays behind to see to house business when such trips possible and the power of a unified compact. All fascinating and telling in their way.

I admit that our discussion about the various manors and estates about our city with private pools did pique my curiosity. No, I shall not write a guide to such, but that it seems still more common than taverns...

Written By Patrizio

March 6, 2022, 4:28 p.m.(3/24/1017 AR)

I am told the spring comes soon.

Someone please tell the seasons of this.

(Do not look at me that way, dear scholar. I've been /good/ and not made you read so much of this, this winter, in spite of my still not acclimating.)

Written By Patrizio

Jan. 23, 2022, 8:31 p.m.(12/25/1016 AR)

After many times now sitting in the Pravusi chair for the Assembly of Peers, I'm struck by the fact that one can never quite predict the tone of any of the sessions. They can be seemingly quiet and businesslike and then erupt into a frenzy, or they can be during tumultuous times and be a momentary source of calm and quiet.

I would tell most, dear scholar, that I prefer the latter. I find myself increasingly expectant for the former to rear its ugly head each time.

Written By Patrizio

Jan. 2, 2022, 2:49 p.m.(11/10/1016 AR)

I have, for most of service to my house, been a soldier in one form or another - in service in the army during the seizing of the Saffron, as a knight and commander of a force before coming to Arx, and as general during the recent Skal'dajan conflict. None of these, prepared me for the very different kind of campaign that is diplomacy.

And it is a campaign, dear scholar. There are dispositions of forces on the field, strengths and weaknesses to be understood, pitfalls to be foreseen, allies to be made and supported, and consideration of the outcomes for any given strategy.

To be candid, I had my doubts when our Archduchess named me to be Voice, but as I grow more into the role I am reminded that the so-called softer skills of diplomacy and politics are often just as complicated and bloody as military command, though the tools of the trade are of a very different nature indeed.

Written By Patrizio

Nov. 25, 2021, 10:59 a.m.(8/18/1016 AR)

Our words and deeds matter.

Our words create the shape of our world. Our deeds inexorably change it with each act.

I am sworn, as Voice, to convey the words of my Archduchess Belladonna in matters of Pravus and how it pertains to the Compact, and those things that come to pass within it. But even as much as that, I am a knight of Setarco - my personal word is my bond, my deeds speak to my honour, and my honour is paramount.

If we cannot, will not, live up to our words in the form of our deeds, then who are we as individuals, or as a society? What are we?

There is no sin in reminding others when their deeds fall short of their words - those who do so, do so because they /care/ about the integrity of ourselves, our Houses, and our words. To disregard those who try to remind us of our words and point out to us our deeds, to mistreat them... is a grave offence, before our fellow citizens and before the gods.

It is our duty, as ourselves, as Arvani, to honour our own words by living up to them through our deeds. To remind others of their words when those deeds fall short. And to uphold each other's honour in this sacred Compact of ours.

This is what separates us from those who seek to destroy us.

Written By Patrizio

Nov. 21, 2021, 10:01 p.m.(8/11/1016 AR)

A delightful evening spent at the Golden Hart, once more, for the benefit held by Messere Minister Rook and her highness Valencia. I thrill to the multitude of faces who appeared to support a very worthy cause, the artisans who gave of their talents and time to inspire those to open their purses, and more so to the sums that were raised for a very worthy cause.

I might be biased, scholar, in that I do so support the Hart, but in these times of strife, when the gods doubtless look down upon us and wonder at whether this Compact /deserves/ to endure... that we have these examples of how we can pull together as one. Not by need of gathering a force, but in a peaceful showing of love for our fellow citizen.

May the gods continue to smile upon us, and may such good acts keep us in their favour.

Written By Patrizio

Oct. 10, 2021, 6:57 p.m.(5/11/1016 AR)

I think that I need resume my meanderings about to the taverns of the city - my guide has fallen by the wayside with the troubles that we faced of late, but to let it linger while we wait for peace... means that I might never finish it.

Plus the distraction might be lovely, given that I keep turning my thoughts to what might come next. Better to have a peaceful - if expensive - hobby for a bit than to stew in my office, no?

Written By Patrizio

Sept. 19, 2021, 2:03 p.m.(3/24/1016 AR)

My second Assembly of Peers as Voice of Pravus in as many months.

I am pleased to say that the proposal put forward by Pravus seems to have been accepted by the other Great Houses without too much contrarian sentiment - that we are asking for a pause on matters rather than insisting upon a change of law to require such certainly helps. It is good to see that we can work together and find common ground as befits our Compact, with larger struggles waiting for us on the periphery, while still allowing for those who /do/ rise to the level of meriting such an honour still being able to pursue it.

We are, as a Compact, stronger when each of us understands, and accepts to uphold, the burdens placed upon us.

Written By Patrizio

Sept. 5, 2021, 5:23 p.m.(2/25/1016 AR)

Winter continues to linger here in the city, and I'll confess jealousy of those cousins who returned to Setara to weather the season. Yes, yes, I'm aware that the spring will come soon enough, but that's not the point. Each time I step out into the streets, it seems the gods are trying to outdo themselves with how much of the abyssal white stuff they can drop on us.

This is one of those times where I'm very glad that my office hasn't any windows.

Written By Patrizio

Aug. 29, 2021, 8:07 p.m.(2/11/1016 AR)

I had a very fruitful meeting with Messere Raja and Captain Acacia Culler to discuss a matter that might well be of great assistance to all, mighty and less so, within this city of ours. The idea of reconstructing the road from the Compact Ward to the docks in the Lowers, and spreading the improvement to the infrastructure through the Lowers...

That we - of disparate families who do not much like each other en mass so well - can discuss these things bodes well for the Compact as a whole. As I said in the recent Assembly, we are one Compact, and united we stand against our problems. This is a thought that has great benefit for all - ease of commerce, a better life for those in the Lowers, and more safety for my own when traversing the Lowers towards the upper wards.

Not that I mean to make it sound like this is a task easily done - permission must be obtained, and resources squared to do the work. But with some additional suggestions I've made, this could be a grand thing that will serve our city and /all/ of the people within it well for decades to come.

Written By Patrizio

Aug. 22, 2021, 9:07 p.m.(1/25/1016 AR)

For the second time in what feels like a short span, I've had cause to call out the Ivory Shields to the corners of our ward to keep watch. First the attack on the Whisper House, and now the matter of Bastion falling, with worries about other things to come.

I've sent word to Setarco as well - I imagine that the archduchess has things well in hand, but it never hurts to further raise the alarm. Dark times are coming, and we need be prepared...

Written By Patrizio

Aug. 15, 2021, 9:29 p.m.(1/11/1016 AR)

I've said it before, but I think that it duly bears repeating - I abhor the winter. Abhor. My third winter here in Arx, and while I've finally acquired warm enough clothing that I don't feel as if the gods are consigning me to a life of Abyssal frost, it's still the kind of thing that makes me pine for my apartments in Setarco.

As such, it was a delight to be 'make an excuse' to head south for the Lantern Festival recently in Ischia. Lady Ophira's planning for the event was marvelous, and even if I'd not had as much a chance to dance as I should like, the warmth - and lightening of the burden on my soul after recent months - was quite welcome.

Written By Patrizio

July 18, 2021, 12:57 p.m.(11/11/1015 AR)

It is not often that I am left for a lack of words.

Last night's gala at the Golden Hart - to raise funds in support of those harmed in the recent war against the Skal'daja - surpassed my loftiest expectations. Not only was I made to live up to the initial match I had offered for donations, but even once I'd raised it, it was again exceeded. My bank account is far lighter, but for a magnificent cause. I am sincerely indebted to all those who contributed, be it through the raffle or by direct donation, who stood up to be counted amongst those who honour those who gave so much that our Compact would endure.

I would be equally remiss if I missed saying that the gala would not have been such a success without my co-conspirators - Princess Cerys of Velenosa, the mistress of the Raffle, and Princess Valencia of Velenosa, whose organization of the fete at the Golden Hart itself was the stuff of legends.

May the gods smile upon our combined efforts.

Written By Patrizio

July 11, 2021, 9:41 a.m.(10/24/1015 AR)

There is so much of Arvum I've yet to see. To be fair, to date, Arx and its surrounds are perhaps all I've seen of Arvum proper since leaving Setarco nearly two years ago - I've perhaps spent more time in the wilds of the Saffron Chain than the 'civilized' lands of the Compact. So, as such, I'm very grateful to have had the excuse to wander further afield to Artshall at Lady Mabelle Laurent's encouragement to attend the gala to inaugurate the arts and culture district there.

It was an exquisite evening to showcase the artistry of not only those of the Oathlands, but much of what the Compact has to offer in the arts. It is a constant wonder to me, the variety of such things that exists within our lands, and while I myself have shown little talent for it, I can appreciate those with an eye for it in its varied forms. (I would admit myself being partial to the dancing and musical performances, not that the play was not compelling, or the Princess Denica's art as fabulous as ever.) Given the astounding success of the evening in Artshall, I look forward eagerly to seeing the final outcome of Lady Mabelle's latest project, when the district is at last completed.

Written By Patrizio

May 30, 2021, 8:58 p.m.(7/25/1015 AR)

I will admit that, some days on from the matter, I am still in shock at having been named a Voice of my house. Then again, I'd thought being asked to command our legion had been a high honour and yet still felt at the time to be something that the gods had not intended for me to seek.

I do not know, quite, what my cousins and my archduchess see in me, but I am determined to make them proud, and to make our Compact stronger and safer for the weight that's been put upon me.

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