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Written By Magpie

June 27, 2019, 9:10 a.m.(5/11/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

Another that I've come to call family is leaving. I said cruel things to her when I should have been giving hugs and wishing the best. Maybe that's why this keeps happening? Because I can't keep my damned mouth shut?

I mean, I know she saw past my attitude, she sent me a letter at the last moment. I know things are fine and I know that she will be fine. Everything is fine. We got high together.

The greater the pain, the greater the loss, right? One after another, ripped away by powers outside your control. I don't write many whites these days but I'm angry and I want the world to know it.

Is Grayhope forever destined to be bound as a place of temporary refuge? We've had our inn since the beginning of Arx. People come through for a brief stay, and other times they stay for years. It's not always the safest place, and certainly not the most welcoming (at least where the actual inn is concerned), but we've looked past blood and past lineage (or lack thereof). I'm not going to offer free drinks to everyone, the Crafter's Guild can pay for that. But if you want to talk about how Josie inspired you, there might be a drink earned there, if the story is *good.* I need something to pull me out of this mood.

Written By Magpie

April 22, 2019, 5:01 p.m.(12/20/1010 AR)

If any of my friends or enemies or just strangers read my journals... Why would you? Anyway, if you do? Do me a favor and send Legate Aureth a message telling him you love him. The man works his ass off and needs some love.

Bonus points if you send him a bad pun while doing it.

Written By Magpie

March 30, 2019, 12:15 a.m.(11/1/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Aureth

A open letter to Aureth,

My cousin, that I love.

I was laying around thinking to myself about the sky and the stars and the moon and the clouds and all that. I really got to thinking, and then I felt my head sort of peel apart into two halves in a peaceful but possibly adversarial sort of separation. One mind was still thinking about the clouds and the blue sky and where the clouds come from. I mean, really. What is a cloud? -- I'm digressing. The other mind is the 'here and now' mind. It's saying, 'hey, stop floating in the clouds and focus on what you're doing.'


I think you know the state of mind I'm in right now. Continuing, I got to thinking about the two halves of my brain. The mirrors. How we have ourselves and then that mirror self. The goooood self and the daaaark reflection that always seems to be the evil half of the story. What if the person on this side of the mirror is the fucked up weirdo and the one behind the mirror is the good one?

What if?... What if I stood in front of a mirror? What would it shine back at me? Someone that's a better person than me? The reverse of my dark aspects and the unpleasant bits of myself. The bits that insult customers and kick nobility out of the tavern. The bits that hate and scorn and resent and despise --- you get where I'm going with this. So would Mirror Magpie be someone that upholds the law and stops smugglers? Would that version of me be the sort to donate money? The kind to always sit back politely and never run his mouth? Would he be pious?

It's a weird thought and does anyone really ever step back and think about all those little pieces that came together to make them who they are? Really step back from yourself and study each piece. The piece that loves. The bit that torments. The chip that fears. So many little parts that make a person. Then you realize that Death ! -- maybe when she makes a new soul she's having a bad day and spits a little bit of rage into that soul, and hundred other droplets. We're all meant to be a hodgepodge of good and bad, light and dark. You can't see your reflection if you're blinded.

Wow... Where was I going with this? See, this is the logical, focused, here and now part of me taking over. It really is like your mind splitting into pieces. But, I thought to myself 'I will write you a letter cousin', because it has been far too long and that Grayhope still loves you and holds you close.

I think letter is at a good ending point, and will serve as an example to all. The strength of family and the individual tapestry of each person within. Each patch perhaps taken from a piece shared with another. The connections you have to everyone around you. I've seen it. I've seen how we're all made of hundreds and hundreds of threads silvery and blinding. Everything interconnected. Everything truly alive and not the dismal gray of the world we normally see. Others who have seen it know what I'm talking about.

Love ya, Aureth (And Binky!)





I should really read back above to make sure there's nothing that should be scribbled out, but I'm not going to because what fun would THAT be tomorrow? I'm sure I had a really solid plan for making this a journal submission back when I started it all.


Written By Magpie

Sept. 24, 2018, 1:58 p.m.(8/28/1009 AR)

Are you having troubles? Are you in misery? Buy some fish to smoke!

Hahaha, I'm so hilarious.

Well, my kid thinks I am and that's all that matters. He's also very confused because I don't actually sell fish, but I think I should wait til he's a smidge older. It's so fun being a father. I don't know how people fuck it up so badly. Maybe because I picked my kid out instead of just seeing what Death throws at me? Must be. I'm sure Aureth will correct me on anything I'm wrong about Death's involvement in children people get.

Written By Magpie

Sept. 24, 2018, noon(8/28/1009 AR)

It's been a while since I got wasted and went for a stroll down white journal lane. I have things on my mind. I'm feeling philosophical.

A mind ponders... if you are say.. a dealer of the best fish in town. I mean, the very best fish that have been caught from the best waters of the sea and painstakingly brought back against the odds for the people of Arx to enjoy. Quality product that can be smoked, shared with friends, and enjoyed worry free in regards to authenticity...

Stay with me. We're definitely talking about fish. You sell the fish to the merchants. The merchants go and get themselves robbed of the fancy fish. Now people can't get their fish and they're unhappy about this. Is this the fault of the fish dealer that goes and gets the fish? Is it up to the fish dealer to solve this problem? It's the merchants that are failing.

The point is, if you're finding yourself deprived of your favorite smoked fish because your merchant isn't able to keep it safe, there is still some available at the source. Mind you, it's at a bit of a premium because supplies are low.

Written By Magpie

July 26, 2018, 10:36 a.m.(4/8/1009 AR)

I grew up drinking beer. All my friends drink beer. I turned out JUST FINE.
Let the archives of history show that this crazy belief that children can't have beer is just ridiculous. If a kid can't hold their beer then they'll puke it back up. Plain and simple.

Fuckin' little card shark took eighty-seven of my silver. I hope he pukes on his beer.

Need to adopt that kid.

Written By Magpie

June 17, 2018, 8:12 p.m.(1/12/1009 AR)

I generally don't give two shits about what Orathy Culler has to say about anyone or anything, but Aleksei is a good damned friend of mine and has done more for this city and me personally than most people have bothered to even try at.

Orathy, you can apologize for your comments, or we can have it out in the fighting pit. Otherwise, enjoy watching your back because I'll be coming for you and I won't be nearly so polite about it.

Written By Magpie

May 29, 2018, 1:12 a.m.(11/13/1008 AR)

Every day for a long time now, a little more of me has been chipped and chiseled away. I don't have any fucking words for how to say what I'm feeling. Moira was a big piece of my childhood and who I was. She was like a sister.

I hate sad, mopey, white journals about mourning but right now I don't care how much of a hypocrite I am. You can all suffer with me and that's just damned fine. I don't give two steamy fresh shits about it.

When I find out who was behind this -- and I fully intend to find out -- it's going to be far messier to clean up. I have a very creative imagination when I apply it to something I'm passionate about, and right now I'm extremely passionate about making them suffer.

Written By Magpie

May 21, 2018, 9:50 a.m.(10/13/1008 AR)

Nothing is quite the pick-me-up after a divorce like chasing nobility out of the Murder of Crows. If you want to be treated well, go drink somewhere else. I don't care if I hurt your precious feelings. Commoners have to play the part everywhere else. It's not exactly something we enjoy.

If you're a noble and you come into the Murder of Crows thinking that an attitude and some sharp words will protect you, prepare to be scorned. There are dozens of drinking holes around the city, but this one is ours.

And really, what business did a Malvici actually have down there in the Lowers anyhow? If it was shady Lycene business the mark was missed.

Not that I have a problem with the Lycene people in general. One of the crew on my ship is from Caith. We have a lot of mutual trust! At least, I think we do. I hope we do. He does always wait for me to eat first, now that I think about it.

Written By Magpie

May 20, 2018, 1:52 p.m.(10/11/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Aureth

I'm just clearing up some misunderstandings. I'm not baiting anybody.

Written By Magpie

May 20, 2018, 10:38 a.m.(10/11/1008 AR)

There were a lot of rumors going around at the picnic the other night about the dangers of drugs. In particular, Dust.
Please, let me explain some things because while I am no expert on botanical imbibing, I do consider myself quite experienced on the matter from personal experimentation, and observation.

Haze, you see, is a very very special sort of drug. It makes you feel relaxed, comfortable, and sometimes you can get nice thoughts or feelings. It's kind of like being drug on extremely fine spirits, but you don't have any sort of hangover. It is not addictive in any way, unless you're addicted to feeling *amazing*, which I don't understand why anyone wouldn't want to be. It's expensive because it's so difficult to get, and because it's so wonderful. However, I make sure the product I get is top notch. It's fit for royalty. I can say that with certainty.

Dust is a bit more of a shit toss.
Can you get hooked on it? Yes.
Can you die from having a ridiculous amount that no person should take in one sitting? Yes, it's possible.
But I ask you, can't a person die from excess of anything? Too much booze. Too much sparring. Too much swimming. Too much jumping off of bridges. It's all relative!
Dust is safe. Dust is incredible. When you take a hit of Dust, you feel like you've been punched in the face by sheer Fantastic, if Fantastic were a thing and the most amazing, wonderful, awe-inspiring thing there were.

Oh, but Magpie, what about the evil, bad, TAINTED Dust?
My friends, that Dust is gone. It has been driven from our city and you have nothing to worry about. That problem was handled.

So please, enjoy Dust. Do yourself a favor and live a little. Life is hard enough, lately.

Written By Magpie

May 8, 2018, 9:19 a.m.(9/14/1008 AR)

I'm almost giddy with excitement about the Darts and Drinking Tournament this season. We have something so fuckin' special for the drinking contest this time. I also made up a completely new prize that I don't remember making, but all the apprentices assure me I did.

Someday I'm going to look back at all these journals and either note this time of my life as my greatest achievements, or 'that time of domestic shit when I should have been sailing'.

And hey, as a special treat. If you're a prodigal or a refugee? You get a free pass into the Darts and Drinking Tournament! It's at the Murder of Crows. This is courtesy of your Deputy Minister of Refugee and Prodigal Affairs. You're welcome. Free booze. What more can you want? (free drugs? That's coming soon, don't you worry)

Written By Magpie

May 7, 2018, 4:57 p.m.(9/13/1008 AR)

I grew up without a dad. I turned out okay.

Well, I mean, my mom wasn't around that much either cause she was busting her ass keeping food on our table. And we were grateful we had a table, damnit! Not everyone did!!

It was actually a really nice table that we snagged when a neighbors house went down to some sickness. It was all polished and smooth, with all these beautiful ripples in the wood grain that looked like rollers on the sea. I loved that table. I would lay my head on it and just feel the thickness of the wood, the weight of it's construction. It was so solid. I had my first experience of love on that table. She was a few years older than me but she liked my hair and my blue eyes. She was pretty too. We would have rolled in the hay but I had forgotten to get fresh hay and what was in the bed was infested with fleas. The table was a much better choice.

Where was I going with this? Oh, right. Just. Fun.
Leave Ford Kennex's motherless child out of this!! Is the kid a bastard now? How does that work? I'm sure it's super-fun being a bastard not-bastard. The kid will be okay.

Written By Magpie

May 7, 2018, 4:27 p.m.(9/13/1008 AR)

I've charged 50,000 silver for lessons before.

There's also no way I could have afforded 4500 silver for lessons for the majority of my life. Without the generosity of the city (and it's princesses) buying so many of my shop wares, I had a very meager savings.

All that said, I will happily charge people lots of silver for my excellent lessons on educating others. My methods are guaranteed, and highly efficient. Ask any of my happy customers!


In other news, all this tension really points out how much the people of Arx *need* the Hazy Days Picnic that's coming up and it's free sampling of herbs and smokes that will help everyone relax and feel better. (Have you ever wanted to try Haze? This is your chance!)

Written By Magpie

May 5, 2018, 12:33 p.m.(9/9/1008 AR)

I'm getting pretty excited about this picnic we'll be doing. Yeah, it's going to be expensive, but people need a real party to enjoy... not that stuffy shit the nobility put on to show off their expensive clothing and their expensive jewelry and their expensive food. I'm really looking forward to everyone relaxing and having a good time.

Written By Magpie

May 1, 2018, 7:24 p.m.(8/27/1008 AR)

Dear Journal. Words cannot express how amazing this picnic is going to be. I already have donations from some royals and nobles and there's been so much interest. We're going to have *free* samples of Haze and Dust. There's going to be baked goods. There's going to be singers and a show of combat.

There's going to be the most spectacular fucking grand finale of the celebration I'm giddy just thinking about it. It's going to give one person the singular most incredible opportunity. It's going to be great. It's gonna be so amazing. It's gonna be better than having sex with a mermaid.

Seriously, watch for the flyers. We're going to be planning the day soon. You do not want to miss this.

Oh, and my wife got stabbed and I'm really really really really really fucking pissed off about that.

Written By Magpie

April 29, 2018, 12:54 p.m.(8/22/1008 AR)

Oh hey white journal. It's been a while since we've hung out. I've come up with a brilliant new idea that I want to tell you about. I'm going to put together a picnic in the Lowers. A picnic for anyone to attend! It's going to be called Hazy Days Recreational Picnic. I plan to make sure everyone has a truly relaxing, pleasant time. There will be some of the best unique treats that the Lowers has to offer. People can come sample *or* purchase the delights that will be featured.

I'm going to have to find some bakers that will work with me on this one. I can provide the special mystery ingredients but I'm a shit cook.

Written By Magpie

April 11, 2018, 1:23 p.m.(7/13/1008 AR)

Don't worry my friends! I have my next inspiration. All will be well.

It's going to be *incredible*.

Written By Magpie

April 11, 2018, 9:24 a.m.(7/13/1008 AR)

Been a while since I got high and wandered up the hill to read the journals. I plucked a few from the pile and I think I see the real reason all the archives were put to the torch in the past.

Gods, people. Stop sitting around in a room writing journals and get out and live your lives. Go sailing. Have a smoke with some friends. Redecorate your home. (By the way, Highway Robbery has a fun new liquor cabinet in stock)

Now some personal notes, because this *is* a damned journal. I decided I'm done with Mystery Bags. I've been shredding up the bags. There are so many people making figurines now that I've felt my creative drive sucked away. Is that even what it was? Am I an artist now if I get mopey and depressed over my work? I should consult with Fortunato and Mae on that one, I suppose.

Written By Magpie

April 3, 2018, 10 a.m.(6/25/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Calaudrin

Is this because I missed your wedding party?

I'll take you sailing to make up for it, okay? A moonlight cruise? Will that work?

Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.

Leave blank if this journal is not a relationship

Mark if this is a private, black journal entry